The Grind Café


She's alone

☕ Character Sheet ☕

Like = Accepted

☕ Full Name ☕

☕ Nickname(s) ☕

☕ Age ☕ 17 - 30

☕ Appearance ☕ 3+ IMGs/GIFS realistic only

☕ Gender ☕

☕ Sexuality ☕

☕ Customer or Staff ☕

☕ Likes ☕

☕ Dislikes ☕

☕ Personality ☕

☕ Problems/Troubles ☕

☕ History ☕

☕ Relationships ☕

☕ MISC ☕

Staff ONLY

☕ Occupation ☕ Waiter, waitress, barista, etc...

☕ Favorite customer ☕ Customer character interacts with the most
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Full Name: Lily Elina Sinclaire

Nickname(s): Not a nickname sort of girl.

Age : 24




Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bi

Customer or Staff: Customer

Likes: Reading, Writing, Coffee, Cats, Being Alone, Trivia, Traveling

Dislikes: Incessant noise or talking, Being told what to do, Crowds, Reality TV, Stupidity

Personality: Lily is an introvert who doesn't feel the need for pointless chatter. She is a woman of few words, speaking only when she has something interesting to say. Most often she can be seen with a book in hand and a cigarette between her lips. She has a dry sense of humor and an insatiable curiosity for everything in life, hence her interest in various trivia. Occasionally that curiosity can lead her into trouble, as she tends to see morality as a big grey area, rather than a black and white affair. Though she may come off as cold and unapproachable to those who don't know her, she is a loyal friend and an honest one. She feels no need to beat around the bush about unpleasant matters, which has led some to accuse her of being rude and tactless. Underneath it all, she means well even if it doesn't initially appear that way.

Problems/Troubles: Put bluntly, Lily is a starving artist (read: writer). Fresh out of university, she had hoped to start a career as a travel writer, but that hasn't panned out so well for her. Instead, she finds herself sitting at The Grind most days, sipping black coffee and writing mediocre poetry in a little black notebook. More than anything she wants to leave this little town behind and see the world, but until she's able to make her dreams come true she must content herself with living vicariously through the pages of the many novels she totes around with her.

History: Lily was born and raised as a single child in a small town in Massachusetts. Her mother was a nurse, her father a doctor specializing in surgery. As a result, her parents were often not around, leaving Lily to fend for herself. When she was a child, she worried that her parents did not love her or care for her, but she soon learned to cope with the help of her voracious appetite for reading. She threw herself into the novels, inserting herself into the story in an attempt to pretend she was really there, a habit she carried with her through most of her life. She had difficulty making friends, as she could not connect with reality, leaving her feeling even more rejected and alone. Throughout middle and high school, she threw herself into her schoolwork and books, managing to graduate as salutatorian. She did not cry at her graduation, as many of those around her did. In college, she attempted to imbue herself with new life, finally opening herself up (as much as she could) to dating, but she still felt no real connection with anyone. Her lack of companionship made her cynical, something she once again tried to quash by throwing herself into her writing and books. Now, fresh out of college, she can still be found with her nose in a book and a sardonic scowl on her face.

Relationships: As previously mentioned, Lily has not had many successful relationships. Most of the men she has been with were naught more than a one night stand, and the few relationships she did have were short-lived, as they complained she was not affectionate enough. She now claims she is in a committed relationship with her tabby cat, Weasel.


Weasel -

Whoopsie, forgot my favorite number! It's 13. @kawiibunnygirl
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Estelle "Elsie" Emore

"A creative adult is the child who survived."



  • Full name:

    ?Estelle Emore












    ?132 lb



    Ethnic Group:





    ?Often annoyed by people comparing her past self, to the person she is today.

    ?Has a tendency of losing small stuff. (Ex. Keys, pencils, phone,hair ties etc.)

    ?If she gets mad at someone and she painting, she'll splatter paint at you.

    ?Quiet most of the time.

    ?If she's in a room by herself that has other people in it and decides to draw one of them, after she's done drawing she will go up to them quietly, give them their drawing, and leave doing the whole process without saying a word.

Shoot alway forgot the favorite number thing! (Which is 5!) @kawiibunnygirl

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