The Hidden Leaf Village

:: Toshiru was staring at Kaito with a bored look on his face. He decided to ignore everything Kaito said before introducing himself. ::

"So, Kaito was it? - what brings you to, Konoha? Do Konoha ninja taste better than your own village's ninja? Or other ninja, for that matter? Do they cook easier? What is it that draws you toward us Konoha people? The Will of Fire has a special taste to it, doesn't it?"

:: Toshiru was trying hard not to smile, but he was highly amused. He knew he was killing the poor guy by making him out to be some cannibalistic ninja. He tried giving Kaito a hard and serious look, trying to come off as intimidating. ::

Perhaps I can have some fun with Genjutsu? Heheheh...
:: Wait? What? He was completely misunderstanding him. How did they come to this conclusion. Then his stomach rumbled again, and very loudly. He tried to control it but nothing would. He was so confused and was utterly sad. ::

Kaito: "Oh man. I don't eat ninja. This is so far gone. Seriously? Common, you look like a knowledgeable umh... young man. Do you honestly think I'm a cannibal. I'm just kind of at a loss of words past what I've said."

:: He was still laying on the ground. This was honestly all his fault. That law said they weren't suppose to leave their home country. He even had to sneak out of Kumo to get to Konoha. This was not turning out good. He sighed and had one last request. ::

Kaito: "At least don't execute me. I have people who rely on my income as a ninja. Couldn't we work out a deal? Hard labor, missions for another country? There must be something."

Oh sweet Hiruko... What have I gotten myself into now.
:: Ikuto arrived at the Akimichi Barbecue ::

Gochi-Akimichi: "Uchiha-Ikuto-san! welcome!"

Ikuto: "hey big dada Gochi, how many people here so far?"

Gochi: "well, not many Hyuugas, uptight snobs... but some people from almost every other clan is here the kids are out back, some kids are eating, and all the adults are eating and talking inside"

Ikuto: "okay, you Gennins, you stay out in the sun and have some fun, i'll be inside, come to me if anything happens"

:: Ikuto smiled at them, Ikuto was often looked upon as strange, for bieng so cheerfull, but he looks so dark ::
:: The Hokage nodded at Yoshiro. ::

Nagashima: "We will go on without Ikuto then, he is taking too long..."

:: He looked more serious. ::

Nagashima: "As you both may know, I recently sent Katon out of the village on a mission. I called you here, because when he returns, he will be sent off again, but not alone. His mission, was to go across the five nations in search of powerful ninja. We are creation and national platoon, and sending them to the land of void to investigate. We haven't heard from the land of void in four years, and when we sent the great sannin of the five nations over there, they never returned."

:: He went silent for a bit. ::

Nagashima: "I called you here today, because I'm putting you two on this mission as well, I am sending you with Katon and his platoon to the land of void. To investigate with him. Not only that, i don't know how trustworthy these other ninja will be, he will be outnumbered, and we can't afford to lose our sannin. I will feel a lot of relief knowing you are with him."

:: The hokage finished his briefing and waited for a reply. ::
:: Ikuto was enjoying a rather juicy piece of pork, when an ANBU unit walked in ::

ANBU: "screw looking for that Uchiha, im hungry an... UCHIHA IKUTO!"

Ikuto: "yo... wassup?"

ANBU: "the hokage wants to see you!"

:: the second he said this, Ikuto dropped his plate, and was out of the room before it hit the ground ::

Ikuto: "BAKA! why didn't you simply follow my chakras and find me sooner!"

ANBU: "i'm not a sensor, Senpai"

Ikuto: "thats it, im telling the Hokage that he needs sensors if he wnats someone found!"

: they both jumped from rooftop to rooftop, soon coming in through an open window in the Hokage's office ::

ANBU: "i am sorry, my lord! it was dificult to find him!"

Ikuto: " my lord, may i suggest that you use a sensor when needing to find someone?"
:: The Hokage sighed and then briefed Ikuto as he briefed the other two. ::

Nagashima: "... And that is pretty much it... I will need you three to accompany Katon on this mission.."
Ikuto: "no problem, my lord, nothing can harm a sannin with a sharingan watching the shadows, and a byakugan at his back!"

