The Holy, The Unholy & The Damned (OOC & Character Signups)


The Alpha and The Omega
In the 13th century, women accused of witchcraft are hung and drowned before a ritual is performed on the body to insure that it does not come back to life by a priest. But a plague has started amongst the chaos of the kingdom and towns. This is no witchcraft. It seems the work of a demon.


In the 14th century, Teutonic Knights are engaged in a crusade, taking part in several different battles throughout the 1330s and eventually taking part in the Smyrniote crusade. After witnessing the massacre of civilians during the 1344 capture of Smyrna, knights choose to desert the Order and the crusade and return to Austria. The whole battles are men in the name of god who also kill and so called "sinners", who don't.


Many stay. Many leave. Many join. Many die.


1. Knight - You may made a crusade. This crusade may have left the order or stayed. If your character stays, there will be battles to come.

2. Civilian - You can choose if you want to have just a normal character. A shop owner, a farmer, a wife, a widow. A blacksmith. (We need to make a town, so I encourage you to have atleast one type of civilian.)

3. The Empire - I will only accept a few people. I need a lord for each piece of land and kingdom. I will need at least two priests for each place.

4. Priest and Priestess - You may have a priest or priestess. This is not limited. Make as many as you want. There will be a very strong need for them.

5. VERY RARE - demons. I won't be picking a lot. You can put up a claim for one but I will read through the signup very carefully and see if the character is worthy.

6. Witches and Warlocks - These are sinners, hated by all. They keep in secret who they are but sometimes it slips out. They are killed daily along with many people who are innocent.

7. Monks - People of peace. They are currently coping the only three copies of The Key of Solomon in the world.

This thread is going to be one of traffic if many people join. Everyone is split up into kingdoms. Some are fighting battles. Some are searching for monks to get the Key of Solomon. I will know tell you that you can have as many characters as you wish. I encourage you to make three at least, from each catagory. This will make things for eventful. When I feel the rp growing boring and tedious for people, I will add some drama or a large situation that will stir things up. If you have any ideas or plots or even something to add onto this thread, message me and don't me scared.


Symrna: an ancient city located at a central and strategic point on the Aegean coast of Anatolia. Due to its advantageous port conditions, its ease of defence and its good inland connections, Smyrna rose to prominence. The ancient city is located at two sites within modern ?zmir, Turkey. Here is where the battle took place where many civilians where slaughtered by the crusades.

Austria: The Holy Roman Empire with varying complexity of lands.

1. Kingdom of Bohemia - effectively the centre of The Holy Roman Empire.

Lord: N/A

2. Kingdom of Italy - political entity

Lord: N/A

3. Kingdom of Arles - Independent and enclosed.

Lord: Behmen von Bleibruck

4. Kingdom of Germany - conglomerate, an assemblage of a number of once separate and independent people.

Lord: N/A

Monastry: A community of monks living under religious views. Currently they are making copies of the Key of Solomon.



Character Skeleton:

Name: (First and last. If you need help, google some demons and canon them. Also, google some 14th century names.)

Title: (Like Lady Honeytongue. Just something catchy and cool to title your character. Another example - Isabel; Lady Dragonite.)



Kin: (Family)

Occupation: (State what rank and choice you picked for your character. Make sure that if you are a store owner, add a name of your shop and a small description of it.)

Residential Occupation: (State where your character lives.)


Appearance: (I want actual pictures or highly animated. No anime or cartoon-type.)



1. Site rules come into play.

2. Don't kill off someone's character without consent.

3. If your character dies, make more. The more, the better.

4. No OP (over powered) characters. There is already one secret one but it is part of the plot.

5. If you want your character to have a certain power, message me.

6. No god modding, please.

7. You may swear, but not like a sailor.

8. Have fun.

If you have read the rules, post "Nunquam desinam pugnare" at the bottom of your claim. If you do not, I will not accept you until I see it at the bottom of your claim. This saying is Latin for "I will never stop fighting".

I have chores to do but ill be signing up when i come back as a knight, civilan, pirestess and a witch
Name: Behmen von Bleibruck

Title: Son of The Holy

Age: 34

Gender: Male

Kin: Grahm von Bleibruck (brother; deceased) & Isabel von Bleikbruck (adopted daughter)

Occupation: Former Knight and Lord of the Kingdom of Arles.

Residential Occupation: Austria, Kingdom of Arles.

Personality: He is blunt and can be rude but also a wonderful man with charming manners.



Other: Behmen has adopted many scars of the years and dislikes when people stare at them.


Name: Isabel von Bleibruck

Title: Lady Dragonite

Age: Seventeen

Gender: Female

Kin: Behmen von Bleilbruck (adopted father)

Occupation: Princess and female crusader since the age of fourteen.

Residential Occupation: She was found in the woods with nothing but a small dagger at the age of three, crying. It is unknown where she was born. She lives in the Kingdom of Arles but travels with the knights.

