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Fantasy The Hollow Character Sheets


Stressed Bisexual
Clean skeleton:


Name: (First and last, middle and nicknames optional.)
Age: (They're in college)
Appearance: (Images are fine, but I gotta say I'm in a period where I prefer realistic. Also, descriptions work. Just include all the good stuff.)
Personality: (Everything that their friends should know about their personality. Don't be vague, basically.)
Likes: (3-5+)
Dislikes: (3-5+)
Skills: (Because, hey, some of them might learn to use magic, so if they're super good at learning stuff quickly that's a thing. Also, if they play football or are good at chess... Basically things that could come in handy.)
Family: (Again, they've been friends for a few years. Just general stuff, really.)
History: (See above!)
Other: (Anything you think I missed/feel like including. Also, majors and life plans could go here, that's cool.)

Post in this thread for permission to join before making a character, and to review the plot.

My characters will be posted shortly.
Name: Ian Ryan Fraser
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual, but he just has this attitude of ‘who literally cares about dating, I just want my degree’

Personality: Ian would like to claim that he isn’t the mother of the group, but everyone who sees him around his friends knows the truth. He’s cautious and analytical, always planning things out to the T. If anything at all goes wrong and one of his friends gets hurt, Ian always has a plan. He comes off as slightly snobby because of how careful he is, often loosing himself in thought and not hearing people talk to him. This has gotten him into some trouble in the past with bigger kids at school, but he’s also good at wiggling his way out of bad situations. He’s just hard not to like once you get past the whole mother-complex thing.
Likes: Collecting bugs. Reading. Conducting scientific and social experiments. Photography.
Dislikes: Swimming, he’s hydrophobic. Small and dark spaces, noises that hurt his ears. (Screaming, bombs, ect. He doesn’t like concerts or school dances, for example.)
Skills: Tactical and strategic planning, learned archery at summer camp during his middle school career, as well as basic and intermediate first aid. (He can stitch someone up, but anything more complex than that and he can’t help.) Because he’s a planner, he doesn’t think on his feet and therefor won’t be much use in actual combat. Also, that archery? Yeah, middle school was, like, fifty billion years ago. Good luck making use of that.
Family: His father is currently off investigating a story in Germany, but he and his mother have never moved around with him. His father is an author who often travels to get firsthand experience with what he’s writing about. Because of this, Ian isn’t overly sentimental about his father. His mother works long hours but they have a friendship-like relationship that they’ve had ever since Ian was in middle school.
History: Despite not following his Father all over the world, Ian has moved around a bit during his childhood, especially when he was younger. Although his mother is doing well now, when he was a young lad, they struggled a lot and leap-frogged back and forth to his different aunts and uncles, sometimes sleeping in shady little hotels. Ian grew up pretty quickly but he doesn’t have a lost childhood complex from it, he just thinks it’s a fact of his life that he’s had to deal with. And hey, things are pretty good now, anyways. He can afford to go to college, which is pretty amazing.
Other: He had a job at the town library, and used to run track but messed his leg up pretty badly on a jump.

Name: Avalon Kourt
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight (But, she flirts with everyone)

Personality: Avalon is very, very artsy. She always sees the brighter, poetic side of things and is hardly ever in a bad mood. It’s not that she’s giggly and bubbly, but just that she fails to be negative about anything. It’s hard not to get along with her, because she’s very perceptive and often adjusts her behaviors to make people like her. Like a chameleon. It can be said that she’s manipulative, which is certainly true- She tends to be able to get people to do what she wants, like it’s their own idea. (Within reason, of course.) Avalon is known for having her head in the clouds most of the time, and tends to fail to pay attention to her surroundings sometimes, unless engaged in a conversation with someone.
Likes: Painting, music. Photography. Flowers, nature in general. ANIMALS.
Dislikes: Blood. Situations where she can’t put a positive spin on them. STORMS.
Skills: Avalon is a very good negotiator because of her ability to convince people without making them feel like she’s taking advantage of them, even when she is. However, she’s not that great under pressure and can’t handle blood. At all. She will actually pass out, that’s not even an exaggeration.
Family: Avalon has the standard American family. Her father has an office job, her mother works at a day care. She has an older brother who is graduated from the college she’s currently attending, and a younger sister in high school. Since she’s moved out, she’s more or less lost touch with her family, but she does still love them.
Other: Since she’s very dramatic, she’s been recruited into numerous plays, and often makes costumes for them. Oh, and she is a horrible flirt. Like, not bad at it… She just does it too much. She also calls all her friends by their last names for no apparent reason.
Name: Scipios Uranos
Age: 86

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Male

Personality: Scipios Uranos Was appointed Chief Guardian of the Hollow Portal Guards following long years of serving the royality of the country, as such discipline and coldness has been engrained in to his brain. He is very fond of beings that respect the law. Not to mention His career is built apon maintaining the law between the Human world and the Hollow world. He has also mastered the art of manipulating.

Likes: Bearucracy, Scotch, Sea food, Hiking, Fine-crafted armour

Dislikes: Money, Swimming, SLACKERS

Skills: Manipulating, He has been known to write very moving poems and he prefers to wright only in poem form in his letters, The aristocrasy finds this mildy amusing.

