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Jumpei Nakabayashi

Jumpei Nakabayashi
> Warlock Name: Black Out


Genres: Magical Girls/Boys, slight futuristic

Jumpei 純 - pure, genuine, unmixed
Naka 中 - middle
Hayashi 林 - forest






Honestly, Jumpei doesn't really care. You can slap any sexuality on him and Jumpei would be like "okay 👍"

Gem Color:

"I- ... please help me... help me become our dream idol..."


Illusion Manipulation
These illusions take form in anyone or anything that he currently or formerly idolized. The illusions heavily depend on Jumpei's memory and morph when Jumpei's memories of them change. Most of the illusions have warped to faceless blobs of many different things at once. The ones that still hold some sort of humanoid figure will not show their faces at all. They will disappear by themselves or when they are near being touched.

The more he relates/pities his foe, the less time for his foe to corrupt. He mass produces illusions which crowd around his foe, mumbling discouragement and/or place extreme expectations on them as a magical boy/girl which he hopes can overwhelm them. For his spell, he corrupts an arrow and shoots to his foe’s heart or brain. Whether he shoots his heart or brain depends on how much he relates, pities or likes his foe.

> Childhood
Jumpei wouldn’t describe his childhood as pleasant. Along with his siblings, he was born in an extremely impoverished family in an unruly part of the city. He was the second youngest out of five, just 2 years younger than Kentaro and 5 years older than Jun’ichi.

His parents left town when Jun’ichi was born, selfishly finding cash for them and neglecting their children to fend for themselves. They were neglectful from the start, in fact. Kichiro and Kiku would tell Jumpei and the rest of the unfortunate disasters they had when with them. Jumpei didn’t hear anything about their parents from Kentaro. He tries to ask him about them every time he has the chance but Kentaro would constantly shrug it off and switch to another topic. Eventually, Jumpei gave up on asking about their parents.

Jumpei hated living out on the streets. Everyday, he would watch people living normal lives. He felt too guilty about stealing from stores and was often picked on by gangs. Jumpei developed social anxiety and often stays close to his siblings and often allows his siblings to do the talking.

Kichiro and Kiku were the head honchos of the siblings, as their the oldest. They were the first to suggest and get jobs to earn money for themselves. That leaves Kentaro as the main caretaker of Jumpei and Jun’ichi. As they grew up, Kentaro was the first line of support for them when they ended up in any trouble.

This was their happy, precious family dynamic and he wouldn’t trade it for anything else. However, the family started falling apart when Kentaro left the country in hopes of becoming someone they could look up to. Kichiro started disappearing periodically. Whenever he did return he would come with bruises and scars. Kiku would disappear too, but only during the day. She would pick up Jumpei and Jun’ichi from Jumpei’s part-time job every day at 6:00pm straight. Jumpei worried for his siblings, his older ones especially. He wonders if Kentaro saw this coming when he left and wanted to fix it as soon as he left.

> Wish
Jumpei had the wish of becoming a role model for his siblings for a while. More gangs have been targeting him and his siblings ever since Kentaro left. He would receive multiple hits from them when his older brothers are gone. At his lowest, he was approached by Aurora in a dream. She made a tempting offer of becoming a magical boy in exchange for a wish. Jumpei didn’t believe it at first thinking that this was all a dream. It was all too convenient in his mind. He told her that he would think about it, shrugging it off as some random dream he has. Aurora gave him a soul gem in this dream and instructions once Jumpei had his wish and he woke up in a cold sweat. Fully expecting nothing to be there, he turned his head to the sides of his sleeping place and found the same soul gem that Aurora gave him in his dream. Jumpei’s mind went numb as he stared at it. When he heard gang members around, his flight or fight scenes activated and at the last moment, he grabbed the soul gem and whispered his wish.

