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One x One The Gathering of Death Eater Children - Characters

Name: Maximilian Rockwood
Born: March 15th 1990
Blood: Halfblood
Species: Human
Parents: Augustus Rockwood (father)
Spouce: Vivienne Rockwood
Father-in-law: Mr Umbridge
Mother-in-law: Mrs Umbridge
Son: Eliot Rockwood (Born: November 2017)
House: Slytherin
Skills/abilities: Dueller
Traits: Has the dark mark
Patronus: ??
Animagus: ??
Past position: Worked as shop assistant in a muggle supermarket
Current position: Professor in astronomy
Looks: Brown curly hair and hazel eyes

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Name: Vivienne Rockwood (Née Umbridge)
Born: April 28th 1992
Blood: Halfblood
Species: Human
Parents: Mr Umbridge (Squib) and Mrs Umbridge (Witch)
Spouce: Maximilian Rockwood
Father-in-law: Augustus Rockwood
Son: Eliot Rockwood (Born: November 2017)
Paternal aunt: Dolores Umbridge
Paternal grandfather: Orford Umbridge (Wizard)
Paternal grandmother: Ellen Cracknell (Muggle)
House: Slytherin
Skills/abilities: Dueller
Traits: Himedere & Oujoudere
Patronus: ??
Animagus: ??
Current position: Housewife

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Name: Mary-Jane Gibbon
Born: 25th September 1996
Blood: Pureblood
Species: Human
Parents: Gibbon (Father) †
House: Hufflepuff
Skills/abilities: Skilled in Cooking with Magic, can even use it for dark arts
Traits: Oujoudere
Patronus: ??
Animagus: ??
Current position: Professor in Wizarding Literature and head of the library at Hogwarts
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Name: Endewyne Jugson
Born: 22nd September 1994
Blood: Pureblood
Species: Human
Parents: Jugson (Father) †
House: Ravenclaw
Skills/abilities: Dueller
Traits: Strong and confident. Can easily get annoyed sometimes. Likes to gossip with her friends Adela and Faeryn
Patronus: ??
Animagus: ??
Instrument: Lyra
Current position: professor in ancient studies
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Name: Ivan Mulciber III
Born: 9th August 1991
Blood: Pureblood
Species: Human
Parents: Mulciber II (father) †
Grandfather: Mulciber I †
House: Slytherin
Skills/abilities: Dueller and potioneer
Traits: ??
Patronus: ??
Animagus: ??
Current position: Professor in potions and head of Slytherin
Looks: Pale, darkbrown, almost black eyes and hair

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Name: Raymond Nott
Born: 19th July 1990
Blood: Pureblood
Species: Human
Parents: ??
Relatives: Theodore Nott
Cantankerus Nott
House: Slytherin
Skills/abilities: ??
Traits: Has the dark mark. Used to bully Aislinn when they were students at Hogwarts
Patronus: ??
Animagus: ??
Current position: Professor in postmortem studies

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Name: Flynn Pyrites
Born: October 24th 1993
Blood: ??
Species: Human
Parents: Pyrites (Father) †
Sister: Persephone Pyrites
Relatives: Argo Pyrites
House: Gryffindor
Skills/abilities: Dueller and accomplished transfigurer
Traits: Gentle, easy-going, fair, honest & sincere. Courageous and not afraid to speak his mind. Favourite cake: carrot cake
Patronus: ??
Animagus: ??
Instruments: Drums
Current position: Head of Gryffindor and professor in transfiguration
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Name: Persephone Pyrites
Born: 2nd September 1992
Blood: ??
Species: Human
Parents: Pyrites (Father) †
Brother: Flynn Pyrites
Relatives: Argo Pyrites
House: Slytherin
Skills/abilities: Smoke manipulation: able to fly without support. Dueller and Seer
Traits: Himedere & Kamidere
Patronus: Fox
Animagus: ??
Instrument: Viola
Current position: Professor in Divination and Magipsycology

