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Fantasy The House


Nicest Alien Around
At the end of the street is the house that everyone is afraid of. The stories told about it send everyone into their houses once it hits dark. The house hasn't been occupied for years, the last owner has even gone missing.

It's on the weekend that a group of friends are out past dark, loud, happy and just goofing around. As they come to the end of the street, the house looms in front of them. It's so quiet now, you can swear you hear whispers coming from within, beckoning the group to enter, but to never leave.

This, is where their adventure begins. Will they enter the house? If they do, will they come out sane? Will they come out at all, or will they be lost?
The house stood before them. It looked like it had been there for a while; the paint peeling, some of the shutters half unhinged and creaking as they sway. The door however looked brand new, a deep brown, the knob and knocker gleaming with the new look. All of the windows and shutters were closed, except one, in the top left of the house. There was a single light on and in the light there was a shadow, before the shadow disappeared and the light turned off, leaving the house in pitch black. As the group stood there, it gave off an eerie and off-putting feel, but it also lured them, beckoning, encouraging them to enter.


Ava shifts as she stares up at the house, eyes a little wider than usual. Her hands grip her backpack straps tighter, tongue licking her suddenly dry lips. She gave a nervous laugh.

"Well, who's going in first?" she teased. She didn't expect anyone to go in. Ava expected them to even turn around and leave, but her feet seemed stuck, eyes glued to the ever taunting house. She silently gulped, glancing at her friends.

Zach couldn't help but shake a little, nervously. He never felt fear this much before, yet also a desire to explore the house. Perhaps there were treasures, secrets, etc! He simply stood still, gluping. "Dios mio...if we go in, do you think we'll come back out?" Asked Zach, a nervous tone in his voice.

Cordelia had her hands in her pant pockets, their leathery sheen glinting in the faint light from the street lamps. She tilted her head a bit and peered up at one of the windows.

"Its creepy..thats for damn sure.."

Her silver earrings dangled and made small clinging sounds as they bumped into each other. She shivered at the small breeze that rolled by, making her pull her knit cap over her short black hair to keep her ears warm. She looked at the others and sighed.

"Im sure its just a scary house..theres no way those rumors are true. Ive read enough horror, sci-fy and mystery books to know this. And since this is the real world im sure theres no portals hiding in their and if anything it might just...a little haunted..you know?"

She shrugged and adjusted the bag on her shoulder as it started to slide off.​
Lillica watched the house before them, seeing the light on and the shadow in the top window gave her a wrenching feeling in her stomach. 'I thought no one lived here...' she thought to herself. The the light went out and a chill ran down her spine. She glanced over to her friends as they spoke, Lillica's brow raised, "You can't be serious...?" she asked, " I mean... well..." Suddenly, Lillica couldn't seem to form an argument to not go in. She had a million reasons, but none of them would come out. So she just stood there and gestured towards the house, letting it speak for itself. After a moment, letting out a sigh, she ran her hand over the top of her head, pushing thick dark blue hair through her fingers.

Zach looked back at everyone, acknowledging what Lia said. Spirits can't be real, there only a means of fiction! But, something was telling Zach that maybe something does live in that house after all these years of standing. "Lia has a point...spirits can't be real, right? I mean, what's the worse that can happen to us, it's just some old house!" Zach states, trying to sound brave but obviously cracking in his voice.
(Ah! Sorry guys. I had to reset my email because notifications weren't going through to the previous one, but luckily all of that has been fixed. My apologies for the late reply.)

Rookie couldn't help but give off that half-smile of his. The conversation that was going on between the group only made that smile of his go full circle. "Ah, come on guys," the dirty blonde said as he walked closer towards the old wooden steps, "where's your sense of adventure?" He wouldn't deny that the hair on the back of his neck was already standing, but pure adrenaline was coursing through his veins. "It's now or never." he replied as he gave a quick shrug. Now, to be perfectly honest, Rookie was all talk and no game. Yes, he had a burst of adrenaline, but that didn't mean he was ready to just waltz in--especially if it meant the possibility of not walking back out. So, was he excited? Hell yeah. Was he going in first? Hell no, but he might as well encourage the others to step up. As long as he kept this type of attitude going, he'd be golden, or at least that's what he hoped.
Ava looked around at the group, noting Rookie taking only a couple steps forward. She swung her bag around, pulling out flashlight and swung her bag back. She swallowed, turning the flashlight on with slightly trembling hands. She closed her eyes for a moment and then nodded.