> Corruption
It has been five months since he became a magical boy. However, even his new modeling career didn’t help at all. Even after he quit becoming an idol the year before and dragged his siblings away from poverty, the insane pressure from the public, staff and self-pity dragged him into corruption in the five month duration of becoming a magical boy. Just about when his gem was about to corrupt, another goddess visited him. This time, she offered a new chance and life for him if he was to serve her as a warlock. Well, that didn’t matter anymore, all he wanted was to become the dream idol. He’ll do whatever it takes. So, he quickly accepted her offer and lived as a warlock for the next years to come.

A clueless, delusional and airheaded piece of shit(derogatory).

Jumpei’s thoughts are often separated from reality. He still believes that his family and world is the same as the one he imagines in his head and is often left shocked when it doesn’t get anything from what he plays in his mind. When others do bring it up, he often switches topics, refusing to talk about it.

Jumpei lacks most common sense and doesn’t know how to work out basic things, often needing someone to do all the work and explain to him. He often approaches random ass strangers and talks to them as if they were the bestest of friends. Nine times out of ten Jumpei would often get ignored or waved off and he has no idea why. In addition, Jumpei does not remember anything from lessons or meetings. He brings his manager to meetings to take notes for him but he is dead meat in school. However, Jumpei isn’t the type to tell anything about his past to his peers, even though some may already have heard some parts of it.

As an idol/model/public persona, Jumpei doesn't hide anything other than most of his airheaded nature. He doesn’t hide his clueless part of his personality as much because he’d figured that it was more or less alright to behave that way when filming shows or interviews.

Jumpei’s delusions become stronger whenever he transforms into a warlock. Though the changes in his personality might be slow, Jumpei becomes less airheaded and clueless and becomes more bitter towards Magical Girls/Boys. Jumpei would act like he's a Magical Boy until the actual Magical Boys/Girls realize that he's a Warlock. He treats Magical Boys/Girls as little pests and he finds it entertaining whenever they encounter any of his illusions.

Both as a civilian and a warlock, he can be very violent when he is stressed. He once threw multiple forks at his manager when he was overwhelmed with his fame. His manager is fine btw, they’re just a bit paranoid because of this.


  • 4c59a25175d4d4b01d0127d799e7482b.jpg
    Kichiro, Kiku, Kentaro and Jun'ichi - His dear siblings.

Likes: Cute things, pink, sweets, sunrises, new clothing
Dislikes: Gangs, rice(especially when it’s poorly made), the dark, carrots, maths(very much so)
Aroma: Incense, wet dirt, rain, roses(perfume)

Talking & Singing - Rimmu

Theme Song:

Transformation Song:

Battle Song:
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Genres: Post Apocalyptic

Recorded name: Anzor, Dmitry...?
Subject 066
Student - Neutral
Age: 15
165 cm - 50kg
Likes: Silence, being alone, peace, playing with his hair, doodling on walls, pain
Dislikes: Experiments, the scientists, being with people(especially with those his age(or at least look his age)), loudness
Abilities: Anti-Magic, Light, Wind
History: Dmitry was born in a post-apocalyptic world. His father was a soldier and his mother was an engineer but both died when their house burnt down. Dmitry, who thought that they were still alive, tries to stay close as possible to them until he was dragged away by scientists. He can't remember anything past the day he was dragged into the lab, scientists and researchers restraining him while he struggled against their grasp, desparate to stay with his already dead family. His attempts of freeing himself was for nothing, as he was dragged and shipped to a resherch facility to be studied upon.
Personality: Dmitry can come off as anti-social, rude and socially distant. He heavily dislikes talking and being around people in general. Due to being dragged into the facility against his fill, he remains hostile towards staff members and is rude to any subject who dares to help his injuries. Despite being an asshole, he has a very optimistic and will do anything to get out of the facility.

