The Grid -Sign Up-


The Hatbox Empress/Retired Admin

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A few side notes before filling out the form:

  • Do not post the technology you have.
  • Do not post the job you hold.
  • Both will be assigned in a pm if you have been approved, as well as the information you know about the Grid itself, which is to be kept silent both in chat and the roleplay, until the GM states otherwise.
  • Do not submit form without turning the name indigo, failure to do so will result in decline.
  • If using a picture in the form, provide a photograph of the person (No drawings or sketches) as well as a paragraph or two description.
  • If not using a picture in the form, provide a paragraph or two description that clearly illustrates the image of the person you create.
  • The GM holds the right to deny characters without question.
  • The General Rules of RpNation's Roleplaying Apply.

Four Starting Cities:

  • New York City
  • Berlin
  • Lyon
  • Beijing

The Form:

  • [*=left]Name:
    [*=left]Appearance: (Paragraph {1-2} Required)
    [*=left]History: (Paragraph {3-6} Required)
Starting City: New York City

Lloyd Sterling

Age: 17

Gender: Male


A tall, lanky young man with shaggy brown hair. Blonde highlights grace his dark brown hair, which tends to hide his green eyes from view. Dressing very casually, with very reserved and cautious body language, Lloyd's lanky body is agile, dextrous, and stronger than one would give him credit for. The bags under his eyes would suggest little, or troubled sleep.


Lloyd grew up in a regular, average middle class home, spending his free time like most other people. Until, however, he played his first GTech game. A first person shooter. Lloyd felt a rush he enjoyed, and continued with this interesting game. He didn't spend nearly as much time outside or like other people, only what was required. He immersed himself fully into games, and played professionally after a while. His schooling didn't suffer, but any chance at a social life did, and he was caught between games and school.

His chance came in the form of a global tournament. This small time stuff was over, Lloyd thought. He'd make it big by winning and make a name for himself in the world based on skills he'd developed by himself, no help from others. Getting to the final round elimination, Lloyd and another player were tied, so a one-on-one sudden death match was issued by the convenors so a champion could be crowned.

Despite losing that match, Lloyd gained respect and fame as a player, coming in second in that global tournament, and still plays professionally. He's not exactly an A-list celebrity but people ask for his autograph from time to time.

Skills: Lloyd is quite physically able, and understands some more basic aspects of programming. Quick with a keyboard as well, Lloyd would make a good hacker if he bothered to care about much. From video games his sense are quite developed and his reflexes are also spot on.

Other: Nothing really. :3
The Form:

Ahuva Kowalski

Age: 32

Gender: Female

Location: Berlin

Appearance: Ahuva is five feet, eleven inches tall; 165 lbs with a lean, athletic build. Her eyes are a dark blue and steady; she wears her shades when she can get away with it, and her bangs are long enough to obscure them if she wishes. She tends to wear her medium brown hair loose and long; if she pulls it back, she means business. Her heritage is purely Scandanavian, the shape of her jaw and coloring almost identical to her father.

Ahuva favors a leather jacket gifted to her when she was much too small for it and underneath wears loosely fitted clothes of unremarkable style. She wears several religious symbols on one chain that hangs low between her breasts. Her pants tend to be loose and dark of utilitarian material; her boots have seen plenty of wear and are also leather, an unusual, retro display.

History: Although she spent more of her life shipping from city to city with her parents, Ahuva’s clearest memories are the weeks at a time she spent with grandparents in a small unremarkable town with unusual low tech. Everything she considers important in life she learned in her time with them. After her grandmother died, she was permitted to visit more often, but she spent more time with other townsfolk, too. A disagreement with her parents when she was nineteen turned violent and she has made her own way since without any contact with either of them.


-An innate skill reading small cues from body language and minutiae of facial movements

-This has contributed to a natural targeting ability


-Wilderness survival knowledge (I imagine this is considered all but useless in this ‘day and age’)

Other: Bisexual; infertile; STV positive


Name: Hiiro Fayuki

Age: 23

Gender: Famale

Location: Berlin


Hiiro is pretty short, standing at about 5'1" and is also skinny as well around 127lbs, though she is also well built and has a strong frame. Hiiro's hair is a dark black color but has small streaks of brown in it as well; Her eyes are a hazel color but sometimes appear to be brown and Hiiro has a peachy skin tone color.

She tends to dress causally, though she has a thing for lace and light colors. She never wears heels though as she tripped too many times in them before and does not wish to break or twist her ankle.

