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Fantasy The Golden Age

The Fuul

New Member
{ I am quite certain I probably posted this incorrectly, if there is something that needs to be changed I apologize and will fix it asap }


Is the world governed by some kind of transcendental law or entity? This question has been asked time and time again, each person asked to answer does so with little regard to the true meaning of believing what they say.


The year is 1104: and the rise of magik has given way to marvels for which people were named insane to dream of a hundred years prior. The incorporation of magik in everyday society has become more and more common, used for transport, convenience and entertainment in the city many of the people in all places have steadily become accepting to the point of assuming the ease brought by magik is as much a right to anyone as water or food.

Year 1212: a man by the name of Vahn Sainclair seeks to find his place in the world, ignorant of the role he has yet to play in events that will come to alter the face of reality itself. Through his journey in life he becomes a great and mighty champion of justice, fighting for the Knights of the Silver Rose he and his brothers fought to unite the world through law and just action against those deemed wicked. So it was until the year 1237, the Silver Rose is wilted; Certain of victory against its greatest enemy a group calling itself Plague is cause to celebrate. The knights lower their guard for a single evening and that night are slaughtered nearly to the last man. The burning ruins of their castle serves as a tomb for both the Silver rose and the leader of the great might that was Plague.

1237: Two months post the destruction of the Silver Rose. The man Vahn Sainclair has taken the goal uniting the world from his fallen brothers and realizes to do so he can have allow no morality of right and wrong to block his path. The death of the righteous has shown him that there is only the victorious and the dead.

1238: Vahn Sainclair is now known as Avarice, utilizing the power of the sword once owned by the leader of the despicable Plague he has made infamy for himself and begins to gather allies.

1240: A mere two years since his rise to power Avarice has created a great army known far across the reaches of The World as The Sins. Each division of the army granted a leader named by cardinal sin they offer each city and opposing force vassalization or death. Many resist at first but three years of fighting go by, each victory against The Sins is small and each defeat at their hands devastating.

1243: Of the survivors of the Silver Rose another man who names himself Phantom appears. He counts the death of his wife and children personally at Avarice's hands and sets out to rally the forces of The World against him. Fourteen more years of fighting progress, The World that had once been all but swallowed up by The Sins now begins to fight back with the aide of the former knight Phantom and a new leader of the people, the heroine Hiroto.

Together Hiroto and Phantom are able to devise plans that see the defeat of two officers of The Sins both Superbia and Ira.

1257: Avarice seeks to confront Phantom and instructs his army to unleash the ancient Magik they discovered in their conquest of The Worlds hidden places. With the intention to do so Avarice pursues Phantom to the lone cathedral on the island of Granz and unveils his plan. A terrible green magik envelops the cathedral, the armys of the respective leader's fought outside but within the cathedral stood now alone on only enough land to hold it in a vast emptiness. Regardless of this turn Phantom fights Avarice, brushing against the veil of man and gods for the first time in the history of magik.


Phantom was defeated albeit temporarily by the intervention of a being spoken of in ancient slab and tome as The Warden, he who guards the world of torment and eternity. The Warden takes Phantom's life and its place he places an undead being. The Warden speaks only one word before the undead strikes down the awe stricken Avarice " Revenant." For his personal sin against Phantom in life Avarice was neither dead nor living and sent to the deepest chamber within the prison world of The Warden's making. Unable to accept his own existence, Phantom now The Revenant strikes out against The Warden and destroys his immortal being in the resulting flux of his new power.

1301: The magik over the isle of Granz subsides and out of it steps The Revenant. He seeks neither consolidation of his loss nor to seek what has become of the world in the wake of his disappearance along with Avarice. Instead he is indeed a Revenant to the whole of The World. With the legendary Scythe granted with the death of The Warden he seeks out all life. Each person he meets, remaining old friends, strangers. Those innocent of crime and those guilty. Eventually all are sent to the prison realm on edge of blade.