Personality: Independent and loyal. She can be dark and has mood swings often. She is very wise.

Appearance: She appears to be part elf. She has brown hair and liquid silver eyes. She is sometimes seen decorated in gems and paint.



Other: Isabel has been suffering from terrible night terrors every single night.


Name: Zadok

Title: The Priest of Goodwill

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Kin: None.

Occupation: Priest of the Kingdom of Italy.

Residential Occupation: Kingdom of Italy but travels.

Personality: Meek and smart.



Other: He has scars on the palms of his hands and on his back.


Name: Felson Pozzuoli

Title: The Black Knight

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Kin: Unknown

Occupation: Crusader

Residential Occupation:

Personality: Ruthless in battle and protective.



Other: He is a mute and is very loyal to Lady Dragonite.

Name: Robert Lancer

Title: The Raven

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Kin: Beth (mother) Ron (little brother)

Occupation: Knight

Residential Occupation: Symrna

Personality: Strong and silent. He only speaks when spoken to and tends to rather be alone then with company




Name: Tempest Saviary

Title: Goddess of Wind

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Kin: None

Occupation: Witch

Residential Occupation: Kingdom of Arles

Personality: She is easily sought to be kind and nice but instead she is mean and tends to find things to be games. She can be nice when not rubbed the wrong way but she is above all the meanest. She doesn't trust people and tends to keep to herself



Name: Night Holloway

Title: Priest of Light

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Kin: None

Occupation: Priestess

Residential Occupation: Symrna:

Personality: She can be both gentle and king but also ruthless and rude



Name: Crow Signi

Title: The blacksmith

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Kin: Clare (mother) Steven (brother) Hamin (father)

Occupation: Blacksmith owns a shop called Metal to the Core

Residential Occupation: Kingdom of Arles

Personality: Protective and caring



Name: Alicia Quenilda

Title: Lady Guerriero

Age: Seventeen

Gender: Female

Kin: Victoria Quenilda

Occupation: Been a female crusade since she was the age of fifteen

Residential Occupation: She was the daughter of a supposed witch, After being born she was placed in the care of her older sister, Victoria, right before their mother was burned in the typical way. She lives in the Kingdom of Arles.

Personality: She is sweet and pleasant, but she has some of her mothers characteristics like her soft violet eyes, it often gives her second glances. She can be rude and hateful if not treated kindly, But is mostly kind hearted and loving.




Name: Victoria Quenilda

Title: Angel Hands

Age: Twenty Two

Gender: Female

Kin: Alicia Quenilda

Occupation: Civilian, Shop Owner, Likes to think of herself as a healer (Hope thats alright)

Residential Occupation: After she took in her younger sister Alicia, She has lived in the Kingdom of Arles.

Personality: She is stern on Alicia, Just like an actual mother, she fears Alicia will be slaughtered in battle, or taking captive. She is loving and polite, She respects the authorities above her, and under her the same.




Name: Julianna Meriilda

Title: Sunlight Tamess.

Age: Eighteen

Gender: Female

Kin: Unknown

Occupation: Priestess

Residential Occupation: She never knew who her mother was, she was left at the churchin the Kingdom of Arles. of at a young age, She grew up living with in the homes Priests and Priestess's.

Personality: She is loving and stubborn, Its hard to daunt her, She never taking anything people say sternly to seriously, She is just kind and fun.


Damn wings >.>


Nunquam desinam pugnare
Accepted, Demonic911 Wonderful characters.

Accepted, GoddessOfGod Keep in mind that your witch is supposed to stay quiet and ruin the world. If she is found, she will be killed. But I love your characters. I'm kind of jealous of your priestess. XDDD
Name: Amelia Knight

Title: Queen of the Righteous

Age: 30

Gender: Female

Kin: Felicia Knight ((Sister))

Occupation: Former Priest andQueen of the Kingdom of Italy

Residential Occupation: Austria, Kingdom of Italy

Personality: Amelia is very witty, smart, patient and calm but she can be ruthlessly cruel and far beyond rude if you dare to anger her.



Other: Note that she was married to a Knight, happily working as a priest till he was slaughtered before she took the title of Queen.


Name: Felicia Knight

Title: Dragon Mother

Age: 28

Gender: Female

Kin: Amelia Knight ((Sister))

Occupation: Additionally to her title as a Princess, Felicia is also a Priestess.

Residential Occupation: Austria, Kingdom of Italy

Personality: Kind, fierce, patient and unbelievable calm, she is known for her bluntness and straightforward personality.


Other; Felicia is very close to nature and it´s beauty as she loves animals as if they were her children, thus her title.


Name: Serenity Mirtha

Title: Lady of the Moon

Age: 26

Gender: female

Kin: Joshua Adams (Father)

Occupation: Priestess

Residential Occupation: Austria, Kingdom of Italy

Personality: Patient, kind and with a golden-heart, Serenity strives for nothing else but peace.

Appearance: With fair white-blue hair and deep, green eyes Serenity was titled after her fair beauty.