:: he stood back up ::

Ikuto: "but, may i ask, why not simply have some official ANBU go this? i'm just a normal Jou-nin"
:: Toshiru smiled as he stared at Kaito. ::

"Your stomach disagrees with you. Maybe we should take a look at some... 'images'?"

:: Toshiru formed several handseals, then images of Konoha ninja being sizzled over a large fire were flashing across Kaito's mind. Fumes of their charred skin rose in the air, as Toshiru was throwing on salt and pepper for Kaito. Toshiru got out a fork and knife after putting a Konoha citizens limb on a plate. ::

(in the Genjutsu) "Eat up before it gets cold! I seasoned it well for you!"
Oh my goodness. I think this guy is sadistic. Seriously, why am I being treated like this. This is not fair, i just wanted some ramen.

:: His stomach stopped making noises. His stomach actually churched with disgust. It's not like he hadn't seen vile things. But the thought of someone feeding him human. Oh thats just nasty. Why, why would they do such cruel things to him. ::

Kaito. "I think I'll pass. Don't think I'm hungry much anymore. Thanks..."

:: He was about ready to break out of here. There was no reason to treat him this way. One more thing, one more gross attempt to have him confess to being a cannibal and he was going to forcefully remove himself from this chair and this building. Even if he knew it would cause a dispute. This man obvious had some issues and they needed to be settled. ::

Give me one more reason... I dare you...
Yoshiro looked at the Hokage, smiling a little. "Uhm... Hokage-sama.... may I ask why I was chosen though? I'm a simple Genin... and I don't even have a cool kekkei genkai like Uchiha-sensei or Hyuuga-sensei....." he said meakly, looking at the Hokage. His eyes turned to Ikuto and then at Corashi as he idly avoided their eyes should they stare back at him.
::Corashi grinned ::

Corashi " Seems a lot for a bunch fresh out of the chunin exams."

::Corashi grinned::

Corashi " I wouldn't have it any way... I'm honored to serve you lord hokage.."
:: Ikuto extended his arm, and put it aroundf Yoshiro's shoulders ::

Ikuto: "dont worry, boy... sometimes the council of a genin can be as good as the advice of a hokage, its about having an outside opinion"
:: Toshiru decided he would finally be nice and stop messing with the poor guy. He released the Genjutsu and looked at the Cloud ninja sternly. ::

"Alright, you're free to go..."

:: The thought of Katon out forming a global ninja platoon crossed his mind suddenly. ::

"Hmm... don't leave Konoha for a few days though, okay?"
:: Nagashima smiled. ::

Nagashima: "I'm muchh more lenient than the previous Hokage's. You will have to brief your sensei and your team on this mission, they are included as well. You are ALL actually on special request from Katon. I'm not quite sure why."

:: He paused for a bit. ::

Nagashima: "There is also one more person, I will need you to inform Toshiru, Corashi, so that he may join you on this mission."

:: he sighed. ::

Nagashima: "Katon will be back in a few weeks, with many ninja... You should all prepare yourselves."
Ikuto: "yes, Hokage-sama, any other orders?"

:: he was already getting his chakras ready to start training ::
:: Kaito was fairly shocked. The man decided he could go. That was all fine and dandy but why? He was in the village without permission. ::

Kaito: "Well, I'm glad your a kind person. Surely i could help around your village some. I'm curious to find out what all this tension between our villages are. There seems to be something behind the scenes."

:: He grabbed his weapons off the table in the next room. After securing them at his waist, along with refitting his Kumo Vest. He returned to Toshiru's side. ::

Kaito: "You seem to be special forces of some sort, surely you must know what I'm refering to..."
:: Toshiru shook his head, not quite following Kaito. ::

"There isn't too much tension, if you ask me. Maybe our villages are a bit distant, but I don't sense the tension. And yes, I'm an ANBU of Konoha - clearly."

:: Toshiru smirked - Kaito knew full well that he had to of been ANBU; otherwise, he wouldn't have gotten away with his little fun he had earlier. ::

"There isn't much help needed around here at the moment, too. Just go relax for a few days then go see the Hokage."
:: The young man seemed to be hiding something or maybe he was just clueless. He figured he would chat the man up a litter more before leaving for some food. ::

Kaito: "Well I didn't mean literally between our villages. I'm not sure about here but a great example is your gates being shut. At once point our village gates for Kumo were all open at once. Now, if i had done what i did here, my village would of treated me the same. None of them use to be like that. Every single village use to be free to travel. Oh the changing times."

