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Fantasy The Golden Road

Sol let out a deep long growl that reverberated around the sorceress’s consciousness in response to her acknowledgement of him.

This one can commune with spirits. Sol said while he measured the woman’s worth.

Leo’s eyes darted between the orbs in his pocket and the sorceress before him. “What are spirits?” Leo asked in confusion with an eyebrow raised.

You would refer to them as threads Sol responded. Leo’s eyes widen in understanding. “Wow! Humans are amazing!”

Leo turned back to the sorceress and thought for a moment. He did not know what was in the orbs, the only thing he knew was that he wanted to be returned to his body, wherever that might be. “I’m helping him find something and he is helping me find the golden city of Esolu!” Leo explained with a pure spark in his eyes as he mentioned Esolu, ignorant of the current state of the wider world.

The Nyctis attention was drawn back to the inn where he had peered through the door. Within the variety of awful smells wafting from the building was the smell of meats and other foods. The bread he had was good, but the thought of juicy meat made him salivate uncontrollably. Once again his legs began to walk themself towards the source of the sweet smells.

His ears suddenly perked up as he sensed something else within the inn, a magical power that also gained the attention of Sol.

Be careful Leo, there is something or someone in that building that might pose a danger to you. Sol warned. Leo’s hunger dwarfed any attempt at being cautious while he continued towards the inn.
Joko, leaning back in his chair, watched the interplay of words and glances between Alaryss and Perry with a quiet interest. Alaryss's gentle jest about flattery and her keen observation of Perry's armor painted a picture of camaraderie between warriors from different walks of life. The flicker of understanding and respect in their eyes was as clear as the clinking of glasses around them. As Alaryss excused herself with a quip and a smile, ready to once again grace the stage, Joko's gaze followed her, an unspoken appreciation for her talent and the brief respite her music offered.

Turning back to Perry, he sensed the moment was ripe for revelation. Joko straightened up, clearing his throat softly to capture her attention. "The introductions have been somewhat lacking on my part," he said, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. "I am the heir to Esolu. My journey, perhaps a touch ambitious, is to reclaim the throne. It's a road marked with shadows and uncertainties, but one I'm set upon nonetheless."

His eyes, carrying the earnestness of his mission, turned towards Perry. "Your presence here," he continued, nodding subtly towards her armor and sword, "seems to be a mark of great fortune. Might I persuade you to join our cause? Your strength will be a great boon in the days to come."
Hulta massaged her temples following the uncomfortable reverberation. "I am sure humans are not the only ones who can commune with spirits," she retorted shakily. Composing herself, she leaned closer to voice her concerns discreetly. "The Golden City is said to be lost—destroyed by the Shogun, a small-minded and insecure man with a long reach... But what exactly do you seek in return, inhuman spirit?" The medium seldom met strange beings such as this one. In a few of those cases, their goals were beyond the scope of human understanding.

The Nyctis's ravenous hunger possessed him, leaving Hulta to do the critical thinking. What did the spirit mean by its warning? Plenty of people were potential threats, but why did it specify on this occasion? Narrowing her eyes, the sorceress cautiously stepped forth. Once inside the warm tavern, the wave of whispers hit her, audibly distinct from the drone of the taverngoers' speech. Her attempts to tune it out only muffled the ethereal voices. Circling the room, she stopped behind a man with a sheathed sword. He seemed to be the source... Nay, it was the sword! She gasped slightly before retreating to Leo. "Do you sense it? That man's sword; spirit, is that what you speak of?" she murmured.
Leo weaved through the patrons of the inn while looking around with eyes full of curiosity. His nose then led him to the bar where the smell of freshly cooked meat was coming from. He walked to Joko’s side and peered over the counter to look for the source of the alluring smell. Meanwhile, Sol’s gaze was locked on Joko’s sword, the immense power radiating from it made him concerned. It was no ordinary weapon meaning the man who possessed it was no ordinary person.

As Hulta attempted to talk to Sol Leo turned his eyes towards the sword to see what the fuss was about. The moment he looked at the sword his eyes would become bright white. The world around him quickly melted away and became kaleidoscopic as his vision probed the souls that were contained within the sword. While this was happening Leo’s face became still with his mouth hanging open slightly.
"Who's the Flatterer, now?" Perry retorted with a smile. She tried not to look to proud. Unlike the bard, she had yet to show any real talent. Just wearing armor and carrying a sword didn't make one a knight. If it did, then her problems would've been solved long ago. All the same, she gave Alaryss a wave as she was called back to the stage, their conversation cut all too short.
The only one left to keep her company was Joko.

She made the terrible mistake of raising her cup as he spoke. Upon hearing of his true identity, she came dangerously close to spitting the drink out. But Perry somehow managed to keep it together. There was still a tickle at the back of her throat that threatened to expose her, but she fought past it by clearing her throat. This was it. This was the miracle that she had been hoping for. "I could be persuaded for such an adventure." If she ruined this chance for herself, she'd throw herself from a cliff. "Only if you were looking to recruit a knight, though. My blade isn't suited for mercenary work. If you're committed to such a big change... I'd very much like to help you see it to the end."

Joko could've easily been lying. It was a foolish, dangerous lie, but that rarely stopped people. And Perry was fine with that. If only for a day longer, she'd be willing to delude herself in her fantasy of becoming a knight. It wasn't like she had any other leads to reach her goal. But if, if, he was telling the truth, then she couldn't let this opportunity pass. She couldn't let it slip away without trying.

Deception or not, he did seem confident and charismatic enough to be a leader. He also had an eye for talent, if the Sizrek woman was anything to go off of. At the very least, he had an eye for the desperate. He also seemed to have a habit of drawing unnecessary attention. Perry noticed when one of the duo, the dark haired woman, strayed close to their place at the bar. Her attention stayed glued to the woman as she retreated back to her companion on the other side of the room. While Perry's own gaze stayed mostly locked on Joko, she shifted her body to keep the two in her peripherals.

"Does that seem to be a reasonable enough request, My Lord?"
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