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Active [The Grand Duchy of Roran- Aslan Outskirts] The Lord Visits The Lady's House


Roleplay Artist
In the following RP Adelhein meets Scarlett Ashford’s family at her family estate in the Grand Duchy of Roran. The RP is aiming for a twice a week pace minimally. As it is a 1x1 it is not open to other's joining at this time.
Location: Duchy Of Roran, Aslan Outskirts, Ashford Estate

Time: Morning

Mention: Maxxob Maxxob

After the events of the last quest, Adelhein and Scarlett found themselves being escorted there via a somewhat ornate enclosed , magitech car-like vehicle which floated along the ground, no need for wheels in liu of the levitation magic system. The vehicle itself had been protected by warding magic, making it difficult for the average person to see it was them being transported on the inside without a high magical grade to penetrate.

The one piloting at the front of the vehicle was what appeared to be a construct in uniform, magical energy flowing through it’s lithe metallic body, a much different flavor than the steampunk style vehicles found in Widersia, it’s core glowed with a blue hue.

Scarlett Ashford

Scarlett looked over to Adelhein with a bit of a smile sitting next to him,

“Well Adelhein, we’re almost there, I really hope they’ll be to your liking, I’ll say sorry in advance if any of them are a bit much.” she’d giggle a bit after.

When they’d reach the estate, there was a gate which Adelhein should he use any investigative magic would immediately see there were plenty of wards and protective magic on that alone, making it exceedingly difficult to actually see what the place looked like from the exterior.

The vehicle stopped, and the construct driver got out, closing the door, and making their way around to the gate to interface with it, and after some time the gate opened up, the construct then made their way over to the door, so that Adelhein and Scarlett could get out.

Scarlett got out and gestured for Adelhen to follow, before she’d head toward the gate entrance and through, and presuming he’d follow, what actually lay beyond was revealed.

A very sleek design with ornamentation was made apparent almost immediately, instead of the more old timey euro style which wasn’t an uncommon choice, the entire building presented as being part of the Magic Duchy. A stained glass window which was illuminated by magical energy took the forefront of the sizable manor, what was displayed evidently being the House Ashford Crest.

Some Stairs led up to the entrance, but in front of the stairs there was a processional way which went through a garden of well kept plants many of which had magical properties, some of which almost looked ethereal, floating transparent lotuses, rose like flowers which appeared to be eternally on fire in a vibrant hue of purples and reds, and plenty of colorful flowers arranged in complementary patterns and colors.

There was a colorful water feature which looked crystalline and shifted colors occasion, as did the water, what looked like could have been animated glass swans, swam around the perimeter of the water feature.

The stone pathway itself had been decorated to be aesthetically pleasing to the eye, as Scarlett made her way down the path, and they got closer to the actual building itself, along with Adelhein, it was at that point there’d be some servants waiting outside in a line bowing, in uniform.

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“Welcome back home Miss Scarlett.” A beast maid with a dark hime cut, white rabbit ears, and a small cotton looking tail spoke, looking mostly human otherwise, with a polite bow.

“Thanks Miriam.” Scarlett gave a wink her way and a smile, “It’s nice to see you again and it’s nice be back, I’ve been really looking forward to showing Adelhein around the place so he can meet everyone.”

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Upon hearing the name ‘Adelhein’ a taller looking more muscular bald looking fellow with a mustache wearing a suit eyes widened a bit looking like he was contemplating speaking up but he held his tongue.

Adelhein: [Isekai], [Human], [Adept Magus] Color - #e60e0e
Saber Alter: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Swordsman] Color - #470c85
Gilgamesh: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Mage] Color - #d3fa5c



Saber Alter's Influence


Gilgamesh's Influence


TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

The invitation to meet Scarlett’s family and estate came as a bit of a surprise for Adelhein. But then again, considering the red-haired noble was now being mentored by him, it would make perfect sense for them to meet him. Or, at least, that was what he assumed it had happened.

Having managed to leave both of his Servants back at his own manor, with no shortage of objection from them, the young magus had gotten into the curious wheel-less carriage. Back at his own world, there were inventions and creations made by magi which were direct counterparts to those created only by pure mundane science.

Even then, he didn’t remember anything quite the vehicle he was in right now. Their chauffeur, on the other hand, looked like something that would have been found with ease in there: a magical construct brimming with mana. He wondered, for a moment, if the creature had any free-will or was it just like the golems he could conjure forth. Then again, did it matter at the end of the day?

