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Multiple Settings The Gods & Goddesses of What Once Was {Open + Interest Check}

Head on over to the Cs thread and fill it out, please use realistic faceclaims or realistic art faceclaims. Also, feel free to talk in the OOC :)
[div class=background][div class=second] [div class=topimg]
[div class=back] go back [/div][/div] [div class=border][div class=opacitybg][/div] [div class=box][div class=over]overview[/div]
Long ago, before the powerful civilisations such as The Greeks, The Egyptians, another world opened up, a world that was on the brink of destruction. These Gods, trapped between mortal and immortal, settled and created the first civilisation, an ancient community now lost to time. These Gods were inhuman, stronger than a mere mortal, faster and more intelligent than others. They were powerful, unstoppable. When their civilisation died, they died too, buried under the Earth for eons upon eons.

Until one day, when the lights awoke them, brighter than anything they had ever seen before. Each awoke from their resting place, thrown into what seemed to be a whole other world, a world unlike they had known before. It was brighter, sweeter, more organized than before. It was beautiful. Gone were their responsiblities, gone were the worshippers and the thrones— but now, they were more advanced, more spectacular.

They had missed so much during their sleep, missed the evolution the civilisation went through, missed the battles, the tragedies, the wins. They were almost like lost sheep, without any knowledge of where to go and what to do. Instead of exploring on their own free will, the brilliant idea of education came about— these ancient Gods and Goddesses were off to college.

(Hi! Queenie here! A while back, I had the idea of Gods and Goddess of a forgotten civilization that was buried with time and these immortals, when their empire died, went into hibernation, and thought they were dead until one day they wake in the modern era. I thought it was kind of a good idea.)

(This is an interest check for it. There are up to 21 Gods & Goddesses I have written down meaning up to two per person, and if you can think of any others please add them. If all the spots are taken, think of two other gods or goddesses that aren't listed, and you're free to join.) [div class=over]rules[/div]
[div class=num]1.[/div] Do not choose a character then lose interest, once you've chosen a character, you're in it for the long game. If you need to drop the RP, however, at any time, for whatever reason, just let me know, I'll understand.

[div class=num]2.[/div] No God-Modding (pun because...you know...they're Gods...and Goddesses...heehee) or Mary-Sues or whatever else it is called. They all have weaknesses, they all have struggles despite being immortal beings from another universe.

[div class=num]3.[/div] Drama inside the RP, not outside. If you have a problem with anyone, calmly talk it out over PM or OOC. Hate the character not the player, too.

[div class=num]4.[/div] This is Semi-Lit to Lit, meaning nice long replies and no, one liners. I'm expecting some long, beautiful, descriptive paragraphs that pull me in and keep me captive. Minimum amount, two paragraphs. Maximum, well...we'll see.

[div class=num]5.[/div] Have fun! Chat and make new friends! Though you don't have to if you don't want to. [div class=over]characters[/div]
[div class=num][/div] The King/Queen of Gods and Goddesses - {King Taken x 1 - @dimensional Queen Taken x 1 - @OSWonder (could be king and queen, or two queens or two kings, but the roles and first come first serve.} {This will class as one whole role, with adding the chosen God/Goddess of your choice)

[div class=num][/div] God/Goddess of The Sky - {Open}

[div class=num][/div] Goddess of War - {Taken - @OSWonder }

[div class=num][/div] Goddess of Femininity & Maidens - {Taken - cherrycosmos cherrycosmos }

[div class=num][/div] God of Creatures & Cunning - {Taken - Nico Nico }

[div class=num][/div] God/Goddess of Death- {Taken - @Nightliss }

[div class=num][/div] God/Goddess of Nature - {Open}

[div class=num][/div] God/Goddess of The Sun - {Taken - @Meme Machine }

[div class=num][/div] God/Goddess of The Moon - {Taken - @Meme Machine }

[div class=num][/div] Goddess of Music & Entertainment - {Taken - @redroseknight }

[div class=num][/div] God of Love & Fertility - {Taken - @Deathchart98}

[div class=num][/div] God/Goddess of Mortals - {Open}

[div class=num][/div] God/Goddess of Creativity & Wisdom - {Open}

[div class=num][/div] God of Truth & Justice - {Taken - Enum Enum }

[div class=num][/div] Goddess of Chaos - {Taken - cherrycosmos cherrycosmos }

[div class=num][/div] God/Goddess of Protection - {Open}

[div class=num][/div] God/Goddess of Order - {Open}

[div class=num][/div] God of Souls - {Taken @rosebubbles }

[div class=num][/div] God/Goddess of Fortune - {Taken - @Deathchart98}

[div class=num][/div] Goddess of The Sea - {Taken - @PinkChiffon }

[div class=num][/div] God of Knowledge and Insight - {Taken - @OSWonder }

[div class=num][/div] God of Creation - {Taken - @dimensional }

[div class=num][/div]Deity of Travel and Messages - {Taken - @Nightliss }

CS | OOC | Main
[/div][/div][/div] [div class=first] [div class=words][div class=i][/div]the gods and goddesses
of what once was
[div class=bottomwords]an forgotten civilization
lost to time and history
awoken once more

coded by undine
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interested as the god of order!

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