• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern The Hospital


Mother of Tiny Lions

It's night.

You feel something, someone watching you. From your window, behind you on the street, all around you.

Maybe you quicken your pace. Maybe you close your blinds. But nothing seems to take away that feeling. Your heart starts to beat faster. You know, in the pit of your stomach that something is wrong.

Suddenly, Black.

You wake up in a hospital bed, your clothes folded next to you. You're naked.
There is an IV hooked up to you, giving you fluids and whatever medication you may need.
If you are diabetic, there is insulin shots in the drawer next to you, or if you are asthmatic there is an inhaler, along with a few water bottles, and food that doesn't spoil - like beef jerky and granola bars. A bit of honey. Nothing much. Even the medical things won't last you long.

You can hear others stirring in the hospital. You. are. not. alone.

Your first post needs to include you feeling followed, and getting knocked out. If you see your attacker, all you will see is a black robe, with a man's pale arm coming out of it. The weapon he uses is up to you, but it needs to only knock you out, so it could really be anything. You can be a bit creative with this. If you're in a house, how does he get in? He could use other means to knock you out (drugs, etc). You don't even have to have seen him.

You need to follow that up (still in the first post) with you waking up in the hospital. You will be in the hospital room alone, and the wounds you have are up to you. Be realistic though, if you're going to make your character really weak then you need to not pick beef with anyone who might want to beat you up. You COULD die. (That will be up to me, though)

Whatever your condition is, you will have a limited supply of what makes it better. (Unless you're in the wheelchair... your chair won't disintegrate or anything). You need to meet up with people, make groups, make a plan, and get to the lobby. You will find a door there that is locked, and you will have to unlock it.

***If you walk up to the door in your first post, I will ask you to take it out. We aren't trying to jump the gun***

When someone(s) get to the door, I will tell you a little more about it in a narrator's post. ((Please look in the OOC for my bit about the layout of the hospital...))​


Time: 8:23 AM

Location: Hospital Room


Oliver took a sip of his drink. To be exact, it was his 5th drink of the night, if you don't include the four other shots he took. And, well, he was pretty wasted. Which, wasn't a big thing for Oliver. He was intoxicated in some way from pretty much the moment he woke up to the moment he passed out asleep. And he always passed out asleep, he rarely ever remembered getting to his bed. He didn't always wake up in his bed, either. There had been plenty of times he had woken up in another persons bed or the bar. It was just a common aspect of his life.

He looked around the bar he was currently in. He was a regular there, and they knew exactly what he liked to drink. Really, he would drink anything, though. The bartender's also knew him by name, and knew where he lived. He assumed most of the time they were the ones who got him back home in his bed, and were probably also the reason that he didn't end up in other people's beds more often. Which, he appreciated when he woke up the next day. He couldn't say much for drunk Oliver.

Anyways, the bar was pretty packed that night, for it being a Thursday. People were dancing and drinking and having a great time. Oliver was sitting at the bar, finishing off the drink from above. "Another, please," he said as he got up to go use the bathroom. He had done this before, he knew the drink would be waiting for him when he got back. He quickly peed, rinsed his hands with little effort, and walked back to the bar, where his drink was waiting for him. Without saying anything he sat down, taking a long swig of it. When he set it down about a third of it was gone already. It didn't take long before he started to feel ill. "I'll be right back," he grunted, holding his stomach as he walked outside. He didn't usually remember vomiting - so this would be a first. Or...not. He barely made it out the doors before he hit the sidewalk, and everything went black.


Oliver groaned, feeling ill. He leaned over his bed, throwing up into the trash can he always kept next to it. Splash! Shit, had he forgotten to put it there? He opened his eyes to a white tiled floor, covered in vomit. "Fuck," he mumbled, rolling over. He realized he was naked. "Fuck," he mumbled again. Looking at the white ceiling, he recognized a beeping sound. Opening his eyes all the way, he looked around the room he found himself in.... a hospital room? There was an IV machine next to him, fluids dripping into his arm. Apparently it wasn't helping that much because he still felt like shit. He recognized the pile of clothes on the table next to him as his own. He sat up, rubbing his head. What had he done this time? He didn't think he had gotten his stomach pumped.... he had never had it pumped before, miraculously, but he figured he would have felt something if he had. He quickly put on his pants, leaving off his shirt. He didn't want to get wrapped up in the IV. Maybe this meant it was time to stop drinking. Get help? Would he be able to. Frowning again, he sat back on the bed and looked for a call button. Finding it a few seconds later, he pressed it, but nothing. No nurse coming through the speaker. No one showed up. He waited a few minutes, pressing it again. "What the hell?"

He could hear people in the hospital. Or, well, at least other machines beeping. He wasn't alone, but where was everyone?



mood: "Wtf just happened?"
tags: JustAlexandra JustAlexandra
Vanessa Courtwright

picture this, full moon out, sky full of stars and no city lights or street lights. A light breeze cooling the humid air, a perfect night for a late jog. Just like every night, Vanessa closed the local cafe and walked home not even a block away. After eating and cleaning her self up, she tried to go to sleep, but instead found herself restless. With a sigh, the girl sat up and slipped on a pair of sweats and a black crop top. She put earbuds in and headed down the stairs the lead to her apartment. It was eleven o' five when she stepped onto the side walk. Vanessa cut on her music, ajr's "weak", and began her late night jog. She went until her muscles felt like they where on fire, sitting on the bench she found so convenient. Leaning her head back, she did not hear the foot steps approach her, or realize how far she was from home. Closing her eyes, panting for breath and preparing for her jog home, she did not except to open her eyes and see a white cloth press against her mouth and nose. Her hands flew up to tear it away, feeling the hand push it harder. She scratched at the hand, but it was seconds and the chloroform took over her consciousness.

》》》》》》》Sometime later》

A low groan emitted from a girl laying down a a examination table. Or so is assumed. Vanessa opened her eyes to a bleach white room and it was spinning. Coughing she realized she was naked, and cold. Very cold.
She instantly sprung up and tried to cover herself, her head pounding. 'So I can't be drunk...but drugged? Why can't I focus straifht?' <intentional error>

Nessa blinked until the room came into focused and felt something on her arm. She pulled the needle out and got up from the bed, examining the her body. A few scratches on her face, self inflicted from trying to get the rag off. She also sported a bruise on her hip like she been man handled, Finally a sore spot where her left knee was, probably from getting knocked aganist something. 'Weird...' she looked around the room spotting some food and water, but more importantly clothes. She instantly scrambled over, tripping over air a few times. She pulled on her crop top and sweats (and under garments), but her earphones and phone where gone. 'Damn. Just bought that phone too...'

'Wait I've been kidnapped and I'm complaining about a phone what the frappuccino is wrong with me?' Nessa looked around , putting her focus on the situation. 'No signs of cameras. So I'm not being watched, the door looks unlocked. What kind of cappuccino is this? Some college prank? Wait the college boys back home are to stupid to pull this off. ' Well, that rules that out. She put a water bottle in the waist band of her pants and grabbed two granola bars, leaving the rest where it was.

Exciting the room she was greeted with doors. "Mother Frappuccino" Vanessa mumbled, walking past the other rooms hearing others waking. She became very uncomfrable and her free hand reached for the back of her neck. She heard talking in a room she walked by, and heard a faint buzz noise. 'Iced coffee! Did i trigger something? ' she shuffled quickly back into the direction of her room, not afraid, but more curious to see what would play out without getting caught. <I don't know just go with it I guess...>

coding by cychotic
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"Holy crap. Can I go home now? Please?" Brea Reagan slumped down in the booth she currently resided in, leaning forward to rest her forehead on the table.

"As long as you wipe that table. I just cleaned that one, you know." Lifting her forehead as her coworkers not so gentle chastising, she grimaced and held her hand out for the rag Cass tossed her. Sure enough, the cold, wet thing landed in Brea's hands, and she used it to wipe the whole table. Sliding out from the booth, she headed for the bucket where the dirty rags went and tossed it in, some of the nasty water sloshing back up and splashing on her shirt. Gasping, both at how cold the water was and how nasty, she backed up a good five foot, almost running smack into Cass. "Yes, I think it's time you go home, girl. Get some sleep. Is your sugar alright?"

