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Realistic or Modern The Hospital

Brea turned upon hearing another voice, and came almost face to face with an older man and a very pregnant woman. Her eyes lingered on the two for a moment, and she realized that they were staying away from her just like she wasn't approaching anyone either. No one knew what was going on, it seemed, and it was becoming more obvious as more people showed up.

"No." She shook her head finally to answer his question. "I'm a patient... I think." She clutched her syringes full of insulin tighter, glancing in the room she was standing outside of. The guy had come out and was standing close to her, and she took a tiny step to her left. Just to add some distance.

Before she could say anything else, she heard someone yell, 'I know what you did!'. Confused, she stepped closer to the room she thought it was coming from and peeked inside, though didn't go inside the room at all. "Hello?" She called into it, not seeing anyone by the bed. She took a tiny step closer, but it wasn't until she was standing in the doorway she saw the dark haired guy, just barely peeking around the door.

"SHIT!" She yelped, stumbling backwards, reaching out to grab the doorway for support. Luckily she managed to keep her syringes in hand. "Jesus, why are you hiding like that?" She asked, realizing afterwards that it made perfect sense for him to be hiding. She calmed her breathing and offered him a small smile. "Why don't you come out?"

Time: early

Location: hospital

Interaction: JustAlexandra JustAlexandra ; spookie spookie



"O-Of course you d-don't know," Anthony spat out bitterly. With no other choice, he decided to follow the unknown woman. There was no way he was going to stay there, alone, with no means of protection or any knowledge of their whereabouts. To his surprise, an older man and what seemed to be a pregnant woman appeared. They both were in nearly the same state as each other, each one looking dazed.

A small yelp drew his attention; it seemed the woman from earlier had found something. Walking over, he made out a scruff of black hair. Upon further inspection, he noticed it was a young boy. Children—there were children here too? He rubbed his forehead. "L-listen to the lady and c-come out," he sighed. Honestly, what the hell were any of them doing here? Anthony only wanted to go home and sleep. Being stuck in a nightmare with strangers in a weird hospital was not where he wanted to be.

apolla apolla spookie spookie


Time: 10:52 AM

Location: Hospital Room

Interaction: Shinoa, Brea

Tagging: BloodThunder27 BloodThunder27 apolla apolla
Oliver jumped as someone yelled out "I know what you did!". What had he done? As far as he knew he hadn't done much of anything except drink too much. Although, now thinking back on the night before, he was surely drugged. Which was disturbing at least to think about, but there was no way he passed out from simply being too drunk. He had many experiences drinking, and he definitely had not drunk enough to pass out. Definitely.

A woman came up behind Shinoa, making Oliver nearly jump out of his skin. "Shit!" he said, spinning around, but the girl seemed to be relatively harmless. She was holding something over her shoulder - it looked like it was a sweater. She had said something about them not doing anything. "Yeah, well me neither," he said rubbing his chin. He had already decided whoever this girl was was safe, considering she hadn't attacked them with their backs turned and she had told them that she didn't think they had done anything. She seemed like she might be shy, maybe nervous. "You're in the same situation as us, huh?" he asked her. "Well, you can stick around if you want."

The other girl, the one who had been standing in front of him, responded then. "Oh... us too, I guess," he said, but she was leaning into a room already. Oliver was getting frustrated. Things were gettng nowhere, and he needed to be getting somewhere. Like out. He sighed heavily for a moment. "Okay, I am going down there," he said, pointing to the end of the hallway that had two doors. Hopefully they were unlocked. "Come if you want, but if not, I am getting out of here on my own." With that, he began to walk down to the doors. He braced himself for impact the whole way, expecting someone to throw themselves at him or...something. But nothing came. He opened the doors at the end, wanting to cry out in happiness that they had moved at all.

Once he got into the room, he realized this was where patients checked in. So, maybe they had really been checked in? But where had the staff gone? Maybe a meeting went wrong? Who knew. There was three doors on the room, including the one that went back to the rooms. He tried one, which didn't budge. "Damn it!" he said, feeling defeated. He looked at the other one, worried. He almost didn't want to try to open it. If it didn't open, he would feel hopeless. Much more than he did now.

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Steve walked even further out of the room and looked to his left to see a man about his age, a pregnant woman and another woman.
As he was about to approach them, he heard a teenage boy shout "I know what you did to me!"
Where is that voice coming from? Steve looked around and couldn't see anything. What the hell? This whole situation was screwed up. What the hell? What the hell? Shit. What the hell? What the hell? Shit. What the hell?
"What kind of sick fuck are you?" Steve muttered calmly with anger seeping into his tone before turning on his heel.
He walked down the hall into the waiting room where the doors had opened. The room was deserted aside from one other person, the man he'd assumed to be about his own age.
"What... The... Hell... Is... This?" He muttered while looking appropriately perplexed. "What the hell happened here?"

JustAlexandra JustAlexandra
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Kyle Morrison

Kyle Morrison was trapped. His mother had grounded the boy to his room, and he could see downstairs where she was cleaning the mess he made by accident at the dinner table. 'No sweets' he pouted as he remembered those words and watched his brothers eat ice cream at the counter. Kyle, afraid of being spotted, crawled back to his room, shutting the door quietly. He grabbed his stuff animal and curled up, rocking back and forth.

