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Fantasy The Guildstone Chronicles ((OOC))

Yup! Feel free to add her flying over if you want, otherwise I'll have her do that in my post whilst greeting everyone and whatnot.
Oh! I almost forgot, but there's a temple towards the north of the island that she could have spotted while flying around. If it works for you she could report to the group about it when she arrives
When I wrote my character and started using them in the actual RP, I realized that I actually hadn't planned any long-term growth of his character or abilities-

Maybe once his attribute values aren't garbage™ (-40 intelligence? W a c k.) I'll start thinking about a quest or arc or something to expand his character a little. With GM/Assistant GM approval, of course.

In the meantime: let us destroy explore the local environment and massacre pirates.
When I wrote my character and started using them in the actual RP, I realized that I actually hadn't planned any long-term growth of his character or abilities-

Maybe once his attribute values aren't garbage™ (-40 intelligence? W a c k.) I'll start thinking about a quest or arc or something to expand his character a little. With GM/Assistant GM approval, of course.

In the meantime: let us destroy explore the local environment and massacre pirates.
How do I triple like--??? AHEM YES PLEASE I am so here for character development. If this voyage doesn't bump his stats up well enough you could try a quest to raise his magic attribute, or there is always training to be done. Hmu if have any ideas!
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I want to return my character, Elias Allard. Is it okay if I change his powers? I can still keep it as is which is Water/Ice.
Of course! Feel free to rework his abilities if you're reposting him on the new CS thread.

Ivan Dark Ivan Dark
Brennan and Andrius seem like quite the dynamic duo! While I don't mind if people want to include romance or darker themes in the RP I would ask certain parts to be toned down though-
I wanted to be the slavemaster that stripped his innocence from him.
I abused him. The many times I've bruised his fair skin... The many times I've clasped my hands around his throat...
This is a bit much. It is a group RP so please make sure they don't neglect to interact with other characters if approved. They do both sound interesting aside from that.

Brennan's spiritual magics come in the form of spiritual fire, one that does not use magical energy like that of elemental and arcane magics, but the user's own energy (chi).
Using the occult writings of arcane, he is able to plan ahead, weaving spells that activate upon meeting certain conditions: countering spells, creating illusions, conjuring shields, etc.
Unfortunately in the context of this RP Brennan's current abilities are over-powered. Arcane affinities are versatile but they must still have a specific function, such as Pri the guildmaster who uses her in relation to sensing and dealing with rifts. The way Brennan's magic is described here is too broad in its capabilities, no matter how small-scale the spells are.
I do like the spirit fire idea, but it would require both fire and spirit affinities to be allowed.

Andrius is very well balanced. His affinities match his capabilities perfectly!

I plan to expand on Andrius's kingdom and the history of Brennan's short reign after usurping the tyrant bloodline. I also will likely expand on the wild gods as well to fit in with the existing lore. Please let me know if anything would have to be changed with these two and hopefully we can get this integrated into continent off of Solmar.
Yup! Out of interest do these two come from a previous campaign? I'd be happy to help find ways to incorporate it into the world--the wild gods in particular sound intriguing. Not sure if the lore page mentions much about Solmar but the city itself fell to ruin roughly twenty years prior due to an unknown conflict, and a rift to the underworld has since made the region even more dangerous. Might be important if you're planning a kingdom nearby.

Apart from that if you have any issues or ideas you'd like to discuss further I'm happy to respond here or in a convo. I'll wait until the changes on their CS before giving approval.
Sylph Sylph
This is a bit much. It is a group RP so please make sure they don't neglect to interact with other characters if approved. They do both sound interesting aside from that.
Absolutely! I had implemented that simply as a reflection of how dark their history actually was. As far as the group RP is concerned, it's my intention to put them in an environment where they've moved past their previous, darker themes. Essentially, they had a rocky start, but they've grown past it. Especially romance, which was a trope they had been in heavily in their past "campaign". While it serves to share their connection with one another, I'll likely not have them enforce their relationship in the group RP unless it's for a reasonable reaction: i.e. Brennan/Andrius gets badly injured or if the group is given some time for comic relief. Otherwise, I wholeheartedly agree that they'll be interacting with the group (If Axolotl's user is still active, Brennan would absolutely be curious and fascinated by him!) So yup, I totally intend for everything in their confessions to be moreso lore/background rather than driving force for their interaction in the RP.

