[The Grid] Chatper 1: Hardwired

Patrick O'Connell

Miashara said:
The door is open but locked. The handle won't turn at all. After a moment you realize it's because the door was deadbolted shut, but someone went at it with a crow bar. Now the old wooden frame is mangled ($60) and the door itself is hanging crooked on its hinges. It will swing, but at the angle it's resting at you're going to have to give it a hard shove to get in.
Seeing the further property damage just makes Patrick mad. Somebody is going to have to pay for the repairs. And it had better be the ones who've done it...

Stepping around to face the door, he takes a deep breath - and takes his Beretta into a two-handed grip, muzzle raised, and ready, turning around to put his back to the door...and then slamming into it with his shoulder at full strength. His intent, to slam the door open and spin around, gun out in the Weaver stance, aimed in the general direction of the toolboxes before he can refine his aim.

While at the same time letting out a mighty yell.


(Strength + Athletics) = 4d10 → [7,7,7,9]

With Won in tow you crash through the glass door ahead of the sliding semi-trailer. You manage to hit the door directly on the frame, meaning no shards of safety glass cut you, and hit the ground with several seconds to spare. Outside the noise is deafening. Then Won whimpers, 'Oh no. Bricks,' in a pleading, scared voice.

That's never good. One glance reveals that the corners of the trailer are ripping holes in the wall as the thing slides along the sidewalk, hurling masonry from the building's exterior walls inwards. The result is a shower of flying brick fragments that is moving towards you at the same speed as the grinding trailer.

A glance around reveals that the room is large filled with dark rectangular shapes. There are no lights, and the street lights outside only dimly illuminate the interior through the gaping tears the trailer is ripping in the walls. You hear shattering glass from your right, the bad direction, but to your left, away from the scene of the accident, the room looks like it is open for a ways. There's a wall not fifteen feet from you, with a glass door in it like the one you just shoulder checked through. It looks out onto a crossing street and safety. You might be able to make it if you run, so long as you're careful getting around the dark obstructions.
Patrick O'Connell

There are two of them, and they stare at you for a moment with 'deer-in-the-headlights' gazes of shock. On has your larger boat toolbox ($400) in one hand, and a sack in the other. The sack is already hefty, and distended at the bottom with the shapes of power drills and wrenches. After an instant of staring at the gun in your hand he drops the sack and the toolbox and bolts. There's a window on the other side of the garage shuttered with heavy wooden covers, but the man goes through it with enthusiasm and a hard head. Yet the glass is old and brittle, and the lawn outside it is covered in cacti. That's got to hurt.

The other punk is more of a problem. He's in your car, toying with the unfamiliar clutch, and as the words leave your mouth he cranks the ignition and slams on a pedal. It's the gas, but the car isn't in reverse. Your mid-seventies Challenger hits the far wall of your garage like a battering ram, plowing through timber two by fours and wooden siding to carve out a second garage door. ($12000 damage, at least three good charters)


Join Battle from Punk 1: 2 successes

He takes a move action to go through the window.

Join Battle from Punk 1: 5 successes

He takes Ride action to get away. Unfortunately, his Ride is only 2, while your car has a control number of 3 (old school manual transmission, Mopar muscle car engine) which means he's having a lot of problems. 4 successes on the driving roll with a -2 penalty means he's getting away, but not quickly. The horrible, tortured noises that he's pulling out of your transmission box sound like drowning cats.

Roll Join Battle (Wits+Awareness) and give me an action please.

To all players, I don't know if anyone is confused by the Exalted mechanics, so this is a simple example of how they work.
Patrick O'Connell

"Why you - !" is all Patrick can manage to get out as his '74 Challenger's Hemi roars drunkenly and lunges through the back side of the garage. "You punks! You're not getting away so easy! Eat lead, evildoer!"

Letting the cacti deal with the punk who went through a window, he spins about and figuring any additional damage will be less hassle than having to find the stolen, possibly crashed, car later, tries to draw a bead on the right rear tire of the slowly departing, clutch-grinding muscle car, the report of the Beretta echoing in the trashed garage as he squeezes the trigger.