Turning towards the middle aged woman, Brea nodded. "I just checked it. It's 167."

"You know that's too high." Cass clicked her tongue and shook her head. "You got your tip out, right? Go home."

Though Cass wasn't smiling, Brea knew she meant well. Resisting the urge to give the slightly standoffish woman a hug, Brea turned and headed for the kitchen, where her purse and sweatshirt sat in her locker. It was a warm night, so she draped the sweatshirt over her arm, slung her purse over her shoulder, and was gone.

She was about a block away from 11:11, the bar she worked at, when she felt a chill go down her spine. Looking over her shoulder, she squinted into the darkness, but saw nothing out of the ordinary. Glad she didn't live far from the bar and that it was a nice night since her car was in the shop, she turned back to the front to hurry her step.

She rounded a corner a few minutes later, her apartment building in sight. Just as she was reaching the edge of the property, she felt a hand clasp over her mouth. She shrieked into the hand, the sound muted. Her sweatshirt fell to the ground, and her purse slipped down to the crook of her elbow. She tried to fling it around and use it as a weapon, but whoever was behind her just slapped it away, spilling it's contents onto the street. She screamed again, but it was cut short as her world went black.


Oh my god... my head...

The first thing Brea noticed when she began stirring was just how badly her head hurt. Lifting her hand to try to rub her temples, she nearly jumped out of her skin when she felt something light snaking its way up her arm. Her eyes shot open, and she looked down. The first thing she noticed was the IV tubing hooked up to her arm. This wasn't her first time being hooked up to fluids, and it wasn't even the first time not knowing.

But it was the first time she'd woken up naked in a hospital bed.

Lowering the sheet, she did a quick look around and saw her clothes folded on a table beside her. She reached over and snatched them off the table, pulling them closer to her. She waited a few minutes before moving, making sure no one would come into the room. Then she stood from the bed, somehow managing to pull her clothes on over the IV. Her work uniform consisted of khaki shorts and a black tank top with the name of the bar (11:11) emblazoned on it with bright white letters. She remained barefoot, her shoes MIA, as she approached the table on the other side of the room. She noted the water and a few granola bars as well as other non perishables.

A tad bit shaky, she turned around, knowing she needed to check her sugar. But it was getting hard for her to concentrate; a sure sign her sugar was dropping. She had no idea how long she'd been out, or where anyone was. Normally her dad would be here if she was in a hospital bed; where was he?

Heading back to where her clothes had been, she yanked open the drawer and saw a glucometer, as well as a few testing strips and lancets. Beside that, there were a few insulin syringes: 6 of them. That was enough for three days, if she didn't need extra.

What the hell was going on?

Grabbing the glucometer, she took a test strip as well and attempted to insert it into the machine. "Fuck!" She cursed as she dropped the strip onto the dirty floor. Saying fuck the testing for now, she turned back to the food and picked up a protein bar, opening it and shoving half of it in her mouth. Hopefully it had a decent amount of sugar.

Time: early

Location: hospital

Interaction: none



anthony clawson
no role
"don't fuck with me"
the hospital
- - -
Tipping his head to the side, Anthony's eyes roamed over his new apartment. He tossed the keys onto the couch with a shake of his hand and made his way over to the bar. It had only been two days since owning this apartment, a house located on one of the higher floors of his employee building within his family's company.

It was fairly large, with a conjoined living room and kitchen, complete with a bar, branching off into a short hallway. There was a study, library, and three bedrooms in which two would not be used. He would renovate them for other purposes later,
when he had time.

Anthony rubbed fingers between his brow, a sigh escaping his mouth. It had been quite a ride to get to the apartment; traffic was incredibly irritating as well as the mandatory meeting featuring newly hired employees. The company was looking for a new generation of workers and his father had placed him in charge of picking and choosing them.

There were many gazes upon him for his young age; he could practically hear the whispers course about because of his position.

He sighed, pouring himself a glass of white wine. Swirling the glass in his fingertips, he took a sip. Clawson allowed his eyes to roam about the room, gazing at the windows and the roof-tops it presented.

And although no one was necessarily supposed to be within the apartment, it seemed...

Eerily quiet. Anthony placed the glass down and rose, shoving his hands into his pockets and turning his head. A tapping sounded from behind him, and he turned, his head tipped down to search underneath the bar. He slipping his glasses up on his nose to prevent them from falling.

Seeing nothing, Anthony straightened. A shattering of glass came from behind him, and he whirled, eyes widening as a man cloaked in black greeted him. Stumbling, he clambered away and towards the hallway, attempting to get away from his pursuer.

Who the fuck swings in from the window?

It did him no good, as a large object fell on his head and he crashed down, vision fading into black.


Anthony's eyes fluttered open to a white ceiling, the smell of medicine and scrubs greeting his nose. His head throbbed and a quick touch of the cheek allowed him to notice a small gash that was already beginning to scab.

He sat up in a panic, the faint tugging of the IV causing a bit of pain on his arm. A frantic bout of breathing ensued after he found out that he was no longer clothed with the exception of the glasses on his face.

The beeping sound was driving him crazy; he carefully removed the IV that was doing nothing to help his situation. Anthony's clothes were on the table at the side, and he was tempted to get up and put them on. However, he could faintly hear others rousing around him.

Who else is in this fucking hell hole.

Deciding it was the only way to garner their attention, Anthony shouted. "Is anyone there?!"

coding by cychotic

☂ ✦ ☁ ☾
Outfit: X X X
The Innocent

Matilda "Cindy" Vancamp
Edited the whole thing
indy stared at herself in the mirror checking the clock on the wall regularly she couldn't wait to go jump on her cozy bed it's been days since she felt the silky soft sheets sleeping from airplane to airplane it wasn't the best lifestyle. Her mother had left to check on the driver it had been hours since she left sitting here would do her no good before she could get up the door burst open. Knowing exactly who it was by the clicking of the heels she jumped up from her chair, "Cindy, the car isn't ready yet. It's going to take longer than we thought. Honestly those men."

Cindy smiled lightly, " I'm sure they're trying their best." this statement caused the old woman to scoff, " I don't pay them for nothing. Anyway stay here I need to go get my bag. " before her mother could close the door Cindy grabbed her mother's elbow her eyes pleading for her mother to stay, "You're leaving me here alone...at night." the girl whispered. This caused her mother to roll her eyes forcefully tugging her elbow, "You need to get over your fear, you're protected here...just take a nap time will pass by like nothing." with that she left before Cindy can protest. Being the paranoid child she is she began looking around for any sort of threat before setting her head on the mirror stand promising herself to take a short nap. After a few seconds she sighed lifting her head how was she supposed to sleep? The door suddenly burst open causing Cindy to scream getting up to hide behind the chair she was sitting on only moments ago. Opening her eyes Cindy peeked her head from behind the chair only to find that no one was behind the door, " The wind?" she said getting up and walking to the door Cindy's eyes fell to a bag picking it up she opened it while closing the door with her leg. Inside the bag was a drink and a note that read " I'm your biggest fan. " Cindy eyed the drink placing the bag and note on the mirror stand she went right ahead and took a sip the only hesitation that Cindy felt was because it might taste bad.