He was looking through the window at his side, seeing the passing scenery of the Grand Duchy of Roran. That place was incredible in quite many senses, the magical presence in the whole nation was undeniable. He had even heard that its capital sported a strong barrier to protect its denizens from outside threats. It piqued his curiosity: just how strong it was? Could it hold a candle to the magical wards and general protections sported by the Clock Tower?

At that point, he didn’t rapidly dismiss things from this world he now lived it. Those who had joined him had made this faint shift in his perception, even with his elitist perception remaining. Yet, the biggest cause for the change had been Gilgamesh, prodding him to obtain any and all source of knowledge that could be useful. And that couldn’t be done if everything was considered to be of lesser value from the start, right?

“I’m sure a family who brought up a proper magus like yourself will be delightful to meet. Even more considering their position in the magical society.” Adelhein answered back, crimson eyes drifting from the window with deliberate slowness to focus on Scarlett. His expression was quite serene, only changing a bit to her following comment, confusion etched on his youthful face. “A bit much?” He asked, tilting his head slightly. “I doubt anything would beat the day when one of the heiress of the Aozaki family and I sat face to face in our living room, while my uncle and her father arranged our marriage.” Giving an awkward smile, was it possible for anything to topple that?

Upon reaching the estate, the young magus was already looking curiously at their surroundings, not much to gauge their wealth, as that mattered little to him. The level of protection that the Ashford family had used to protect their workshop or domain is what actually interesting him. And from the vehicle, his visual investigation using his arcanic knowledge on the gate told him quite a bit. [Arcana E + Appraisal S].

“Mmm, the level of security in your family estate is quite something.” Adelhein remarked, raising both of his eyebrows in surprise, sounding impressed. “A lot can be known by that alone.” He would say with a grin, his curiosity piqued once more.

As soon as the door was opened, Adelhein would leave the vehicle, walking alongside Scarlett through the gate.

And, when he could finally look inside the estate, there was some surprise in seeing the architecture of the manor itself. It followed the sleek design of that magical city, so foreign and different when compared to what he was used to. But even so, it was pleasing to the eye, even more with all the aesthetics and details present in the very entrance, with addition of the crest of the Ashford family.

“I can’t say I’ve seen anything like this before…” He said, as he walked and glanced towards one of the animated glass swans. “... magecraft is not used to that end from where I come from.” The young magus had only known magecraft for more utilitarian, Spartan purposes up to that point. So, he couldn’t help but be a bit taken back to see it was used for aesthetics and beauty.

When both Adelhein and Scarlett reached the line-up of domestics, he observed them in silence, until the one looking like a rabbit was the one who greeted Scarlett. “Beastkins… right…” Adelhein had not really interacted with their kind since arriving at that world, but he had seen quite many of them back in Ryken. But it didn’t really matter.

“And I would never pass up the opportunity to meet Scarlett’s family and get a tour of her family’s estate.” The young magus would say after Scarlett, his crimson eyes drifting towards the bald, mustachioed domestic and gazing towards him for a few moments, but also not saying anything.
Location: Duchy Of Roran, Aslan Outskirts, Ashford Estate

Time: Morning

Mention: Maxxob Maxxob

Scarlett Ashford

Scarlett smiled Adelhein’s way when he mentioned her family would be delightful to meet. “I really hope you find that to be the case and that they live up to your expectations, I just can’t help but feel a bit worried about it I guess.”

She’d chuckle a bit lightly. She was sure that he’d see what she meant sooner or later, and hopefully he’d be able to take well enough to it, they were generally good people she liked to think who definitely fit into the social class which he spoke of and hopefully that should help out a good deal.

With his response to her bit much comment she couldn’t help but giggle some, lending a larger warmer smile after,

“Oh my it sounds like those two were very interested in seeing you marry that family’s daughter then hm? That must have been quite an ordeal, I suppose ..it didn’t go through then?”

She’d ask, hoping she wasn’t touching anything sensitive there, since he said had wanted and hadn't mentioned being married in his past world at any point, not that there would have been much reason for him to mention something like that..it would be a bit more on the personal side after all.

“Anyway it sounds like you’re more than prepared for anything they could throw your way then, so that’s good to hear.” She’d continue to speak warmly.
Adelhein’s Appraisal being at S grade meant that there really weren’t any secrets in how the barrier system worked, he could see right through it and the advanced mechanisms which were being used in the magic which held it all together.

