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Fantasy ๐šƒ๐š‘๐šŽ ๐™ถ๐šŠ๐š๐šŽ ๐š˜๐š ๐š‚๐š˜๐š›๐š๐šŽ๐š– - Closed

Very interested. The RP has a lot of thought put into it and the lore is vast and detailed. I honestly thought it was from a book or something lol. But it's really well made, and would love to join.

However, I don't really have any ideas on what character I'll make but I'm sure I'll figure it out.
Right? I'm so invested, reading the lore felt like it was a real book or video game plot. If it helps at all, my character is going to be an Elven light mage
AHHH thank you both so much, my hard work paying off lol
My character is always dependent on the best fc I can find which I have been doing on and off for the past 5 hours
I used to so that but I'll need to be on my laptop for it and I'm at work rn. Maybe that's why i can't think of something
Also I saw that you were planning to make a Discord server? I won't mind, it'll be quicker to communicate too
My character is always dependent on the best fc I can find which I have been doing on and off for the past 5 hours
Me too haha I have to find a fc that I really like the look of before I can get ideas of what they're gonna be like
You have showed interest. Do you plan on making character sheets? Should I make a discord?

When i can decide which/what kind of character i want to play i will make the CS.

Discord might be usefull if we going to have a sizeable group as it makes communication between people easier.
Hello! I probably should have said this before completely immersing myself in the lore and brewing up a character concept, but I'm interested. I really like the world you've made, and I can definitely get down with some good fantasy.
I think this is the first time I've taken the time to make an entire family tree lmao
Is this still open? I have a morally questionable Vagabond and a Giant Berserker that i believe will fit this realm wonderfully.

Still reading the lore and no issues yet
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CS finally posted. I haven't learned how to code yet so its not as pretty as I would've hoped but, its done at least
I'll be available to make a proper CS in a week or so after my exams wrap up
I am working on a character sheet. I messaged you last night. Hopefully, I am not too late. I'm just stuck at work, so my writing time is limited to breaks.

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