Three sips and I guess that was enough, Cindy dropped the bottle clenching her head the room began spinning, "Dizzy." with that she fell to the floor with a loud thud.
☂ ✦ ☁ ☾
Opening her eyes Cindy laid there on the poor excuse for a bed shivering slightly her head sent large waves causing a banging on the right side of her head which on instinct caused Cindy to clench her head slowly getting up. The first thing that came to view was the sheets looking up she examined her surroundings she eyed the Iv pole, "Am I sick?" it took a few minutes for her to notice that this wasn't her room this didn't faze her as she was still in a daze it was the fact that she was naked that caused her to jump up falling off the bed and knocking over a bunch of medication on a large table not to mention the large iv pole that fell to the floor with a big bang. "Ah."
Cindy sat on the floor surrounded by medications, the Iv pole was on top of her pushing it off of her she sat up picking up a bottle reading the medication one by one they seemed familiar Cindy shivered hugging herself. Looking around for her clothes she spotted them on the floor realizing that she must have tipped them over. Sighing Cindy hurriedly wore the pink dress putting her hair in a ponytail Cindy looked around for her shoes...that's right she was in her dressing room and she was wearing heels, "I took them off."
Putting on her jewelry Cindy dragged the Iv pole to the bed and sat on the edge, " How do I take this off?" Cindy sitting in silence could easily hear voices how thin were these walls? getting up she dragged her Iv pole opening the door she stuck out her head and looked both ways, "Hello? Doctor? Nurse?"

code by pasta
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Amy placed her face in the palm of her hand and watched herself explain how to do perfect winged eyeliner. As much as she enjoyed her job there was no denying that it could get boring, well at least the editing could. Clipping away another segment she checked the time and winced, she had not meant to spend so long on this one video but she needed to get it out by tomorrow. Running the video one more time she decided that it was enough for tonight and that she could resume first thing in the morning. Transferring herself to her wheelchair she heard an odd noise coming from the kitchen, which was odd considering she lived alone and while her parents did like to randomly visit they never did so this late. She rolled over to the source of the sound and saw an apple on the ground, she reasoned that it must have fallen over because of some bang she didn't hear. Suddenly she felt a sharp prick in her neck and the world around spun, before finally turning black.
When she awoke she immediately recognized that she was in a hospital, she had been in one long enough to know it immediately. Sure enough she saw that she was hooked up to an I.V. and tried to remember what had happened to get her sent to the hospital. As the drugs in her system wore off panic began to take root, she was naked and alone in an unknown place and she couldn't run away. She forced herself to calm down and spotted her clothes laying on the floor, she cursed silently then slowly lowered herself to the floor. She hissed when bare skin touched the cool ground and quickly scooted to her clothes and put them on, feeling a tad bit more calm after she did. Looking around the room she saw some small provisions and more importantly a wheelchair, setting it out she wasted no time in clambering into it. Now she felt more in control and eyed the door warily, taking an extra precaution she took the needle end of the I.V. and rolled closer to the door. She could faintly hear movement coming from beyond and thought she heard people calling out, but she knew that should some fight or chase break out she wouldn't win. So instead she waited.

Code by

Coded by @Starfish
Shinoa Bradford
The Mother
Location & Mood: Hospital Room, Scared
Outfit ~ Dress, Kimono, Socks, Wedding Ring Pendant, Bracelet

Since it was late out, young expecting mother Shinoa Bradford was heading home from a therapy session. The young mother had been struggling with depression since her husband passed away in a nasty car accident that she was lucky to not have been involved in. At the time, the third and final trimester of her pregnancy was just beginning. Knowing that her daughter would now be growing up without a Father left her deeply saddened. Even now, where she was four weeks away from her due date, Shinoa was still moody and depressed, mainly because she was still having trouble coping with what happened. However, she tried not to stress about the matter too much, as a stressed mother meant a stressed baby and Shinoa didn't want to stress out her baby. Upon getting off the bus, which she had used to get to her Therapist's Office since it was close to her house, she started feeling uneasy, as if she was being watched...Followed. Concerned, she just started waddling straight home, holding her swollen belly most of the way there and not even looking back or around her. Because her anxiety started acting up, Shinoa began locking every entrance to the house, even her basement because she didn't trust it. She locked every window, shut every blind. On the way upstairs, she saw some shadowy figure standing in the kitchen. Frightened, she had to try not let out a muffled scream, not wanting to making any noises. Slowly, Shinoa waddled up the stairs and gently closed her door when she got to her room, even locking it. With her back against the door, she started holding her belly and started hyperventilating, because she was feeling scared. She let out a muffled scream when she heard something knocking on her window. Quietly, she went to use her restroom and wash her face, even tying her hair into a ponytail so that her hair wouldn't be messy or anything in the morning. Upon exiting the restroom though, she found the bedroom door wide open. Holding her belly in a protective matter, she slowly waddled towards the door. The light was on. Clearly she was not alone in that house. If there was someone there, how did they get in. Her home was very secure as far as she was concerned. She never leaves any door unlocked as an emergency entrance. Worst-Case Scenario, someone found where the spare key to her house was, maybe even figured out the code to her Garage? Either way, Shinoa was scared, for her safety and for her baby. As soon as she stepped out of her room, there was no one. Suddenly, something smacked her upside the head and her vision blurred before it went black....

Upon waking up again, she found an IV hooked up to her left arm...and her clothing neatly folded on a nearby table...Including her bra and undergarments! Not to mention she was covered up in a blanket "What the hell...Why am I...Oh jeez. First break into my house and then strip me of my dignity, that's lovely. How low too..." She muttered to herself, before slowly getting out of bed. At least it was keeping her hydrated. Removing it was going to be a pain, but it wasn't like she was going into labor for the next four weeks, and there was still one more week until she could deliver the baby without worrying about premature labor because by then her pregnancy would be considered 'Full-Term'. Not that Shinoa understood that very much. Her stomach then started growling. Sighing, she looked around and found a Granola Bar and a Water Bottle. She opened it and started eating. Not like she could eat very much anyway because her baby took up all the space in her tummy, much to her own dismay. As far as Shinoa was concerned, she was healthy and so was her baby, as the last couple of check ups have turned up no results of any complications, though her Doctor discouraged her from consuming junk food and sweets. Slipping her clothes back on, she felt relieved.

However, this didn't seem very much like a regular hospital like the one she normally went to for her Doctor's Appointments. Either way, she hoped that either her Therapist, Doctor or even her Neighbors would call the Police to file a Missing Person's report so that she could be found. Finally, she heard some other voices. She wasn't alone...Who else got kidnapped and ended up here? Who kidnapped her? What were they planning? Most of all, what did they want with her and her baby? Taking a deep breath, she decided to open the door to her room. She heard a Male's voice. Perhaps one of the other victims? Grabbing the IV Pole, she peeked out the door. Scared, she didn't exit her room, but decided to call out. "Hello?"

Her voice echoed a little bit, leaving her a little disturbed...
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Time: 8:23 AM

Location: Hospital Room

Interaction: Shinoa

Tagging: BloodThunder27 BloodThunder27
Oliver heard someone call out from another room, making him jump.Ah, shit. Am I in the crazy area? He was getting a little spooked out from all this, and he was feeling like major shit. Sure, the IV was supposed to be helping, but his head pounded relentlessly anyways, and his stomach was feeling....well...bubbly. And bubbly stomach was never, ever a good feeling. He didn't call back out to the person, deciding that if they were, in fact, crazy, he didn't really want them running to his room. Someone else called out, another curious hello. So, he was clearly in the crazies section, because who the hell is just calling out like they don't know where they are? Unless they are looking for a nurse, too.

Oliver stood up, too quickly apparently because his vision went black for a moment and he wobbled on his feet. His head was throbbing. He wished he had something to take, not that he knew what all was in this IV, but he had his money on "no drugs". Once his vision cleared after a few seconds, he walked to the door, peeking out. Whoever had been calling out was not in the hallway. Making his way down, IV in hand, he made his way to the first door that had someone's voice coming from it. It had been a woman. He knocked on the closed door. "Hello, someone in there?" he asked, feeling a bit stupid. He knew someone was in there, of course. "I promise I won't hurt you." Not sober, anyways. Oliver had been known to get into a fight or two in his time.

Feeling impatient and a bit concerned - not to mentioned spooked about not having seen a single person in the hospital yet, only hearing voices, he opened the door. Standing in front of him was a very, very pregnant woman. Well, at least if she was crazy she wouldn't be able to do much to him. "Hello," he said, tentatively. "Have you seen any nurses?" he asked. He felt relieved that she was real, though, and that the voices he had been hearing hadn't been all made up inside his head. Though, he did feel a little self concious about not wearing a shirt now. He hadn't thought of that before he left the room.