“Oh you really think so? I wish I understood more of it myself, You see I’d love to be able to appraise it but it isn’t a skill that comes naturally to me, now my father he’s always been rather skilled at appraisal, something which he’s found to be useful in life..anyway I gotta admit it’s pretty impressive you can see that much with the skill, it must mean your appraising abilities are high.” she’d conclude.

Truth be told, if Scarlett knew just how high she likely would have been stunned.

When they neared the water feature together, Scarlett raised a brow,

"Really? This sort of magic wasn’t common from where you’re from? There’s all sorts of pretty things you can do like this with the right kind of spells or magic items to be honest, and to be honest there’s plenty of this type of stuff to be seen in the..fancier parts of the Duchy of Roran.” She’d add the latter part almost hesitantly when she picked her word choice perhaps as to try to not sound snobbish.
When it came to the line up

The bald mustached domestic fellow nodded, “Of course, I understand Miss Scarlett, I just don’t know if I was expecting you to bring someone back so early into the academic year..Regardless I am here to be of assistance.”

Rudric Ashford
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Eventually a red hair green eyed black armored fellow with a cloak coming around him walked out, he came in at about 5’7”. He had a sword which was sheathed at his side.

He had a fairly positive expression on his face to start

“Oh! Greetings sister! I’m happy to see you. And it looks like you brought company, I’d be charmed to help show him around. I didn’t know until recently I’d be seeing you so soon! Mother has shared some of your letters with us, and it wasn’t until that point that I had realized that you had started adventuring in Ryke of all places at that.”

The rabbit maid and the other domestic gave another bow when the new person came

He’d speak with a similar positive tone which trailed off, as he gave Adelhein a side eye glare toward the end of the sentence at ‘started adventuring’ the non-verbal look enough to Adelhein to suggest he didn’t see Scarlett adventuring as a positive thing and that he attributed it to Adelhein.

“Oh hey Rudric! It’s been awhile huh?” Scarlett said with a smile coming over and giving him a hug, before breaking off and gesturing to Adelhein.

“I want you to meet a good friend and party member of mine, Adelhein El-Melloi von Breyer.” She’d present him positively.

Rudric then gave a bow leveraging Etiquette.

“Salutations…As you heard I’m Rudric Ashford, while we show you around, I’d really like to know more about all that you’ve been doing with my sister it sounds to me like you’ve left a very positive impression on her.” he’d speak, looking at Adelhein.

Adelhein: [Isekai], [Human], [Adept Magus] Color - #e60e0e
Saber Alter: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Swordsman] Color - #470c85
Gilgamesh: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Mage] Color - #d3fa5c



Saber Alter's Influence


Gilgamesh's Influence


TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

“Both families had something to gain from our union: the Aozaki would have ties and an alliance to a prominent family inside the Clock Tower, which was important, considering how little influence and prestige families from the Far East had in it. Meanwhile, the El-Melloi family would have ties and an alliance to an important family in the Far East and possibly a foothold as well. The Clock Tower had little penetration there.” Adelhein didn’t seem particularly bothered that his fate had been decided like that. “Marriages between magi are for securing alliances after all, aren’t they?”

The question if the marriage had actually taken place received a shaking of the head from the young magus. “It didn’t happen. It was supposed to take place after the event that ended up bringing me here.” By then, it seems he had already accepted that victory in the Grail War was plucked from his hands.

“Mmmm… I wasn’t always able to appraise things like I just did.” Her comment ended plunging him into deep thought. Indeed, he couldn’t remember a time before coming to that world in which he was able to glance that deeply into things. “I can only remember being able to use it after stepping into Ryke for the first time.” The compliment she uttered ended up bringing a smile to his face. “Thank you. I can see quite a bit using it. So, your father can use it too? Interesting…” Did that mean that her father was just like him? Plucked from somewhere else and dropped in that world? Maybe it should be something to ask him directly, if he ever gets the chance.

“Secrecy is vital for magi in my homeland. Using it for aesthetics risk unnecessary exposure to the ignorant, mundane masses: those without the gift of magecraft.” Adelhein said as his eyes still keep peering towards the magical swans, admiring the novelty of it. “Certainly this is one of the fancier parts of the Duchy, am I right?” He smiled, understanding that she was being humble. “Your and your family estate is impressive, there is no reason to underplay that. It is very different from the workshops I’m used to. My own workshop, the manor, was built considering what I was most familiar with.” That explained the European styled manor.