Observations from Scientists:
-Subject's full name is Anzor Gujić. For some odd reason he switch his name to Dmitry when he was 10.
-Subject is slightly underweight.
-Subject doesn't appear to be acting aggressively towards other subjects but is openly aggresive towards staff.
-Subject is often seen hurled up in a corner by himself.
-Subject's parents are unknown as we picked him up from a seemingly abandon house.
-Subject grew an Ear Multation as results from experiments.
-Other than a few instances of using Void abilities, Subject shows no signs of magic.
-Subject has poor eyesight. Eyeglasses are recommended
-Subject has Hetrochromia. Right is green and left is brown
-Other personal information are unknown​
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Hiroto Sakemura
Screenshot 2024-09-17 105516.png

Name: Hiroto Sakemura

Age: 19

Race: Human

Apperance: Hiroto has blue hair, light brown eyes and light tan skin. His bangs are separated towards to the left and his hair is starting to grow(he doesn't cut it often) and is growing to his shoulder. In the academy, he wears a dress shirt, a jabot, a cartigan, high heels shoes and glasses.

Height: 170cm

Hiroto is a quiet and skilful boy. Being just enrolled into the academy as a first-year student, he is one of the smartest students in his grade. Although his figure is fragile, he can make out their abilities and a strategy quickly. According to the enrolment book, he is planning to graduate as an exorcist for his village.
As a child, he was always determined to protect his peers and had a strong sense of justice and protection. He had classes with the chief of the village to talk to spirits and martial arts. He had a natural gift of communicating with the spirits but was physically weak. While practicing martial arts, a heavenly being used a water spell nearby, cutting some of the trees. He was amazed at this showcase of magic and decided to learn how to do magic as well. He started reading some books in his parents bookshelf about magic and how to use it and was abundant in wood energy/qi. He’d also learned about a Grand Academy in the center of the island where he could study more about this magic. When he turned 14, he’d gotten an invitation to attend the academy at the age of 15. Bidding sappy farewells and promises to protect the village when he returns, he left to go study at the academy a year later.

Wood energy/qi
-Hiroto was born with one of the five base elements, wood energy/qi. Most of his magic would be wood based.
-When in balance, Hiroto is a kind-hearted soul who excels at creating clear visions, goals and plans, and can pride himself on his decision-making skills. Much like a tree, his tendency is to focus upwards and outwards. He is always striving for growth and expansion, and looking for new challenges to overcome.(Source from Fusion Health | Wood Energy)

Spirit Medium(Learnt)
-Spirit Medium allows him to communicate with spirits. Hiroto was taught Spirit Medium by the Village Chief from a young age.

Martial Arts(Learnt)
-Martial arts was also taught by the Village Chief. He is very skilled and spent most of his childhood practicing.​
Homura Yukimura

Name: Homura "Bryseis" Yukimura
Known Titles: That Merchant, The Poison Tiefling
Gender: Male
Race: Half Elf, Half Tiefling
Height: 179cm

Backstory: In his pervious life, Homura was a sucessful buisnessman but with a weak body. He constantly had to go to hospitals due to constantly getting illnesses before dying because of one when he was 25.

Homura got reincarnated right after his death as the illegitimate son between a lord(who was an Elf) and thier mistress(who was a Tiefling). After Homura was reborn into this world, he was often beaten by his cousin for being born of a Tiefling. The first thing he noticed was that his body wasn't as weak as before. After floating around, avoiding his cousins and hanging out with his mother, he finally got a grasp of the situation he was in. Using his skills as a busnessman in his past life, Homura was able to pursuade his father to let him stay far away from the family under the guise of "business inquiries".

...will be add, dw

Haruhi Yukimura - 18 - Half Elf, Half Tiefling - Sibling, in both current and past life(kinda)
Keith Yukimura - 57 - Elf - Current Father
Heather Yukimura (nee. Ayakawa) - 55 - Tiefling - Current Mother

Poison Crafting - Homura is able to craft various poisons.
Martial Arts - After being reborn from a weak body, Homura uses his body and strength to it's fullest.
Pursuasion - Self explainatory.
Buisness - Homura knows his way around business and how it functions.
Botany - Homura is able to identify different plant species, including poisonous, edible and herbs.

Chill Touch - A spell that makes Homura's hands chilling and grave-like.
Night Vision - Homura can see in the dark.
Dark Fire - Homura is able to generate Dark Fire without an energy source.

