[The Grid] Chatper 1: Hardwired

Blackadder said:
If Malcolm let the goon do so with the shirt, pause then use a backward elbow jab as an attack while the bozo is looking, is that unexpected?
Yes, but you'd have to use the standard re/establishing surprise rules.
"Yes, ma'am," Kase said with a smirk. Rolling down the window, he took aim outside with the gun. This was one of only a few times he'd ever actually held a gun, but he figured he could probably make this kind of shot. So, he focused on the male, taking careful aim.

And to play along with the Star Wars running gag, he added, "I have you now."

Finger on the trigger...and...once! Twice! Thrice!
Malcolm scowled as he spun, letting the mug do it. If these guys were human, they couldn't react like the other suits had, couldn't they? He paused, waiting for the goon to focus on scrutinizing his back.

Muay Thai was known as the Science of Eight Limbs for a reason. There were eight points of contact commonly used, that was to say, the feet, hands, knees... and elbows. Which could easily be slammed into a body backwards, as Malcolm did.

There... the mug focused his eyes, trying to find what ever he was searching for. Malcolm's arm flickered upward, then sharply chopped back. Malcolm used the momentum to go around for the grapple.

Wits 3 + Awareness 2 - Wound 1 = 4d10


Dex 4+Stealth 2+Stunt 2 - Wound 1 = 7d10


Clinch: (Crush Maneuver if successful)

Dex 4 + Martial Arts 3 + Stunt 1 - Wound 1 = 7d10


Speed 6, DV -1
Roll it, please.

Arynne, as this could rather precipitously impact your situation, I'm holding off until we find out if Kase shoots Erin.
Yeah...I just realized I'm rolling ping again. So I'm going to spend a Willpower to obtain a success. Which gets me one success.

Paying attention to your back as he is, the goon notices the elbow coming and rolls sideways, letting it pass him by. Then he smiles, a deep, refreshed smile.

"Resistance. Violence is authorized." It seems like the world suddenly got so much simpler for the big lug. Incongruous with the beautific smile is the hand that snatches the hand cannon from the holster and starts blasting away. He's so close he actually takes a step back to draw a bead on you.

Six successes to beat your surprise.
JB of two. You had a one, so he goes first.

(you said Clinch if that succeeds, so I'm presuming you aborted that.)


Misc draw action (Diceless, success)

Move action, (retreats to the rear of the car, clearing about 3 yards of space

Shoots: Total Acc. 4d for None. Lucky for you, he misses. Not a botch, so the round zips off and hits a tree.

A word on guns. Getting shot at is always considered unexpected as bullets move fast. With a stunt, they can be dodged, but that requires you take at least a move action. (You can't dodge bullets, yet, but you can run and hope he misses. Mechanically, we'll call it a dodge.) People with charms that beat unexpected attacks can dodge bullets, which will be you guys soon enough. Since pretty much all firearms do lethal damage, and those that don't won't come up in play, they cannot be parried without weapons and charms, normally. The sole exception is getting right close to somebody and parrying the gun, not the bullet, Equillibrium Gun-kata style.

NB: Be aware though, that if someone starts shooting at you and you cannot take a move action, ie you did something and don't go again for a few ticks, you cannot defend without magic. If you took a move action last turn and are still technically moving, then you're okay*.

*Okay for definitions of okay that include being shot at.
Shit, he'd done it. Well, all Malcolm could do now was fight for it. Closing the distance, so that he could knock the gun away if need be, he tried to pin down the goon, but he wasn't moving fast enough...


Move Action (close the distance so I can theoretically gun-parry), then Clinch attack (if hits, Crush dmg, while keeping the gun away from myself)

Dex 4 + Martial Arts 3 - Wound 1:

6d10.hits(7)=1 sux

So that's going to undoubtedly miss. :(
And, after completely forgetting where something was and searching half my books for it, I find out I need a clinch control check from you. So, [strength or Dexterity] + MA please.
Kase, Erin

There is a moment of silence.

"Does she think she can make demands?" Jayne suddenly asks Sam, slightly confused.

"No," Sam corrects the other. "She's being defiant."

"You know this, or you're guessing?"

"Guessing based on human nature. It doesn't matter. Break her sword to make your point, then torture her until she talks." The Agent doesn't sound sadistic. She sounds irritated.

"With pleasure." assents the Agent holding you, but by the sound of it this too is a lie. There is no joy in his tone. He twists, suddenly and sharply, and the wooden blade splinters, rotten straight through in an instant. As it cracks, green diseased light pours out of the wooden core, and there is a foul, ill smell. Then it shatters, and Jayne's hand lurches forward for your throat.

Wisely, you decide not to be there. In the moment she destroys your weapon, you break free. Jayne stares at you, disgusted, and reaches out again. Right about this time Sam gets shot.

Or at least a bullet passes through where Sam was. In a flowing maneuver of windmilling arms, the suited figure goes over backwards. She was standing so close to Jayne though that the later must also swing wide, flailing at the rounds. There is another crack, and another, and you finally get a bead on the source of the gunfire.

Some crazy bastard is driving a ... thing through the trees, straight at you, and that guy you just met is hanging out the window, blasting away.

So, Charm is invoked, Erin's sword dies.

That rolls over into the next action, so another check to see who has control of the clinch. Also five for Team Bad Guys. I'll give him a penalty for getting shot at, so you win.

The sword killing charm isn't in his usual repertoire. So s/he can't use a instant kill-you-to-pieces hit, of which he has dozens. Not till next action. As such, you've got four ticks before his next go.
I thank whatever gods may be

For my unconquerable soul.

