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Quest The Gameroom

I also bold thoughts/verbal since it's a bit easier for me to read. Sorry if anyone else hates the formatting. I don't ultimately care what text color you use, I can read it just fine. Please do what you like. :neutralteeth:
I did a bit of pre-emptive damage to myself to get that out of the way, but Seraph Darkfire Seraph Darkfire can deal with specifics.
Nonetheless, I got my post done. Sorry for the wait!
Postarooni. Light post, nothing crazy, mainly verbal comms and Ingrid started wailing her wrist arm about to get some information on the difference between the dark and light areas of the car.
Alright, made my post. Hope Eloise is doing alright.

Also, still here if you all want a hint, though it will have to be unanimous.
Confirming here, Silas is indeed in the light now.
Anyway, I got the light bit, and motion in darkness. That's... about it.

I wanted to make a shorter post mainly on communications, but I think I'll hold for a day
I can hold as well. Didn't want to keep responding if there are others. I have a feeling peeps dropped though
I've posted! I put in as much dialogue as I could, minimal action. Hopefully eloise is fine and just isn't as active as the rest of us! I left things fairly open ended, and gave us our first name drop (I think?).
Yeah that seems right. I'll wait another day before my next post.
Note it's going to be quite short unless something major gets dropped here... 👀
Solution to the door, no clue.
Though I personally want a few more interactions between characters before any hints are dealt out.
I'm mostly waiting on others. I start vacation on Wednesday and likely won't post until the following week. I don't want a hint, since I think we can solve it, but we need more character involvement.
I am still the last one to have posted, I don't have much to do.

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