:: He scratched his head a little, adjusted his head protector at his waist and secured his weapons one last time. He gave him a salute and a bow out of respect for his time. ::

Kaito: "Well, thank you for your hospitality and i won't waste anymore of your time."

:: Now he just needed to get some food in him. He walked out the door and sunshine emerged, nearly blinding him. But it was decent to be outside once again. As he walked away from the building, he pondered where he should go. His hands rose to the back of his head and his stride carried him like nothing had happened. ::
~Entering Region~

*As Ookami jumped around the edge of the village he was determined to get to his village as soon as he can. He didn't want anymore problems like the bandits like last time. He just wanted to get home. To see Blue. He wondered how his sister was because she never sent letters because she was always working. He needed to see her. He needed to see what his assignment was. He needed a lot of things he started to realize. As he jumped along the border hidden from everyone a stray dog ran out of no where tripping him.*

Ookami. "Oof."

*He examined the dog as he noticed it was badly injured. He picked up the dog treating it carefully. The dog seemed to like his touch. Ookami looked at the dog and knew it didn't have anyone.*

Ookami. "Alright, alright. Come along. You'll be mine. I'll name you..."

*Ookami had to think for a second for he didn't know. It was sudden and he couldn't think right one the spot. He got it.*

Ookami. "I know! You'll be, Shi Sasayaku."

*Shi looked at him and barked happily licking his face. He was till in pretty bad condition but he knew Blue could help him better. He picked up Shi and placed him gently in his bag.*

Ookami. "Comfy?"

*Shi barked and Ookami laughed. He travel faster than ever. He had more then enough reasons to get to his home. As he came upon the edge of the village he jumped out. He disappeared with Shi and shot off into the woods traveling the little distance needed.*

~Leaving Region~
::Corashi bowed to the hokage::

Corashi " I will now take my leave if you don't mind lord hokage."

::Corashi opened the Hokage's window and swiftly jumped out. He was heading to anbu headquarters::

Corashi " Personaly requested by a sanin eh?"

::Corashi grinned.. Then he looked up to see Anbu HQ::

Corashi " Oi Toshiru!!"
After walking for a few minutes, taking in the view, he found himself in front of a little grilled pork shop. This place definitely peaked his interest. He walked through the thin little curtain that was in place of a solid door. It was rather nice. Good atmosphere, good smell, he liked this diner. As he found a place to sit, he put his weapons next to him in the booth, then sat down as a young woman, almost a young girl came to great him.

"Hello" said the young woman, "What do you want to eat and drink?"

Kaito thought about it for a second before responding. Looking up at the girl and smiling he answered.

"I'll take your house special, and an iced tea."

The girl nodded, wrote down his order and rushed off in the back to prepare it. This was the time. He leaned back and sighed. His stomach rumbled at the thought of this wonderous food. Maybe somebody he knew would even show up and make his day better.
:: Ikuto bowed to the Hokage, and jumped out the window as well ::

Ikuto: "what would sannin-sama want with me? oh well, i had better get to training"

:: he ran over the rooftops, heading for the Uchiha residence ::

Ikuto: "its sad, our family would have been great, if that idiot Sasuke Uchiha had stayed in the village to rebuild his clan, we would be great again"

:: he arrived at the Uchiha residence ::

Ikuto: "hey, Nii-chan! let's strain!"
"Hokage-sama?" the meak Yoshiro spoke up.

"What.. sort of mission is Katon-sama on? Is it a life threatening one?" he asked. He didn't want to be a part of a mission that could obviously end his life. He was used to the D's and C's he got already, not ones where Sannin had to get involved.
As Shinji approached the hidden leaf village, he looked around at all the trees.

"There are so many trees here." Shinji said aloud as he walked up to the gates of konoha.

Looking towards the top of the gates, he leaped up and over to the wall and entered konoha.

"Im looking for the hokage." Shinji said as he looked around at all the citizens.


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