1322: With the extinction of man nearly art hand a celestial being thought to be a goddess intervenes, All peoples trapped within the prison realm by the onslaught are set free to ascend to the High Heavens with the celestial being, all are freed save for Avarice who remains bound in its depths. The Revenant is made to be a guardian of man against the very will of The World itself which now seeks to destroy all things undead like him. The ancient realms of man are buried in literal terms deep within the heart of a new and far more vast world. New races begin to appear and the world begins to alter. Magik has all but been extinguished from known existence, followers of its ancient artifacts being known as The order of the Scholar begin to piece together what may have come before but will be unaware and unable to journey to the ruins of the ancient world for the next thousand years.

During this time The Revenant fights the spirit of The World, channeled through the very moon itself to do battle against him it becomes stronger rather then weaker with each defeat at the Revenant's hands. These battles continue on unobserved by The World's people at large until fate intervenes.

2400: The workings of Magik are beginning to be understood once more, The World is leaving the dark age of its rebirth and approaching a golden era where technology and magik intertwine far stronger than the old world. The Revenant journeys one final time to the place where the moon presence descends to the world. A great tree white, growing up unto the high heavens known to the people as the Moon Tree serves as the stage of The Revenant's final battle. Utilizing all that allows him to exist in The World, The Revenant is able to defeat the moon presence one final and complete time.

With his life force used up The Revenant collapses against the Moon Tree which absorbs both his body and the scythe of ancient legend. With his death all things he made sealed are broken, though it be a realm of torment the prison realm is now one without locks or restrictions and it posses only one occupant.


The Year is now 2456: The order of The Scholar has recovered many weapons and artifacts of the ancient world, some to aide the pursuit of magik and others that should of remained forgotten like the blade of the once king Avarice.

Rumors circle of death and a branch of the Scholar's research of terrible nature. The World's heart stirs once again and the moon shifts. Our story falls to the City of Anu Cohen on the continent of Vesaria. The Empire of Vesaria prepares for war and its people shudder at the thought of the first great conflict since the myths of legend and lore.

Realms of Magik:


Not much is known of the planes of Magik, There are few in The New world that have a great understanding of it and fewer still who can say they truly know even one aspect of its nature. However The order of the Scholar has been able to discover that each sentient being has an affinity for at least one plane of the Magik surrounding them. Whether they make use of it or remain ignorant of its existence many who would now be called Magus seem to focus on one form of Magik to which they are tuned.


Much of technology in Vesaria remains feudal with the progression of Magik the main concern of researchers and society as a whole. Only now are craftsmen and scholars beginning to understand the precious value of science, barely breaking through the grip of Magik with a new invention called the steam engine. The hunger for technology is beginning to grow but still people are slow to use and accept advanced things that far more inconvenient then paying a Magus to fix their problems.



In the pale lit streets of Anu Cohen, city workers dash about to not be seen out after dark, guardsmen stick to their posts without patrol. The Scholars are no longer the only ones who journey to the dangerous forbidden lands of the ancient world. Now the old artifiacts that belonged lost litter the new world and no place more than the Vesarian capital Anu Cohen;

All falls silent and the entire city seems to hold its breath. What now will become of our story? What actors will take the stage and will their alter to the course of history this time be one of good or ill?


Character Skeleton




Race: [ Human, Elf, Beast-Man ( Human with aspects of a beast. ) ]





History: ( Optional )
Hoping people like what I've written (' :| ) It's the adaptation of a piece of writing I've been working on for a few years now so heres hoping everyone doesn't think its silly.
[QUOTE="The Fuul]Not as much as I love your Avatar :P Hopefully we can get some other people to share your opinion!

[/QUOTE]and yours too
Come one come all to the RP experience of a life time. Cure your ills, laugh, cry and be moved by the rare and wondrous experience just awaiting you inside ladies and gentlemen. Step right up, right this way.
Hi! So I'm super interested in this RP, and I can tell you've put a lot of effort into the back story. Not to be a jerk, but your syntax errors made it a little confusing for me to read. I wrote a summary of what I think the back story is about, just let me know if I've got everything right.

