The Holy, The Unholy & The Damned; An Age of The Plague


The Alpha and The Omega
I would like to make a roleplay like the movie Season of The Witch. However, I would like it placed differently with only few witches and rarely a demon. I want people to mostly role play crusades (holy knights) and priests/priestesses and even some beggars, store owners and farmers. The knights and priests are there to rid the world of all evil. I would also like a plague to take place.

So this roleplay is basically going to be a few towns and castles with lords and ladies, beggars and farmers, swindlers and priests. Knights and assassins. Witches and demons. Warlocks of the ancient. Plagues. Deaths everywhere.

I will allow you to have as many characters as you wish.

Any more amazing ideas to add? Post them.

Interested? Say that you are. I will not make up a rp that people won't even glance at.
Loved the movie, so I may just love this. I'd do this, and I'm putting that last sentence into my book.
If I can at least get two or three more people who are interested, I will start the thread.
This may be a silly question, but are the knights allowed to have any kinds of holy powers or holy weapons?
I do have a question I would like to ask concerning Witches and Warlocks. Were they using magic like elemental magic to cause mischief, or was it something else?
Killing people with certain sickness and I guess elemental magic. They are evil so think evil.
Just checking because I was thinking about making a witch who uses elemental magic. Or perhaps just get a little creative with her magic.

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