The Gang of Nothing [Inactive]

Jessica awoke, screaming. It was night, and had a bad dream. Shaking the remains of the night terror, she stood up and walked around. She shivered, hugging herself. I told Lauren to keep the fire going. Jess breathed in slowly.

Jacob was outside, walking around the streets by the warehouse.
Ciela snuggled up in her corner. She hadn't yet gone to sleep, but that was only because she was entranced in a book she found in a "Free" bin next to the Thrift Store. It was titled, "Throne of Glass", and so far she wasn't able to put it down. She used the light from the outside street lamps to guide her way through the far off fantasy land.

Soon she heard Jessica scream. Her head looked up, and searched for her, but only saw Jessica walk off. She hadn't seen Jacob for a few hours. Maybe she's looking for him? She thought.
I stare at the high ceiling and think. I think about the past few hours, days, the week it took to get where I am right now. I'm tired. My eyes feel heavy, but I can't help but stay alert. Being on the run, so far from home, staying with people I don't even know...

I hear a scream and instantly scramble to my feet, then head to the center of the warehouse. I see Jessica, walking around in the dark. The fire is out, and she doesn't look too alarmed. I guess that it must've been her screaming.

I walk closer to Jessica and zip up my hoodie, putting my hands into its pockets. Having known her for a mere few hours, I'm unsure of how I should react.

"You okay?"

"What happened?"

Nothing amazing comes to mind. I decide on something risky without thinking about it all that much.

"It's nothing." Jessica said. "Do we have anything else for burning?" Jacob walked into the warehouse from a small side door.
Ciela started her book again as she saw the new guy go to Jessica. She hadn't really learned his name yet. She supposed she would soon enough, and that was good enough for her.

A few paragraphs later she heard someone come in the side door. She looked up to see Jacob, "There you are."
I shrug and look away.

"I wouldn't know."

Glancing around the warehouse, I see a girl reading in one of the corners and a guy walk over to her. The only person I've spoken to in this room is Jessica. Somehow, I missed (avoided) speaking to the other two when I came earlier. There's also apparently another girl I haven't met yet. What I've gathered, though, is that they've been here longer than I have.

"Maybe he does," I say to Jessica, gesturing to the guy.
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Ciela holds up her book, allowing him to examine the front cover, then places it back in her lap.

"Reading. You?
"Well, I haven't gone for a run in a while. Want to come with?" Jess asked, putting a trench coat on. She didn't have a shirt, she used them all for burning the first fire. Jacob sighed, "Just getting back from a good walk." He said.
I take one last look at the other two conversing, then nod to Jessica.


Keeping my hands in the pockets of my hoodie, I walk a few steps toward the door that the guy entered through. I don't intend to lead the way, it's just that Jessica's lack of shirt made me slightly uncomfortable. I would rather not acknowledge it. It makes me wonder why she wasn't wearing one, and for how long she's been without one. It must've been cold in the winter. If she's been here that long, I mean.

I wait by the door for her.
Jessica went outside and breathed in. She buttoned up the coat and stuck her hands in the pockets. "We need to grab some food and fire stuff." The streets were empty, save for one taxi. She felt in her pocket for her change bag. She removed it and counted the coins. $6.25. "We might have to steal something." She said quietly.
I walk behind Jessica and eye the taxi. The first time I ever rode in one was in the past week. And what a long week it's been...

I feel for the wallet in my front-right pocket. The money I stole from my parents has taken a hard hit, seeing as I've been alone until now. Fending for yourself is not easy, it would seem.

I'm not sure yet how long I'll be staying with The Nothing. Contributing 100% isn't a good idea if I end up leaving in a week. We will see.

Responding to Jessica's statement, I say, "No problem with me."

I don't know if taking a taxi is necessary. I hardly have any knowledge of the area.

"What are we doing first?"
She nodded, "Walks are nice I suppose."

She didn't like walks or running before she decided to take off from home. Too much effort. She much rather play with a match inside her room.

"Do you know if we have any matches left?" She asked. She hadn't seen once since the last fire, and it looked like there weren't any more.
Jessica proceeded to walk down the street. She coughed and stumbled to a knee. She braced herself against a building and stayed for a second. Jacob yawned and stretched. "I think I'm gonna get some shut eye." He walked over to a corner and relaxed.
Following Jessica, I look behind us. No one suspicious in sight. I frown and turn to face forward, seeing Jessica halfway on the ground.

Before thinking, I grab her right upper arm with my left hand and pull her up-right. It's hard to get a grip on a leather trench coat, but I manage.

I look away from her wordlessly. I'm not sure if she's the type who hates being helped, and I didn't even ask.

"What are we getting first?" I nonchalantly ask, attempting to deny any conversation about what just happened.
"Thanks." Jessica said. "We could look around for discarded paper for the fire. Maybe lower ourselves to begging for some change for some food..." Not something she wanted to do, but would do it if need be. She had another coughing fit, but it was over soon. Medicine isn't cheap. I just hope my body can get over this as soon as possible. "What one first? Up to you."
I cross my arms and think.

"Too bad we can't just chop down a tree..."

I mumble some of my thoughts aloud. It's a bad habit I've gotten into recently. There haven't been too many people to talk to besides myself.

"We could steal a park bench," I suggest, half-jokingly.

"And I might have enough money for food," I mention, "depending on how much it costs around here."

"It's not a whole lot," I lie, looking towards the street, "but it should be enough."
"Hand it over." Jess held out a hand. "This is for the good of the group." She didn't like that he had money and didn't give it to her before, but she would take it over begging.
I frown instinctively and reach into my back pocket, pulling out a wad of twenty-two dollars. It was made up of twelve ones and two fives.

The bulk of my money was in my wallet. Before I ran away, I read on the internet somewhere that you should always keep your money separated, in case you were mugged or something. There were other situations it came in handy, but that's the one I remember best. I mentally add this situation to the list.

I hand the money over to Jessica before asking again.

"Shopping or bench-stealing?"
"We should first hail a taxi." Jessica said, looking behind them. No car insight, but a man with a black trench coat and black hat stood behind us. Nonononononono! Shaking, Jessica grabbed Robert's arm and started to walk away quickly. She looked behind them, and the mysterious man was quickening his pace. "Run!" Jess said.
As I'm pulled along by Jessica, I look behind us. Suspicious man.

I frown even harder. I thought my check was rather thorough. No time for that, however.

At Jessica's command, I break into a sprint, making sure to stay just behind her. I don't know the area at all, so if I lead the way, we could get cornered.
After a few turns, they ended up around an alley. "We... should be safe... for now." Jessica said, huffing. "That man tried to... back when I started The Nothing, he visited once. Jacob was gone, and he tried to..." She has embarrassed by it. To weak! She patted her pockets. Nothing. Fear was replaced with dread. "It must have fallen out during the run." She said, in shock. She felt in her jean pockets and brought out the money that Robert had given her. "At least we still have something."
I lean against the building and hunch over, panting heavily.

"I'm... more of an... endurance runner..." I choke out between breaths.

After taking a minute to compose myself, I press my fists into my back and stretch. I process Jessica's words.

We have a creepy pedophile and we lost whatever money Jessica had - which must not have been much if we were originally going to steal something. I'm reminded by my own thoughts that I'm probably the oldest in the group, save for the mystery person I haven't met yet.

"You okay? You look a bit shaken," I ask, despite knowing why she would be.
Jessica took a deep breath in to steady herself. "Fine. We should make our way to the nearest all night grocery." She said, and quickly started to walk. She had tears running down her face, and didn't want him to see. I need to remain strong! A weak leader isn't as trust worthy as a strong one.

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