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Fantasy The Good Life (Always open)

Phoenix Youngblood

A Rare Species Of Myra
Character Sheet :

Name :

Age :

Gender :

Sexuality :

Appearance (Picture, description, or both, if you want to go into a little more detail) :

Personality :

Pet(s)( optional) :

Other :
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Name Alexis

Age 13

Gender Female

sexualty straight


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/Alexis.jpg.00a11bc457ab9942e241122ecc71e931.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="62355" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/Alexis.jpg.00a11bc457ab9942e241122ecc71e931.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality She's shy but she can be cold to people she hates people that controls her emotions or her she can blunt the things she say to her friends she is also determined to protect her friends from harm

other she a vampire



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Zeldafangirl said:
Name Alexis
Age 13

Gender Female

sexualty straight


View attachment 143299

Personality She's shy but she can be cold to people she hates people that controls her emotions or her she can blunt the things she say to her friends she is also determined to protect her friends from harm

other she a vampire

Name : November "ember" Miles

Age : 16

Gender : Female

Sexuality : Pansexual

Appearance :
she stands 6'1, and has hair that falls to her waist, her eyes are golden in color, but can flash to fiery color.

Personality : She is a very quirky, and friendly person, she has trust problems because of several bad relationships, but despite all of that, she is enigmatic, a free spirit, courageous, and daring.

Pet(s) : A pigeon named bob, that she visits at the park

Other : she is a human Phoenix hybrid, and regenerates twice a month

(Phoenix Form)
Name: Grace Collier

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Questioning


Personality: Shy, sorta out going, doesn't really let people in, friendly, and not so smart.

Other: She is a Werewolf

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/Screenshot_2015-07-17-00-12-05-1.png.558fec7ceebb8d326508370668263b75.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="62454" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/Screenshot_2015-07-17-00-12-05-1.png.558fec7ceebb8d326508370668263b75.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Character Sheet

Name /~/ Anthem

Age /~/ 16

Gender /~/ Male

Sexuality /~/ Straight

Appearance /~/

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/Anthem11a2-1.jpg.4d0cc9254befeef507c866a94c06acd7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="62682" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/Anthem11a2-1.jpg.4d0cc9254befeef507c866a94c06acd7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality /~/ Anthem is Smart, logical ,quiet, sly, sarcastic and often tends to let the bad things get over is head. he is nice to strangers, finds joy in tinkering, and has a slight British accent.

Pet(s) /~/ Siberian Husky

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/siberian_husky_puppy.jpg.dcbe04ec75e2443b463fa8f87a7082e6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="62684" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/siberian_husky_puppy.jpg.dcbe04ec75e2443b463fa8f87a7082e6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Other /~/ Has the ability to use Cryokenesis



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[QUOTE="Captain Azulium]Character Sheet
Name /~/ Anthem

Age /~/ 15

Gender /~/ Male

Sexuality /~/ Straight

Appearance /~/

View attachment 144054

Personality /~/ Anthem is Smart, logical ,quiet, sly, sarcastic and often tends to let the bad things get over is head. he is nice to strangers, finds joy in tinkering, and has a slight British accent.

Pet(s) /~/ Siberian Husky

View attachment 144057

Other /~/ Has the ability to use Cryokenesis

Accepted, feel free to jump in.
Name: Locket

Age 16

Gender Male

Sexuality Straight

Appearance He has a fauxhawk hair do with dirty blonde frosted tips at the beginning, the rest of his hair is a light brown, blue eyes, tan skin, he wears a blue sweatshirt with black skinny jeans, he wears light grey skate shoes

Personality Confident, independent

Other has PSI abilities
[QUOTE="Noah McCulley]Name: Locket
Age 16

Gender Male

Sexuality Straight

Appearance He has a fauxhawk hair do with dirty blonde frosted tips at the beginning, the rest of his hair is a light brown, blue eyes, tan skin, he wears a blue sweatshirt with black skinny jeans, he wears light grey skate shoes

Personality Confident, independent

Other has PSI abilities

--- Double Post Merged, A moment ago, Original Post Date: A moment ago --- Name: Locket