Perscription Glasses - Circular framed glasses with gold chains around his neck.
Leather Backpack - A black, leather backpack that Homura stores his necessities.
Handmade Poisons - Poisons made from hand, stored in glass vials labeled with effects and ingredients.
Poisonous plants - Poisonous plants that he keeps in small jars, labeled with their name and effect.
Needles - Mainly used for fencing practices and Homura's last ditch resort. Has a jar of them in his backpack.
Cloak - Often hanging down his neck. Uses them at night to conceal himself.

Singing Voice: Ibara Saegusa
Talking Voice: Ibara Saegusa
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Melian Selene
Melian Selene


Without her mermaid traits, Melian looks very ordinary. Dark, shoulder length hair and matching coloured eyes with a mole just under her right ear. She is of average height.

Age: 25

Race: Selkie

Race/Inherent talents:
Swimming - Regardless of merfolk or human form, Selene
Shapeshifting - from her merfolk and human form(and the other way around)
Cure light wounds

Playing melodies from sea shells
Memorising long texts
Herbal medicine
Predicting weather

Melian puts her duties before anything which can cause her to seem like a workaholic and rather distant.
Though Melian hids her beliefs and practice well, her delication to the moon goddess can be seen as an obsession(or near one).

Holy necklace, light leathered armour, magical staff with a small blade at the end, kitchen knife

Ever since she was a young selkie, Melian was raised in a sancuary who worshipped the moon goddess. She wasn't interested in worshopping a higher diety before a storm washed her waters. Most of sancuary has been destroyed and all of her other merfolk has been relocated elsewhere, leaving her to be the only one to haven't left. Believing that the moon goddess was the one who spared her, Helian placed her belief in the moon goddess and prayed that she would find the rest of her people.
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Helge Solheim
Name: Helge Solheim
Age: 27
Species: Fox-Demihuman
Gender: Male
Romantic Orientation: Biromantic
Clothing: Monochrome dress shirts, jackets and pants. Sometimes odd gold/silver jewelry/trinkets when there's an important event.
Origin: An-Ahruz tribal territory
Occupation: Hunter
Skills: Hunting, Blacksmithing, Catching Butterflies, Hearing
Knowledge: Hunting, Blacksmithing, Playing the Lute
Weapon: Spears
Personality: A pathetic wet cat(or fox). Helge is an extremely happy-go-lucky guy who always loves a good adventure. Described as a menace and a troublemaker when he was young, Helge still maintained an air of childishness and is unusually relaxed. He is the first to get picked for a hunting session due to his sensitive ears. Helge would often act like a child to get what he wants and ain't afraid to use any cheats or tricks he could see.
Background: Helge was desribed as a terror and a very odd child growing up. He was(and still to this day) extremely playful and caused a lot of problems to his peers because of his unconventional ways of playing. He was always an active child and loved chasing after moving objects. He soon became more suited to the hierarchy of his tribe. Although he is still really playful, he tries to act as mature as possible while mantaining an air of friendliness and his usual chill behavior.
Likes: Random Stones, Money, Meat
Dislikes: Spicy foods, loud noises, Peperment oil
Chuizhimei Lei

Name: Mei Niangniang (昧娘娘)
Nickname: Chuizhimei Lei (垂枝梅類)
Gender: Male
Romantic Orientation: Too young to understand the concept. Unlabelled as of now.
Age: 7
Height: 120cm
Ethnicity: Hunanese
Nationality: Chinese, now floating around in the universe so idk
Birthplace: Hengyang County, Henan, China
Role: The Plum Blossom Council of the Middle Universe (PBCMU)

Mei Niangniang was a curious troublemaker ever since he was little. While he didn't directly create any trouble, he would subduedly participate in one or wander out of adults eyesight. This caused him some rather...unconvient consequences, thus he was kicked out of his family. Mei Niangniang did not survive long away from his parents, dying out while he was wandering the forest. He thought he was dead for sure untill he saw something that would change his life forever...