Unfortunately in the context of this RP Brennan's current abilities are over-powered. Arcane affinities are versatile but they must still have a specific function, such as Pri the guildmaster who uses her in relation to sensing and dealing with rifts. The way Brennan's magic is described here is too broad in its capabilities, no matter how small-scale the spells are.
I do like the spirit fire idea, but it would require both fire and spirit affinities to be allowed.
Gotcha, I can redefine his capabilities, no problem! I think I have a couple solutions to this:
1. Arcane would be used strictly to transmute elemental attacks via passage through arcane glyphs (i.e. changing fire to ice, or changing earth to air). It does not change its power, speed, or magic cost, only its elemental alignment/properties.

2. Arcane is would be used strictly to weaken/drain/counterspell other spellcaster's magic: more magical energy is needed to counter stronger spells, especially if the foe happens to have a higher magic stat than him; it would increase exponentially, i.e. if he plans to counter a spell from a weaker foe (175 mag vs 175 mag) using 10% of his MP to counter a spell that costs 10% is standard. However, the conversion quickly goes out of favor: 175 vs 200 uses 20% to counter 10%, 10% to weaken by half and at a greater extent, 175 vs 250 uses 50% to counter 10% and requires 25% to weaken. An absolute difference of 100 will deny any chance of weakening or countering.

As an alternative, I might redesign his magic set if I would be able to pitch this idea for his secondary:

Lore/Beast magic: using the techniques or attacks of specific beasts in combat from memory.
It would include the classification of creatures by rarity: common, uncommon, rare, legendary, divine, etc.
Divine: i.e. gods. Near mpossible. Powers are automatically excluded, as I would explain that mortals are not able to use them outright. However, they may take the form of certain blessings or boons that last a certain amount of posts or missions that will be relatively minor on their influence in combat/exporation: i.e. able to narrowly dodge/be grazed by/survive a fatal blow once, able to find a specific item, attract/repel certain creatures, etc.
Legendary: i.e. Dragon's breath, phoenix resurrection, basilisk petrification, etc. One time use and are removed from memory until encountered again.
Rare and Uncommon and common: usually obtainable by the myriad of creatures on continent i.e. commons can be remembered indefinitely, rare and uncommon will have a specific amount of uses until they are forgotten (i.e. 2-3 for rare, 5-10 for uncommon).

As for acquiring these magics, there would be 3 possible methods:
1. Consuming the anatomy that the ability comes from, eyeballs, flame sacs, etc. Kinda gross. Sometimes not even possible: I assume slimes are poisonous to most mortal beings?
2. Getting hit by the attack/ability and surviving. Surviving is the key word here. This means things like petrification are near suicide if even possible to be obtained at all. Obtaining something like phoenix resurrection would require that a feather be used on the person while they are dead; obviously, this also doesn't happen.
3. Something unique to Brennan: obtaining an oath from the creature. This requires the creature to have some level of sentience: I believe slimes would also be impossible for this. But perhaps fairies, dragons, and other intelligent creatures may be befriended/saved by him and through debt take upon an oath to lend Brennan their ability; the limited use rule still applies.

To simplify a complex/hectic magic, I would also impose that Brennan has a limit of these stored abilities: like 3 by memory until one is used up/replaced in order obtained. I would modify his character sheet accordingly and update it for stored abilities of RP encounters and their uses: one use per action. In addition, Brennan at the start of the RP does not have any retained magics, so he would start fresh to implement these from guild missions and group fights.

If any of these suggestions aren't acceptable, there's no salt at all! I'm very open to suggestions and I am totally fine with going a different direction! I still would like to keep Brennan's fighting style the same though: gradually overwhelming the opponent in duel-style combat.

I do like the spirit fire idea, but it would require both fire and spirit affinities to be allowed.
I'm also curious. To better understand spirit/body in the scope of this RP, could you give me an example of each as abilities or what is capable with them?