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Name: Claude Selwyn
Born: 26th May 1989
Blood: Pureblood
Species: Human
Parents: Selwyn (Father) †
House: Slytherin
Skills/abilities: Smoke manipulation: able to fly without support.
Traits: Has the dark mark
Patronus: ??
Animagus: ??
Instrument: Cello
Current position: Professor in Defence against dark arts
Looks: Silver eyes, black slick back hair

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Name: Gareth Rowle
Born: 11th October 1989
Blood: Pureblood
Species: Human
Parents: Thorfinn Rowle (father)
Ancestor: Damocles Rowle
House: Slytherin
Skills/abilities: Dueller
Traits: Has the dark mark
Patronus: ??
Animagus: ??
Current position: Professor in Muggle studies
Looks: Blond and blue eyes

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Name: Faeryn Travers
Born: 27th February 1994
Blood: Pureblood
Species: Human
Parents: Travers (Father) †
Grandfather: Torquil Travers
House: Ravenclaw
Skills/abilities: Dueller, accomplished in charms and curse breaker
Traits: Sensitive and fragile. Jumps easily to conclusions and sometimes acts on impulse. She cares too much about her friends. Likes to gossip with her friends Adela and Endewyne
Patronus: ??
Animagus: ??
Instrument: Harp
Current position: Head of Ravenclaw and professor in charms
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Name: Melody Wilkes
Born: 1997
Blood: Halfblood
Species: Human
Parents: ??
Grandfather: Wilkes †
House: Hufflepuff
Skills/abilities: Skilled in Herbology and can use it for dark arts. Moderately skilled in Cooking with Magic. Professional solo singer.
Traits: Introvert, shy and cute, Dandere. Innocent, patient & selfless. Yet has a dark side towards anyone who opposes her because of her family background. Only eats healthy food. Despise all other alcoholic drinks, but butterbeer.
Patronus: Rabbit
Animagus: ??
Instrument: Acoustic guitar
Past position: Lived as a beggar in Spinner's End
Current position: Head of Hufflepuff and professor in Herbology
Items: Magical scroll for sending letters to Reign
Looks: Dark blond half curly hair and hazel eyes
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Name: Adela Dolohov
Born: 10th September 1994
Blood: ??
Species: Human
Parents: Antonin Dolohov (father) †, Mrs Dolohov †
Brothers: August Dolohov
Andrew Dolohov
Alexis Dolohov
House: Ravenclaw
Skills/abilities: Artist (Magic in Art)
Traits: Bold. Is a bad liar. Befriended everyone, including muggle-borns, in her house when she was student at Hogwarts. Likes to gossip with her friends Faeryn and Endewyne
Patronus: ??
Animagus: ??
Instrument: Flute and trumpet
Past position: Worked as waitress in a muggle café
Current position: Professor in Magic in Art
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Name: August Dolohov
Born: 24th June 1991
Blood: ??
Species: Human
Parents: Antonin Dolohov (father) †, Mrs. Dolohov †
Andrew Dolohov
Alexis Dolohov
Sister: Adela Dolohov
House: Slytherin
Skills/abilities: Fluent in Latin. Smoke manipulation: able to fly without support. Can repair cars with magic without manipulating them the slightest.
Traits: Hinedere, control freak. Realist and not a daydreamer or wishful person. Rather thinks how to get revenge, get his way round obstacles, carefully plot.
Patronus: ??
Animagus: ??
Past position: Worker in a muggle car repair shop
Current position: Professor in Study of Ancient Runes
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Name: Andrew Dolohov
Born: July 21st 1992
Blood: ??
Species: Human
Parents: Antonin Dolohov (father) †, Mrs Dolohov †
August Dolohov
Alexis Dolohov
Sister: Adela Dolohov
House: Slytherin
Skills/abilities: Dueller
Traits: ??
Patronus: ??
Animagus: ??
Past position: Counselor in a muggle company
Current position: Professor in Wizarding law
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Name: Alexis Dolohov
Born: 30th November 1993
Blood: ??
Species: Human
Parents: Antonin Dolohov (father) †, Mrs Dolohov †
August Dolohov
Andrew Dolohov
Sister: Adela Dolohov
House: Slyhterin
Skills/abilities: ??
Traits: Mischievous and moderate cunning. Two-faced. Can also become nervous, faint-hearted and defenseless in some circumstances. Is aware about weakness of veritaserum, uses the method by suggesting the use of potion on himself to give an impossible option to anyone else who doubt him. Like this no one can use veritaserum on him because he is aware about it since he suggested it himself and no one will try to question him further, not even with legilimency because he is professional with occlumency. Always have to eat one boiled egg for breakfast. Is allergic towards flowers.
Patronus: ??
Animagus: ??
Past position: ??
Current position: Professor in Magical Theory