Grabbing the hand reaching out for him, it seemed like the universe had answered Niangniang calls of help and laied mercy upon him. Infusing his soul with their evergrowing Plum Blossom tree of the cosmos, his soul became stuck as the PBCMU surronding him with ignored kindness and gifts that would make a child smile. He was infused into the tree for a few light years untill his soul was finally reconnected with his original world, becoming a physical entity of space and a new member of PBCMU.​
Lorelei Galanodel
Name: Lorelei Galanodel
Age: 22
Species: Elf
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Asexual
Romantic Orientation: Omniromantic - too absorbed in his schemes to care about romance

Lorelei has a tall and lanky figure with long, white hair that reaches his back. His bangs part in the middle of his forehead and his side fringes matches the length of his hair. Though he may look normal, he is underweight.Height: 185cmWeight: 65kgNotable Features: Unatural green eyes, light grey skinBody Modifications: A tattoo on his right shoulder

Likes: Books, sneaking out past curfew, food, being a nuisance to teachers, coffee, dark and enclosed places, death
Dislikes: Mornings, food, open places, himself, mazes, death
Hobbies: Reading, working out, fieldwork
Fears: Getting Lost, things suddenly dissappearing without notice
Perferred Magic: Energy Absorbment, Enchantment
Weapons(if any): Greatsword

Parents - Aaron and Diana Galanodel
Siblings - Loreine and Loren Galanodel
Love Interests - closed
Best Friends - open
Friends - open
Rivals - open
Enimies - open

-Coffee is Lorelei's driving force
-Lorelei has an eating disorder, bulimia

Lorelei is often described as a snake or a parasite. Cunning, sly, calculating and all the things in between, Lorelei often thinks and plans ahead of time along with backup. He is incredibly crafty and cunning person who is willing to leach off of other people's fame and hard work for his own goals and pursuits.

A child of the high elves and born under the white moon, Lorelei was an oddity amongst his elf tribe. His apperance was just a small sliver of that. Grey, almost silver in the moonlight and unusual green eyes overshadow the great danger lurking within him. Lorelei grew up to be a jealous child. Jealous of his family, friends and even outsiders who would enter their sacred grounds, this darkness was implanted into his body since birth and has outcasted him since the start.

After nine years since Lorelei's birth, his first act as a parasite began when he through his fellow elven children under the bus after their Holy Ceremony. Nobody knew other than his fellow children who complained to the elders but with no evidence.

Thus, his parasitic tendancies(and later, snake) grew and grew until no one in the tribe could ignore it. Lorelei was soon banished to go to a magical institude, far away from his elven people as a punishment and lesson from them.
Altas Nesos
Name: Atlas Nesos
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Birthday: March 12th
Sexual Orientation: Omnisexual
Pronouns: Atlas introduces himself in third person. He doesn’t really care much about pronouns so most can call him anything they want but sometimes refers to himself with he/him.
Occupation: UA Student
Height: 165cm (5'5 inches)
Weight: 125lbs
Hair Color: Dark Blue to Teal Gradient. It’s almost surreal to look at, like you’re looking at a part of space itself.
Hair Type: Short and wavy
Eye Color: An extremely faint greenish gray.
Skin Color: Unusually pale, maybe even white if you look closely.
Disabilties: Nearsightedness
Nationality: Japanese
Ethnicity: Greek
Distinguishing Features: Space-like features

Status: Hero Student
Vigilante Name: Destined - The Space Hero
Costume: A Chiton, a white and black Ancient Greek robe with a space-like undercloth
Quirk: Astral Projection
Weapons: Metal Pipe
Gadgets/Tech: Convave lens to enlargen his projections

Physical Weaknesses:
-Physically weak. Can't punch a hit to save his life.
-Flimsy and can easily be aerodynamic.

Mental/Emotional Weaknesses:
-Will not engage in activities if it does not interest him.
-Agressive defendor of his family. Can't bear if someone insults his mother, his father less so as he left Atlas.
-Distances himself from others, intentionally or not.