"I'll go," she mumbled before starting towards the house. Her put the light in front of her feet so she wouldn't trip on her way up to the house. She glanced back once she hit the stairs, then looked forward and took the first step, then the next.
Syra looked at the house. This wasn't just any house, heaven's no. This was The House. The house she heard about from all of her sister, Daphne's friends. When people told stories about the house, they usually scared the living daylight out of her. But that was when she was in middle school. Syra was now 18 and made it a point to not be afraid of anything, or at least try to be. When everyone approached the house, or rather stared at it, she didn't mind going in first. It's just a house. She thought and was about to say something until Ava stepped up.

"Me too." she offered and followed Ava, slowly approaching the stairs and taking the first step. She took in a deep breath and let it out, closing her eyes briefly before opening them again and kept on walking.
Lillica watched as the girls approached the house. This was crazy but should couldn't just stand there. With a sigh, she tightened her grip on the strap of her messenger bag, and stepped forward saying, "Well, I can't let you guys go in alone... I'm coming too." She marched forward, hearing her heart pounding in her head. She finally reached where Ava and Syra were and exhaled heavily before glancing over her shoulder at the others.
Well, his plan worked. As the trio of girls volunteered themselves to go in, Rookie looked back at Zach. "Come on, man, it can't be that bad." he said with a quick wink. The whole house seemed to move if Rook stared too long. Naturally, he tried to keep a smile, but his mouth didn't have the motivation to move anymore. The adrenaline that was once amping him up was practically drained as he approached the first couple of steps. There were second thoughts. Of course there were, but leaving wasn't an option. Well, it was, but Rook couldn't wimp out now. It was too late to back out and he knew it. The possibilities of what would happen to him in there were endless; listing down to at least a hundred if his imagination would let him. It won't be that bad, he thought as he finally approached the girls. His excitement had hit a lower volume.

"Well...if I die, might as well be with you guys" Zach said, slowly approaching the group. He couldn't believe what was happening, he was actually going to explore the house that has not even been touched for years. We must have a lot of guts to explore this house, especially as teens/young adults. As Zach approached the house and the group, he couldn't help but have his hands shake nervously.

Cordelia watched as one by one the girls of their group volunteered to go in, she commended them for that. She was just to mesmerized by the house to think about going in at the moment. But she eventually shook it off and put one hand on the back of each boy next to her and smirked.

"Come on boys..lets get a move on here.."

She grinned and walked towards the house with the two. She was at least with friends and thats what made this whole experience a bit more pleasing. Her silver jewelry glinted in the light as they made their way inside.​
Avangilene looked around, giving a smile as the group came with her. She nodded and then the door was in front of them. She didn't even remember walking the rest of the way. Ava stood there, shaking, flashlight clearly showing it as it was shone on the door. She bit her lip, eyes scanning the door for any sign that it was rotting or even not pleasing, but.. the longer she looked at it, the more she wanted to open it and let the house welcome her in.
Syra bit her lip and followed closely behind Ava since she didn't have a flashlight of her own. She had to admit, her heart was beating a mile a minute. She wanted to go into the house not to prove anything but to say that she did. She didn't want to have any regrets in life and her motto always was 'Don't knock it till you try it.' She grabbed her long pink pastel hair and put it up in a messy ponytail, her eyes scanning looking down at the floor to watch her step and make sure she wouldn't fall through the floor.

"I guess we're all in, huh?" she smiled half a smile to herself.