(Join Battle) = 5d10 → [2,1,6,9,2] (1 success)

(Dexterity + Archery) =
5d10 → [10,9,2,7,8] (3 successes)

10 Again → [1]

...eep, I forgot, a 'Firewand' has +1 accuracy...
1d10 → [2]

Damage =
(8L) → [5,1,6,10,8,8,6,10] (4 successes?)

10 Again → [3,7]

...I hope I got all of that right? :oops:
Robert Maudeville

Neolarthytep said:
The other day while walking on the beach checking out one of the beautiful young women Robert had stepped on a shard of glass. He could feel the ache in his foot from where the stitches were placed by the doctor at Nags Head General. He vowed to himself that he wouldn't be so clumsy this time.
He was first in Warfare, Robert had first in Psych, but it came down to a punchout and his fifth strength beat your sixth. Alas, killed by the auctions.

As Robert gets up to get something to drink, the house phone rings. Already moving, you answer it and speak briefly to an old nurse. Your blood tests have just come in, and it looks like you may have a minor infection. It's nothing serious, and round of antibiotics will clear it up quickly. Still, sooner is better then later, and the nurse urges you come in before ten. Otherwise you'll have to come to the emergency room, which will add about five hundred dollars to the twenty dollars for a shot. That leaves two hours.

Arynne said:
Erin puts down the bottle and imitates the movement of the saber with her hand, studying her shadow on the wall. Always before, when she tried to fence, freestyle, with her fellow students, she ended up performing the familiar, classical moves that could easily be predicted and avoided by an opponent. Now she begins to see, dimly, that the perfect cut or thrust must be something else. It must be as swift and precise as a shaft of light, unexpected, impossible to parry. But what is it?

((OOC: Results for 5 dice: 3 successes [ 6 7 0 3 6 ] (TN: 7) ))
There are a couple of things Erin notices. The first is an old sensation of dreamy movement. It's like moving through thick water. Every gesture is as you anticipate, but there is some faintly viscous medium that slows your motions. You're certain you could move yourself and your blade so much faster if you could just figure out what's slowing you down. You've felt this before, at times when instructors have pushed you harder then ever. Yet it is easy to forget in day to day life, when speed and control mean little.

The second is the new girl. She's coming over to you, not flushed and barely sweating, but breathing hard with a big post-workout smile. She appears to be one of those people who really enjoys the exertion. 'Appears to be' however, because as you watch her reflection in the water fountain, you catch her miss a heavy inhalation. She's faking it. She's not out of breath at all, yet she's impersonating it very well.

A moment later she arrives, and smiles at you. "Hi! Nice to meet you. Erin, right? I'm trying to learn everyone's name. You can call me Tink."
Erin nods cautiously. She has a streak of reserve a mile wide that has always made it difficult to just be friendly. “Nice to meet you…Tink.†Now she looks down uncertainly, struggling to think of something to say. Glancing at Tink’s well-worn equipment, she tries, “I guess you’ve been doing this for a long time, huh?â€
cyl said:
He drives slowly to the direction indicated by Winters... who knows, with some luck maybe someone will finally shot him dead today and he would not have to wake up tomorrow still wondering what day it is.
Your prayers are soon partially answered too. Someone tries. As you round a corner and tool slowly up a beach access road, the sudden crack of gunfire disturbs the night. You have a split second to take in the seen by the muzzle flash. A huge, lurching car is churning through the loose sand and grass on a lawn as it's wheels spin, kicking up a shower of debris. The thing's overpowered engine is screaming as it redlines in a gear far too low, and the vehicle is lurching along barely doing more than twenty miles an hour and yet still managing to be in a nearly perpetual skid out.