Quirk Name: Astral Projections
Description: Atlas is able to project illusions of the known space entities into air. They are shown like holograms, their colours swirling around, making a mirage
-His projections are a great distraction when in battle and makes a good calming enviroment.
-The celestial bodies can change angles and speed if desired.
-The projections has a high advantage in night time or dark areas but it can get slightly confusing if the actual astral bodies are visable in the sky.
-His visual projections heavily relies on his knowledge of celestial bodies. Some space bodies and projections may come off as inacurate if some knowledge slips out of his mind.
-The projections has limits and is hard to control. Atlas never thought much into it as the projections shape themselves but is training to control them in UA.
-The projections are light rays and can be blinding.
-Despite to contrary beliefs, his projections are more of illusions. So if he projects a black hole, it will not affect his eviroment.
-He cannot project the accurate size of the space entities and sometimes morphs into.

Quirk’s First Instance: 4 years old - Atlas though he had developed his quirk as soon as he came into the world but in reality, his Astral Projections first instance was when he was showing Jupiter to his mom only for the enviroment around Jupiter be shown inaccurate. He had sworn to learn more about Astral bodies to develop his quirk more.

Background: Atlas was a spacey and nonchalant child from the moment he was born. He was born in London with his two parents. His mother was able to change parts of her body into an astral-like apperance and his father was able to project thoughts from his mind. They divorces when Atlas was five and he often had to swap houses every year. Eventually, both his parents cut all communications from each other and his mom flew him all the way to Japan and enrolled him in UA.

Personality: Of a quiet nature, Atlas doesn’t seek anything other than entertainment. He often has a thick novel in hand and resting his head on a nearby surface to read. If he doesn't have a novel, he spaces out to peoplewatch or plays tv. He becomes extremely dull, distant and sometimes even asocial when a subject doesn't interest him. Spacing out in the middle of a conversation is common with Atlas and can is often interputed as rude and arrogant.

Likes: Entertainment, books, space, math, calmness
Dislikes: Noisy people(cough cough Bakugo cough cough), too much sun, entertainment taken from him
Habits: Whistling when bored, drawing in his notebook, dazing off
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Yuanfen Meraki
Name: Yuanfen Meraki
Gender: Demiboy
Age: 22
Birthday: June 1st
Sexual Orientation: Gay, was never in the closet
Occupation: Computer Engineer
Height: 176cm
Weight: 60kg
Hair Color: Grey-Blue
Hair Type: Shoulder-length, long bangs
Eye Color: Dark Teal
Skin Color: Tan
Disabilties: Lactose Intolerance
Nationality: Japanese
Ethnicity: Half Greek, Quarter Chinese, Quarter Japanese
Distinguishing Features: Panda buns that he never takes off, dumb ass, airheaded expression

Status: Vigilante
Vigilante Name: Code Strings
Costume: Basically a panda costume
Quirk: Shinigami
Weapons: His teeth(/hj), computer viruses/code
Gadgets/Tech: Anything that he can code/operate

Physical Weaknesses:
-When you hit him real hard on his head, he will faint.
-EXTREMELY Touch Sensitive
-Lactose Intolerant

Mental/Emotional Weaknesses:
-Automatonophobia: Fear of human-like figures(Think Mannequins)
-Can’t live without his mental support food.
-Low Self-Esteem through hidden under his cheery personality

