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Fantasy The God Game

God Name: Sanji

Domains: Charming, Flirting, Cooking

Personality: Sanji is the kind, helpful, charming and all sorts of good things towards females, but when it comes from males..... Oh boy that guy is in huge trouble. Especially if the man denies anything Sanji does or for him flirting. That adds on, Sanji is extremely dangerous. He uses his technique 'Black Leg Style' (Don't just my obsession with One Piece >3<) which is extremely powerful. It could cut a boulder with a kick.

Sanji takes place as a 20 year old male chef at a on-sea restraunt. He is the best being, immortal or mortal, at cooking and his other talents. He'll always get his women and sales. He'd even flirt with a goddess, he doesn't have a fking care in the world.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/um.jpg.a0986c422a3d7539bfbc27f75d07c2b7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="79681" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/um.jpg.a0986c422a3d7539bfbc27f75d07c2b7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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DOMAINS: Insanity/Sanity, Illusions, and the Psychological

PERSONALITY: Without mind, the body is nothing but flesh. While these other immortals flit about with their petty emotions, physicality, and other such nonsense Wycor focuses it's attention on the meta-physical. All beings must think, act, and react accordingly. Their thoughts, their sanity, and how far those limits can be pushed. All these things intrigue Wycor, thus it acts similarly, often acting based on testing. Wycor bends wills, spins memories, snaps sanity, and puts them all back together just to observe what would happen. Despite this, Wycor can still act based on wants and needs. As far as reacting with other gods goes, Wycor tends to preform it's own tests on their own mental capacity. Unless Wycor deems them necessary for interaction, they are subjects and play things like all the rest. The mortals, a much larger testing pool. Wycor will favor mortals or beings that have a concept of higher thinking, or exhibit extreme cases of psychological rarity.

DESCRIPTION: As one's mind can change, so too can Wycor. It's form is as boundless and sporadic as a thought itself would be. It's appearance tends to be that of a manifestation of what one can think of. It's usual form tends to be that of a semi-humanoid figure with mental energy erupting from within it, shattered thoughts, illusions, and visions of one's own sanity surround it. Though addressed as both male and female by whoever would think of it's gender, Wycor is generally referenced as 'it.'

God Name: Iva

Light, life and the afterlife

Iva is a loving and knowledgeable god. She sees beauty in life and wishes to spread it where every she can. Iva is strong willed and stubborn, everything has to prefect. She is quick to help others and fills the other gods creations with life. If need be she fight for the greater good.

Iva takes the form of warrior like women, still in the early years of her life. She can make light as she please and if she wants she could make that light live. Her light can fill others with life and it has a relaxing warm aura. Although Iva gives life, she also watches after it when it dies and gives it a home among the heavens.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/upload_2015-10-11_11-13-17.png.f35a7ebf9c51bfd36fd16eac5b63a555.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="79746" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/upload_2015-10-11_11-13-17.png.f35a7ebf9c51bfd36fd16eac5b63a555.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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AlphaDraco said:
Race name: Golem

-Long lived. (They are made of rocks after all.)

-Made of inorganic matter. (Minerals, crytals, metal, etc.)

-Strong. (Still made of rocks.)

Special God Trait:
Breath of Life.

(Like Bara did to the Golems, the Golems can breath life into their own creations. Example would be a rock horse, or another sentient golem.)

Description: Golems are the long lived rock race created Bara. They strive to create wonderful structures and monuments, as well as other golems. They are patient and usually nonviolent, much like their creator, and do not require sustenance. They have the ability to reproduce by making the 'shell' of another golem out of whatever material is present, and breathing life into it. Other than the first golem, it requires two golems to breathe life into another. Creations that have had life breathed into them by one golem are not sentient.

Behavior: Golems are peaceful creatures, slow to anger and slow to trust. However, once trust is gained, you have made a lifelong friend, especially since they will outlive most other races. Their main focus in life is to create monuments, structure, and other golems. They only worship the one who created them, as their main focus is creation as well. Warning to those who think they will be easily taken over by other races, golems will go to war to those that threaten their cities and people, and they are notoriously hard to kill thanks to there inorganic makeup.

put that in the IC 2
A bit late to the party, but hope this still works!

God Name: Esras

Domains: Agriculture, Nature, Seasons

Personality: As jovial as she is stubborn, Esras thoroughly enjoys life. She takes great joy in creating new forms of life, from plants to animals. She enjoys watching her creations so much that she normally stays on the planet in a material form, normally as a tree or animal. Despite her carefree personality, she is very wise; she just prefers to retreat into her own perfect sections of the world rather than actively fight. Whenever possible, she will choose peace before raising a sword. That being said, she is quick to attack anyone that encroaches on her natural paradise.

Description: Esras normally prefers taking on the form of a tree, though she understands the necessity of communicating in a humanoid form. As such, whenever she isn't a plant she appears as a young girl. Her limbs and roots become a set of tanned legs and arms, while her leaves move to become green hair. While her human form may be small, she still possesses the strength and durability of an oak.

God Name: Zyncturial ( A.K.A Sync)

Domain: Energy, Technology, Greed

Personality: Zyncturial Sync is always trying new things on how to get better things for the tech, as well as trying to make more stuff for him to have, though she is very occupied with the work being done he seems to always be able to make time for others.

Description: Its always hard to tell if he is male or female, and it can also be hard to tell of she is either fully technology or more human like. He is always in the full suit of tech and she has it made of gold because he is greedy and she feels its necessary. (I will be referring to it as a him)


Plans for own world




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I hope this is alright.

God name: Morlon

: Death, deals and karma.

Personality: Morlon is a very bored and seemingly indifferent deity. He is the god who takes life though he holds no hatred towards it. He simply decides when it is time for something to die and takes their bodies to populate his realm. Everything he does is to relieve his boredom in some manner. He keeps an eye on individuals who make promises or vows, since punishing those who go back on their word greatly entertains him. Those that do attempt to live up to their word are rewarded in ways they will not expect. From surviving a fall they shouldn't to coming across a bag of currency with no owner. On a side note he can also possibly bribed with anything that can provide him entertainment. Though he won't admit that.

Description: He appears to those who wish to see him as either a formless mist or a slim figure covered in a hood with silver eyes. His coming is normally signaled by the wails of the dead.

LeviathanL said:
Already have an afterlife-god, does that conflict?
I kinda figured that this one would be more centered around death itself and bodies, not souls. A lot of ancient religions had many different gods of that involved death.

Edit: I tried to make sure that my deity wouldn't step on the toes of the afterlife god.
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