Shinoa Bradford
The Mother
Location & Mood: Hospital Room, Frightened yet Relieved
Outfit ~ Dress, Kimono, Socks, Wedding Ring Pendant, Bracelet
Interactions/Tags: Oliver ( JustAlexandra JustAlexandra )
A few seconds after calling out down the hall, Shinoa received no response and acted appropriately, or at least what she thought was appropriate in the situation. She had just closed the door, but in her delicate condition, was unable to barricade it. Hopefully she wouldn't end up in a situation that required running, she could barely walk. With all that extra weight, there was little hope of escaping if she ever got cornered. She gasped and covered her mouth when she heard a door from down the hall opening. Straightening out her hair, the young mother sat back down on the bed, staring at the door. She was too big to hide, let alone she would have trouble getting up if she decided to sit down on the floor or whatever. Resting her hand on her belly, she took slow, deep breaths to keep calm, because if she stresses, she would go into premature labor, something that she couldn't afford to do, especially since there were no medical professionals in the facility that she was trapped in. Someone, or something was on the other side of that door. Hopefully it would not come into her room. The baby started kicking and she had to hold in a cry of pain due to a surprise Braxton Hicks contraction. Instead, she let out a quiet sigh of pain. She bit her lip when there was knocking on her door. "Hello, is someone in there?"

At first, Shinoa had refused to answer as she was frightened. "I promise I won't hurt you."

Again, the young mother didn't even move, still afraid of what was on the other side. Whoever brought her here was a sick person. To pray on a pregnant woman? What could they possibly want with her? Or did they want to take her baby away from her? Her daughter was all she had left of her late husband and she wasn't about to allow someone to take that away from her. Gripping her IV Pole, she readied herself in case she needed to attack whatever came in from the outside. The door then opened and a middle aged man appeared before her. He looked like he hasn't shave in a while, not to mention he reeked of Alcohol and she could smell it from where she was sitting. He then greeted her and asked if she had seen any nurses. "Hi..." Was all she said when he had greeted her. "No, I haven't seen any nurses." She sighed before looking down at her belly. "But seeing one would be nice. Kinda would like to check if my baby is okay."

Shinoa was greatly concerned about her unborn baby because of what had happened inside her home where she was struck from behind, not to mention she was standing when it happened. However, she wasn't bleeding or anything. Perhaps she was just over-worrying. "She's kicking...A lot...So she is probably fine." Gently, she cradled the belly before looking back at the man before. "I'm sorry, where are my manners...I'm Shinoa."

If anything, it was nice to see another human being...and a friendly face. If there was anyone else, they should probably get together.

☂ ✦ ☁ ☾
Outfit: X X X
The Innocent

Matilda "Cindy" Vancamp
Tags: Cychotic Cychotic
Cindy didn't expect a response, " Is anyone there?" the owner of the voice seemed quite close to her room despite hearing other chatter she decided it would be best to go to the closest room possible. Dragging the useless Iv pole with her she took one step out of her room her whole body reacted shivering looking down at her bare feet she sighed, "Why did I take off my shoes?"
Ignoring the feeling that came every time she took a step Cindy tried to recap where the voice exactly came from. Not moments ago she found herself staring at a door, "I'm sure it's this one." Cindy hesitated at first but proceeded to knock if it was even a knock it was so light it sounded like the scurrying of a mouse between the walls. Nevertheless, Cindy thought it best to knock on the door it was the only thing to do, "Um sir? Are you the doctor? Did you call out?" she said opening the door excusing herself, "Sorry." she was to fixed on the Iv pole dragging it in.
Finally, the pole was in the room turning around to face the owner of the voice, Cindy quickly
covered her eyes placing both palms on each of her eyes, "Sir you're naked." whispering it to the man as if not to alarm him he looked really confused, to begin with. "Do you want me to call a nurse to help you? I'll try" That is if she could find one the place looks deserted.

code by pasta
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Vanessa Courtwright

Not even seconds after Vanessa managed to duck her head behind the door of her 'room' or cage as she now called it, voices rang out from the other prisons. 'What is going on?' Nessa crawled out from her crouched position she put herself in and dusted her self off as she straightened her self. She tuned in the conversation wondering what the male was asking. She noticed he was not fully clothed and turned her head, not wanting to seem like she was staring rudely. "Guys. I think we are the only ones here......" She mumbled, taking in her surroundings. "I don't there are any nurses unless one of us happens to be one." She trailed off, gesturing around to the empty hallway. "If we where actual patients wouldn't there be nurses walking around checking on us?" She asked, she really didn't like hospitals to deal with, considering her father died in one.

"I may be wrong, but I would think we would here movement by now. I think whoever is in this hall and these few rooms is everyone that is present in this building," Nessa stated, hoping she wasn't dealing with people who would freak out by what she said, cause she did not feel like dealing with that drama right now with her head spinning. 'Aspirin or Tylenol would be great right now, oh and last nights events would be a nice memory to. So I can piece this cappuccino together. ' That was logical thinking, hopeful thinking was a hot shower, a bed in her room and some instant roman or a cup of caffeine. Vanessa was neither a optimist or a pessimistic person, even if she came off as a pessimist. She however could not see a good side to this. Except she was alive, even if she where stranded in a abandoned looking hospital with strangers, which could be good or bad.

<Im sorry its short, im not really sure how to get a post out with her with not many interactions.>
coding by cychotic
It was late, most likely far past bedtime into the wee hours of the morning. Steve Freeling was nearing the end of his penultimate job for the night. He worked as a janitor from night to early morning for several of the establishments in Simi Valley, California. He had just finished mopping the men's bathroom of Simi Valley High School and was now cleaning the toilets. Everything had been going smoothly until he came to the very last stall. A pair of white sneakers were crammed into the bowl, the same pair that had showed up in this same stall every night for two weeks without fail.

"Who's the dumbass who keeps shoving shoes down the damn toilet?" he muttered, annoyed at the idiocy of someone who would do this every single night.

Steve sighed and, with gloved hands, removed the shoes from the toilet before storing them in the garbage bag attached to his cart. He walked the cart outside before throwing the bag into the dumpster. He could feel eyes on him in the darkness. Steve looked all around him but could see nothing.

"Yep, it's definitely time go home and get some rest." he muttered to himself.

Steve, more quickly than before, walked the cart back inside before storing it in the janitor's closet. He then locked up the school and walked very quickly to his black 1995 Ford Escort. He still felt eyes on him. He unlocked and opened the driver's door before entering and closing it again. He was just about to turn the key in the ignition when the door opened.

"What the hell?" Steve looked to his left and saw what looked to be a man in a black robe. He saw a pale arm come out and that was when he felt the butt of a gun hit him on the head and everything went black.

When Steve opened his eyes, he noticed that he was in a strange room on a strange bed shortly before he felt something attached to his right arm. He looked to his right to see an IV hookup. Okay, this is a hospital. That was when he noticed that the bed's sheets were the only thing covering him. Since when does the hospital do this? Why aren't there any nurses or doctors? That was when he saw his clothes on a table. His headache from being hit made it difficult to get up at first, but after a few minutes he walked over to the table and put his underwear on before putting on the gray pants that came as part of the janitor uniform he'd been wearing. He put on his socks. He carefully removed his IV. Where the hell are my shoes? That was when he heard voices. Did (whoever) that sick son of a bitch (is) do this to others? With some difficulty, Steve made it to door and listened carefully. A few others. With that, he cautiously opened the door and walked out.



Time: 8:23 AM

Location: Hospital Room

Interaction: Shinoa

Tagging: BloodThunder27 BloodThunder27
Oliver tried to smile kindly at the pregnant woman, but he wasn't really good with the whole "human interaction" thing, so he wasn't really sure if it turned out okay. "Hello Shinoa, my name is Oliver," he said, lifting his hand to shake hers but then dropping it, deciding that he didn't know who this woman was and she didn't know him, and given the situation he didn't really want to be too close to anyone... even if they were very pregnant.