Quirk Name: Shinigami
Description: Yuanfen can transfer his conscious+body into a digital device and turn into strings of code by touching the screen. To be able to transfer his conscious+body into the device, Yuanfen needs to learn how the hardware and software of the device as well as the coding(or program, idk how computers work). Yuanfen transforms into a shinigami-like thing and can access files and apps by hopping around the screen. He can still access the computer when it's shut down. Yuanfen gets out by changing the code and leaping out of the computer, causing the screen to scatter.
-Yuanfen can navigate the entire digital device and available internet, allowing him to access files, apps, and manipulate data at will.
-Yuanfen is nearly undetectable in digital spaces, enabling him to perform covert operations without being physically present. He can essentially “hide” within devices, making him hard to track.
-When he is a Shinigami, Yuanfen has physical properties within the device, allowing him to “hop” across files and applications. This makes it easier for him to navigate the interface.
-Yuanfen can still operate inside the device even when it’s shut down, allowing him to monitor or manipulate systems while they’re dormant.
-Yuanfen must have an in-depth understanding of the device’s hardware, software, and code to enter it. If he's unfamiliar with a particular system or its coding language, he might accidentally kill himself.
-Anti-Virus software, firewalls and other digital defenses that Yuanfen can’t code/dodge can be extremely deadly when he’s inside a computer and will get killed if he gets caught.
-His internal organs will get damaged if he doesn’t transfer correctly and/or someone corrupted the computer’s code/hardware/software.
-Some parts of him will be stuck in the device if he doesn’t transfer completely(have not gotten that far yet).
-Yuanfen has no control over what people do with the device he is in unless he communicates with him. Otherwise, he’s dead meat to what people do to it.
What happens when you overuse it?: Dizziness, Nonsensical blabbing, Fainting
Quirk’s First Instance: 14 years old - After tinkering with a computer at a part-time job, Yuanfen suddenly found himself getting transferred into the computer. He was only able to escape when his supervisor found the computer and barely managed to drag him out.

Background: Yuanfen is Atlas' older half-brother that he doesn't know about. Before his father married Atlas' mother, Yuanfen and his parents lived a peaceful life in Northern China. However, his mother died when he was eight and was forced to move to America while his father moved to London to marry Atlas' mother. Yuanfen grew up in Seattle thinking that his father betrayed him. He thought that being a hero would eventually bring them together and eventually went around the globe as a vigilante thinking that it's what heroes do.

Personality: Yuanfen is a bright and chipper fella. He'll bring you food as a sign of affection and is always happy when he's with people. Yuanfen is the direct opposite of Atlas where he is always attentive to small details and is very polite. He also knows a lot about technology and just wants a good time. His personality doesn't exactly change when he's out on a mission. Yuanfen becomes more snappy and irritated.

Likes: FOOD, coding, technology, insects, the internet, slacking off, games
Dislikes: Baths, light mode, making decisions, being stuck, hot weather, coffee
Habits: Sitting upside-down, constantly biting stuff
Charlot Lovelock

Royal Pink

the brightest.


charlot lovelock

n. names.



male he/him




crown prince

Loving you's just getting harder and harder to do. Cause my head says no but my phone keeps calling you. And you never pick up unless you’ve got nothing to do. But you say that you want me much as I want you. Over and over like it's Red rover.

gentle smile

Born the first born son of the Lovelock rulers, there has never been a day since Charlot had left the castle walls. His parents is extremely overprotective of Chartot, the future ruler of the Lovelock Kingdom must be held in the upmost standard and protection. Expected to lead the Lovelock Kingdom when his father steps down, every lesson he took was done with persise puntuation. Swordsmenship, Calligraphy, Language, everything was shoved into the crown princes' head. Chartot was naive and skittish child, the tales told by his parents scared of the history of his Lovelock ansestors. They all seemed like regal warriors who could strike him down if he did any wrongdoing. So, he followed every instruction gave to him by his parents and palace staff to avoid the doom.

A notable good boy in the castle, Charlot kept up with his parent's expectations for twenty-three years. His status as a crown prince wasn't announced until five years after his eighteenth birthday. Not because there was an accident, but his parents thrived to which they thought best that Charlot's identity was kept under cover. However, as much as he wanted to stay in the Lovelock castle, a hero's life was calling to him.

unknown flower

Try to smile once a day to chase them away

♡coded by uxie♡

General Stats:

Strength: D - 5/10

Dexterity: C - 6/10

Constitution: A - 9/10

Intelligence: A - 9/10

Wisdom: C - 6/10

Charisma: B - 8/10

Magic Stats:

Fire Magic: D - 6/10

Water Magic: C - 6.5/10

Earth Magic B - 7/10

Wood Magic: D 5/10

Air Magic: B - 7/10

Snow Magic: F - 2/10

Healing Magic: S+ - 10/10

Alchemy: C - 7/10

Enchantment: A - 9/10

Reincarnation: F - 0/10

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