An organization called the Silver Rose seeks to unite the World under peace and justice. An antagonist group called the Plague attempts to stop them, and both groups are destroyed in a battle. Van Sinclair, inspired by the Silver Rose, decides to unite the World under his ideals using a powerful sword once used by the Plague. Under the alias "Avarice", Sinclair rallies an army known as the Sins and conquers nearly all of the World in a bloody war campaign. A survivor of the Silver Rose, the Phantom, rallies the World to fight back against Avarice with the aid of Hiroto, a female companion. In a final battle, the Phantom and Avarice duel in a cathedral on the island of Granz. Avarice envelops the cathedral in a spirit magik that allows the intervening of a powerful spirit known as the Warden who "kills" the Phantom and, in doing so, makes him immortal. The Warden traps Avarice in a prison world, and is then defeated by Revenant, the Phantom's new name in his undead form. Now the Revenant scours the World, trapping all forms of life in the prison realm. An unnamed goddess appears and sends everyone to heaven who was trapped by the Revenant, except Avarice. The Revenant is now the guardian of man, against the wishes of the World. A larger shell of a world is created around the old World, and can't be reached by the races of the new World for 1,000 years. In this time, the Revenant battles the spirit of the World, which is being channeled through the Moon. In the new World, magik is reborn and integrated with technologies far more advanced than ever before. The Revenant is defeated by the Moon in a final battle at the site of the Moon Tree, and his prison realm is unlocked, posing Avarice as a new threat to the World. Our story begins in a city on the brink of war.

So before I ask questions, let me make sure I got that all correct.
ShakenNotStirred said:
Hi! So I'm super interested in this RP, and I can tell you've put a lot of effort into the back story. Not to be a jerk, but your syntax errors made it a little confusing for me to read. I wrote a summary of what I think the back story is about, just let me know if I've got everything right.
An organization called the Silver Rose seeks to unite the World under peace and justice. An antagonist group called the Plague attempts to stop them, and both groups are destroyed in a battle. Van Sinclair, inspired by the Silver Rose, decides to unite the World under his ideals using a powerful sword once used by the Plague. Under the alias "Avarice", Sinclair rallies an army known as the Sins and conquers nearly all of the World in a bloody war campaign. A survivor of the Silver Rose, the Phantom, rallies the World to fight back against Avarice with the aid of Hiroto, a female companion. In a final battle, the Phantom and Avarice duel in a cathedral on the island of Granz. Avarice envelops the cathedral in a spirit magik that allows the intervening of a powerful spirit known as the Warden who "kills" the Phantom and, in doing so, makes him immortal. The Warden traps Avarice in a prison world, and is then defeated by Revenant, the Phantom's new name in his undead form. Now the Revenant scours the World, trapping all forms of life in the prison realm. An unnamed goddess appears and sends everyone to heaven who was trapped by the Revenant, except Avarice. The Revenant is now the guardian of man, against the wishes of the World. A larger shell of a world is created around the old World, and can't be reached by the races of the new World for 1,000 years. In this time, the Revenant battles the spirit of the World, which is being channeled through the Moon. In the new World, magik is reborn and integrated with technologies far more advanced than ever before. The Revenant is defeated by the Moon in a final battle at the site of the Moon Tree, and his prison realm is unlocked, posing Avarice as a new threat to the World. Our story begins in a city on the brink of war.

So before I ask questions, let me make sure I got that all correct.
Honestly I was a little worried that it sounded like me spitting out information so I'm glad you were able to get that all absolutely correct out of everything I wrote. It didn't help that the only person I had go over this with me in Rp scenario form was someone else who already understood each thing I was trying to sum up.

Honestly I should wish to sum it up so well myself, if you or have any questions please fire away.

Sorry to double post but my browser didn't update all the other replys when I was responding to Shaken. I'm hoping to get a couple more people interested and then we can start getting it set up to go ^^ As I said to Shaken if anyone has any questions or comments or corrections in how to make things more easily understood please feel free to message me.
I really like how much thought and effort has been put into this concept. I'm pretty interested in joining! Will this be detailed, casual, or simple in nature? Do you have any mechanics planned out for the magic as well as "schools" of magic to which to choose from, or is this like the traditional style wizard kind of magic?
Im so glad to hear you're interested as well, It will be a more along the lines of a detailed style and yes the magic is much more like the traditional thoughts on magic but its open to creative interpretation with the lore about magic being a little unknown.
@The Fuul

Alright, so everything in the back story I understand just up until we get to the unnamed goddess/celestial being. After she takes all the prisoners (who I'm assuming are sort of half dead? Like purgatory?) up to heaven, the Revenant is appointed as the guardian of mankind. He's then trapped in a shell of the new world and battles the spirit of the World that is being channeled through the moon? Why are they battling, who created the new world, where is the moon tree, is the moon evil because in defeating the Revenant (who I thought was evil himself) it released Avarice from the realm that the Revenant was guarding? How do they fight? Is it literal, or more of a figurative spiritual battle? What exactly is he doing as "guardian of mankind", and what is he guarding them from?