Age 16

Gender Male

Sexuality Straight

Appearance He has a fauxhawk hair do with dirty blonde frosted tips at the beginning, the rest of his hair is a light brown, blue eyes, tan skin, he wears a blue sweatshirt with black skinny jeans, he wears light grey skate shoes

Personality Confident, independent

Other has PSI abilities

Accepted, jump in whenever.
Name :Kazuichi Senji

Age :17

Gender :Male

Sexuality :Straight

Appearance (Picture, description, or both, if you want to go into a little more detail) :<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/Oreki.Houtarou.full.1211251.jpeg.25e775ec738af3e9b55ecd2e0f2f98b8.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="62782" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/Oreki.Houtarou.full.1211251.jpeg.25e775ec738af3e9b55ecd2e0f2f98b8.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> He wears a hood and puts it up when he's thinking really hard or to just ignore Yukari.

Personality :Kazuichi is laid back and hates using more than needed effort to do anything which can lead to him not trying hard enough. He also can't stand people who don't know how good they got it. He can be a real jerk sometimes but trys to be nice when need be. He mostly relies on Yukari to do most of the heavy lifting. He's smart and uses all his tools to his advantage being a sadist in the fact of out smarting his enemies.

Pet(s)( optional) :Yukari

Other :"I'll apologize in advance for my servant."

Name :Yukari Tanaka

Age :16

Gender :Female

Sexuality :Kazuality

Appearance (Picture, description, or both, if you want to go into a little more detail) :<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/Amagami-SS-anime-13579000-560-820.jpeg.45c50e35de4023227c2577bdbad5ad9c.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="62783" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/Amagami-SS-anime-13579000-560-820.jpeg.45c50e35de4023227c2577bdbad5ad9c.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>she wears a collar with her name on it in case she gets lost.

Personality :Yukari the opposite of Kazuichi almost never thinking before running in and being full of energy. No matter how much crap Kazuichi gives her she sticks by him like a loyal dog. Mostly cause she's a huge masochistic and enjoys it. She's the muscle doing exactly as Kazuichi says to the dot if Kazuichi says jump she ask how high.

Pet(s)( optional) :None

Other :"master spoke of me what'd he say what'd he say!?"



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Name || Darius Lurick Kingsman

Age || 18

Gender || Male

Sexuality || Heterosexual

Appearance || Darius has a tall, thin build, standing at 6'3 with enough muscle to be noticeable but not outrageous. He tends to be seen with a black hoodie he wears just about everywhere outside his own home.

Personality || Darius comes off about as coldhearted and uncaring as a person can get, he's polite but often seems bored and disgusted when talking to others. He hates confrontation, and really people in general, especially those who talk too much, like his cousin Caelan. Rarely seen in social events, Darius is a bit of a loner, preferring to stay inside and read a book than meet new people. Despite his unseemly appearance however, he cares a lot for the blond haired nuisance Caelan, and will defend and stand by his cousin to the ends of the Earth, even if it may seem like he hates him. Darius is a caring softhearted guy, but has had thia trait taken advantage of too often, and so created the hard shell to avoid getting close to people. It gives him what some would call an attractive, tall dark and mysterious look.

Pet(s) || Though it isn't his, Darius can often be seen with a brownish orange and grey tabby cat named Milo, who belongs to Caelan. The blond boy doesn't much like taking care of cats and tends to dump Milo on his cousin, who pretends to hate it but secretly has a soft spot for the little guy.

Other || He has a severe case of heterochromia, which causes the eyes to have different colors, in Darius' case the left is a greyish blue while the right is a greyish green.

Name || Caelan Lurick Smith

Age || 15

Gender || Male

Sexuality || Bisexual

Appearance || Caelan is rather short, around 5'8, and thin with little to no muscle but plenty of personality. He almost never leaves his room without a pair of headphones over his head or round his neck (the purple ones are his favorite).