Behind it, clearly illuminated by a dropped flashlight, you see a gaping hole in the wooden wall of a small building. It's probably a garage, and the shredded tracks from the slowly fleeing muscle car lead back to it. There's a man standing in the hole in a low firing stance with a black object in his hands. Matching his silhouette up to the burned spot in your retina leads you to believe that the black thing is a gun.

Speaking of the gun, a moment later glass shatters. Your vision goes black, as your pupil's shrink from the sudden muzzle flash, effectively killing your night vision. But you hear your windshield disintegrate as the cheap annealed glass tumbles over the dash and onto your lap. The round takes out the passenger seat's headrest with perfect accuracy, blowing a circular brain-sized hole in it. A moment later you realize that there were actually two sounds of breaking glass, and now you need a new rear windshield as well.

Thanks for being patient. Hopefully this is a bit more interesting of an intro.

Also, I was able to answer your request. Aren't I helpful?
Brennick hits the brakes and turns the car around, with the intention of using it as a shield at the best of his abilities.

Painkillers and booze slow time perceptions and reactivity in most cases, not his... that always has been his problem, once the adrenaline starts to run through his veins, Franck sees thing with a sharp eye and a clear mind.

Sobering up instantly, he gets out of the car, hiding behind the engine and aims screaming:


Usually he is not a convinced follower of the codes, but since that stupid accident with the latino kid last year, and giving his current status, he has to follow the protocol... being killed in the process could be considered a bonus.

Join Battle:

6d10 → [3,10,5,7,4,9] = 4 suxx


First Action: Guard :roll:


do not worry about time delay, it is pbp :mrgreen:
Patrick O'Connell

The sudden arrival of an unmarked car on the scene, combined with the report of another gun and the reaction of the policeman inside, causes Patrick to freeze for a moment. Before he tosses his Beretta aside with a flick of the wrist (setting the safet in the process), aiming for a basket of laundry...

He doesn't drop, though, instead shouting, himself.

"If you're with the police STOP THOSE BOZOS STEALING MY CAR!" he bellows at the top of his lungs...
A kid whose car got stolen... woohoo... another excuse to

Brennick hops back into the car, opening the passenger door and shouting

"Get in here son ! We'll get your ride back !" he says to the man " and forget the goddamn burner..."

The engine roaring, and he nervously grabs his siren and police scanner:

"Central, this is Twenty Williams Fifteen, we got a Five O Three in progress at 1543 Post Ave, officer in pursuit... suspect is going west on..." he releases the scanner for a second "Come on son... hop in, what's the street they're on ?!"
Miashara said:
As Robert gets up to get something to drink, the house phone rings. Already moving, you answer it and speak briefly to an old nurse. Your blood tests have just come in, and it looks like you may have a minor infection. It's nothing serious, and round of antibiotics will clear it up quickly. Still, sooner is better then later, and the nurse urges you come in before ten. Otherwise you'll have to come to the emergency room, which will add about five hundred dollars to the twenty dollars for a shot. That leaves two hours.
Robert Maudeville

Hanging up the phone Robert looks at his two friends sitting at the table, then out the back door to the ocean

"damn" he mutters "Ok guys am I dead or not because I have to get over to the hospital again"

His friends looked up at him and laughed

"Oh your dead alright..." He goes into the gruesome details of how his character bit the dust

"Well fine that's all well and good but I have to get over to there to get this foot looked at before it's too late"

His friend ignore him as he gets back into the game. Robert walks to the door picking up his car keys on the way. Now that he thinks about it his foot is still rather sore, maybe he dis have an infection.

Walking gently down the steps he gets into his Honda Civic. Backing out of the driveway he drives to the hospital. The sooner he got this looked at, the sooner he could get back and go out on the beach to catch a glimpse at the cute girls next door. The thought of them made him smile a wicked smile.
(Sorry for the wait. Here I am.)

Great. Out of one tub and into another seemed to be the adage of the day for Kase, watching as the trailer started to hack into their building like a wave of sledgehammer. And he still was hauling Won. He had to aim the shot right, or he was going to trip on something and fall, or worse, clear whatever obstacles were in there and end up missing the door. He had to be perfect with this next run, or...

