The Haunted Voyage for Zazzum(4-5 Characters needed)

13th Epoch

Hey guys! I have an idea for a Roleplay. Read and tell me what you think about it.

The Haunted Voyage for Zazzum

Earth has collapsed. People have lost their faith and determination; they have decided to rely on false magic. Magic they think is working, magic they think will help them get through the hunger and fear. Most of them have gone crazy and obsessed with talismans and rituals without realizing most of the consequences. They have abandoned their religions and relied on magic that does not work; on superstitions they think is true. They have scattered everywhere, the rest of the human population, forming tribes and adapting to the harsh truths of a dead world. Adaptation was important, thus false magic was made.

Due to the damage and destruction, the aftermath was as worse as the end. Chemicals and pollution affected most of the population and animals too. While people became sick and ill, animals evolved and became more dangerous. The hunt for food is as difficult as surviving harsh winters with little fire to share. Hunters go out in big groups and come back with only a few people left. Not many make it, but the world we once know has turned wild and savage.

Not all relied on lies. Some actually know real magic, different ones. Magic that isn't as simple as people think it is. You are one of them. Although not many people know about this because of the lack of simple knowledge and awareness of separating the illusion they have created and the truth.

You have been requested to arrive at one of the tribes, called Xalum, a tribe that, like the others, rely on false magic. Little is known about an underground operation for the search for Zazzum. An artifact only thought to be a legend, a story about a piece of a star falling to Earth. Legend says that Zazzum holds a piece of life of the star from where it came. People dismissed it as a legend, a story to give them hope, but they have thrown that away a long time ago, along with the others.

You know the secrets of real magic and you are needed along with others. You are all here to search for Zazzum. You are now part of the human race's hope to reviving Earth.

Alright so I'm going to need people to fill in some roles.


*Witch-They use talismans and trinkets to do their magic. They usually use their magic for either getting rid of diseases or harming others indirectly.

*Shaman-They have the ability to connect with the spirit world in order. They can use their animal spirit guides to acces hidden knowledge from the spirit world.

*Alchemist- They have the ability to rearrange the composition of a thing, allowing them to change anything into anything as long as what they use have the same substances of the product they have in mind.

*Seer/Clairvoyant-They have the ability to predict the future with the chosen mediums. Ocassionally, the future appears to them in dreams or they can also predict throught observing their environments.

*Summoner-Summoners rely on their prayers and mediums to call out spirits or their guardians to protect of harm others.

*Aria-Arias have the ability to imprison or trap a target with chants and songs. They also have the ability to cast illusions.

(I had to alter some of the roles' abilities and details for the story and I just made some up.)

And before I forget to mention this, I would like to tell you this is a literate RP.

RP Atmosphere:


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