Oliver became very aware of the movement coming from outside the rooms. Some were talking, although he couldn't hear what they were saying, and another shouted a "hello?" This was weird, this was really, really weird. And he wanted a drink. He couldn't take all of this stress. He tried to take a deep breath. "Alright, it seems we're definitely not alone. I am going to trust that you are an innocent pregnant lady, okay? So if you'll help me I'll help you. So... don't stab me or something," he said. "I am going to go try to get you a wheelchair, because I am pretty sure you won't do well walking. I don't know much about pregnant ladies but I do know that a belly that big does nothing good for balance." He didn't wait for her response, walking outside the door tentatively. He looked up and down the hallway. At one end he could hear people speaking, and at the other it was just closed doors. "Okay," he muttered to himself, going in the direction of the closed doors. He tried to open them, but they were all locked. "Shit," he mumbled, glancing up the hallway every so often as to not be seen by anyone else. Eventually, he gave up, coming back to the pregnant lady's room. "Okay, you can either stay here or take my arm," he said.

The granola bar steadied her shaking, but the headache was there, as well as the plain 'I-feel-like-shit' feeling. Brea sighed, perching on the edge of the hospital bed, empty granola wrapper in her hands. It wasn't the best thing for her low blood sugar, but it would do the trick. She had to be careful though; if her sugar raised up too much, the high levels could damage her body and internal organs.

Casting a sideways glance at the drawer where the 6 insulin needles were, as well as the glucometer and supplies, she suppressed a shiver. The needles were filled to the brim, but really, she had no way of knowing if it was the insulin she needed. She took Lantus once a day, a long acting insulin, as well as regular insulin twice a day, which was a short acting. Both were clear, and so was the liquid in the syringes. Since there were six, she was assuming it was regular, but what if... what if she were wrong?

Snatching up the syringes and shoving the test strips, lancets, and glucometer in various pockets, she ventured towards the door, bringing the IV pole with her. She'd heard voices coming from outside, but no one had come to her door yet. Clutching the needles close to her chest, she slowly pulled open her door and stepped out into the hallway, looking around. There were a few people out in the halls, but she saw no one in scrubs, no one with a clipboard who looked like they knew what was going on.

No one really looked at her, so she moved down the hall, IV pole in hand. Pausing by the next open door she saw, she peered in and saw a man, laying in bed still, looking at the door where she was. Her eyes landed on his clothes, and she couldn't stop the faint blush creeping onto her cheeks. "Oh, um, excuse me." She looked away hurriedly, then moved to walk away to give him privacy.


Time: early

Location: hospital

Interaction: Cychotic Cychotic



Hearing motions outside, Anthony was unsure if it was a good idea for him to rise from his position. He wasn't sure whether or not the people out there were dangerous. For all he knew, they could be his kidnapers. Unfortunately, it seemed he would have to. His door was opened and in came a rather flustered looking woman. Realizing his bare state, he pinked, eyes widening towards the woman.

Much to his relief, the woman left after realizing his state. "W-wait!" Anthony shouted. Maybe she would know something about wherever they were. "N-no not y-yet," he stuttered.

Clambering over to his clothes, Anthony slipped them on, almost tripping in the process. He took the IV pole with him before stepping outside, realizing there were others alongside him. They all had IV poles, one seemed to be pregnant and others seemed perfectly normal. His head swam and Anthony gripped the pole to keep himself steady.

"Y-you there!" He made his way to the woman. "W-what in the w-world is going on?"

apolla apolla
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Brea moved on past his room, but she was only a few steps away when she heard him calling to her. She turned around to go back, freezing when she heard him say not yet. Unsure of what to do, she just stood there awkwardly until he appeared in the doorway, gripping his IV pole much like she was hers.

He stuttered, she realized with sympathy, as he approached her. Wondering if the thought was rude, because she wouldn't want someone treating her or thinking of her differently just because she was a diabetic, she shoved the thought aside and smiled at him, moving her body so that the needles were turned away from him, ever so slightly. Not that she didn't trust him-- although it was true she didn't know him-- these needles were necessary for her to live.

Realizing she hadn't answered him, she cleared her throat, looking around at the others in the hallway. "I was hoping someone else would have the answer to that question." She spoke softly, wishing she could just go lay down, and then wake up and this have all been a nightmare.

Time: early

Location: hospital

Interaction: Cychotic Cychotic




rayne alexander wilde

| location // hospital room | mood // panicked | currently // listening | with // n/a | outfit // xxx (first one) |

There was no mistaking the dull thud of a distant top 40 song's trembling bass, or how the entire place practically swarmed with youths in poorly chosen outfits.

Teenage parties. Oh, how he hated them.

If it had been up to Rayne, he would've spent a quiet night in, curled up with his guitar and well-worn lyric booklet. There was solace to be found amongst those ink-stained pages, something that was little more than a fantasy surrounded by a hundred faces that meant nothing to you.

He hadn't gone willingly, of course. His friends had dragged him there, figuratively kicking and screaming the entire way.

As soon as they were carelessly chugging from red cups, Rayne slipped outside and ditched them without a second thought. He didn't belong there, and he would never fit in with the carefree ignorance of kids who were happy to mask their pain with temporary fixes.

Make no mistake, Rayne had his own vices and destructive coping methods. Alcohol, however, wasn't one of them.

As the incessant pounding faded to a muddled hum, Rayne slid a gloved hand into the pocket of his hoodie, its soft embrace somehow comforting. He'd simply wandered out the back door, and had no real sense of direction or idea of where he might want to go.

The only thing he had with him was an energy drink and his old MP3 player, neither of which would be much use on a hike into some unknown and scraggly excuse for a forest. Oh well. Too late to turn back now.

Rayne's slender frame made it fairly easy for him to duck under branches, though the snap of a twig underfoot occasionally caught him off guard. Hugging his arms to his chest, he shivered, and not from the cold. Now that the music was gone, he almost missed it.

There was something creepy about this place.

Whether he spent minutes or hours wandering, he didn't know. What he did know was that he wanted to go home. As ridiculous as it sounded, he was scared of the woods around him.

Another unidentifiable noise echoed through the trees, and Rayne tightened his grip on his drink until the sides of the can began to collapse in on themselves from the pressure.

All was temporarily forgotten, however, when the teen stumbled upon an abandoned tree fort. It looked exactly like the kind young tweens dreamed of building, except for the fact it was ruined and slowly decomposing back into the forest. The planks were a greenish brown, but they appeared to be stable.

Stable enough to climb, anyway.

Rayne had no trouble scaling it once he'd set his drink down, and couldn't resist the temptation of leafing through a pile of faded comic books. While comics had never really been his thing, it was a cool find nonetheless.

Capturing a few low-quality snapshots with his MP3 player, Rayne then held his breath as he scanned the area. Even hidden as he was, he couldn't shake the eerie sensation of being watched.

That was impossible, though... wasn't it?

After climbing down the precarious ladder, he picked up his drink and took a swig of its now-warm liquid. The taste was a bit... off, but that had to be his imagination. It was fine a few minutes ago, after all.

Rayne's black-lined eyes seemed to grow increasingly heavy as he attempted to stay on the narrow trail he'd been following. The path was clear enough to be unmistakable, yet his feet wouldn't cooperate. He felt oddly sick, and wondered if someone had managed to spike his drink before he'd left the party. Wondering, however, burned through what little energy the struggling teen had left.

Laying down in defeat a moment after he fell to the leaf-littered ground, Rayne hid his face in his shaking hands as the world began to sway and drift in and out of focus. Warm tears stung the corners of his vision, but he was too out of it to care.

Then, with one last whimper, it all went black...


Beep. Beep. Beep.

"Stupid alarm clock," Rayne muttered, reaching out and clumsily pawing at what he thought was his bedside table. Instead, however, his fingertips brushed across the smooth, flexible plastic of tubes and wires.

What the hell?

Forcing himself to sit up in a groggy haze, Rayne witnessed the unfamiliar room do a few sickening rotations before his eyes refocused. He wasn't sure if his head or stomach felt worse, but something had definitely happened.

It was that moment when Rayne noticed his lack of clothing, and the fact he was hooked up to some sort of IV. He wanted to scream, but logic and an affinity for bad horror movies told him that would do more harm than good.

Yanking out the traumatizing device with a dramatic wince, Rayne dragged the thin, uncomfortably warm covers higher so they hid his entire chest. Then, he pressed one to the back of his hand, hoping stopping the warm flow of blood. As the off-white took on a distinct hue of crimson, the teen eventually gave up and reached for his clothing instead. He'd stop bleeding eventually.

