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Fantasy ~The Hexosphere Chronicles: Now Ready and Recruiting!~

I want to wait for more detail then see :)

Sent from my stone tablet using Tapatalk because I used a Tardis.
@PicaPirate I know the pair of you are waiting on more detail before making any definitive commitment, but all I'm asking for at this point is interest, not opinion. After all, there's going to be so much more detail in store that opinions may sway and whatever once the full RP is unveiled. So yeah, I'll still tag the pair of you when the RP is created, and don't worry, I won't be mad or anything if you decide then that you don't want to join :')
very interested- count me in. :D  
oh, and will the race of our characters be limited to particular choices or will we have the ability to create or re-use one of our own?
@OverlyIntricateLove: Glad you're interested, cheers! :D

@oOVacatedWisperOo: Thanks for the interest! In terms of character races, they will be limited to the races I provide, I'm afraid, though I hope that doesn't turn you off of it completely :')

As a general notice, I've just updated the OP to include more historical information, which includes the basic races you can be as well as other helpful tidbits. It doesn't have these races in detail yet because I haven't got round to tidying them up, but I do know what they are like and if you have any further querries about their description, abilities, characteristics, ect. then don't hesitate to ask! :D

@RinDaVamp: Cheers! Is that a request to be put on the notification list, or did you just wanna stop by and remark? xD  
UPDATE: At a request, I'm beginning to work on writing out the setting information, and I will keep this thread updated with every time I complete a new setting section. For now, here's the details on the fiery state of Irrea!


As described in the formation, the Hexosphere is made up of six elemental seas spread across three levels. Most of the action will take place in the middle reaches, where the four Surfacer nations are, those four seas split into equally sized quarters of a circle. At the border for each sea, there is a trench of nothingness, something the ancients used to call 'The Edge of the World', and this border extends beyond the edges of each sea also.

In spite of the unification of each state, the peoples have kept their diversity and typical characteristics. And so, without further ado, here is a description of each area:

Irrea: Nation of Fire.


(ignore the moon and the sun: neither of them exist :P )

A treacherous sea of flaming magma makes up most of the region, and on the surface, huge roaring flames perform an eternal violent dance. But from the flames, there are several large pointed rocks, like gigantic stalactites protruding from below. It is on the edge of these stalactites that the Surfacers of Irrea make their home, in reinforced rocky cities and towns built onto their tides and tip.

Naturally, it is constantly sweltering, and one would expect the area to be barren. But in his death, Irrea provided for his people, and inside the stalactite caves are a whole plethora of remarkable different resources laid out for the people. The caves are rife with wildlife to hunt, be it giant spiders, giant bats or burrowing rodents; peculiar vegetables grow at the top of the jagged mounts; many caves are laden with edible mosses; hot springs and water trails provide sustainable hydration. With these peculiar materials their only lifeline, the Irreans are highly resourceful and have learnt to conservatively use everything they are provided with.

Thus, a stereotypical Irrean is very resourceful, and generally contented due to the harshities of their daily lives. Irreans have a knack for building, and most of Irrean infrastructure is built around mining, building and crafting. However, Irreans are also known for being overly reckless and hot-headed, which meant that they made fierce opponents in the great war. As a result, they were the nation most badly damaged by the war, and many Irrean cities lie in ruin and wreck.

Adapted Species: The Shalrak

Shalrak are formidable forms of humanoid reptilian life who live at the bottom of the stalactites and spend much of their lifetime immersed in flame. About seven feet tall, their bodies are decorated in hardened onyx scales, scales that protect them from burning and heat. Despite their size and muscular build, they are very fast swimmers, and vicious hunters of other lava-based lifeforms: they are equipped with large claws, sharp teeth and a pair of dragon-like wings to boost swimming speed. Shalrak are known to live to about 60 Hexo years (humans live to 100), and if warm enough, they can breath fire.

Back in the days before Skyships, Irrean's created a rough vehicle called a Fire Ferry, a boat over lava expertly crafted from rock to withstand the flames. In the olden days, Shalrak were effectively savages, and from their attacks on Fire Ferry's they gained the nickname 'Lava Sharks'. Indeed; packs of Shalrak would launch attacks on Irrean cities. Shalrak society is inherently brutal, but they are unaware to the unethical nature of their brutality.

However, Shalrak can only function properly under intense heat. High temperatures stimulate their bodies and muscles and allow them to move and live; if they get to cold, they simply freeze up like statues. In the time of the Great War, the Irrean's made a treaty with the Shalrak, although because Shalrak tend to stick to smaller groups instead of functioning as a wider community, some attacks still continued. Since the unity, there has been a great push to civilise the Shalrak, and although some tribes remain savage, there are several Shalrak now integrated into normal society.

