The gods have left and a new world Must emerge.

Name: Malik Blishtar

Mortal/God/Monster: Super Mega Ultra Chicken


Personality: Dark, Mysterious, Evil.
Name: Golau

Mortal/God/Monster: Void walker(Monster)


Personality: A rather shy "monster". Holds itself in the background of things. Studies this new world since it's unintentional release. Has been avoiding any contact with Mortals or Gods. It's Curiosity is often overwhelming bringing it into dangerous situations.

Background: Unknown origin. Covered with an intense shadow/void shell. It is physically there.

Void - It is like a walking black hole, in the way that it sucks in all the light surrounding it's body leaving it a pure black.

Shadow Warp - Has the ability to transform the absence of light (shadows) into a different shape. (not physical)

Shadow Step - It can travel to any spot with the shadows faster than the speed of light.

Info: Too much light (a few days or one big flash [blinding light .. literally blinding]) can kill Golau

It can speak, its voice is rather high pitched and ghostly . 2spooky54u
ravenmad said:
ok galou is accepted but you don't start with the others you start on the actual disc/new earth ok?
Clarify please. Do you mean when the world is crafted by the gods? If so, please do inform me when.
Necrominac said:
Clarify please. Do you mean when the world is crafted by the gods? If so, please do inform me when.
the world has already been made, right now the gods are just looking down at it, or on it if they decide to. so right now you would be on the world
One question could I create a character for each race such as a human, monster and God.

Another question could I create a goddess of night/darkness, or a god of fire.

And lastly since It's fantasy I assume most weapons will be medieval and/or fantasy.

Sorry I know those questions are read more as statements but I believe you all understand if not ask and I'll gladly clarify.
1.I dont know if you can

2.If not taken yes you can

3.Yep medival and fantasy

4...........that Potato is so cute *_*
raven ses yes to your question yosniac, but some of the gods of light and fire have already been made. he also wants some people to get back into the group and start fighting, or having adventures and all.

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