Years of avoiding high school until the very last minute had taught him how to get dressed while still in bed, and it only took a minute until Rayne was fully dressed, studded belt and all.

While he was glad to be clothed once again, a shiver ran through his entire body as he took in more and more of his location. It was a hospital, complete with the smell of antiseptics and washed-out paint colors. However, something was wrong. Very wrong.

Rayne may have been young, but he wasn't stupid. Somebody, somehow, had put him here, alone in the place he feared most. It was a sick, twisted joke... or at least, he hoped it was a joke.

Sitting up only made the sick feeling and pounding in his head worse, but he had to get out of bed and start looking for a way to escape. Rayne could feel his anxiety coming on, and it did nothing to lessen the symptoms he was already experiencing. Every minute here was a minute closer to a freak out, and no one needed that.

As he dragged himself unsteadily to his feet, Rayne noticed the small assortment of supplies. A few non-perishable food items, and a roll of gauze. Shrugging, the teen leaned forward and grabbed them with shaky hands. He was the opposite of hungry now, but he knew that would change soon enough.

Pausing, he could've sworn he'd heard voices coming from outside the room... could there be others? Or was it the lunatic that had stuck him here in the first place?

Either way, he was going to find out.

Fingers digging into the fabric of his hoodie, he wobbled towards the sounds before regaining enough balance to at least appear sober, if not healthy.
mentions: n/a

code by spookie spookie
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Shinoa Bradford
The Mother
Location & Mood: Hospital Room > Hallway, Calm
Outfit ~ Dress, Kimono, Socks, Wedding Ring Pendant, Bracelet
Interactions/Tags: Oliver ( JustAlexandra JustAlexandra )
When Oliver introduced himself, Shinoa smiled just a bit. From what she could analyze, he didn't seem like the very talkative type. Either way, Shinoa was comfortable with the fact that she actually encountered another human being, at least aside from the one inside her womb. After hearing other voices from outside, Oliver started acting a little strange. She started holding her belly, feeling apprehensive because of how he was behaving, but it wasn't like he was going to harm her, at least not yet. However, if there was going to be any running involved, hopefully he was strong enough to carry her...and run. But then again, it would probably be easier to either push her in a Wheel Chair or on a Hospital Bed. Oddly enough, he offered to help her if she helped him. What could she possibly help him with? He seemed like he could hold his own. As long as she didn't have to lift anything heavy, perhaps she could help. But her primary objective was to find a way to call the Police. Question was how is she going to do that? How many more people were here besides the two of them? Were any of them also sane human beings? How much longer were they going to be trapped? There were many questions, but not like they'll be answered.

When he said that he was going to go find her a Wheel Chair, Shinoa felt insulted. Has this guy ever been around a pregnant woman before!? Sure, she couldn't run, but she could still walk...Or well, waddle. But if there was someone or something lurking in the Hospital, she was still rather vulnerable. However, as much as she hated to admit it, he was right when he said that her belly was not good for balance. It was sadly true. Her spine is curved inwards because of the weight of the baby. Briefly, he left, but came back after a few minutes. Obviously she wasn't going to stay in this room. Even laying in bed was going to get annoying after a while. But at least now she had a reason to stretch her legs.Taking a deep breath, Shinoa slowly got out of her bed and stretched her arms. "Alright, then lets get going." She said before she placed a hand on her back. "I'll be right behind you." She said as she tugged her IV Pole. "C'mon let's go find other people here. There's no way that its just us." She commented, allowing the older looking man to take the lead.
the anxious.jpg

Lenora wished more than anything, at least at that moment, that she had just stayed home.

Already the day hadn't gone at all like she had wanted. There had been a reason, she reminded herself quietly, that she liked to keep to herself. What good ever came of listening to anybody? The whole thing had just been –

Lenore's sister had come over to visit. Of all of her family, Adalie was the most sympathetic toward her. It was difficult to manage the various clubs and socials and still see Lenore with any degree of regularity, but the woman made an effort to see her at least once or twice a month. This visit was like any other. Lenore had made some warm coffee and the two sat at the small table that occupied the space in her cozy – small Adalie reminded her – kitchen. Things were pleasant, at least at first.

“What is this?” Lenore had asked as Adalie slid paperwork across the table.

“You know the college is accepting applications for art school, Lenny.”

“I'm not going to art school – ”

“I know you've been keeping it a secret from virtually everybody, but you know I've seen the fe --”

“ – and even if I did want to, if, in what world would Mum and Da – ”

“ – seen a few of them. They're beautiful, Lenny, you have so much to offer the wor – ”

“ – by itself would be a fortune. I barely make enough to live, how would I even pay for tuit --”

“ – you know James has been doing really well at work lately, he got a nice raise. The two of us discussed it and we would like to pay for you to go to art school.”

Lenore fell silent.

It was as though the world itself had frozen in that moment. There had been times she dreamt about going to school – the opportunity to refine her technique, to spend her days dedicated to the one thing that truly made her happy anymore. Hours had been spent on creating a portfolio only to throw it away at last possible moment. It was never good enough. Time spent clicking around online, browsing the portfolio of other rejected candidates – they were good. Really good. A talent that could come only from sharing yourself with the world, getting some kind of feedback, adjusting, changing. Lenore's art had only ever been seen by her sister and, occasionally, her parents, though both cases had been completely against her will.

“I – I mean, what? That's … I would need a portfolio and you know I don't – ”

Her sister smiled softly. It was moments like these that Lenore wondered why she never wanted to be a mother, she would be a good one. The time she had spent rebelling against their parents, Adalie had associated with people from extremely varying backgrounds and had grown close to them. She wasn't like Lenore, she didn't think everyone was inherently beautiful, but she knew how to find something at least positive in others. It was why the two of them got along so well. Her brother was too similar to her parents for the two of them to be close. He, like their parents, had a very strict definition of what success was and if somebody wasn't successful then they weren't worth the effort. He had always been able to pick himself up, find motivation in the promise of achievement, and do what needed to be done to ensure that he did well in school and then, later, in his career.

Adelie, though, she had spent enough time around people – not just 'successful' people, just people. All sorts of people. Her best friend growing up had run away when they were 16, Lenore was almost certain Adelie had helped the girl, because her family was abusive. To this day, Adalie supported the girl through college so that she could make something of herself. There were others, of course, that Adalie seemingly dismissed. Their brother came to mind, but Lenore couldn't exactly blame her for that. Their other sibling didn't seem to mind too much either.

In that moment Lenore knew that, despite whatever the older woman said, one day she would make a wonderful mother. Her smile seemed to convey acceptance, her tone was patient. She knew the fear that bubbled in the depth of Lenore's stomach, it was as though she could understand the anxiety that filled her veins with ice. She believed in her younger sister anyway. Something about that – the way that her sister could convey that all with just a smile, both calmed Lenore and turned her heart green with envy.

“There's a show, a fundraiser I'm hosting, at the studio off of 53rd. You remember when we went there last month?”

Lenore could only nod.

“I want you to be in it. It's small, smaller than what you'll get at school, at least, and it will give you a chance to get used to having people see you,” her sister spoke softly, as though she were trying to coax a timid animal out of hiding. It was appropriate, Lenore figured, and the effect was surprisingly effective.

“I – I don't know, that's – I mean, when is it? I – there isn't a promise, but I could try to have something rea –”

“No need,” her sister's smile turned mischievous, “I nicked some of your stuff last time I was here. The owner loved them. Anything you have, it's in, and that's in addition to the three pieces I took last time.”

There was the rebelliousness. Despite the domestication, there was still something wild about her sister. Where others would just try to persuade Lenore to finish something before the deadline, which both Lenore and Adalie knew she would never, her sister jumped ahead and blocked any sort of exit Lenore might try to take. The way she was smiling told Lenore that regardless of her involvement, those pieces were going to be included in the night's exhibit. Adalie wasn't asking permission to display her work, just requesting her presence.

“It's small, Lenny. Real small. It's just to get your feet wet.”

In retrospect, it was the moment that she gave in that she was fairly certain her fate had been sealed.