Personality || Caelan is quite the opposite of his cousin, very outgoing and incredibly charismatic, enjoying social occasions, he is rarely seen without a group of people surrounding him. Quite the ladies man, Caelan tends to be a bit of a flirt, and when he wants to be, very gentlemanly. The combination of hia boisterous cheerful personality and charming looks make Caelan an enjoyable guy to be around, the polar opposite of his cousin. When he's not at a party or having a good time, he's listening to music, something he's done every day (yes he keeps track) since he was 10, when Caelan discovered his love for it.

Pet(s) || He has a friendly tabby cat named Milo, though Caelan rarely takes care of it and prefers to hand it off to Darius. The blond knows his cousin loves the cat more than he does, but never teases him about it.

Other || Caelan was orphaned when he was 6 and his parents got into a car accident, and though he tells no one and pretends it never happened, he gets the occasional panic attack. Because of these he lives with Darius, who can be quite fatherly and caring when the attacks come on.

Caelan is a vampire, and tends to drink his cousin's blood because Darius dislikes the idea of him hurting other people.
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[QUOTE="Nenma Takashi]Name :Kazuichi Senji
Age :17

Gender :Male

Sexuality :Straight

Appearance (Picture, description, or both, if you want to go into a little more detail) :View attachment 144291 He wears a hood and puts it up when he's thinking really hard or to just ignore Yukari.

Personality :Kazuichi is laid back and hates using more than needed effort to do anything which can lead to him not trying hard enough. He also can't stand people who don't know how good they got it. He can be a real jerk sometimes but trys to be nice when need be. He mostly relies on Yukari to do most of the heavy lifting. He's smart and uses all his tools to his advantage being a sadist in the fact of out smarting his enemies.

Pet(s)( optional) :Yukari

Other :"I'll apologize in advance for my servant."

Name :Yukari Tanaka

Age :16

Gender :Female

Sexuality :Kazuality

Appearance (Picture, description, or both, if you want to go into a little more detail) :View attachment 144292she wears a collar with her name on it in case she gets lost.

Personality :Yukari the opposite of Kazuichi almost never thinking before running in and being full of energy. No matter how much crap Kazuichi gives her she sticks by him like a loyal dog. Mostly cause she's a huge masochistic and enjoys it. She's the muscle doing exactly as Kazuichi says to the dot if Kazuichi says jump she ask how high.

Pet(s)( optional) :None

Other :"master spoke of me what'd he say what'd he say!?"

Accepted, jump in when you're ready


Personality:he is stubborn. he is caring only for those who are close to him. he will always be blunt, he can get very paranoid at times.




Appearance: he is about 5'10",under his gas mask and helmet has pale skin, Hazel Eyes, short black hair.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/USA.jpg.6471b271804ddf1deaff13fff9bb9693.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="65115" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/USA.jpg.6471b271804ddf1deaff13fff9bb9693.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bio: he is paranoid that the world is going to end soon. so he wears/uses militarily grade armor and equipment. he won't trust must people.

Other: he will not attack people unless provoked. unnatural hatred for the creatures listed the Harpy,the Lamia and the Succubus.

Pets: none



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“After my head has been chopped off, will I still be able to hear, at least for a moment , the sound of my own blood gushing from my neck? That would be the best pleasure to end all pleasure."


Name~ Unknown, known to many as, "Catboy."

Age~ Of over a hundred years, with no mere memory of anything to this day.

Gender~ Seems Genderless, but if one would to observe the outcome would be Male.

Sexuality~ Any contact with another would be useless to it, therefore it's considered Asexual.



No one has actually ever taken a glimpse of its facial features. They are always hidden away because of the black cats that surround where the head would be.

Personality~ One who would come into contact with it would see it as Emotionless, expressionless, and completely silent. This creature never speaks, as the cats that surround it do so with screeching yowls.

Pets~ Always seen with many black cats with piercing yellow eyes. There will at least be three cats covering its face while more cats could simply appear out of nowhere to cover the rest of the body. At one point there could be thousands of cats surrounding it, but very unlikely, as it only needs a minimum of five to six.

Other~ One could see it as a ghost. Another would say that it isn't even human, and that the cats are the one that possess and control the body. Others say that it is a cat itself. All of those theories could possibly be true. But one thing that won't change is that its life, if even has one, is mere useless.


Thank you for reading.

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