The sight of her blade...dying sends a bewildering surge of rage through Erin, along with one of those eerie, half-formed moments of deja vu.

This has all happened before.

But it will not happen the same way this time, she thinks.

In the moment the sword breaks, the pressure holding her against the tree vanishes, and in the heartbeat of time between that moment and the one in which Jayne's hand finds her throat, she has slid away from it, like sunlight.

And then the woods ring with a volley of gunshots and her attackers have troubles of their own to contend with.

Erin does not pause to ponder the whys and wherefores. The foul smell from Jayne's destruction of her sword still burns in her nostrils. Unclean. Corrupt. She suddenly wants nothing so much as to be far away from those...dark creatures, and she sprints for the appproaching vehicle as if competing for a medal.

You shoot for his hips, but the big man fades towards the car and evades. Again he tries to clear for space, and keeps blasting.

Yep. Not so much on the clinching. Very close, though. after his minuses, he barely evaded.

Flurry, three rounds, 3,2,2 to hit.
Kase, Erin

Erin has the peculiar experience of running towards the source of the hail of gunfire. Normally not recommended, but this is one of those exceptions.

As Kase braces against the door frame and clicks through rounds, Lace shifts and yanks the wheel hard over. A moment later the tires scream as the car goes sideways, kicking up a rain of dirt and shredded pine needles, and moves completely sideways full into a ankle high stump. There is a thud like Armageddon, and with entirely too much momentum, the car doesn't have the luxury of stopping. It goes airborne and starts spinning. Somewhere along this line explosive bolts on Lace's door release, that goes flying off, and you do four or five sideways revolutions through the woods about four feet off the dirt.

Erin sees this happening, observes the car coming at her, and gets hit with memories like the gunshots she's avoiding: combat, fire and light, a sea of acid, and someone punching out God. The the car goes spinning by and basically eats her, as Lace's open doorway drops over her head and she's yanked inwards to crash into Kase's lap.

Kase, also hit by the sudden rush of old memories, finds himself with the woman of the hour sharing his seat, and for an instant is utterly baffled by the nature of the weapon in his hand. It smells like cordite, not firedust. The triggering mechanism is all wrong. And it's just so plain. It should have ornate scroll-work down the handle, and the fist of Throten who's name would get bastardized over the years, anchored by a few obscure memories to remain remotely close to its original pronunciation as Thor.

The you hit a tree, drop out of the sky, and hit the dirt with four wheels screeching. Acceleration pushes you back into your seats, and away you go.

Both of you notice that Lace isn't holding the wheel. She's got both hands buried to the wrists in the dash, and oil and grime must be leaking up her wrists because they've turned black to the elbow. All she says is, "Please call Pat. Tell him they have a make on the car, and I need to switch roles. I'll run, you to go with him, and we'll meet at the Firecracker Marina in Duck. But you're going to have to switch cars without touching the ground else they will know, and then they will find you."

More crazy charm nonsense.

You've also probably figured out one of the more obvious triggers for old memories.

Patrick sighs. "Fine, fine, be that way. I should have known that if the world was a fairy tale the fairy tales would be right and help wouldn't be as helpful as help should be."

He shakes his head (but discreetly eyes the strange woman as she slips out of the car), then turns his attention back to the goings-on in front of him.

So, help is where I find it, eh? Might as well find it here...

And he slips out the Challenger's clutch just as one of the MiBs starts shooting at the chap who was so recently ago in his window.

Well, can't have that.

And so, once more, the windows of the street rattle as a Hemi roars, and the Challenger's tires smoke, aiming straight for Malcolm and the shooting agent...
Oh shit... Malcolm thought as he faced the goon evade and the gun go up to face him. I am toast... Then things slowed, and he seemed to hear a voice whisper:

You can do better. Stop this dark one, Chosen.

Everything slowed for a moment, and Malcolm acted instinctively. He seemed to move quicker with adrenaline, and then went to the ground, hands catching onto the asphalt and holding him up. Performing a swift handstand, his feet shot out to the gun, contacting the weapon enough to safely divert the trajectory of the bullets that launched on.

Malcolm flipped back to his feet, amazed at his performance, but the sound and sight of the rushing car brought him into focus. "Bye!" he called to the suited mug, and ran for Hail Mary out of the path of the car.

Well, you didn't specify that he was taking a move action, so Parry Time.

Base Parry DV is 3, after attack is 2.

Adding in the 2d stunt, Parry DV is 4 against the first, 3 against the second, 2 against the third. All parried. I think you will agree that works.

After that, Hail Mary Dash to get out of the path of the Challenger.
Oooh, I didn't, and I completely meant to. But you caught me, so good on you.

Did you include the wound penalty? If so, your action will be resolved after the Bushranger rolls his strike. If not, you probably want to try to buff that by one more. A virtue would do it.
Ok, fine.

I spend 1 WP to channel Valor to aid my Dodge dice pool.

When adding in that and the wound penalty, I get just enough to parry the shots.

And since the two-dice stunted defense succeeds, I get the WP back.

Channels Spent: Temperance x2, Valor x1.

Edit: After putting in XP, my WP is now 3/7, since I don't think that dots of WP automatically translate into fresh points.
Erin Hagens

Erin lies sprawled across Kase for a moment, slightly stunned. Then she sits bolt upright and says in tones of outrage, "They broke my sword!"
"Yeah. And we're next in line if we don't get the hell out of Dodge in ten seconds," Kase told her. "Now keep your head down, I need to make a phone call!"

Quickly stuffing the gun in the glove compartment, he pulled out his cell phone, dialing Pat's number, letting it ring once, and then hanging up: the signal they had discussed.

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