Out of interest do these two come from a previous campaign? I'd be happy to help find ways to incorporate it into the world--the wild gods in particular sound intriguing. Not sure if the lore page mentions much about Solmar but the city itself fell to ruin roughly twenty years prior due to an unknown conflict, and a rift to the underworld has since made the region even more dangerous. Might be important if you're planning a kingdom nearby.

They sure do! Well, not quite. They are the culmination of quite a collection of short stories and fragments of chapters I've written that have designed around this plot of wild gods, each promoting divine protection in their own way. Andrius and Brennan have been characters I have used in many RP's (I was a Feralfront veteran: another RP site) with their defined attributes and abilities usually modified to fit the current world while staying relatively close to my original vision of the characters.
As for lore, I would definitely like some help with that via convos! I'm sure you have ways the world works in your mind so I you'd be able to guide me when I pitch lore ideas, that'd be great!
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1. Arcane would be used strictly to transmute elemental attacks via passage through arcane glyphs.
2. Arcane is would be used strictly to weaken/drain/counterspell other spellcaster's magic:
Both are interesting ideas, but in the first case I'd consider that more of an alchemical ability, and the second isn't so much arcane as spell enchantment. I'd talk to Uasal Uasal about that if you're interested since she has an excellent support-based character with a similar concept.

Lore/Beast magic: using the techniques or attacks of specific beasts in combat from memory.
As for acquiring these magics, there would be 3 possible methods:
1. Consuming the anatomy that the ability comes from, eyeballs, flame sacs, etc.
This would definitely require a body affinity (possibly with transform as a secondary element), but the first option with consuming the creature's body part sounds excellent! If you do decide to go with beast magic then having a body affinity would play into why he can consume animal parts that would otherwise be toxic to others. I'll go over further restictions in a convo if you're interested in following that option.

I'm also curious. To better understand spirit/body in the scope of this RP, could you give me an example of each as abilities or what is capable with them?
Most of the affinities cover a wide scope of potential uses, but characters tend to only specialise in a specific subset of abilities. Milby (my chinchilla character) can burrow through rock like sand so I went with earth and body affinities, since it's more of a physical skill. As her magic develops I might consider using rocks to attack as well, but currently she fights mostly with her toothpick sword. I consider characters with body affinities to be tougher and stronger in general, which is also why she doesn't go splat if someone accidentally steps on her. Overall, I'd say they're most often used with characters who intergrate their magic directly with physical attacks or focus primarily on combat.

People with spirit affinities have a natural attunement to magic and the spirit realm, and their magic often involves these things. In Pri's case she can sense and mend rifts and certain other disturbances that have developed in an area, and part of her skillset is being able to travel freely through spiritual and other such dimensions. The tradeoff is she has little to no clout with physical magic attacks. Other characters like Kalthlyn ( Key of Stars Key of Stars ) use it for healing, Nanalee ( SilverFeathers SilverFeathers ) uses it to summon ice spirits, and the previously mentioned Eiru who belongs to Swiftshots uses it for her spell enchantment.

For Brennan, I'm honestly quite partial to the idea of spiritual fire. I imagine it funtions by feeding off magic or spiritual energy as fuel, which could lead to stuff like setting the enemy's magic attacks on fire or dealing damage to incorporeal enemies. Could also do nasty stuff like burn mana systems instead of the physical body if a direct attack hits, which would complement a dueling style well.

As for lore, I would definitely like some help with that via convos! I'm sure you have ways the world works in your mind so I you'd be able to guide me when I pitch lore ideas, that'd be great!
We'll go over it in a convo!
Posted IC at long last. I don't think there's any issues in continuity, although I didn't really know where the boat was so I just guessed. If that's wrong I'll fix it.