There was a particular and curious sentence from the mustachioed domestic that caught his attention. “Didn’t expect to bring someone back so early… what does that mean?” The young magus thought to himself. “I suppose bringing colleagues back to your estate isn’t that rare, right?” He concluded, even if he never really had friends over.

He observed the exchange between Rudric and Scarlett, catching the subtle clues on his visage and displeasure that his sister had been adventuring. “A pleasure to meet you, Rudric.” He said, after being introduced, offering his gloved hand for a handshake, rather than bowing. “Perhaps it is true-tested ideas I brought that left said impression on Scarlett.” He began with an amicable, but steady tone.

“We met possibly by pure chance as the admittance exam of the Ethereal Luminary, being even paired. And, from it, I noticed we worked quite well together. After seeing her potential, I offered to mentor her.” The young magus stopped for a moment, letting his words sink in. “Still, only learning magic and not putting it to use is a waste. That was when the adventuring began: putting in practice what was learned in a real scenario.” He would leave it at that, for now.
Location: Duchy Of Roran, Aslan Outskirts, Ashford Estate

Time: Morning

Mention: Maxxob Maxxob

Scarlett Ashford

Scarlett listened thoughtfully at what Adelhein had to say on the matter of political marriage union between his family and the Aozaki. She understood that much, that marriages were frequently a political tool even in her realm. Many were not afforded the luxury of marrying someone they fell head over heels over, as it was unheard of for an arranged marriage to say the least.

“I think that many would agree with you that marriages are useful for alliances, Magic users or not.” She’d reaffirm with a nod.

She then learned it never took place because he was sent here.

“Oh..I’m sorry to hear that..or rather I suppose it depends how you were feeling about the whole affair, if it was just for an arrangement rather than caring..still though getting sent to another world is..a lot to deal with I can only imagine.” She’d speak aloud still in thought.

She was curious to hear he wasn’t always as good as he was. “Huh, really? Maybe something latent then?” Was all she could really say to that, what else could explain someone developing such powerful appraisal skills if it wasn’t intentional?

“Even so it still take skill to refine a skill like that the point that you did whether you suddenly obtain the ability to use it or not.”

She’d give him a bit of a smile at the thanks.

“Yes in fact my father is one of the only other people I know personally whose been able to see things as clearly as you’re able to Adelhein. But in his case I know that it didn’t suddenly appear, he’s had the ability his whole life from a very young age so I was told.”

“Ah, I hadn’t really thought of that..”
She’d reply at the secretive nature of magic back where Adelhein was from, it sounded much more cautious even for something as novel for aesthetic/decoration.

Scarlett then giggled a bit at this follow up comment. “Well I suppose it is one of the fancier parts of the Duchy..as you say..and I’m glad you approve so far of this place, it’s where I grew up after all, and..I will say I rather like your workshop then.”

She then paused before continuing,

“No, not terribly rare, I mean I’ve brought people here before.” Scarlett replied.

However the bald domestic did not elaborate.

Rudric Ashford
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Rudric on the other hand listened to Adelhein, his expression looking a bit skeptical, as he took Adelhein’s hand shaking it.

“I see so you met at the academy entrance exam and then started working together, so that's how you two met? And now you’ve decided to mentor her?” He’d ask again for confirmation.

“Yeah that about sums it up.” Scarlett smiled after her reply.

Rudric scowled a bit, “You don’t even look a day older than her and I’m supposed to believe that you’re strong and bright enough to be mentoring her?” He’d ask.

“No offense intended but that seems really farfetched to me that your abilities would just happen to be good enough to be a teacher, I mean teaching her magic is one thing.. but have you considered that..well you know.”

He’d pause looking directly to Adelhein, before getting close to him eye to eye, speaking softer,

“That it’s fine if guys like us go out on dangerous adventures but, it’s completely improper for a lady too!” He’d then pull back.

“Noble women shouldn’t need to be putting their lives in danger in real practical combat settings! They should be preparing to be socialites, enough for self defense is fine but anything more than that? You're just asking for trouble if you ask me.” He’d then huff.

Scarlett clenched her fist, and looked to Rudric, “Oh great so we’re on this again..how many times do I need to tell you brother that I’m absolutely capable of handling myself!?”

