The Haunted Mansion


A Fox
Misakichan submitted a new role play. @Misakichan, please edit this post to include the sign-up information.

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Female Guest Mariesa Fukui @Janet VanDyne

Female Guest
Leiko Hayashi @MADZ

Female Guest
Harumi Miyagi @Misakichan

Male Guest
➜ Julian Namo @Ratatattack

Male Guest
➜ Marco Cascade @Manoneno1


Character Sheet





Appearance [Anime Only]:






I will PM an accepted character that he/her is the murderer.

RP will start at 4/22! I'll post to start it.

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Name: Julian Namo



Not a big fan of people in general. Likes to keep to himself and focus on his book that he is writing. Tries to joke and around and doesn’t take serious situations seriously. He can be incredibly sarcastic and obnoxious to people he doesn’t like.

Appearance [Anime Only]:


Grew up with a single mom. It was just the two of them facing the world after his Dad left. He is very close to her because of this. He didn’t have very many friends in high school. He kept wanting to write this big book he’s been working on forever. He’s been working on it since he was a kid and has been having a hard time finishing it. He is currently getting ready to start college

Reading, non-serious people, cats

Jocks, people who think they are better than other people, older people.

He is absolutely terrified of the dark.
Name: Marco Cascade

Age: 33

Gender: male

Personality: Marco is not the most pleasant person you meet: he's usually sarcastic and childlish. Usually he makes fun out of others and acts like a child. Anyhow he's social and has humour. He's not the best person to calm people down as he usually is the one who loses his shit.


History: he was born to caring family as an only child, and was taught in a home school. He continued his independent studies to become an electricity engineer, and nowadays lives in a bachelors pad near IBM's headquarters where he works.

Likes: comedies, drinking, coding

Dislikes: people with no sense on humour, red wine, meat dishes

Fear: dying and pens

Other: 2 years ago he was suspected to kill a woman but was held free as there was no evidence.
Name: Leiko Hayashi

Age: 18

Gender: Girl

Personality: Leiko is a very shy girl who doesn't like to interact with peope much, she usually only speaks up when she needs something or is spoken to. Se is very smart and is always observing everything.

Appearance [Anime Only]:

History: Leiko grew up with her mother, father, and little brother. Her mother was a nurse and her father was a doctor. They worked at the emergency room, and got called there a lot, so she kind of raised her little brother and became the motherly figure in his life. She was always very protective or her brother and would do anything for him, even take a bullet through the head for him.

Likes: To smoke, dying her hair, to keep to herself, shopping, makeup

Dislikes: Society, pain, liars, people touching her, perfume or the smell of it

Fear: Anthropophobia (Fear of people or society)
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Name: Mariesa Fukui

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Personality: A sweet yet outgoing girl. Mariesa is very pretty and flirtatious, though tries to avoid relationships. She's an avid reader, highly superstitious, but people swear that she is one of the kindest and smartest girls they have ever met.

Appearance [Anime Only]:


History: Mariesa grew up with her parents in the suburbs. Her mother works at home, while her father commutes day after day to work an unsatisfying, never-ending job. She attends the local public high school, where she is planning on graduating this year, on track to be valedictorian. She's kept a straight 4.0 GPA all four years there. Her home life is boring, routine. School, even more so. She's kept the same group of friends for the past four years, and greatly looks forward to attending the Ivy League college she has been accepted to. She longs for excitement in her life.

Likes: Reading, studying. She plays with fashion and music. Proficient on the piano, flute, and vocals. She sings and writes music when she is stressed, depressed, or tired.

Dislikes: She dislikes smoking and drinking with a passion. She has a clean track record and aims to keep it that way, but who knows what could happen your senior year in high school...

Fear: Spiders, close spaces, and the dark. She sleeps with twinkle lights in her room to keep her awake.
The Murderer







Weapon of Choice:


Reason for Killing:

Hates people, he/she thinks that they will hurt her or the people he/she loves.

**This character sheet will be updated when we find information about the murderer


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