History: Hiiro was born in Beijing but does not remember most of her time there. Hiiro spent most of her life in Berlin, having moved there at the age of eight and lived a pretty well life. Her family was mostly middle-class and so although Hiiro didn't always have what she wanted, she still got enough to be happy. She was also an only child so she didn't have anyone to compete with. She played an assortment of games, but eventually took to using her tech for reading. Hiiro was known as an oddball for this, but she enjoys her time spent reading. Hiiro still plays some of the virtual games, but not as often anymore.


*Quick thinker


*Able to read people well

*Pretty flexible and has great balance

*Able to adapt well to new situations

Other: Hiiro is asexual but panromantic
First Round Approvals

Coro Kouhai: Approved

Hatchet: Approved

Legendless: Denied

The approved shall get their pms later in the week after the Grid runs through analysis of character.
  • [*=left]Name: Coraline Haze
    [*=left]Age: 26
    [*=left]Gender: Female
    [*=left]Location: New York City
    [*=left]Appearance: Coraline is of an average height of 5'6" and is a little chubby as well around 157lbs but her clothes are usually baggy enough to hid her chubbiness most of the time. Coraline has dark brown hair that can come off as black in the right lighting, which she keeps pretty short around her chin area; Her eyes are a light green color. Coraline has a light brown skin color as well showing her mixed background. She usually dresses casually unless when she needs to be professional. She owns a leather jacket she wears when out on the night that she got from an old friend. Coraline also bears a faint scar on the lower part of her neck in the back, most likely from a fight from years ago.
    [*=left]History: Coraline was born and raised in New York City. Although she lived in the lower part of the city, she did pretty well. Coraline spent most of her youth out in the city usually getting herself into trouble. She ran around with a bunch of groups, or gangs as others saw them, in her late teens, but eventually came to realize that it was too dangerous for her. She still holds a sense of respect with a few groups now. Coraline also had a younger sister so she took care of when their parents were working and loved dearly. Her sister showed signs of being able to handle technology much better than Coraline could ever and so left a few years to pursue a career in it elsewhere. Coraline and her sister are still in contact but Coraline has become somewhat separate from her family as she works to make her place in the world.
    [*=left]Skills: Coraline skills vary but most are useful to the city life. She has a great sense of direction and hardly ever loses her way, even in large crowds; She can even use crowds to her advantage hiding among them if she wants to. Coraline also has basic teaching in self-defense, enough to protect her from muggers but probably not a whole group of them. Coraline is pretty fast as well. She is also an exceptional cook, but hardly ever uses this skill to it's full potential.'
Current Location:

New York City


Dexter Caine


Dex, Blue XIII, XIII






6 ft. - 6 in.


201 lbs.


Dexter is tall, broad shouldered and has a posture that is in constant rebellion against his height. He seems well built enough to suggest some sort of regular physical training, but looks almost a little on the lanky side, as if working on building more muscle.

His usual attire is of a non-remarkable style, quite plain, with the exception of the round, frameless, 'goggle' sunshades and multi-pocketed jacket. His bottom half is generally clad in some sort of casual pants, unless his employment requires it. For shoes, he usually wears movable (but durable) boots or flexible shoes if he's needing to be somewhere in a hurry.

His hair is dark enough brown that it is usually mistaken for black and closely cropped to his head so that he does not need to worry about styling it. It leads down to an equally cropped and styled beard, which is closely trimmed to his face, but long enough without looking like stubble. One eye is a hazel color, while the other is a bright blue, showcasing his heterochromia.

Unnoticeable when he is fully clothed, his chest and back are marked with a few thin, criss-crossing scars of varying intensity.


Dexter's early life consisted of frequent travel, due to his father being in the military. At the time, both parents shielded the boy from most types of technology, attempting to give him a more 'old-fashioned' (if not completely antiquated) upbringing. They disappeared suddenly when the boy was only twelve, forcing him into the care of his aunt and uncle who had embraced everything technological and thrived on it.

When he was eighteen, he moved away from the family and severed ties with them, following his uncle's arrest for illegal hacking activity and fraud, known as the [CLASSIFIED DATA EXPUNGED].

Finally settling in New York, the young man developed quite a name for himself over the years, particularly in various online environments. His online username or 'tag' of XIII becoming known well in certain circles such as the [DATA EXPUNGED] and [DATA EXPUNGED] before vanishing completely for a few years.

Recently resurfacing in a few of these circles, he is no longer as well known or recognized as before (due to both time gone and his current age), leading people to believe that such usernames or tags are simply copycat accounts.


Despite his height and bizarre leaning posture, the male is quick on his feet. He's not bad in a fight either, but is usually able to talk his way out of most situations.

His real skills, however, lie in hacking and programming. From an early age, Dexter could run circles around others when it came to technology. As tech continued to get more and more complex, so did his knowledge of it.


Second Round Approvals.