Family: Most of scipios'es family has passed long ago, the only relative that he knows of is a granddaughter that lives near the palace

History: During his early life scipios dreamed of being a merchant that sailed the seas and plundered riches from all around, and thats exactly what he did after he lost his father. Unfortuanetly his trading career ended rather fast when he, at the age of 23, got stuck under a pile of gold inside of a sinking ship, where he almost did not survive. He was promptly held responsible for the money he made the govermant lose. And got sentenced to 20 years in prison. During the first 3 years of his stay he spent most of his time reading books, one of wich was a magic book that just happened to be at the prison library, in a short 6 months he was capable of breaking out of the prison, wich was not built for magical inmates, wich he did.

When he undoubtedly got re-cought, rather than returning to prison the radical king at the time pardoned him due to his rather fine magical skills, Beyond that point Scipios worked as a high ranking guard, during wich time he got obsessed with transportation-based magic. Long story short, after getting some favors with the royalty, and his mastery of transportation knowladge that he culmilated over the years he was appointed Chief guardian of the Hollow portal Guards at age 62, ever since than he remained in this duty.

Other: Despite technically not being a part of the palace anymore, scipios still keeps close ties with the royalty, some rumor these ties to be of suspicious nature.

Name: Vasilka Hilda Lincoln
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Demisexual
Personality: Vasilka is that one girl who never really got over her emo phase. She's quiet and timid, but not at all sad. In fact, she's really quite happy with her life. She may seem like a loner with no people skills, but the truth is that she just prefers to sit back and watch as things play out. The only people who have ever really seen her break out of her shell are her close friends. For some odd reason, she just feels comfortable enough to let loose around them. Everyone else kind of thinks she's a freak, but she doesn't really mind.
Likes: Knitting, Classical Music, Jewelry, & Shakespeare
Dislikes: Clowns, Chocolate, & Jazz Music
Skills: She took a martial arts class in like, fifth grade..? Okay, so the martial arts thing might not help out. However, she did lifeguard all throughout high school and is therefore a very good swimmer - who knows CPR and first aid. She also tend to go unnoticed, so maybe stealth..? But she has a hard time talking to people who aren't her friends and will probably say the wrong thing and screw everything up.
Family: Vasilka is an only child whose father disappeared from her life when she was just a little thing. She's friendly with her mother, but not necessarily close. Her mother was always very 'bright colors and backyard cookouts!' Yeah, not Vasilka's thing.
History: Vasilka had a pretty decent childhood, though her mother very well may have been on the verge of a mental breakdown during most of it. Even though her father left, her mother had a good job and lots of very helpful family members.
Other: Vasilka is majoring in journalism and is still waiting for that one special story to give her her big break.
Name: Leo Cooper
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Homosexual
Appearance: Leo is tall and lean, with vampire pale skin. His eyes are sea green, and his hair is light brown and reaches the bottom of his shoulder blades.
Personality: Leo is very introverted and reserved, and has few friends outside of the group. He comes off as kind of a jerk and can be prickly towards anyone who isn't a friend and in general, but puts his guard down and can even become the life of the party when he feels comfortable.
Likes: Night time, programming, milkshakes
Dislikes: The great outdoors, physical contact, bugs
Skills: Leo is incredibly book-smart in several topics, and will probably pick up magic super quickly. He's also observant and a quick thinker, allowing him to improvise and make plans on the fly.
Family: Leo has four younger siblings, and he only went on the trip because his parents would want him to babysit them so they could go on their own trip.
History: Mostly just avoiding his family at all costs.
Other: For that thing I asked about where the warlocks were different fantasy races

Name: Noah Abraham Sullivan

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: Noah, for the most part, projects an unwavering air of easygoing calm. He's an optimist of the highest caliber, usually smiling or at the very least content. He's rather chipper, quick to laugh and joke with others in relaxed situations. Often, he gets easily persuaded into things as long as he's convinced that things will end well. Though while he has gullible tendencies, he's not a complete idiot. He's got an insatiable curiosity, and he's a quick thinker, though it does mean he can jump to conclusions.

- Fantasy/Sci-fi novels
- History
- Rainy days
- Heavy metal
- Cooking

- Lettuce
- Being alone
- Astrology
- Mornings
- Small spaces

- Can play the cello
- Learned basic first aid
- Rudimentary knowledge of medieval warfare
- Can replicate bird noises with varying degrees of accuracy
- Quick thinker

- Nadine Sullivan || Fraternal twin sister || 21
- Frederick Sullivan || Father || 50
- Josephine Sullivan (née Schubert) || Mother || 48

History: Noah was raised a fairly typical middle-class family, born shortly after his twin sister Nadine. His early years were reasonably average; he split his free time between books and playing with friends, running around and roughhousing with kids his age. Between school, books, and his friends, he was content with his life. The only thing that seemed lacking was his sense of self, Noah found as he grew older. He did find a great deal of satisfaction in both his studies, and the pursuit of adventure. Some years later, when Noah was 21, living modestly as a college student, he grew restless and so decided to take a short vacation with his friends and his sister.

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