The show had been an unmitigated disaster.

All of the people that Adalie had invited came, of course, and at first the evening went exactly like either of them had expected. Lenore was quiet, fumbling over questions – it was charming Adalie had assured her. People thought that she was charming. There were compliments, surprisingly, about her work. People asking what inspired her to do this that way. A few mimosas in and Lenore was even answering their questions.

It was when Adalie's husband came, accompanied by the rest of Lenore's family, that the night took a sour turn.

Rather than appreciating what Lenore had done, she instead endured insinuations that she didn't trust her parents – which, to be fair, she didn't, but the way they were commenting on the state of their relationship in front of other patrons was embarrassing – and that she had wasted all of high school learning how to “draw inside of the lines”. Her brother, at one point, looked at a particularly emotional piece and commented that if she had spent half as much time studying as she did on that particular work she might have been able to do something real with her life.

Her tongue felt heavy and dry as the night went on – a side effect of the alcohol Adalie had tried to assure her. Lenore couldn't speak. Every time she opened her mouth, she wondered if the words were going to come out alright. She spent so much time worrying about what she might say that the words that came out were confused. It was difficult to focus. The crowd – how had she not noticed how large it was before – became too noisy. Whispers surrounded her. What if she had been mistaken before? Maybe people felt sorry for her, they noticed the difficulty she was having speaking, the way she couldn't hold their gaze, and they complimented her hoping she would “come out of her shell”. Her family knew that was never going to happen, that her confidence wasn't just hiding beneath a veneer of timidity, so they felt no need to try and coax it out. They could be honest. Her heart pounded in her chest. There were so many people. Was it possible for a room to become toxic? It made sense. People breathed out toxins and if there's too many in one place, maybe the oxygen levels depleted. That was why she couldn't breathe.

Before she really knew where she was going, Lenore fled out the back door.

She was already reciting her apology, preparing to face her sister's disappointment. The one person who believed in her. Lenore did exactly what everybody expected her to and ran away. What was the point in supporting somebody who was incapable of supporting even themselves?

The concrete felt too solid beneath her feet. Lenore was too aware of the way the her knees threatened to buckle underneath her with every step, she could feel the push back of the pavement against her feet. Focus on what was around you. She had severe panic attacks throughout primary and middle school, back when her parents would sometimes pretend to care, and she had gone to a psychologist. Focus on what was going on now. If she closed her eyes, she could feel the cool air fill her lungs with every breath, stinging the back of her throat just slightly with every inhalation. It was a strange sensation. There weren't many clouds in the sky, so the sun still beat down on her jacket and warmed her, at least on the outside. She opened her eyes. The shadow her body cast against the pavement was comically long, almost as long as the one of the figure following behind her.

Her feet slowed.

She didn't like feeling so panicked so close to another human being, even one she didn't know. Strangers didn't need to see her falling apart. She tried to time her paces to allow for whomever was behind her to catch up and, hopefully, pass her entirely – it didn't. It was as though he was keeping time with her. If she slowed, he did as well, or at least his shadow never got any closer to merging with hers. It was strange. Lenore couldn't identify exactly why, but it made her uneasy.

They could just be shy, she reminded herself, she certainly wouldn't have any room to judge.

There was an intersection approaching. They would have to wait for the light to change before crossing. She turned her head to say something and was blinded by dark fabric. It was thick. A hand covered her nose and mouth, making it difficult to breathe. Lenore kicked, trying to scratch at the hand of the man that held her close to his body. He didn't say anything. His frame was large, much larger than hers. She couldn't even guess how tall, but strong enough to drag her back into a nearby alleyway. Lenore reached out for a lamp post, trying to hold onto something. Anything. He pulled her off with ease, despite the way her feet flailed against him. The world around her darkened and soon her arms felt heavy. She had only just enough time to regret that one moment over coffee before she knew no more.


Her eyes were still blurry. It was so cold.


What was that sound?


Lenore reached for the covers and found there were none. Instead, she felt the frigidity of her own skin. Where were her clothes?

She sat up slowly. Her head still ached, but vaguely she remembered what happened. Anxiety crept in. Focus on what is in front of you, she reminded herself. It was cold. She had no clothes. There was no window. Her eyes turned to scan the room she had been in. She was hooked up to some sort of IV. She peered down at the needle that pierced her skin. The temptation to rip it from her veins was strong, but she didn't know what was in it.

She was alive.

That had to mean something, didn't it? If the man that had taken her had wanted to kill her, she would be dead.

'If I was supposed to be, I would be dead,' was the mantra she repeated to herself like a prayer as she stood up from her bed. She took the pole that held the bag of – she struggled to read the name, hoping she might be able to recognise the words. Time spent around her brother had taught her at least some basics.

Her eyes turned to a drawer.

There were a few – supplies? Water, some food, and honey. Lenore's brow stitched together. Why? That food was meant to last, at least not go bad. It wasn't enough to last long. It was waiting for her though. Some relief came to her. It had to mean that whoever brought her here intended for her to find them, which meant he wouldn't be delivering them himself. She turned the wrapped food over in her hands, hoping to identify where they might have been purchased from – was she even in the same country anymore?

Outside she heard muffled voices. Her movements came to a halt.​


Time: 8:23 AM

Location: Hospital Room

Interaction: Shinoa, Brea

Tagging: BloodThunder27 BloodThunder27 apolla apolla
Oliver hesitated as she got up herself, not asking for any help. He almost reached out to help her walk, but decided against it and that he would just keep an eye on her. He realized he didn't know how far along she was. What if she had the baby right here? They were in a hospital but that was no good if they didn't have a doctor to deliver the baby. And there was no way in hell that Oliver was doing that. He was already feeling panicky about the situation he was in. All he wanted to do was go home and have a beer... or ten. But instead he had somehow ended up in a hospital with a pregnant woman and no doctors.

He turned around to the door, walking out. He tried not to go too fast so as not to leave her behind. Eventually he decided to rip out the IV, leaving the pole behind. It had become too much of a nuisance now. His arm only bled for a minute, and he wiped it up with the hem of his pants. He wasn't one to be especially cleanly.

Up ahead he spotted a girl in the hallway. "Hey!" he called out as they walked closer. "What are you doing? Are you okay?" he asked. She seemed like she was waiting for something, she was standing outside of a door. Oliver stopped, keeping distance between him and the girl in case she suddenly went batshit crazy. "Are you a nurse?" he asked, but then felt stupid. She wasn't wearing a nurse's uniform. Maybe she had been brought there just like he and Shinoa had? Well, he assumed Shinoa didn't know how she got here, either. She seemed afraid enough and Oliver could only make the assumption that their stories were similar.


rayne alexander wilde

| location // hospital hallway | mood // panicked | currently // listening | with // n/a | outfit // xxx (first one) |

Breath feeling almost uncomfortably warm against flushed skin, Rayne pressed a hand to his mouth as he listened to keep from crying out.

There was definitely someone out there. More than one, actually.

His eyes darted wildly around the neglected building, taking in everything and nothing all at once. The teen's heart pounded in his chest, so loud he could hear it over every scrambled thought.


Oh no. Did he notice me? Rayne hugged his arms close, shuddering as an icy wave of dread washed through his entire being.

Realizing his selection of places to hide was pitifully low, he recklessly decided to face the potential threat head-on. Better to get the dying thing over with, right?

Creeping closer to the source of the noise, Rayne's black converse barely made a sound on the hospital floor.

He caught a few more words, something to do with a nurse. They didn't appear to be directed at him, but the teen wasn't taking any chances.

Using up every remaining ounce of courage in his slight frame, Rayne ducked behind a doorway and momentarily considered his options before deciding on one that, while reckless, offered the highest chance of escape if executed correctly.