Rudric then looked to Adelhein not addressing Scarlett’s indignation,

“And since it’s clear to me that you’ve had no issue encouraging this behavior, why don’t you show me how skilled you really are Adelhein El-Melloi von Breyer? If you’re so confident, show me why I should trust my sister in a dangerous combat zone with you.” He’d say more challengingly now.

Adelhein: [Isekai], [Human], [Adept Magus] Color - #e60e0e
Saber Alter: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Swordsman] Color - #470c85
Gilgamesh: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Mage] Color - #d3fa5c



Saber Alter's Influence


Gilgamesh's Influence


TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

“I’m not really terribly sorry or regretful that the marriage didn’t go through. I didn’t particularly know her enough for that. Their knowledge, however, could have been useful, regardless of how primitive and barbaric we saw the teachings from the Far East.” That was as much as the teenager felt about that.

Crossing his arms, he thought a moment as Scarlett mentioned the possible shock he must have suffered when coming to a different world. “Well, I do think my background as a magus helped me more easily accept it. And the fact that Artoria was at my side throughout all of it did make it much easier. I was pretty fortunate to have what was required to bring summon her, that I can’t really deny.”

“I wonder… It doesn’t feel like something I would naturally have.”
He said about his Appraisal. A faint smile appeared on his lips. “It is something I feel like I’m squandering sometimes. I should use it more often.”

He considered with great interest the information about her father, tilting his head slightly. “Since he was born… certainly different from mine then.” He concluded. From that information, it was clear that their situations were different. Or at least, that is what he thought.

“I’m glad you do like it as well. While practicality is in the forefront, I won’t really dismiss luxury. We were brought up in it, I see no reason to ignore it, isn’t that right?” Adelhein let out a soft laugh, clearly unashamed and unapologetic of wanting to keep a certain lifestyle.

Glancing towards Scarlett for a moment and then at Rudric, he joined her in the confirmation. “That is right.”

And, as Scarlett’s brother approaching him, Adelhein had to tilt his head upward slightly, to keep his crimson eyes locked onto his. “And how would one know if the magic they learned for self-defense is actually enough?” He shot a challenging glare back at Rudric.

“Controlled scenarios seldom offers situations that one might find in reality. I have seen powerful magi, that would likely have bested anyone in a one-on-one duel, be killed by more resourceful threats.” He shook his head slightly.

He raised an eyebrow as Rudric began talking about the duties and what Scarlett should or not be doing. “Is that your own opinion or the Ashford family tradition towards heiresses and female members?” He would even shift his attention towards Scarlett, in case the answer that was given was not truthful.

The young magus had not answered the questions towards his capabilities so far. Talk was cheap, and her brother had just given the opportunity for his skills to be shown. “Very well, Rudric Ashford. What are you proposing?”
Location: Duchy Of Roran, Aslan Outskirts, Ashford Estate

Time: Morning

Mention: Maxxob Maxxob

Scarlett Ashford

Scarlett continued to listen to Adelhein thoughtfully. It was interesting to hear this different side of Adelhein when it came to magic, him able to look beyond how something appeared primitive if it proved to be effective could prove to be an asset when all was said and done, even if there was initial hesitation which she could understand well coming from the position of someone privileged in the Duchy of Roran's society, a hot spot for all thing magic.

She nodded when he mentioned his background. "I guess going to a new world is sort of like one big new adventure hm?" She'd think aloud. "In that case..yes, I think you're most suited to adapting with how well you've done so far Adelhein." She'd give him a soft smile.

He also raised a good point about the appraisal business, leaving Scarlett more in thought about it herself. Indeed her dad had been very skilled with it even as a small child so she had heard.

She'd nod with another smile, even giggling a bit. "Well that's certainly one way to put it..I must admit it is nice to not be left needing to figure out where I'm going to get my new meal from just to survive..and I'm not afraid to admit it's nice to have nice things sometimes."

Rudric Ashford
Screenshot 2025-03-08 at 12-1-1.52.25 AM.png

Rudric latched onto Adelhein's glare, not breaking contact, like a beam between their eyes had been established, a somewhat displeased look still on his face, even so it was a mild face one that had hints of some hostility and aggravation, but not over the top to say the least.

However the gaze was broken when Adelhein shook his head and Rudric looked away, pouting a bit.

"Well..us noblemen we just know these things! come on you know what I'm getting at." He'd reply to Adelhein, with far from the best composed statement.