Adjusting his position slightly around the storm of bricks heading his way, Kase took Won again, and yelled, "Don't let go, Won, this is gonna be close!"

And thus ran headlong through the store at that door.
cyl said:
A kid whose car got stolen... woohoo... another excuse to
Brennick hops back into the car, opening the passenger door and shouting

"Get in here son ! We'll get your ride back !" he says to the man " and forget the goddamn burner..."

The engine roaring, and he nervously grabs his siren and police scanner:

"Central, this is Twenty Williams Fifteen, we got a Five O Three in progress at 1543 Post Ave, officer in pursuit... suspect is going west on..." he releases the scanner for a second "Come on son... hop in, what's the street they're on ?!"
Patrick O'Connell

"West on Neptune torwards 158", Patrick answers calmly, as he slips into the seat of the police car (and feeling rather glad, it isn't the back seat), having raced over without needing a second invitation. "There was a second one ransacking my tools, I think he might have a gun," he warns.
Brennick pushes the scanner com again.

"going West on Neptune torwards 158, and a 211 going on at 1543 Post Avenue with a possible 417."

He launches his siren out loud and smiles...

"That'll scare him off, colleagues will be there in 5... s'pose the car is worth more than the house ?!" he adds with a smirk putting the pedal to the floor and chasing the runaway.
Arynne said:
Erin nods cautiously. She has a streak of reserve a mile wide that has always made it difficult to just be friendly. “Nice to meet you…Tink.†Now she looks down uncertainly, struggling to think of something to say. Glancing at Tink’s well-worn equipment, she tries, “I guess you’ve been doing this for a long time, huh?â€
"Pretty much all my life," she agrees helpfully. "The equipment isn't that old, though. I normally use a different style with heaver blades, but when I heard about this session I picked these up at a pawn shop." After a moment she adds, "It could be that old, though. There is no way to tell the origins of these old weapons now." Her words are odd and the tone distant. Briefly she seems to be speaking from very far away. You're aware that the old gym is quiet, and all the other people have left, leaving dark, silent hallways. Walls of old stone sit heavily on their foundations, which bear them with patience and long practice.

Then a janitor comes around a corner, and the melancholy is gone. He politely urges you towards the door as he puts mop to bucket behind you in a profoundly banal, mundane gesture. It's oddly comforting. Tink falls in next to you, talking again in an easy, familiar prattle that sets you at ease. Her words ask no response beyond the immediate, while behind you the old man pays homage to the floor with pine oil.

"Fencing is a lot more relaxing then a lot of people realize, you know?" she's saying. "There's something out there, an ideal that I like to pursue. Even the olympians are chasing it, and it's good to know that I've got the same chance of really getting it as one of them. But that's what makes it soothing. We're-"

She's interrupted by the base roar of dual exhaust and someone comes screaming up next to you in the parking lot. Then you realize the roar is actually a stressed whine, because the car is a busted old Tempo and the driver's behind the wheel like he can make up for it by thinking about how cool he is. It's a man in a hoodie who looks out the window at you like a bug.

"-oh. I guess I have to go. Shoot," Tink finishes, looking at the driver disappointed.
Adjusting his position slightly around the storm of bricks heading his way, Kase took Won again, and yelled, "Don't let go, Won, this is gonna be close!"
And thus ran headlong through the store at that door.
Glass shatters behind you at each footstep, and outside metal grinds on concrete. Splotches of moisture flick across the back of your neck, making you think for a moment you're bleeding. Then a deluge of wetness hits the back of your legs, Won starts screaming, and a bit of cracked brick goes whinging in front of your face. The trailer is catching up when you finally smash through the hanging doors, and tumble onto the sidewalk. Won keeps yelling, but this is probably hard on the over medicated, over caffinated artist.

On the street next to you the semi trailer thunders and grinds by, kicking out dovetails of sparks. They're brighter than the streetlights, white and red.