"Yeah, I guess we are, huh..." Said said, sticking close to Lia. He knew if he got in a jam, she'd get him out of it. Plus, she was the oldest of the group of young adults, making him feel more safe and dependable on her keeping everyone safe. "M-maybe were just over reacting! It can't be THAT bad...right?" Zach asked the group, studdering out of nervousness.
Rookie felt a hand and a push against his back. "Getting a little comfortable there are you, sunshine?" he said to Cordelia with a playful smile. He had to brighten the mood somehow, right? As he was brought up closer to the doorway he couldn't help but let out a long whistle. "So, this is really happening." the boy huffed under his breath. Sure, he's heard the stories. People getting lost in there. Hearing things when you walked past. Lights turning on when nobody was present. Of course, that's all fun and games until you're really stuck there. Rook had to take it all in for a moment. It was pretty obvious the group had their doubts--I mean who wouldn't?--but what was done was done. They were in it together. The dirty blonde heard Syra and Zach speak out a few words; Zach being the one to stutter. "I'm sure it's all just some hoax, right? Ha, I mean, this door doesn't even look that bad." Rook replied as he shifted a little closer to the entrance. Honestly, he was trying. He was trying to keep the mood up before things went down whichever way they were going to go. He was trying to be his humorous self, but even a guy like him couldn't help but feel nervous himself.
Lillica smirked slightly as Cordelia coaxed the boys forward. Looking around at the others as everyone gathered together, she brushed a strand of blue hair behind her ear and exhaled sharply. She could see the light from Ava's flashlight trembling, she reached out and laid a hand on her shoulder in an attempt to comfort her. Lillica didn't want to do this, she didn't want to go in that house, but she couldn't let her friends go in alone. She glanced as each of her friends as they spoke, her final gaze becoming sympathetic and resting on Rook. She could tell he was trying to lighten the mood. Lillica sighed and looked back at the door before them, trying to convince herself that this was just going to be something they'd laugh about later.
Ava moved her hand towards the knob after a shaky breath was let out, but before she could even open the door; the knob turned and opened. A butler stood there,dressed in the appropriate attire. His eyebrow rose, but he bowed with a flourish of his hand, gesturing towards the rather large foyer. If you looked outside the house, it didn't look like it was big enough to even hold the foyer, but as they stood there, it didn't change.

"The lady is waiting for you," his voiced rumbled out. He didn't stand, waiting for them to enter the house. Ava's hand was still hovering over where the doorknob would have been.
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Syra bit her lip nervously, the reality of the situation suddenly hitting her. She made sure to stick close to her friends, looking back and reaching behind her to grab Lillica's hand. She turned around to her with a slight frown.

"I'm sorry, but I need some reassurance." She apologized and turned back around, afraid to keep her attention away from whatever lied in front of her.

When the door suddenly opened, her eyes grew and her heart beat slowed. She could hear her heart beat in her chest and the chaste breathing in her lungs. She mentally cursed and put a reassuring hand on Ava's shoulder to tell her that she was behind her all the way.

Cordelia rolled her eyes at Rookies comment and gave Zach a warm smile.

"Course not...its just an old house. Come on im sure we have all seen at least one episode of Ghost Hunters and if they can do it why cant we?"

She watched as Syra, Lillica and Ava took up the front. She would just stick back with the boys for now, her boots making dull thumping noises on the creaking wooden floor. She would be lying if she said that wooden floors kind of freaked her out, only because they make her feel like they will break and have her fall into its depths. When Ava reached out for the door knob she couldnt help but grip her backpack strap tightly.

She gasped when the door opened on its own and seemed to be paralyzed when a man stood there.

"N-no way..."

She whispered and couldnt seem to find the right words. When she finally spoke it was quiet, her eyes locked on the open door and the man that stood inside it.

"Is this..a joke? Or is this just some straight up ghost shit right now.."


Behind his mask, Zach gave Lia a warm smile in return. It was a shame he had to hide it due to the mask he wore covered his face. Zach couldn't help but jump a little when the door opened and saw the butler. To think, this old nasty house that's stood for many years has a butler in appropriate attire living in it, a long with someone else! "Guess I'm not the only one who s-sees him..." Says Zach, looking at him in shock and stuttering mid-sentence. He looked around to see who would dare step foot first into the house.
She looked down wearily at the butler, holding her french braids in her hand just in case it blew her cover. Taking in a deep breath, she let go of her stronger hand- the left and let herself dangle lifelessly from the doorframe.

Beatrice rolled her eyes to the back of her forehead, where her irises can't be seen. Shrieks and chaotic tumbling can be heard as she tried to stifle in her laughter.

"SURPRISE SILLY HUMANS!" She yelled at them with her helium voice. The butler looked up at her lazily as she gave him a thumbs up for the successful prank. She smoothly unhooked her legs from the uneven doorframe, falling to the floor gracefully without a sound.

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