Vassel: Denied

Mr. Grin: Approved

The approved shall get their pms later in the week after the Grid runs through analysis of character.
Name: Melina Thray

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Location: Lyon, France



Melina’s hair is naturally curly and as it was never dyed before it remains the ash brown that she and her twin were born with. Born with heterochromatic eyes, her left is a dull green color while the other is brown; it’s believed that the color genes of her left eye don’t work due to mosaicism. With a warm olive complexion, her skin is also dry and she can be found wearing lotion instead of perfume.

As for her physique, she has a feminine frame, being rather willowy and delicate although that is in direct contrast to the girl’s sharp personality. Described as rather underweight, she only weighs 110lbs at 5’5”, the results of her sporadic eating habits. Although Melina has a fashion sense, there is no distinct style to her closet, and there are even a few ugly items that hang at the back.


Melina’s life had started next to her fraternal brother Adrien; a Caesarean section was what split them apart for the first time. All they had was each other, or that’s what Melina soon came to believe as their parent’s focus was more on the elder sibling. Her name was Clara, older by four years and tired that her parents were focused on “The Twins”. So she acted out, and the rebel stage worked enough against their parents that they now had another favorite.

They weren’t bad parents, but the rift of not initially bonding could only be crossed so far, and the twins showed enough emotional neglect by grade school that they were their own trouble-makers. Melina was the type who acted like a spoiled brat; a princess by her own word who cried and acted out whenever she didn’t get her way. It wasn’t like she was spoiled by her own middle-class family; she just wanted to be acknowledged as much as Clara.

The single soft spot she had was for her brother, as they often calmed each other down during a tantrum or were the other’s only playmate due to their personalities. The girl would not share with anybody but him, and the boy of the set would throw his own tantrum when frustrated with the teachers. It turned out that their troublesome ways had paid off, as their two parents gave them the attention they craved but it had left something else in its wake.

Melina loved her brother, or rather, she was in love with him; the little gestures of family hood made her heart flutter, and as she hit puberty, the confusion involved other feelings. Sexual feelings. It didn’t help that the two had been split up for a second time, due to them each gaining their own group of friends. Jealousy burned in her every time her friends would mention him, and she only wished that he would feel the same way about her. So she started dating; sleezy, un-kept, and probably the worst guys in their high school just to get a rise out of her brother.

It seemed her jealously plan had worked, as she remembered her brother starting a fight with a particular fling in the hallway. Although she didn’t know why, her smirk was still smug when she had seen it happen, they belonged together… After graduation, the rift forced them farther apart and she was afraid she’d lose her brother altogether. Adrien wanted them to be together though, he invited her out specifically for a day; Melina chose that day to finally act out on her feelings, thinking it was a date, she kissed her brother.

Skills: Charisma, Intellect, Communication, Leadership (*cough* Dictatorship*cough*)

Other: A very picky eater and has shown to have an empathetic link with her twin.
Name: Adrien Thray

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Location: Lyon; France


At 5'8, Adrien has a lithe and willow build with a slim/narrow waistline and slightly broadened shoulders with prominent collar bone, and while built beneath his clothes he is not overly muscular or bulky, rather possessing the somewhat lean and wiry countenance of a swimmer; an activity he partakes in order to wind down and de-stress. His is usually a confident and open posture born of confidence, and somewhat expressive with his hands, his long slender digits can often be viewed waving to emphasize a point or reassure another; most commonly his twin sister.

Whilst not handsome in perhaps the conventional sense (rugged with chiseled jaw etc.), in the same way a daisy may compete with the rose Adrien is appealing nonetheless with a diamond facial shape, almond shaped brown eyes and well defined features; a straight nose, sharp cheekbones and a somewhat strong jaw. He possesses a soft olive complexion, warm in tone, his ashen brown hair naturally curling and layered.

Hairstyle reference: Here (somewhat shaggy framing his face; cut short on the sides, and longer at the top, bangs brushed over to one side.)


Born via c-section alongside his fraternal twin sister Melina, Adrien struggled to bond with his parents during the early years of his infancy/childhood and rather found comfort in his sister's embrace. Their bond, already strong from their time within the womb, deepened as their parents spent more and more time on their attention seeking sister Clara (older by four years), unwanting and spiteful of the twins arrival, her behaviour gradually declining, bordering delinquency in her teen years.

The emotional neglect as an infant played a big part in Adrien's sensitivity as a young boy, and he was prone to aggressive displays of anger and frustration at being misunderstood or not heard as likely as he was to break into inconsolable tears at the smallest criticism or remark (a 'cry baby'). More often than not it was his sister Melina; the only source of stability in his life-, who soothed his agitation and at a loss on how to deal with him, his parents agreed to the school's recommendation of counseling, one which they also partook.