Then you realize your legs really, really hurt.
Brennick, Patrick

It takes Patrick a second or so to dive into the car, which is fine. The perp isn't doing anything too quickly except fish tail his way across the lawn. Eventually he lurches onto the road, and the Challenger's tire snatch at the asphalt, throwing the car forward-

Until it hits forty five or so, at which speed it holds steady. The engine is roaring as the perp rips it around a corner, and you can see his silhouette in the windshield, screaming at something.

Brennick easily pulls his car up behind the perp. He speeds around a couple of corners at moderately high speeds, but they are empty this late at night. The one old lady who is out for a walk has plenty of warning and time to stop, turn around, and get out of your way as the chase goes by.

OOC: Fun fact: The Challenger's first gear tops out at about 45. To get it faster than that, you need to shift.

Brennick should start posting Dex + Ride rolls. The difficulty isn't that high, but botching would be bad.
Miashara said:
"...But that's what makes it soothing. We're-"
She's interrupted by the base roar of dual exhaust and someone comes screaming up next to you in the parking lot.
Erin's demeanor has been gradually softening as the older woman's gentle patter flows around her, like a stream around a stone. When Tink speaks of the ideal that she chases after, Erin finds it all coming out in a rush: "You know, when we were doing those drills I had the strangest sensa-"

Miashara said:
Then you realize the roar is actually a stressed whine, because the car is a busted old Tempo and the driver's behind the wheel like he can make up for it by thinking about how cool he is. It's a man in a hoodie who looks out the window at you like a bug.
"-oh. I guess I have to go. Shoot," Tink finishes, looking at the driver disappointed.
Erin feels herself withdrawing again, in response to the man's contemptuous gaze. "S'all right," she mutters. "Nicetalkingtoyoutink."
Brennick moves nervously from left to right on the road trying to intimidate the thief... apparently he is neither smart or talented... but heh... you gotta enjoy the little things !

"Aw man, if he keeps driving this way he's ending up in someone's living room... say kid, got insurance for that sweet ride o'yours ?!"

Dex+drive: 5d10

5d10 → [2,10,6,5,8] = 3 suxx

Kase couldn't believe it. He had cheated death! Well, it was the second time anyway, because the first time he did so, a car had cut in front of him and nearly rear-ended the sucker. And he was pretty much fine, considering he had been running through glass and exploding bricks.

Laughing weakly at some unseen comedic viewpoint of it all, he stumbled to the ground as his legs finally flipped him off in response to the sudden running.

"Next time...we're taking a bus."
Arynne said:
Erin feels herself withdrawing again, in response to the man's contemptuous gaze. "S'all right," she mutters. "Nicetalkingtoyoutink."
Tink looks at Erin, back at the hooded gentlemen, and then sighs. Her head drops, and for a moment she has an incredible crestfallen and frustrated expression. The trunk pops open behind her, and she throws her bag in. Then she moves purposefully back and steps directly between Erin and her driver, who's twitching with obvious impatience. Once he's blocked from view, a bit of the tension abates.

"It was nice talking to you too. I enjoyed it. I'll look forward to seeing you later, or hearing about what you felt during those drills. Here, have a card," she adds with obvious pride and produces a business card. It's plain white with "Tink" written in silver emboss across the center. There's also a picture of Tinkerbell who seems to be blessing the name with a wand and gold dust. Below that is a phone number. The rest is blank.

"I had them made myself, and when people say they're silly I threaten them with my epee," she tells Erin with mock seriousness. "But keep it with you, and call me some time if you feel like talking. You're not the only decent sword fighter in the town, you know." Then she offers her hand for shaking with another smile.
Erin smiles shyly as she shakes hands with Tink.

"Thanks. But, you know, until today, I wasn't even sure I counted as one..."

She steps back to let Tink get in the car and watches as she drives away, before shouldering her bag for the walk back to Seabreeze.

Silly name for the place. There never seems to be a breeze anywhere around the building - it's as if the air is dead.

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