Instead of addressing what Adelhein said about about dueling Rudric decided not to engage in it from the looks of things.

"I think you'll find that the sensible people in our family will agree with me." He spoke aloud, much like a politician sort of dodging the full extent of Adelhein's question.

Scarlett continued to tense her fist.

"It's hardly our family's tradition! It's your opinion and it's one which I find to be really irking!" She'd exclaim with a scowl.

"Infact I'd duel you myself if it'd get you to keep quiet about it."

She added.

Rudric looked to Scarlett, "Oh please, you know I only say this because It's for your own good, your safety is paramount Scarlett!"

He then looked over to Adelhein again.

"It's simple, we'll have a competition, we can use the training arena." Rudric extended his hand over and a reddish energy portal opened up which he gestured for Scarlett and Adelhein to enter.

"if you win, I'll stop harping about Scarlett adventuring because you'll have proved to me that you're more than capable to teach and keep her safe, but if I beat you, Scarlett will stop this guild nonsense immediately."

"You don't speak for what I decide to do brother." Scarlett resumed her earlier scowling. But Rudric did not respond.

Should Adelhein enter, the red portal would step out into what looked like a magi tech interface and viewing are, a magic see through barrier providing a nice view into the sizable dojo of sorts which was clearly set up so that someone could practice magic in it. The very space itself was currently wide, round and had a sleek dark metal floor, with smooth walls going up high into the area, it was all well lit perhaps with some kind of persistent control environment magic.

"I think you'll find this most suitable, since you're our house guest, it's only fair that I let you arrange the field how you want, I think you'll find it's quite diverse."

Should Adelhein look at the interface he'd see that indeed quite a few biomes could be simulated, from a magma firey one, to a frozen tundra, a jungle, forest, desert, or even more mundane variations of the current one with sleek obstacle courses and different shapes which could be placed to break up the environment so it wasn't just a flat open area.

"As for the contest itself I thought we could keep things simple, like you said a mere duel won't be sufficient, what will ultimately matter will you being able to keep her safe when there are lots of enemies..or helping her get away though rough terrain, so..I was thinking we can either go for a time attack where we both try to destroy the greatest number of hostile targets within a time limit, or we could both attempt to reach the same destination through identical dynamic obstacle courses first."

"Which ever you prefer, I'll let you pick."
Rudric spoke up, still clearly not seeing Adelhein for just how powerful he is.

"And just for clarification the courses can be completely randomized so I won't have any kind of home field advantage if you prefer that, I'll even let Scarlett oversee it to make sure there's no funny business." He'd add.

Adelhein: [Isekai], [Human], [Adept Magus] Color - #e60e0e
Saber Alter: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Swordsman] Color - #470c85
Gilgamesh: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Mage] Color - #d3fa5c



Saber Alter's Influence


Gilgamesh's Influence


TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

Upon receiving information that what Rudric was getting at was indeed not something related to the Ashford family tradition, but rather his own personal view of what Scarlett should or shouldn’t do, a rather curious smile appeared on the young magus’ lips. “Well, if it isn’t a family tradition, and you aren’t the head of the family, don’t you think you might be overstepping your bounds in telling your sister what she should or shouldn’t do?” Adelhein inquired smoothly, one brow arching in mild amusement. The air around him carried an almost imperceptible shift, as if the weight of his lineage and training as a magus settled into the space between them. “I’m a magus first and foremost, and it seems rather bad to snuff out talent because of gender.” There was no arrogance in his tone, just cold pragmatism, the kind befitting one raised among practitioners who valued power above all else.

The premise of the challenge put forth appeared simple enough, as well as its consequences. “I can’t really make her do anything in the unlikely possibility that I end up losing this challenge. But I accept it, if that will allow us to move past this doubt about my capabilities.” With an airy waving of his gloved hand, Adelhein stepped forth and into the portal.

His crimson eyes narrowed slightly as he oversaw the expansive dojo from above. “Quite the training area you have here, even more with the possibility of variation. There is an endless potential to it.” His voice carried the faintest edge of admiration, as he analyzed the interface, looking at the options for customization. “So, either a time-attack or an obstacle course…” The young magus muttered, looking back at Scarlett for a moment, while he decided which one would be best to choose.

“Time-attack.” He had decided, unflinching, firm, with a tone of finality that bellied his juvenile self. “If we are accessing combat-capabilities, that would be the only proper choice.” His gloved index finger hovered for a moment before pressing down, selecting the forest biome from the array of options. The wild and unpredictable nature would certainly make for a proper proving ground.