"I know what you did!" Rayne called out, his voice steady despite how badly he was shaking. Truthfully, he had no idea what the guy had done, but there was a slight hope the shock would be enough to buy him some escape time.​

code by spookie spookie
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In a quite neighborhood, there stood a house with all of the lights on. This would seem normal for anyone looking at it, had they but known that there was only one person indoors. Toby's family had gone out that night and he volunteered to stay back and look after Jeffery, their dog. That was his excuse anyway. Why, you ask? It was simple, the happy family had gone out for a horror movie and Tobias wanted nothing to do with it. He hated horror films, shows, or even reading about them. It was terrifying. Though he didn't have to give them an excuse for his lack of enthusiasm, he though he did a fine job at sending them off, leaving him home alone. Oh wait, but that was quite scary in itself as well. That's the reason why he had all the lights on in his house. Pretty silly, isn't it? But yes, that is Toby.

After conducting yet another house check with his noble companion Jeffrey by his side, Toby set off to make himself some dinner. "Would you like some grilled fish too, boy? Yes, I think some baked salmon with lemon and thyme, seared long enough to give that wondrous aroma would be amazing." He smiled as he lead the dog to the kitchen. Jeffrey barked happily, as if the thought appealed him too. Toby loved to cook, so it would help take his mind off of the fact that he was alone. Not that he was scared or anything. Totally.

"You know, maybe I should have included this recipe in my application form for culinary school." He mused as he prepared the fish. Jeffrey sat like a good boy near the counter, waiting patiently. "Oh wait, I already got in," He smiled smugly, it was about one of the only accomplishments he boasted about. The pessimism would kick in later on.

In the midst of his dinner preps and monologue, the power suddenly went out. Tobias yelped as he clutched the knife near his chest... Before yelping again at the thought of accidentally stabbing himself and setting the knife onto the counter. "I-iiit's alright, boy. It's probably just a minor blackout... I think?" He whimpered as he edged closer towards the window. strangely, his house seemed to be the only one with no power. Toby fumbled for his phone's torch and bolted to the front door to ensure that it was locked and double locked- it was. He checked the windows on the ground floor to make sure that they were shut- they were. Just as he was about to relax, he heard a shuffling noise coming from the floor directly above him. Were his parents back, possibly? He would have noticed it though...

He gulped as he raced back to the kitchen to take the knife in his trembling arms. What if it was an intruder... or worse. What if it was a ghost?!? Maybe it was just a robber. In that case, all he had to do was hide and wait till he did his deed and left. And that's what he did- hide under the kitchen table with a knife in hand and Jeffrey by his side. Tobias waited, and waited. He kept his torch off, so that the robber wouldn't notice. A big mistake.

Something grabbed onto him and pulled him up from under the table. Toby yelled as he flailed about, moving his sword to attack whoever it was. He struggled to break free and bolted forward, unaware of the things in the dark. His lower torso came in direct contact with a corner of the table, causing him to slide to the ground. Crawling away proved more difficult with his attacker gaining momentum. Toby felt a hand roughly cover his face, cutting off air supply. He struggled to breath, and break free, but he was weak. The last thing Toby remembered was hearing a pained yelp from Jeffrey before slipping into darkness.


Toby stirred, moaning in pain and trying to wake up. His head was pounding and he felt a stinging pain on his stomach. The first thing he saw was the blinding light above him. That's strange... Where, where am I? He looked around as things came into focus and blanched when it did. He was naked, on an examination table, in what seemed like a hospital room. It hadn't even been a minute since he came to, and Tobias had already started to panic. He fumbled as he put his clothes on and wrapped the bed's covers tightly around himself. What's going on?

On the table, he found the meds he took for his anxiety and an inhaler. Along with some other pills for headaches and sleep. That confused him even more... Did he somehow have an episode and passout? After which his parents would have probably brought him to the hospital. That didn't make sense though, he'd never had a severe attack in the past two years, and he was never hospitalized before. He recalled the events that took place before he passed out, he was kidnapped. Noises from beyond his door startled him and he receded further towards the back of the room. It was a hospital, alright.

Toby hit the back of his head on a shelf that he didn't see and winced in pain, "Ow..." He was too afraid to go out. What if it was his kidnappers, what if they were armed?!? His heart pound in his throat as he started to assume the worst.

I'm going to die!

Extra Location: Hospital room
Open for Interaction? Yes
Tagging: -
  • the anxious.jpg
The movement from outside her door didn't still.

If they were here to harm here, they would already know where she was. Surely they would have already come into her room. They hadn't. It had to mean something.

Lenore turned back to the table by her bedside.

Beside the food and water, her clothes were folded neatly – that struck her as odd. What was the point in undressing her at all? Her eyes moved to the small needle sticking out of her arm. Surely there was no reason to undress her for that, was there? She didn't think so. Then why would they – he – was it a group? It didn't matter, why did they need to undress her?

Why did they take her here at all?

It didn't make any sense, no matter how she tried to think about it. As far as she was aware, she hadn't interacted with anybody strange – well, outside of the party. Was it the party that did this? The stupid exhibit. If she could –


She needed to breathe.

There was no point in panicking, at least not yet. For the moment she was breathing. At least, for now, she was alive. If she didn't calm down it would be harder to stay that way. Lenore took a deep, calming breath and looked over her body for any visible signs of trauma. Slight bruising around her wrist where she had attempted to fight off the man who grabbed her off the street, some pink patches that would likely turn to bruises later, but other than that she was blemish-free. Nothing from after she was taken off of the street.

Satisfied with her inspection, she carefully pulled the needle out of her arm, pinching the spot it pierced her skin for a few moments after to allow the blood to clot. After holding it for about a ten-count, she moved over to the pile of clothes and carefully put on her pants and the white tank-top she wore underneath her oversized sweater. The sweater, she supposed, would make for a good bandage in an emergency and for now could act as a carrying pack of sorts. She placed the sweater carefully on the bed. It had been one of her favourites. She bought it the week she moved out on her own. Something about the rich chocolate colour and the way it contrasted with her pale skin and the soft material made her feel beautiful. Now, however, wasn't a time for sentiment. She placed the supplies in the centre of the sweater and folded the corners up, tying them in a knot at the top and then looping the arms together so she could hold it over one shoulder.

As she pushed the door open she heard a voice call out, “I know what you did!”

Lenore paused.

Moments before she opened that door, she knew what she was going to say. She could have sworn that she had a plan. There was some clever comment, she knew, that might allow her to at least proceed without potentially losing her life. Unfortunately for her, she couldn't remember what that might be.

Instead, she stood frozen to the spot, only barely outside of her door, staring at the very obviously pregnant woman and her partner. At first glance, they looked confused – the man, in particular, looked far more exhausted than any of them already. The woman seemed warm, though fear was tangible on her as well. She was outwardly calm. Calmer than the others. Unbidden, Lenore couldn't help but think that the woman would make an excellent mother. Something about her face was kind, like the sort of woman who could somehow tap into endless reserves of patience.

“I don't think you did anything,” Lenore's quiet voice rang out, barely more audible than a whisper. Her gaze fell to the floor.

spookie spookie JustAlexandra JustAlexandra BloodThunder27 BloodThunder27
Shinoa Bradford
The Mother
Location & Mood: Hallway, Calm
Outfit ~ Dress, Kimono, Socks, Wedding Ring Pendant, Bracelet
Interactions/Tags: Oliver ( JustAlexandra JustAlexandra ), Lenore ( AmLov AmLov ), Brea ( apolla apolla )
Upon entering the hallway with Oliver, she proceeded to follow him down as they continued hearing other voices. What was the benefit of bringing people to an abandoned hospital? If they were all locked in, how were they going to get out? Was there maybe an emergency escape exit somewhere? Perhaps they could look for it. The real question was who brought them here, and why? What could they possibly want from everyday people? What Shinoa really wanted answered was what was wanted from her! She was pregnant, she lost her husband in a car accident not too long ago, not to mention she had been having trouble coping with the fact that he was gone, considering she had to go to therapy for it and was diagnosed with depression. The main reason she even sought out help in the first place was for the sake of her baby. However, now wasn't the time to be thinking about personal problems and she needed to focus on the situation at hand. While Oliver opened another door and was talking to another person that was here, another door next to Shinoa had opened up. While it startled her a little, she relaxed a little bit when she saw a young women in the doorway. "Oh, hi..." She greeted the young woman before silently approaching her when her gaze went towards the floor. "You were brought here too?" She asked.

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