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Multiple Settings The Goodfellow Inn [OOC]

K like sooooo weird. I din't get notif but I just saw my name in the op. Idk what happened but k anywaaaaays I don't have time today or tmrw so like post up this weekend then.

Notifs being wonky is a known thing. It's no big deal, just hard to account for sometimes. I'm not going to be a hard ass on you for not seeing it.

Which btw the delay is fine. As long a people give me a heads up, I'll try to be flexible within reason.
Yeah, I tagged everyone, but it seems like no one got the notif, so I'll just put the link here:

The link is also at the top of this thread and the OOC as "Main"
Yo, got invited in, sup folks
Also I noticed directly after posting my sheet that my character is crazy similar to Specialist Specialist 's character
To the point it's like... staggering
I didn't plagiarize, I swear lolol, if need be I can change my char to someone else! But if not, I just figure those two would get along swimmingly
Edit: Cora would so beat Reavis in hand-to-hand, rofl
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Yo, got invited in, sup folks
Also I noticed directly after posting my sheet that my character is crazy similar to Specialist Specialist 's character
To the point it's like... staggering
I didn't plagiarize, I swear lolol, if need be I can change my char to someone else! But if not, I just figure those two would get along swimmingly
Edit: Cora would so beat Reavis in hand-to-hand, rofl
No worries at all! I cannot wait to see our interactions!
Daisie Daisie Read through the CS, it's all good. Feel free to post. I did find it markedly interesting that Reavis seems way more like an amphibian than a reptile, excluding the gizzard. XD

In regards to similarities, I wouldn't be too concerned. We could have two Spartans from entirely different Halo AU's and with how I intend the game to go, it'd probably be fine.
Daisie Daisie Read through the CS, it's all good. Feel free to post. I did find it markedly interesting that Reavis seems way more like an amphibian than a reptile, excluding the gizzard. XD

In regards to similarities, I wouldn't be too concerned. We could have two Spartans from entirely different Halo AU's and with how I intend the game to go, it'd probably be fine.
Yah don't even ask me where the design is from, like most things from the original RP, it literally was just injected into my mind by some unknown force, and then messed with over the years lol.

Fun fact!
I am studying animation, scriptwriting, and whatever-the-heck else I need to study, in order to become a writer/showrunner for a show that will feature her as one of the main characters.
But that's my pipe dream, and that's a ways off, so wheeeeeeee RPs
She'll calm down eventually, I promise XD
lmk if I need to change anything, if I missed anything
Oooof okay I knew I was forgetting something
Forgot the doppelganger stuff
Maybe I can get that in next post? I ended my post real directly after Reavis came in, so there's still time for that.

Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul Is there anything else I skipped over?
Technically, doppelgangers are optional greeters, it just explains how characters can be greeted by virtually anyone.

I'll reread when I can, I've been on the road a hot minute and I read much better on my PC.

From what I've seen, there's nothing egregious. I haven't gotten to specialist's post yet.

The main thing here is that violence isn't just frowned upon, it's literally not an option. If you tried to fire a gun, it would fail, as it there were no cartridge. If you had magic, it would just fizzle. If Sugar tried to hulk smash, she'd get this weird rebounding sensation of being stopped, like Gojo's Infinity from JJK.

The world, literally, will not let you harm someone. Damaging the environment or trying to is different.
The main thing here is that violence isn't just frowned upon, it's literally not an option. If you tried to fire a gun, it would fail, as it there were no cartridge. If you had magic, it would just fizzle. If Sugar tried to hulk smash, she'd get this weird rebounding sensation of being stopped, like Gojo's Infinity from JJK.

The world, literally, will not let you harm someone. Damaging the environment or trying to is different.
Yup, yup! I had Reavis reach for her gun, and she definitely is the type to attempt to shoot someone, and then get all upset when she can't 😂
Good environment for her
I intend on responding this weekend using one of two methods--I haven't decided which yet. In either case, this isn't necessarily a cut-off time for SCP-0029 SCP-0029 or November Witch November Witch , but I begin moving a good 800 miles next week and my trusty behemoth of a PC will be packed up for the better part of a week. I don't want you guys to wait nearly another week for that. However, I am giving you a heads up. Moving is a bitch XD

Daisie Daisie BuggaBoo BuggaBoo Specialist Specialist Lost Martian Lost Martian Hard Boiled Hard Boiled Courtesy tags to hopefully assure everyone gets this notif. As a side note, I think Hard Boiled ghosted.
Doin okay
I had some weird heart stuff going on a few days ago, so I'm waiting to schedule an appointment to make sure that wasn't anything bad
Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul
Sorry about the delay in posting. I had some stuff come up earlier this week so I’m just catching up now.

Daisie Daisie
That sucks. I have had a few scares with my heart in the past, so I’m hoping yours turns out to be nothing.
Specialist Specialist enjoy the implication that there exists an alt halo future where Spartans can teleport?
Three things:

-ONI is heard collectively shitting a ten ton brick,

-Cora's mind is broken (world record!),

-Spartan Fours and Fives are heard shouting in the middle of battle, "I'M OVER HERE!" "NO, HERE!" "HERE I AM!"
O shoot it's my go
Okay, I will try and get that done either tonight or tomorrow, and give me a polite kick in the teeth if I don't lol!
O shoot it's my go
Okay, I will try and get that done either tonight or tomorrow, and give me a polite kick in the teeth if I don't lol!

Gotcha. No worries, though I am poking and proding finally. I got my PC setup (though no speakers), so I'm just doing rounds.

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