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Fantasy The Guild Stone ((Old OOC))

Ace Cream Ace Cream
Aergundias has accepted the Mining Gems quest, and is open to having others accompany him. Other than that there will be an event happening soon to give people something to jump in to.
basically, they can read a persons outermost thoughs, and have a kind of prediction of the future, where all the ways an attack could happen are shown- its a WIP
Foresight is hard to properly pull off and it is certainly powerful, if not overpowered.
Also where does the limit for outermost thoughts lie?
Personally I'm not a fan of having people reading my characters mind.
Ah, right. If any of you folks want to go with Aergundias just let me know. I'm a bit occupied at the moment, but I'll try to see if I can find some time for a post if needed be.
I've decided to throw up theme songs for my character and each Archon, probably because I'm in a strange mood
I have an idea for a character and the picture. I just have one more question.
Can i have a custom secondary affinity that is not listed?

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