It kinda felt like you ran out of steam towards the end, and tried to rush all the points together without cohesive plot points. I think in your head, you understand everything that's going on. As the reader, I'm very confused about the end. And I also had questions about magik. The picture you inserted implied some kind of elemental based magik broken down into categories... wasn't sure if that was just cosmetic or actually relevant. How will the magik work?
ShakenNotStirred said:
@The Fuul
Alright, so everything in the back story I understand just up until we get to the unnamed goddess/celestial being. After she takes all the prisoners (who I'm assuming are sort of half dead? Like purgatory?) up to heaven, the Revenant is appointed as the guardian of mankind. He's then trapped in a shell of the new world and battles the spirit of the World that is being channeled through the moon? Why are they battling, who created the new world, where is the moon tree, is the moon evil because in defeating the Revenant (who I thought was evil himself) it released Avarice from the realm that the Revenant was guarding? How do they fight? Is it literal, or more of a figurative spiritual battle? What exactly is he doing as "guardian of mankind", and what is he guarding them from?

It kinda felt like you ran out of steam towards the end, and tried to rush all the points together without cohesive plot points. I think in your head, you understand everything that's going on. As the reader, I'm very confused about the end. And I also had questions about magik. The picture you inserted implied some kind of elemental based magik broken down into categories... wasn't sure if that was just cosmetic or actually relevant. How will the magik work?
You're exactly right I did slap everything together due in part to how I began writing it here on the forum. The story overall itself belongs to myself and another gentleman who had been working with me on specific aspects that you mentioned. Some of the information is intentionally left out as the way I wrote the introduction is similar to a recounting of a history thus leaving it open to lack of or misinformation. I'll begin breaking down everything regarding your questions as best I can in order here.

When The Revenant is born he is filled with an interminable thirst for revenge which is un-slaked by imprisoning Avarice. This leads him to slay everyone left living in the world where they too are imprisoned between life and death until they are released by the previously un-named Goddess Elaine. In an effort to reignite life upon the world Elaine uses almost all of her intense spiritual energy to reconstruct the world and to calm the mind of The Revenant. By his very nature he is undead, Indeed for he was slain by The Warden in his fight with Avarice and returned as a new creature. The Intense celestial energy flowing through the new world at the time came to rest in the moon. Thus the unknown point where it transferred from the planet gave birth to the Moon Tree. Now because the world was reborn through Elaine's will as The Revenant was made to protect man rather than find revenge on him; Both that presence and The Warden must protect the world from any new evil or ambition born from a new people awakening and Magik returning with them. However where The Revenant was once man and can reason the Presence is only energy. The Presence knows only that there is a powerful undead and it's existence threatens all the world.

I apologize once more for the writing if it seemed at all rushed, I wanted to see if everyone was interested in the general idea, I had no Idea the concept would receive much traction let alone.

As for Magik the system is as it states in the lore becoming very adapted into technology and from that people have come to revere the aspects of it. I realize now that describing the systems of Magik and how it works is a big question for potential players so I'll edit the topic post to go into a much greater detail on that as well as what I've clarified for you Shaken. I'll let every one know in a response when I've gotten that all updated as soon as I can sit back down.
DalishiousElf said:
I'm interested if there aren't too many people already :3

Oh snap I forgot about that old one didn't I

Sorry was busy crying about leaving Japan :(

I'm gonna post right away I love dragon age. Just never got the message in notifications
@The Fuul

Thanks for that! :) I only ask for the magic laws to be explained because I almost always play a mage character, so understanding some of the mechanics will help me to not make mistakes IC

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