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Name: Natasha Quinn
Titles: Mistress of Dueling
Miss Quinn
Born: 24th November 1983
Blood: ??
Species: Human
Parents: ??
House: Slytherin
Skills/abilities: Dueller
Traits: Oujoudere. Favors Slytherin students, especially favored Elias Shadowwalker the most when he was a student. Idolizes the late Dark Lord.
Patronus: English Shepherd
Animagus: ??
Past positions: Teaching 7 year Slytherin students Dark Arts in secret
Head of Slytherin House and professor in dueling and potions at Hogwarts
Headmistress (temporarily during Luna's absence, after the take-down of McGonagall)
Current position: Professor in apparition and assistant to the headmaster
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Name: Amelia Blake
Title: Miss Blake
Born: 29th September 1983
Blood: ??
Species: Human
Parents: ??

House: Slytherin
Skills/abilities: Arithmancer
Traits: ??
Patronus: ??
Animagus: ??

Past position: Substitute professor in defence against dark arts at Hogwarts
Head of Slytherin temporarily after the fall of McGonagall and professor in Arithmancy
Current position: Professor in Arithmancy at Hogwarts

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Name: Evelyn DiVilliers †
Blood: Mixed - Angelic and Muggle
Parents: Mr. and Mrs. Tremaine †

Asmodeus DiVilliers (Brother in-law) †

Son, Alastair DiVilliers
Daughter, Valetta Collins

Son, Cerberus DiVilliers †
Daughter, Luna Lestrange

Born: ???
Skills: Slightly stronger than a non-magical woman, can unlock any lock with ease.
Traits: Sadist. Manipulative: uses a polite, elegant, and gentle persona to get what she wants. Incestuous (Alastair and Cerberus). In love with Lucifer. Hates Asmodeus.
Instrument: Harp
Looks: Long black hair and greenish-blue eyes.
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Name: Lucifer DiVilliers †
Blood: Demonic, pure
Species: Demon
Parents: Mr. and Mrs. DiVilliers †

Mr. and Mrs. Tremaine (Mother and Father in-law) †

Asmodeus DiVilliers (Brother) †

Son, Alastair DiVilliers

Son, Cerberus DiVilliers †
Daughter, Luna Lestrange

Born: ???
Skills: Excellent at accounting and all areas of finance, Demonic Charm, in love with Evelyn.
Past Position (because he's dead): Financier for important people. He did business in every major country. Also dealt with Wall-Street level business deals on the side.
Traits: Loves Evelyn, Sadist.
Instrument: Piano
Looks: Dark brown hair, almost black, and chocolate brown eyes.
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Name: Alastair DiVilliers (Pronounced DEE-VEE-AY)
Blood: Mixed (50% Demonic, 25% Angelic, and 25% Muggle)
Species: Demon