Later that night, everyone had fallen asleep except Kyle, he had been tucked in, and was cuddling Mr. Stuffings trying to fall asleep. He got up to get water after waking from his fifth nightmare as his window opened. A man came threw and Kyle clutched his teddy bear. However when the man showed him a chocolate bar, the small child didn't mind walking into the strange mans arms as he nibbled on the chocolate. The man climbed back out the window with a Kyle, who fell asleep on the guys shoulder after eating his treat. Presumably drugged, or just tired.


Kyle woke up naked, unable to recall last night, but he was glad to see his teddy by his side. Clutching the bear, Kyle spotted his clothes and gently tugged his sheet off, waddling over to put them on in his half asleep state. His teddy bear onesie back on, accidentally pulling the iv out without noticing it.

Kyle picked up one of his granola bars and put it in his hands with teddy. After a long struggle he managed to get the door open. Walking down the hall to where he heard voices. "Mommy? Bunny? Papa? " he asked rubbing his eyes. Luckily he was half asleep and not crying yet...

Spoke to soon, his vision cleared and he noticed that these people where in fact not his parents and he wasn't home. Tears sprung in his eyes and the boy stated crying. "Where is my mommy!" He demanded, through his worried sobs.

He put on his
coding by cychotic

Toby inhaled shakily as he approached the door with a scalpel that he found inside one of the cabinets. He had no idea how he would use it, but at least he wouldn't go against them unarmed. There was a lot of conversation going on outdoors, but what surprised him was how confused it seemed.

He took a deep breath, not sure of himself at all and pulled the door open. Toby kept the scalpel infront of him, ready to strike, but his hands were shaking too much to keep them steady. He saw a group of people outside, more than he had assumed. "W-who are you all?" He asked, trying to keep his voice from shaking too.

Extra Location: Hospital hallway | Panicked & Scared
Open for Interaction? Yes
Tagging: -

Amy shifted in her wheelchair, her heart was no longer pounding so she could here better through the thick door. She listened as doors opened, most likely the same kind she was pressed against, and heard shouting. I know what you did? Did whoever shouted find one of the captors, a lack of any fight or more shouting disproved that theory however and she felt both disappointed and relived. A part of her had hoped that if they found the one responsible then that person could explain where they were and why. At hearing a different kind of door opened her heart pounded once more, was that the way out. Amy knew that nothing would be accomplished if she stayed there and after a bit of fiddling with the door, wheeled herself into the hallway. She was confused at the array of people present and couldn't help but say. "What the heck?"
the anxious.jpg

There were more people now.

Why were there so many of them? Outwardly, none of them seemed to be the type to have kidnapped a bunch of strangers and thrown them into – well, it looked like a hospital. There weren't the usual sounds of a hospital. No nurses and doctors shuffling around, no loud intercoms paging Doctor Important for one thing or another, no sounds of visitors trying to quietly walk down the hallway. There was none of that.

“I didn't mean to scare you,” she spoke quietly. The words came without thought. Her eyes were moving down the hall at all the doors. There were those that were open – they must have been the rooms everybody had been locked in – then there were another set of doors near the end of the hallway. They didn't look much different than the patient rooms.

“Maybe we shou – ” the man had already walked off. There was another man too. This one was angrier. Lenore couldn't tell much about him by just looking at him, not this time, there was too much going on. Her chest tightened. What if the man who had taken them all was still among them?

Lenore reached out to gently touch the pregnant woman's shoulder.

“There are some more doors down the hall, what if there are more people?” she asked quietly, trying to keep the tremors out of her voice, “Maybe we should check there first.”

That would be best.

The other woman was calming, comforting. It didn't make any sense as the woman was less able to protect her than the two men, but at least Lenore could say for certain this woman hadn't been the one to take her. She would have noticed if her kidnapped had been pregnant.
BloodThunder27 BloodThunder27
Shinoa Bradford
The Mother
Location & Mood: Hospital Room, Scared > Relaxed
Outfit ~ Dress, Kimono, Socks, Wedding Ring Pendant, Bracelet
Interactions/Tags: Lenore AmLov AmLov
When Oliver walked off, she saw one other man who had just exited his room. There were much more people now as well. Where did everyone come from? Who brought them here? And why? Of all places, why an empty hospital? Shinoa's only hope was that it wasn't haunted. Thinking about that made her shutter. The thought of a ghost using her baby as a way back into the physical existence left her uncomfortable. However, it wasn't the time to be thinking about superstitions either. But Shinoa just wanted to go home. This was the worst time to be kidnapped. But then again, if she was kidnapped later, who would be watching her baby? Not her hubby, he's six feet under. Not to mention there wasn't anyone present to deliver her baby if she were to go into premature labor, which was another worry. Gently rubbing her belly, the young mother got into a more relaxed mood, not wanting to put more stress on her baby.

She then felt someone reach out and grab her shoulder. Shinoa looked over to see a young woman. "Yeah, you're probably right. I did hear a couple of other voices, but I can't quite put any faces on them." The young mother turned to face her. "Hopefully we can get out of here soon. Its not exactly the ideal place for me to have my baby." To her sentence, her baby kicked. Both her hands were now underneath her belly to support the weight and take some strain off her back. "We should stick together. If we split off, we'll probably end up getting lost and never finding a way out. But at least if we're together, we can keep one another company." she shrugged. "And besides, I don't think I'll pop for another four weeks. Pretty sure by then we'll be back home."

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