As Adrien entered high school he had already begun to mellow out, the relationship with his parents, particularly his mother whom he shared many of his interests, becoming increasingly better by the day as they spent more and more time with the twins (though the same could not be said for his older sister Clara whom to this day he struggles to get along) and he began to get involved in his own activities, make his own friends. Never the eager student he barely made the grades, just scraping by and he took up swimming to release any pent up and lingering stress/frustrations. It was also during this period, as he and Melina began to become more involved in their own lives that he also began to take more of an interest in hers, becoming more protective.

Having heard from friends, students, even stories from the girl herself regarding the greasy slabs of meat she chose to date he would often try to reason with her. Having heard one particular boy's lengthy and detailed discussion in the halls regarding how he would 'do' her and how, he was unable to take witnessing the boy's filthy paws sliding over his sisters' body, the feeling of discomfort emanating from her and he found himself pulling the boy off of her, slamming a fist into his face before dragging Melina away, yelling at her, eventually calming after a while.

After graduation, the twins increasing distance and their uncertain future began to worry Adrien. He had never been without Melina and aware of their drifting apart, not wanting the gap to develop further he opted to spend more time with her and catch up. Making plans with her to go out one day, to get together just the two of them, Adrien found himself having more fun than he had, had in a long while, the extra effort and sleepless nights put into studying so as not to flunk out finally catching up to him. However that was before Melina kissed him.


- Physical prowess (endurance, agility and all around body strength)

- What Adrien lacks in academic intellect he makes up for in common sense.

- Good initiative

- Organizational Skills


A Pescatarian; Adrien dislikes meat including poultry and eats only fish-, and he displays a strong empathetic link with his twin sister Melina.
Name: Otis Maxwell

Age: 32

Gender: Male

Location: Berlin

Appearance: Otis has a tall and lanky frame. He stands at about 5'9", being one of the taller members of his family. His face is narrow in shape and he still bears scars from acne ridden days of youth. His eyes are a dull blue color and are usually behind a thick set of glasses, which sits on a rather large nose. He has a beard as well which he had started to gow over his divorce troubles but now keeps it trimmed short and neat. Otis had long fingers and some people have said he could of been a good piano player with them. His skin is a peachy color but his arms and legs are covered in black hair that is thick and coarse and his skin is rough, mostly on his hands and knees and feet. His own hair is usually oily, a black color and falls to between his shoulder blades. He usually keeps it in a ponytail and keeps it at that length, never letting it get too much longer, but never cutting it short either.

Otis usually dresses in whatever is the first thing he grabs. He owns many button down shirts and dress pants so that they take up almost all of his wardrobe but owns a few pair of jeans and a couple t-shirts. He usually wears his black dress shoes, no matter the occasion, but he also owns a pair of pretty runned down sneakers as well. He has never really cared too much about his appearance and he can sometimes appear to be a little sloppy in the way he dresses, but he is always ready to make an impression if need be.

History: Otis was born into a semi-large family, the youngest of four. Because he was the youngest of his siblings, he would always receive their hand-me-downs, from toys to clothing to other assorted things. Otis never really understood this part. It wasn't the need to save money, but more that it was something to keep the family connected and a sort of tradition in his family as well. His family did have a habit of saving money though, for various things and so Otis sometimes had to take what he was given. He was still a normal child though and threw fits over not always getting what he wanted.

Beyond that, Otis had a relatively normal childhood. He got along with his brother and sometimes with his sisters. They's always play games, both VR and not, to see if they could beat each other. Their parents felt this was heathly as siblings needed to have a sense of competition with each other and it rarely lead to problems outside it, though sometimes it did. He did well in school, showing an aptitude in math. Numbers and mathematical equations always came easy to Otis, even winning this some awards when he realize that he could use his skills outside the classroom. For a while during his last years of school, is family and teachers began to push him into finding a career in math, but after a long discussion that took place over months, Otis got them to realize that whatever job he took, it would be his decision.

Once Otis became an adult or at least legally considered one, he started to date more seriously. At the age of twenty-five, Otis found himself marries to a twenty-seven year old, Tina, someone who happened to be a friend of one of his sisters. For a while Otis was happy in his marriage. They eventually had a child, a little girl that Otis named Rebecca, but after the birth of their daughter, Otis and his wife began to fight, leading to a divorce and Tina getting full custody of Rebecca. It has been two years since then and Otis had yet to fully move on from his failed marriage.

Skills: Mathematically brilliant, Very organized, Able to multitask a number of things at once, Great people skills

Third Round Approvals

Kagura: Approved

Gemini: Approved

Legendless: Approved

The approved shall get their pms later in the week after the Grid runs through analysis of character.

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