(Parents) Evelyn and Lucifer DiVilliers †
(Uncle, father's side) Asmodeus DiVilliers †
(Brother, Not by blood) Cerberus DiVilliers †
(Sister, Not by blood) Luna Lestrange
(Sister, By blood) Valetta Collins †
(First cousin, not by blood) Malice
Born: 1991, May 27th
Patronus: Serpent
Favorite Drink: Diana's Mystery Drink.
Favorite Types of Music: Classical, Screamy Music, and Visual Kei (his favorite band is Versailles).
Skills: Can cook and bake even better than Luna. Can lead perfectly in any formal type of dance, even if his dancing partner is a novice. Can see perfectly well in the dark. Can easily manipulate enemies people. Can jump much higher than a normal person. Has otherworldly strength. Can speak Italian, French, Spanish, Japanese, Russian, and Chinese, and a bit of Vietnamese and Portuguese. He can also speak three inhuman languages: Mermish, Gobbledygook, and Yeti. He can read in six of those languages. Can swim better and longer than most professionals. Can type as fast as his thoughts (on a computer). Can build a computer in one hour. Can drive a car better than a professional race-car driver. Expert at using chopsticks. Can style ladies' and men's hair (he did Luna's hair on her graduation day, when she graduated from the Japanese cooking school). Demonic Charm*. Can summon fire/fireballs with his hands. Marionette*****. He can sing wonderfully. Good at reading out loud (he reads with a faraway look in his eyes, picturing the story using a different tone and pitch for different characters, making it either dramatic or humorous depending on the part. He sometimes also adds in extra gestures or sound effects to give flavor to the story.)
Traits: Loves Luna. Elegant, well-mannered, and projects his desires onto his loved ones kind-hearted. Extremely perceptive. Naturally speaks with a charming expression and tone. Doesn't like to boast. Perfect table manners. Always sits with his back straight. His handwriting is similar to Luna's, in that it is long and elegant, but his slants slightly. Very patient with those who deserve it. Expresses himself through theater and music. Extremely calm when in danger because he secretly doesn't want to be alive. His favorite type of food is Japanese food (for breakfast he loves the traditional Japanese breakfast, and he loves sushi; his favorite sushi roll is salmon). He hates lamb, and won't voluntarily eat it. Prefers drinking only the coldest water possible. His favorite baker is Antique (his favorite desserts from there are eclaires, fruit torts, scones, creme brulee, chocolate croissants, and chocolate mousse). Loves the Black Butler manga. Curse of Bloodlust** Hates the colour gold***. Thoughtful and remembers small details. **** He prefers his lemonade more sweet than sour. Expresses himself through music and theater. Disgusted by/hates gambling and gamblers. Hates vodka. Respects hardworking, honest people.
Instrument: Violin and piano.
Favorite types of music: Screamy music (his favorite bands are Versailles and Femme Fatale), instrumental, classical
Position: Shiki Agency Agent, King of Hell (representing 'Pride')
Looks: Sebastian Michaelis from Black Butler