Welp! As that one random kid and a yellow dog said: ADVENTURE TIME
For Brennan, I'm honestly quite partial to the idea of spiritual fire. I imagine it funtions by feeding off magic or spiritual energy as fuel, which could lead to stuff like setting the enemy's magic attacks on fire or dealing damage to incorporeal enemies. Could also do nasty stuff like burn mana systems instead of the physical body if a direct attack hits, which would complement a dueling style well.
Sylph Sylph thank you for explaining. I really appreciate it! After weighing the two, I actually like the concept of spiritual fire much more as it applies to your explanation, being able to damage unusual enemies. I've changed Brennan's powers explanation to incorporate your suggestions (magical energy/"mana"-eating). In addition, I sneaked in a bit of an extension to that as well if you would take a look at it. I describe the fire as being white and able to damage "incorporeal enemies". But I also thought, with it being the spirit side of things, that Brennan would be able to purge or exorcise malicious or possessive spirits from inanimate objects or living beings. I thought purging them with a kind of sacred fire, especially with the context of having an oath to a wild god, would help his toolkit make sense with his background. Perhaps this could be more of an out of combat utility, such as purifying possessed or corrupted people.
If I would have to drop the exorcism ability to be accepted, please let me know; there is absolutely no issue - just something I came up with while mulling it over.
As for the lore pitch, allow me to start the convo. I figured I would pitch you what the wild gods were all about and ways I noticed they could fit into the current lore and then with your suggestions for tweaks and fixes we could go from there.
I've changed Brennan's powers explanation to incorporate your suggestions (magical energy/"mana"-eating). In addition, I sneaked in a bit of an extension to that as well if you would take a look at it. I describe the fire as being white and able to damage "incorporeal enemies". But I also thought, with it being the spirit side of things, that Brennan would be able to purge or exorcise malicious or possessive spirits from inanimate objects or living beings.
The updated sheets look good! Doubling as an exorcist would be a profitable second job for sure.
If you're happy with everything then they're welcome to jump onto the main hall thread, I'll have to focus on getting a response up for Azalea. It's under 'other' in the links tab at the top.
Welp, the sweet smell of success. I just hashed out the longest single response post I've ever written for a group RP, ever. I shall cherish this milestone!
Sylph Sylph Do you want to do a reply for Azalea to my latest Kathlyn post or should we park that so Kathlyn can do her receptionist job for Ivan's characters? Or maybe you had something entirely different in mind
Ivan Dark Ivan Dark I saw you mentioned Kathlyn in your post when talking about equipment and I think you might have confused Kathlyn with Merkon, Merkon is the one who sells equipment in a magical shop in the guild and is Seraph Darkfire Seraph Darkfire 's character. Kathlyn is the guild receptionist and healer on the side but she only charges people for medicine for minor ailments because she doesn't think it's right to charge people for something that could save lives.
All that pesky water getting in the way of Ymir’s magic. But with the help of sound magic we can harness the power of a sonar and peer beneath the waters.
BakaTheIdiot BakaTheIdiot Key of Stars Key of Stars Ivan Dark Ivan Dark RatKing RatKing SilverFeathers SilverFeathers Uasal Uasal Tellussoil Tellussoil Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre
Time for another OOC event! This one will apply to the IC thread, and for those of you who were in the last one I promise it's less lore heavy. This time we're doing... the rumour mill!

Here are the rules:
- Participating earns +20 attribute points for a character of your choice. Only one character gets the bonus points, even if you do multiple sheets.
- To start you create at least three rumours that other members of the guild might have heard.
- They can be true, false, or wildly exaggerated. Some may even conflict.
- They can be about a character's past actions (whether played out IC or otherwise), their affiliations, their origins... anything a gossiping gaggle of adventurers might find interesting around a campfire.
- The rumours are cannon to the IC thread. Whether a character has heard any or all of the news is at the discretion of the roleplayer.
- If the character does know the rumours they can bring it up in interactions.
- Sources can come from outside the guild, but they should have a plausible chance of reaching the members' ears at some point.
- Three is the minimum, but you can add as many more as you wish!

Is your character likely to know the gossip about others? Maybe they're the type to ask around, or contribute to keeping the rumour mill running.

Let me know if there are any questions. I'll work on my characters soon, maybe after I post for Ymir in the IC thread to get the group moving.

RatKing RatKing Hah! They definitely need to look into that sonar option. Underwater caves are so inconvenient.
BakaTheIdiot BakaTheIdiot Key of Stars Key of Stars Ivan Dark Ivan Dark RatKing RatKing SilverFeathers SilverFeathers Uasal Uasal Tellussoil Tellussoil Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre
Time for another OOC event! This one will apply to the IC thread, and for those of you who were in the last one I promise it's less lore heavy. This time we're doing... the rumour mill!