Shalrak are hunters by nature, and revel in violence and hunting. They are typically quite arrogant and cynical towards other races too, although strangely courteous towards human rules.
@SkyGinge That was a Just-Dropping-By-To-Say-Nice-Idea post. I`m waay to busy irl to add another rp to it. But, i`ll suggest it to a couple of my friends
xD Fair enough, and in that case I'm all the more honoured to have pricked your interest given the circumstances!

Anyhow, at the current rate of progression, I anticipate the RP will be up on Sunday! :D
I'm usually not a big fan of "set" races, but I really like the idea of the Shalrak– they appear to share characteristics similar to two of my favourite fantasy races, the "lizard"and the "dragon"... Which sadly enough don't appear as frequently as I'd like.

Can't wait to see/read the others– will you be posting them soon?
Glad you appreciate! :D As a Brit, it's late here now and thus I'll be going to bed within the next hour, so I've stopped work on writing up the stuff for tonight. However, I hope to have all of the rest of the setting stuff up for tomorrow, other species included! Although maybe, just for you, I can get another one up before I succumb to sleepy-times :')
Update: Lician's details are up as promised:

Licia: Nation of water.

A far less intimidating landscape than Irrea's burning masses, Licia is a serene stretch of sea untroubled by many of the more harsher nations' survival problems. Far beneath the water is an array of coral reefs and soft stones. Sunken into the land below, this state's islands are exactly that: small tropical paradises nestling amongst the aquatic dunes.

Surfacers here gather mainly in port towns and fishing villages. Their main diets are made up of fish, of which the sea holds a diverse and extensive selection, farmed vegetables and tropical fruits. They were the First nation to truly establish a connection between all their individual islands, and nowadays most Skyship (and regular ship) production is handled here. However, it is not a complete paradise: there are numerous forms of aggressive aquatic life, and more rarely the exotic wildlife that inhabits the tropical island forestry can be violent and dangerous.

Due to having a much more peaceful way of living, Lician's are traditionally peaceful, thoughtful people. They are noted for their calmness, and also their wiseness. Yet their people, like flooding water, have a cultural sense of unity that can get them all invigorated over a strong cause - this is how they brought themselves to war in the past. Additionally, as one of the opposing nations in The Great War, they too were pretty badly hit, and many of their walled, defensive cities lie in tatters.

Adapted Species: Mermen

Half fish, half human, Mermen are exactly what their names suggest. From a distance, they could be mistaken as humans, but upon closer inspection it is revealed that their body is lined with fin, flesh-coloured scales. They have a set of gills on their necks, and their limbs and torso are lined with jagged mini-fins. Their hands and feet are webbed too, adapted to their undersea lifestyle. On average they live to about 120 Hexo years.

Back in the days of old, Mermen used to live in water enthused buildings far beneath the sea, where they lived a relatively peaceful existence. Bar the occasional attack of a shark or sea serpent, they had a lot of time on their hands to muse and mull about. As a result, their society is far further developed that any other in the middle reaches. Emulating the humans they observed above, they decided to completely redefine their way of living to make storage more practical, and found a way of creating huge air bubbles under the sea. Thus now they live in huge aquatic citadels, kept damp to give their gills suitable oxygenation.

For as long as documents have been around, Mermen have been at peace with the Lician's. They are, in general, extremely pacifistic and don't believe in the worth of violence and fighting. The are known for being intelligent, worldly and wise, as well as excellent craftsmen. Sadly, the fact that they can't go too long without water has inhibited their development, but nowadays many a water magician is paid to accompany travelling Mermen as assistants. But because water is far more practical than fire and intense heat, there are significantly more Mermen around on the surface now than there are Shalrak.

Hope you all enjoyed and I'll be back with more information soon!
@DamagedGlasses: I'm glad you like it! In terms of magic, I haven't quite finalised everything yet, but yes, all races will be capable of magic. However I will stress (to everybody) that magic is supposed to be reasonably rare in this world, so I will not expect everybody's characters to be proficient in it. Although having said that, it might be a nice idea to have every adapted race with some kind of inherent element-related magic. Ah, ideas! I'll play around with stuff :')
Having magical talent and being proficient in it are two different things. Which would it be? Would everyone have magic talent but unaware of it (latent talent) or have talent but just not be able to use it very well?
Only 1/100 people have the gift of magic. Obviously I'll allow a greater ratio than that in the RP, but yeah, unlike in Magistone it's a gift and not something everybody can learn. Since yesterday I've integrated a little bit of information on magic into the main posts, but yeah, still not got everything magicky worked out.

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