The Goldwater Incident (Registration and Character list)


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Character Templates

Name: (Given name and Surname)

Age: (28+)


Species: (Most of you will be human, though I will allow a few exceptions)

Occupation within Goldwater: (N/A if infected, or an outside survivor)

Appearance: (Description required, images permitted)

Personality: (These people have been able to survive for ten years in an inhospitable environment; make it true to that background. Three sentences minimum.)

History: (Read above. Two paragraph minimum.)

Other: (Any quirks or special traits, weapons, hobbies, etc. Not required.)
Name: Darren Tracker

Age: 34

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Occupation within Goldwater: Ex-priisoner (Manslaughter) now a lookout.

Appearance: Standing at 6ft 3in but he has a slouch, so he is usually 5ft 11in. Muscular body, Caucasian, has a large tribal pattern tattoo over his left shoulder, his hair is brown, his eyes are blue, he has a large scar over his right eye and a heavy stubble.

Personality: Not trusting, loyal to his friends, a good negotiator and has a natural "knack" for trouble.

History: Born to a very religious family in Austin, Texas, Darren attended public school untill the 9th grade, where he quit. after this, he was unemployed for over a year, living off his family, but eventually he got a job at a news stand, selling magazines, drinks and candy to passers by, he never did hang out with any friends, when he was 19 he got his first apartment, it was cramped, but it was livable, and that was good enough for Darren. His parents, after 30 years of marriage divorced, his father would beat his mother, and once even raped his sister, then beat him and his mother for finding out about it... of course that was when he was 9, his sister was 6... his little sister, believing it was her fault (as many kids do if they have abusive parents) she ran away, and jumped from a high bridge onto a highway, she died on impact, her body was run over by a Semi truck, leaving bits of her for over a mile down the road...

back to when he was 19, his mother came to live with him, he slept on the couch while she slept in his bed, this went on for several weeks until one day, his mother just wouldnt wake up, she wouldnt wake up and there were half a dozen empty drug containers lying around the bed.

Darren, trying to deal with all this, was visited by the local priest, ha hate-monger like Pat Robertson, he used Darren's vulnerable state to make him into a fanatical christian.

Darren became devout almost beyond measure, attending church, throwing rocks at jewish temples and more until one day... he learned one of the other tennants in his appartment complex was an atheist.

that night, Darren broke into his neichbours house, he killed his neighbour, killed his girlfriend... she was pregnant, Fox "news" and Bill O'Riley painted him as a hero.

Darren was caught and went in front of a judge, but the judge and jury were fundementalist christians as well, they all supported the murder of an atheist, so Darren was given only 1 year in jail for "manslaughter" and to avoid a media storm, he was sent to a prison in the Mojave desertto serve his time.

of course, on the 14th day of his sentence september 11th happened.

with the plague happening, Darren saw the other prisoners riot, kill the guards and warden then escape... he remained behind.

he was the first there, and as he says "i'm the first, and i'll be the last"

Other: uses a sniper rifle like the wardens did in the towers, he also has an old radio hooked up to the prison antenai, sending messages out into the world, broadcasting the prison as a safe haven with food and shelter, he also has a bible, buthe is nowhere near as fanatical as he once was
Save for a few minor spelling/grammatical errors, it looks great. I'll add it to the list. I'm still working on my own, but by the looks of it, I may need to step up my game a little.
Name: Phoenix Stain

Age: 28

Species: (Can i be a vampire? I really want to be a vampire. Its okay if I can't I can live with being human, but I would love to be a vampire :3)

Occupation Within Goldwater: Infected?

Appearance: Average height, brown eyes, skinny body type that's not really that muscular


Personality: Quiet and very outgoing despite what's been happening lately, immature at times but is very mature when needed. Not as sane as someone would like, he has a mental inability most of the time (Especially when he's hungry) and tends to talk to people that no longer exist. He doesn't like to fight but he can, he mainly prefers to watch.


As a child, always talked to people that were never there. Eventually his parents got freaked out by him talking to his "friends" at night or out in the yard and sent him to a private reform school. He was sent back within two weeks upon entering and when his parents asked him what happened he said: "My friends didn't like it there, so I had to leave." They tried getting him a psychiatrist and it was always the same response, "My friends say I shouldn't talk to you, or you will think i'm insane" That's what did eventually happen. At age 12 he was sent to an insane asylum near the Mojave Desert where he spent his life till he was 20 years old.

