The Grimm (Character info/forms and Sign-up) DNP


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The Grimm (Character info/forms and Sign-up)


The Watchers are humans who have been Blessed by the Great Watcher. They are able to See parts of the future and have impressive healing abilities. Some are also able to create barriers and protective shields. Their powers usually strengthen with age, But some are born extremely powerful. They are spotted easily by a reflective light in their irises and usually have light eyes. Their hands also sport very light markings that travel up to the forearm. hey are hunted by the Grimm's, and are valued and treasured by humans. Their Haven is the City of the Sun, which is blind to the eye of the Grimm. They are taken at a young age from their parents and are brought to the Sun Temple to learn the ways of the Watcher and to develop their skills. They complete their training within 16 years and most choose to live in the temple, but some go on to live in the city. But none are permitted to leave the city, ever. If they do, they may never return.


The Grimm's are humans who have been blessed (or cursed) by the Grimm itself. It is their duty to hunt and eat any Watchers that they find. They constantly hunger and feel pain, and it is only soothed if they devour a Watcher, but the pain always returns and is only soothed for a short while. They were sent by the Grimm to find the City of the Sun, since it could not find the city itself. They have a human form, and a beast form that starts to creep out when they haven't fed in too long. They can be spotted by their dark eyes and by a dark birthmark that is hidden under their hair at the base of their spine.(
example) Only Males were chosen to be Grimm's, as the Grimm felt females were too weak to carry the burden. They are extremely strong physically and mentally. They are good talkers and are very persuasive, easily believable. They still have human emotions and most kill themselves after being chosen, only the evil and strong willed usually survive. As they feel the constant hunger, they eat a lot in attempts to fill themselves.


The humans that live outside the Sun city make small colonies and try to just stay alive. Many Humans inside the city lead very good lives, working jobs and having families. Many job can be found inside the city and in other colonies such as florists, carpenters, cobblers, and many many more. There is a council of humans inside the city that run it and all that goes on inside the city, just trying to keep the people safe and happy. The humans hold Watchers very precious to them and many fall in love with the Watchers and have families with them. Recently, the news of the Grimm foot soldiers have made its way to the city and the people grow nervous, sending patrols outside the city to protect the city and the Watchers better. Some humans have even been trained and sent out into the ruin to collect information on them and kill them if possible. Only one hunter has ever returned with a dead Grimm, and the people learned what they could from it.


( Character Forms )

(( I will allow only 2 Watchers and 2 Grimms for the time being, the rest will be humans for now. And, I will tell you if your profile is accepted! <3 ))

( Insert Image Here. Only photos please, no anime. But if you must... )

Name: (Given name and Surname)

Nickname: (if any)

Age: (14+)


Species: {? (Watcher) /? (Grimm) /? (Human)}

Occupation: ( Job within the city. Common things.)

Appearance: (Description required, image required above. If you cannot find one, I will provide them.)

Personality: (At least two paragraphs. )

History: (At least two paragraphs. )

Other: (Anything else you would like to mention about your characters. Any quirks, anything!)

I don't know what your looking for as a pic :/ So could you maybe find one for me? Bitte und Danke!!

Name: Edward Zerströung

Nickname: Envy

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Species: (Grimm)

Occupation: Blacksmith apprentice?

Appearance: Black eyes, Black hair, tall but not over 6 feet, skinny looking body but still strong. Wears black clothing that is somewhat medieval but tight fitting and not very fluffy like clothes back then.

Personality: Not sky at all, cunning and knows how to talk his way out of almost any situations. He doesn't like to be denied what he wants and tends to become more sinister when someone denies his wish. Prefers the dark over light (duh...). Likes to cause trouble a lot and hates people who follow the rules. He loves causing pain and agony and toying with people before they die.

History: He's led a boring life of nothing but making trouble after his parents died when he was 5. He started to steal and vandalize to gain attention and always ran away from orphanages. He's been caught several times but guards when he was younger and has become very stealthy as to not get caught. In his early teens he was wandering in the night and stumbled upon the Grimm. From then on he was cursed, but to his opinion he was blessed. He's been following under the Grimm for 4 years now.

Other: Never loved anyone (that can change lol)

Are you going to be in the roleplay as well? Just wondering
Not sure what you want for a pic, I'll provide a through description

Name: Terryn Mowbray

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Species: (Grimm)


Appearance: Terryn is as pale as the moon, but has the perfect splash of black for hair and eyes. His eyes are like coal, set deep in to his skull. They can easily bore into you, and even intimidate you. Terryn is muscled, but skinny. Some call him wiry, and it is a decent but almost inaccuarte description. He is about five feet, nine inches tall, give or take a few centimeters - he doesn't care. Terryn's wardrobe is, for the most part, black. Some of it is lined with silver - it reminds him of a cool, starry night.

: Sly, cynical, sadistic...All words that throughly describe Terryn. He will sneak around, lie and cheat to get what he wants, and has become quite good at it. Terryn has been serving the Grimm for three years, now, and is proud of what he is capable of, proud of being chosen; hand-picked by the Grimm himself. Terryn has never been attatched to anything, and he doesn't want to be. Attatchments are weaknesses in hsi eyes. He likes to ask questions, and will pester and bug you for the answer he wants to hear, and details to follow.

: Terryn was bored. There was simply not enough to keep him preoccupied or entertained. He quickly read all the books available to him, learned as many instruments as possible; only to drop them, worked hard in his father's shop, and basically doing everything he could to keep himself busy. Despite all of this, he was bored. It all felt meaningless - he wanted to join a bigger, better cause. Something righteous, meaningful, and deep. He wanted the Grimm's curse.

The stories of the Watcher and the Grimm's battles were among his favorite. To his father's horror, he had many questions and found fascination within the Grimm. His father tried to chase this out of his son by telling him of the glory of the sun, the light and warmth it gave the world. He boasted for the sun, speaking of its beauty and its righteous abilites. These stories were rewarded with a, "Well, have
you ever seen it?" and a growing fascination in Grimm in Terryn. Soon, Terryn decided he wanted to be chosen by the Grimm. However, he dared not tell anyone, for fear of their responses and reactions.

One cold, eerie day decorated with fog, Terryn went for a walk. Sure it was dangerous, sneaking out into the monster infested world alone and unarmed, but Terryn was bored. He got lucky. Soon, after wandering aimlessly for a few minutes, the Grimm found him, and blessed him with a curse.

The pain in his stomach, at first, made it difficult to focus on anything. Soon, though, he found a Watcher, and devoured her with no thoughts about it. The soothing feeling he felt in his gut became addictive. Terryn has become used to the pain, but the soothing sensation he felt was better then anything - it was releif of a terrible thing. It is his drug. He tries to stay in his human form as much as possible, but hunting has become difficult. Terryn is determined to find the city, to please the Grimm in any way possible.

Other: His father thinks he is dead


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