The reassurance from Rudric, that Scarlett could supervise the contest for fairness, was met with a growing smirk from Adelhein. “Oh, I’m pretty that won’t be necessary. It would be a great dishonor to resort to cheating in a challenge such as this, wouldn’t it?” Despite his polite demeanor, there was a subtle edge contained in the young magus’ words, almost like steel hidden beneath silk. “I have no reason to believe that you would do that.”

With that, he turned his attention towards Scarlett. “Apologies, but this seems to be something necessary to ease your brother’s worries about our eventual adventurers.” Giving her an apologetic smile, he continued. “I will try to get this done as quick as possible, so we can continue with our plans.” His eyes slid towards Rudric, smirk returning to his lips and air thick with unspoken tension between the two. “Shall we begin?”
Location: Duchy Of Roran, Aslan Outskirts, Ashford Estate

Time: Morning

Mention: Maxxob Maxxob

Rudric Ashford
Screenshot 2025-03-08 at 12-1-1.52.25 AM.png

"Like I said the sensible ones would agree with me!" He'd reiterate with a huff. He looked like he was In thought when Adelhein mentioned snuffing out talent because of gender.

"Well of course she's talented but I could say that about just any Ashford, I'll be more than happy to show you what I mean in our little match." He'd say a bit more proudly now.

Scarlett Ashford

"The reason he won't duel me and be done with it is because he knows he'd lose." She'd say cooly with a pout looking to Rudric.

"Now Scarlett! That isn't a very nice way to speak about your older brother! I'm just doing what I know is best for you." He'd speak back.

She'd scowl in response, before they'd all enter the portal.

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"Now wait just a minute Master Rudric are you sure that this is-" The bald man from before finally spoke up but it was a tad late for his interjection when they passed through.


At the very least it seemed there was something all three magic casting youth could agree on. The dojo had high potential.

"Isn't it great? Our great great grandfather designed it." Scarlett beamed.

"And it was our grand father who improved upon the design, and then our father who has it in the state it's now in." Rudric nodded with a smile, the tension a bit subdued with the mutual appreciation of the space.

Rudric gave a nod, "Well of course I wouldn't cheat, but I find that people tend to feel more at ease when there's transparency..either way, regardless how this goes I can say that I respect you trusting my word Adelhein." Rudric responded.

Scarlett looked back to Adelhein and let out a soft sigh before nodding, "I'm terribly sorry that you're being made to put up with my brother, this is exactly the type of behavior that I was mentioning is..a bit much." She'd conclude.

"And, do try to keep this brief brother, Adelhein has others to meet after your challenge, he should be spending time as our house guest instead of this." She'd reaffirm.

Rudric looked back to Adelhein. "Yes let us begin then."

Rudric began to interface with the Magitech control panel shifting the arena around into a wide grey flat circular area where there was a blue energy ethereal depth similar to what Adelhein saw the entrance exam which occupied the space around the platform around the edges below like a sea of nothingness, falling in there probably didn't mean anything good for the trial.

Among the steely platform a series of sizable silver sleek metallic pillars and cubes sprung up around the area, the sides were identical on both sides of the circle.

"We'll both start in the center with other backs to each other, and we'll each have until the counter in the sky counts down to zero." Rudric gestured to a counter written in magic which currently sat at 400.

"The objective will be to destroy as many training constructs before the timer is up, They'll come in consistent waves toward us, in the exact same way at the exact same time in random patterns and continuously spawn until the timer runs out. Destroying one earns one point, getting struck by one loses you a point. Our points will be counted live next our names, whoever has the highest point totals wins, understood and acceptable?" Rudric inquired toward the end.

Adelhein would take notice that there was a mini projection in the sky near the timer, showing what the training construct targets looked like:


After that he stepped through another portal which plopped him down on the left center side of the circle, presuming if Adelhein followed he'd appear on the other side.

"Just let me know when you're ready to start and a countdown timer will be appear." Rudric then stated, meanwhile Scarlet watched from the observation area with the magi tech console.