Other: She works right beneath Amelia and deems her a good friend.


Name: Joshua Adams

Title: Lord of the Sword

Age: 46

Gender: Male

Kin: Serenity Mirtha (Daughter), He is widowed.

Occupation: Former Crusader and is now a Blacksmith, Owner of the shop; Iron Heart

Residential Occupation: Austria, Kingdom of Italy

Personality: Quiet, straightforward and protective of his only daughter; Joshua is a man not to mess with unless you wish for death.


Other: He is known for his days as a Knight rather then the Blacksmith next door.

Nunquam desinam pugnare
Blarghhhh this sounds so cool but I have no clue what to make T.T 

(A demoness! If you are ok with it. I can add a whole backstory if you wish :3)

Name: Lilith

Title: Miss Dess (This is a hint at what she is. She got bored, and decided that secretly teasing the humans would be a fun thing to do.)

Age: Unknown, but she is much older than she appears.

Gender: Female

Kin: None, mother and father dead.

Occupation: Demon

Residential Occupation: Kingdom of Arles

Personality: Mischievous and uncaring, but easily amused at the same time. She doesn't care much what happens to people, but will tag along to amuse herself or to cause trouble.


Real Appearance:


Appearance with Glamour:


Other: Has glamour she uses to hide her appearance from most commoners. Priests or Priestesses can usually see through it though. Cannot enter a church or sacred ground in general without becoming powerless for the time spent in that area. Has other minor demonic abilities, but in general doesn't care to use them unless pressed to.

Name: Helewise Estmont

Title: Lady

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Kin: Her parents are Sir Richard Estmont and Lady Elizabeth Estmont. Sir Estmont is a lord, and saw great potential in Helewise who was fiery and blunt as a child, and also had a sense of reckless adventure at heart. She was and has remained the strongest of her three older sisters, Katherine, Magdalene, and Agnus. Katherine, the oldest, and Agnus who is the second oldest, have been dutifully married off. Magdalene still resides with her parents and waits to be properly asked by a man for her hand in marriage.

Occupation: Helewise was assigned to be a knight by her own father. He sent her off to fight in a crusade, but she quickly learned that it was not where she belonged and left for home as soon as the opportunity arose. Now she goes on personal quests or does favors for people when they ask for her help.

Residential Occupation: Kingdom of Bohemia.

Personality: Very straightforward, dignified, and sometimes very aggressive. She could not maintain the role of a knight by being kindhearted and soft. Knighthood has hardened her, and she is immensely strong willed.



Other: Helewise has a trusty Courser horse named Elinor that her father gave to her upon becoming a knight. She has been with her faithful horse ever sense, and they've seen rough times together. They have a special bond and she wouldn't trade away Elinor for anything


(This is Elinor's coloration).

(That is my first one so far, I'll add a couple more later)

Accepted, ivysaur Beautiful character.

Accepted, kinadra But please make sure your character is purely evil. Hates humans. Hates everyone and anything. Kills constantly.
Name: Nimueh Belltrace

Title: Lady of the Black Garden

Age: 27

Gender: Female

Kin: Arik Belltrace (Brother) Melanos Belltrace (Mother)

Occupation: Witch

Residential Occupation: Kingdom of Arles

Personality: Cold, graceful, and dignified, Nix displays arrogance and vanity along with being cold and stand-offish, often distance herself from anyone whenever possible. She takes great pride in her appearance, as even if someone were to even so much as cut her hair, she would be really annoyed.



(If I may, I wish to take a spot for a demon. Oh and if something is wrong, let me know.)

Name: Bismarcel Lastus

Title: Demon of the Black Forest

Age: 200 (He appears to be 25 years old.)

Gender: Male

Kin: N/A

Occupation: Demon

Residential Occupation: Kingdom of Arles

Personality: Bismarcel is whimsical and rather optimistic. He rarely loses his temper, even should he be found by a priest, and if he is seen, he is always smiling. He often acts like pleasant and welcoming, whether he is in a fight or in a casual meeting.


Other: The picture above is his human form. Bismarcel can assume a form resembling a medium-sized dragon with black skin with a second mouth on its stomach. He has rose petals going from the back of his neck and stop at his tail. On the tip of his tail is a bunch of thorns.
Name: Magnus Von Eurlic

Title: Black Lion



Kin: Ramiel-Father(Deceased) Mother-Unknown.

Occupation: Knight

Residential Occupation: Kingdom of Germany

Personality:Magnus is very straight forwarded and Battle thirsty. He protects the Kingdom of Germany and doesn't hesitate to strike threats down. He is ruthless, but has a kind side.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/Wallpaper__Black_Lion_by_Wen_M.jpg.e2622de5f6a46835b4a1e9337acf82ee.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="819" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/Wallpaper__Black_Lion_by_Wen_M.jpg.e2622de5f6a46835b4a1e9337acf82ee.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Other: Stray clear of the Black Lion's Rage for battle.



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