You're right about the transition being marked by cold and darkness. The part I think I've confused people on is what happens after that. I'll reference my post to explain, since that's probably easiest.Just to make sure I understood correctly. The group were basically magically transported or shifted to to the primary temple on the sea floor from the temple they were in that was on the surface of the island. The transition between the two locations was marked by the sudden drop of temperature and the darkness. Was that about right or did I misinterpret something?
This is the part where the transition happens. If the group were to look behind them at this time, they'd see that the mountains outside the temple had been warped into a view of the ocean floor (as if they were staring through the glass at an aquarium). This naturally makes the room a lot colder and darker."You are Eiri's daughter indeed," the goddess mused, the size of her chosen form beginning to dwindle and waver. "To come in here thinking you have all the answers." A shadow fell over the room, dropping them into darkness as the temperature rapidly declined.
Ymir turns around to see why the room got dark. She is not happy to find that the sky has been replaced by the ocean.There hadn't been any sound of the stone doors closing, but as Ymir turned to check she found the reality was worse.
The sun had disappeared. In place of mountains, an endless wall of water revealed scores of sea life swimming in the open view.
I was going to expand on this more in my next post, but the previously stone carvings of coral and other sea life return to being alive once the room is underwater. In its natural state on the sea floor, the temple looks and acts much like a reef.Within the temple itself, stone carvings had begun to gain texture and colour, swaying as if it were submerged in water.
When Odyssey first transports the group to the ocean floor, she holds back the water outside until she gives them her blessing. The very last sentence is her taking down the barrier and the water crashing into the room, similar to if the glass at an aquarium broke. At that point I ended my post, though looking back I should definitely have explained it all a bit more.With that final warning the light faded, and Ymir had scarce seconds to blink the spots from her eyes before the aquatic wall of water behind them began to tremble. Whatever power had been holding it at bay disappeared, and the current that swept into the room was strong enough to throw them all off their feet.
One qualm I DID have was the fact that the pressure from water at the bottom of the ocean, would seriously maim the group of it rushed in all at once. I did consider having Odyssey control it as an excuse, but she's sort-of-kind-of malicious so that probably wouldn't be in character for her /shrug/. In this case imma use GM powers and say they end up okay (o^o)d
I hope this helps. I'm happy to explain everything as much as needed, given I should have done so properly in the beginning.