Here are the rules:
- Participating earns +20 attribute points for a character of your choice. Only one character gets the bonus points, even if you do multiple sheets.
- To start you create at least three rumours that other members of the guild might have heard.
- They can be true, false, or wildly exaggerated. Some may even conflict.
- They can be about a character's past actions (whether played out IC or otherwise), their affiliations, their origins... anything a gossiping gaggle of adventurers might find interesting around a campfire.
- The rumours are cannon to the IC thread. Whether a character has heard any or all of the news is at the discretion of the roleplayer.
- If the character does know the rumours they can bring it up in interactions.
- Sources can come from outside the guild, but they should have a plausible chance of reaching the members' ears at some point.
- Three is the minimum, but you can add as many more as you wish!

Is your character likely to know the gossip about others? Maybe they're the type to ask around, or contribute to keeping the rumour mill running.

Let me know if there are any questions. I'll work on my characters soon, maybe after I post for Ymir in the IC thread to get the group moving.

RatKing RatKing Hah! They definitely need to look into that sonar option. Underwater caves are so inconvenient.
The RUMOR MILL! I shall accept! >:3

Settle in children, and I shall tell you some secrets! ...maybe. Ashitaka is of pretty low birth, even where he's from, so there isn't much on the rumor side of things for him. That said, he built a hefty reputation among the Lantana Porter's guild for being, quite frankly, "terrifyingly committed," so that doesn't mean there's nothing... for funsies, all of the "truths" will be behind spoilers for every rumor I post. My suggestion? Don't read 'em. I mean, read them if you want to, but I personally find rumors to be spicier if you don't know what's true and what isn't. Enough babbling! Rumor has it:

1. Ashitaka carries his eye with him everywhere, as a reminder of how he lost it.
Obviously he doesn't do this. Firstly, that's disgusting. Secondly, his eye rotted away a day or two after it was removed, and he threw it away. However! It should be noted that in a previous iteration of his character, he lost his eye to an arrow - and in that (now defunct) Roleplay, he does carry it around in a pouch. It's bragging rights!

2. Ashitaka has taken on - and successfully defeated - ten people at once, at the same time.
There's some truth to that statement, but it needs context. Growing up, Ashi was lean and mean, much skinnier than the other kids in his village, and he frequently made a game of throwing children twice his size to the ground in a wrestling match. When he was 13, a rival of his (remember how he doesn't think fondly of the nickname "Taka?") thought he was full of it, and challenged him to take on him, and nine of his friends all at once. Ashitaka, with a rather large crowd watching, threw every single one to the ground, in a matter of minutes. He wasn't necessarily stronger - he just knew what he was doing. He won a bet, and some street cred.

3. Ashitaka has never actually killed someone before.
This is false.

4. Ashitaka can use black magic, and that's why he's stronger than he looks.

In all seriousness, he can't currently use any kind of major magic... but stay tuned. As soon as he hits Intelligence 10 (50 points away) I'm putting him on a magic arc! ...as soon as I figure out how to make the things I have planned more fair. Yes, fairness matters a lot to me!

But if you're REALLY curious about what his abilities might be... here's a hint. Ashitaka's body doesn't produce enough mana on its own to sustain any powerful spell, and even some lighter spells. The magic he would discover is sort of a workaround.

5. Ashitaka lies about his lack of mana in order to confuse and surprise the enemy.
Yes, he lies about his lack of mana regularly, but not to surprise the enemy. The real reason why is so that he keeps a key vulnerability of his a secret. After all, if he was galivanting around stating he had no mana, how long would it take before someone used that to their advantage?

6. Ashitaka has killed anyone and everyone who has addressed him by his mantle (Hayabusa).
This is the only rumor he knows about, and how it even started is beyond him. Only three people know his mantle: his mother, himself, and an elder of his village, to whom he made his first declaration. Not a single other person has earned his respect to the point where he would share such a personal detail. As such, nobody outside of that listing has ever called him by it - but there is an active effort to figure out what it is among local Lantana pubs and the aforementioned Porter's Guild.

7. Ashitaka is a vampire.
This is just mean. Yes, he's a bit pale, but if you look at his teeth for longer than two seconds you will realize very quickly that he is quite human.

I was gonna add more but I'm swamping this thread! And I wanna read other people's rumors!

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