~Pocket watch (From Luna)(A small black pocket watch Alastair and Luna designed together. Embossed on the lid is a crest with two serpents enwrapping the borders to meet at the top. On the left, Luna’s serpent holds a wand in its mouth. On the right, Alastair's holds a black rose. Below the crest, engraved Latin letters [ad numquam traderet, diffidere, seu oboedire] translate to: 'To never betray, distrust, or disobey.'
~A black four-door sedan, with a black interior. (From Raven)(The seats are more comfortable a usual car, and it is also bigger on the inside. A button on the dashboard plays whatever music the user is thinking of, at the highest quality sound. Alastair shrinks the car to fit on his key-chain when he doesn't want to leave it parked, and makes it big again to drive it. The car is completely soundproof on the outside, so even if Alastair plays the music loudly, no one will be able to hear.)
~Shiki Agency Pin (Audio-transmitting pins bearing the Shiki Agency’s emblem:; a silver branch with cherry leaves on it, and at the tip is a white Sakura blossom, which drips a single drop of blood from its center. [The cherry tree symbolizes peace, the blossom signifies the innocence of the future children whom we save by the agents doing their jobs, and the blood shows that they don't mind getting our hands dirty to complete those jobs.] After The Director approves the agents’ partnership, the pins are activated, and will only respond to their assigned agents, The Director, and his secretary. They are impossible to trace, making them the most secure way to communicate during a mission. To utilize, an agent runs a finger over the pin, transmitting anything from background noise to their isolated voice, if desired.)
~ Princely Cosplay (A black, floor-length coat with silver buttons and epaulettes. A white dress shirt, a black, lace jabot, and one if his paisley Gothic vests, paired with black pants and tall Victorian boots that had a slight heel to them. Sometimes he adds a long, dashing black wig which is similar to Elias's hair, except with bangs like Sebastian Michealis.)
~ Knife (A smooth knife so sharp that it can cut through a table of solid wood as if it was butter. Gifted to him by a close friend.) (http://img09.deviantart.net/d1b4/i/2015/110/c/6/knife_by_bell_the_dark_33-d6rlks2.png)
~ Sleeping Kimono (A black kimono that is flattering to his physique.)
~Daytime, casual kimono (An elegant, double-layered kimono. The first layer is a dark grey, almost black and barely visible under the second layer; the darkest black possible. The long, flowy sleeves are light-weight, and the fabric securing the waist is the same dark grey as the under layer.)
~Fake wand (A realistic looking wand that he uses to hide the fact that he isn't a Wizard, but a Demon. And Demons don't need wands.)

*Demonic Charm is a power that allows the user to unintentionally attract the interest of anyone he meets that becomes more than an acquaintance. Evelyn's mother cursed Alastair to have it, intending to make it difficult for him to understand what true love was, for love without limit was love without meaning.

**His eyes turn purple when he hasn't killed anyone recently, and once he kills someone his eyes go back to normal. His grandmother cursed him with this.

***Alastair hates the colour gold because his mother used to make him wear it; it was her favourite colour. Seeing this, Cerberus used to wear gold all the time to annoy Alastair.

****Even when Luna and Alastair were apart and he was struggling financially, he would always send Luna a thoughtful birthday gift one day before without fail, always with the same message. 'Do not open until the second of May... '

*****Marionette is a power that allows demons to command someone to do whatever they wish. In some cases, the demon's commands can override the person's will power completely. In others, their commands can only appear very persuasive or tempting. In Alastair's case, it is the latter.
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Name: Cadence Smith
Blood: Magical
Parents: ???
Family/Relatives: Step-Parents: Mr. and Mrs. Thorne. Step-sister: Crystal Thorne
Born: ???
Skills: ???
Traits: Kind, honest, straightforward, bad at keeping secrets.
Instrument: ???
Looks: Strawberry blonde hair, light skin, and blue-grey eyes.

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Name: Miss Eugenie Taylor
Born: 17th August 2000
Blood: Halfblood
Parents: ??
House: Gryffindor
Skills: ???
Traits: Bold and rude. Coward and Yandere. Loathes Lily Shadowwalker. Love interest: Flynn Pyrites.
Looks: Brown hair and rosy cheeks

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Name: Alden (angels don't have last names)
Blood: Pure angelic blood
Species: Angel
Parents: ???
Family/Relatives: ???
Born: ???
Skills: Smarter than Raven.
Traits: Annoying, selfish. Lusts after Raven. Betrothed to Raven (against her will, at the request of the King of Heaven)
Past Positions: ???
Current Position: The King of Heaven's errand boy.
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Name: Everard, King of Heaven
Blood: Pure angelic blood
Species: Angel
Parents: ???
Family/Relatives: Daughter, Ravenna
Born: ???
Skills: ???
Position: King of Heaven
Traits: Runs Heaven like a totalitarian country, Kamidere, thinks that he's the quintessential example of morality, treats Raven like a child.
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