Then the Virus struck. Patients started dropping dead or screaming about the devil coming to claim their soul and take their body for evil purposes. This happened for 3 nights then during one of the nights a creature got into the asylum and killed most of the people. When it got to Phoenix's room it just stopped and stared at him and Phoenix stared back. It attacked him and left the asylum, but it left Phoenix alive, whether intentional or not, Phoenix became infected (?) and has been roaming in the shadows and at night for almost 4 years now. He hasn't ever traveled into the desert yet. It's too dangerous, for there are no shadows during the day.

(Sorry if the infected thing is wrong. I just kinda assumed that like with most vampires you get bitten and then your infected with the virus)

Other: Doesn't really have a weapon. He knows how to wield a Japanese Katana really well but doesn't have one (yet?).
If he doesn't have one, he won't be getting one; we're dealing with the modern day US if things had taken a different turn. Think the New Vegas wastelands with more zombies and less futuristic weapons. Also try to remember that you CANNOT go out in sunlight. There's also the fact that his personality is so contradictory that it's almost tripolar, forgetting bipolar all together.

Also as an aside, I mentioned under the appearance field, descriptions were required. Also, if he's supposed to be a man, he appears rather effeminate. Other than that, I see no issue.
Asuterisuku said:
If he doesn't have one, he won't be getting one; we're dealing with the modern day US if things had taken a different turn. Think the New Vegas wastelands with more zombies and less futuristic weapons. Also try to remember that you CANNOT go out in sunlight. There's also the fact that his personality is so contradictory that it's almost tripolar, forgetting bipolar all together.
Also as an aside, I mentioned under the appearance field, descriptions were required. Also, if he's supposed to be a man, he appears rather effeminate. Other than that, I see no issue.
Alright, I think I get it. Well, if you want I can make his personality less contradicting but you know it gives him character when it is, and I thought the picture kinda covered the description but I can edit it and put a more descriptive description. Ha..
Name: Drake Conners

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Occupation within Goldwater: Scavenger team, and wireless networking communication (satellite communications)

Appearance: He is 6'0", black hair cut into a frohawk,medium muscular body with several scars on his body. he also has a tattoo of a Valkyrie on his back

Personality: Drakes has a suicidal personality he has convinced himself that life doesn't matter but he hasn't lost the will to complete just give up and get eatin. Trust to drake is best earned by showing him that if you stick your neck out for him he will make sure nothing touch's it. He also has a very violent personality when he is picked on or someone acts better then other people

History: When drake turned 18 he joined the Brazilian army for 2 years. Working on mainly networking and communications in his unit saving money for to move to america. Once he moved to america he realized he was fooled by popular media in Brazil about how America was the greatest place on earth. soon learning that his life in Brazil in the dirty one room shack was alot more that he could get here. After a month of not being able to get a job and burning threw all the money he saved up he ended up on the street. He was lost in life he was 20 and homeless no one wanted to hire a Brazilian immigrant. Homeless with no money and no way to get back home he started to become a disconnected from the world.

Drake was in a rut no job no money no food and no home he started to get desperate for a way out. One day when he was walking down town a man bumped into him and became enraged that a bum was walking on a street that was meant for working people, Drake just stood there and started to get angrier and angrier that a peace of crap like this guy was so much better off it drove him crazy it made him just...want to kill the guy. He took the shank that he made from old pvc pipe from his pocket and started stabbing the man over and over again in the neck. Once the police tazed him and drug him away in the car the man was already dead. At his trial Drake confessed to everything and swore that if he ever got out that he was find the rest of the mans family and kill them too so the judge outraged sentenced Drake to life in prison at Goldwater without chance of parole. Drakes first day of prison ended up with him in solitary confinement for beating another inmate nearly to death for trying to bully him. after his first year the warden of the prison decided to just keep him inside confinement for others safety.during the riot he was in the yard working out, once he knew what was going on he killed his guard took his pants rifle pistol and holster and vest then returned to working out

Other: M4 custom assault rifle from a guard, tactical vest that reads Conners on the vest (also stole from the guard) a knife made from some scrap metal and cloth rapped up for the handle
I really wasn't thinking when I set up the Age qualification, I just realized. 20 is far too young; it would mean that they were 10 when the outbreak occurred. It only occurs to me now that I see a 13 year old mental patient, and two mid-teen convicts. I'm going to have to push it up to 28. If you can make that number higher than that, I would be very grateful; it might even make your bios make sense.

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