Adelhein: [Isekai], [Human], [Adept Magus] Color - #e60e0e
Saber Alter: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Swordsman] Color - #470c85
Gilgamesh: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Mage] Color - #d3fa5c



Saber Alter's Influence


Gilgamesh's Influence


TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

The way in which the training chamber could be molded to fit a specific need was memorized by Adelhein. It would be useful to have such a space in his manor. Perhaps, even the chamber which had already been used for training could be adapted for this. “The creators do seem to appreciate the usefulness of proper training, before delving into real-life scenarios, something I appreciate it.” With narrowing ruby eyes, his attention shifted from the training grounds to Rudric. “Are there systems in place to reduce or avoid the possible damage of using magecraft inside that chamber to the outside? I don’t make a habit to hold back, not even during simulations.” There was a tinge of arrogance on his tone while talking about his possible prowess, a faint smile gracing his lips.

Shaking his head slightly, he offered Scarlett a reassurance. “There is no need to apologize. I can understand your brother being cautious to whom he entrusts his own kin for training, as it is no trivial matter. Even if, strictly speaking, it not his place to gauge that. I’m certain there will be no doubts or questions when this challenge is over.” His tone carried an unmistakable unwavering confidence, bordering the very limits of hubris. Still, for the young magus, the pride in which he portrayed himself was nothing shorter than warranted, a blood right. “Still, not having people bending over backward to please or putting on façades of deference when hearing the name El-Melloi is quite the novelty. Refreshing even.” A bit of a chuckle left his throat, the smirk on his lips showing his amusement.

Running his gloved hand through his hair, Adelhein began stepping forward towards the other portal. With each footfall against the floor, his determination was evident. That was something almost regal which he carried with himself, a mix of grace and nobility. And, when arriving at the testing grounds, his crimson eyes slid over the newly prepared battlefield: pillars and cubes modifying the terrain, adding an extra layer of strategic depth. “The rules are crystal clear.” He said, his back turned towards Rudric. “I made the right choice by leaving my Servants back at my mansion.” His chuckle now not as contained as before, perhaps because both of them were now alone. “I’m sure they would have ‘chewed’ you out for wanting to test me.” Despite the momentary levity of his tone, that notion was anything but a joke.

Then, as swiftly as it had come, the lightness in his expression vanished. His smirk faded, his brows furrowing ever so slightly as his stance shifted. Arms slightly raised, the young magus was ready for the challenge, mind, body and soul. “Let us begin.”
Location: Duchy Of Roran, Aslan Outskirts, Ashford Estate

Time: Morning

Mention: Maxxob Maxxob

Both Rudric and Scarlett appeared to be agreeable to Adelhein’s praise of the space. Adelhein could probably get an even better sense with the use of appraisal should he try later due to how high his grade of it was.

Rudric Ashford
Screenshot 2025-03-08 at 12-1-1.52.25 AM.png

He’d give Adelhein a nod, "There are some highly concentrated barriers on the perimeter which replenish themselves using magical energy in the circuit, you’d have to be sending out some serious magic, pretty consistently in order to break through them, I don’t think either of us will have to worry about unleashing levels to that extent, especially if we’ve got good aim.”

Scarlett Ashford

Scarlett let out a soft sigh, before she eventually nodded at Adelhein’s words. “Of course I know that you’ll impress him just as you’ve impressed me, but I just wish he’d be more receptive to taking my word for it, you’re our guest, and an evaluation seems hardly right.”

She did smile some herself and let out a small giggle when Adelghein mentioned him being treated more normally possibly being nice for a change.

From that point as Adelhein entered, Scarlett would observe the match, feeling confident that Adelhein would be able to impress her brother at the level of magic which he was using.

Rudric looked back to Adelhein and chuckled himself,

“Is that so? Then I guess I should be thankful they didn’t show, I’m sure they’d be in an even more foul of a mood when they see my level of performance.” He’d grin. Speaking like he had the contest in the bag.

“Right then!” Rudric focused, bringing a hand to his blade. And just like that the promised countdown timer in the sky started:



Training Constructs

And just like that the timer began it’s countdown and on both identical sides of the arena for each participant suddenly 20 or so of the smallish wooden looking training constructs appeared in two equal line parallel columns all facing forward about 100 ft away, and each walked in straight lines in the center of each respective side toward each contender.

Rudric, placed his hands on the handle of his blade, a seriously look on his face, as he stood in place, it looked like he was focusing a reddish crackling magical energy in his hands as he started chanted in Terran "[Power..Gather and..unite!]”

Scarlett continued to watch the scene watching either side and the screen above her giving the details of score and time.

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