The Game

Queen Rai

Self Proclaimed Queen of RPNation






Element (this element is unique to your character, so only one person per element):



I would love to join this is you don't mind! The one thing is what element are you? If you are one? And what elements are available? Sorry to bother
My character is going to have fire :3 And any element, I'll tell you if there's an issue :P
Name: Brianna (Bre) Reed

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Personality: Brianna is a reserved girl. Most people don't notice her, or pretend they don't. The people who tend to pay attention to her are only there to figure out "What she's bout". She's about really nothing. She has few hobbies, well really she only has one, reading, and she has fewer friends. Despite being anti-social Brianna is a very caring person. She doesn't go out of her way to help people if it means social interaction, but if she can help, and not have to speak, she will. Brianna loves animals, you don't have to talk to them. She is currently saving money to start a small animal shelter.


Brianna is a very short, petite girl. Her size makes it easier to hide from social interaction

Element: Air

Biography: Brianna is the eldest of four children. Two brothers, a sister, and her self. She learned from a young age life was rough. Her family didn't and still doesn't have a lot of money, but they make up for their lack of funds with love. Her mother is very nurturing, and her father is just the right amount of stern. The only arguing that goes on is between the children, and this is normally just petty bickering.

Name: Shayleen "Lena" Cradley

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Personality: She's very energetic to say the least. There won't be a moment you'll see her moving around and talking someone's ear off. She's always smiling and doesn't seem like she has a care in the world. She's a bit of an airhead, and she can be caught off guard most of the time. She tends to trust people way too easily and always gives people chances to redeem themselves whenever she finds out they lead her on. She puts everyone above herself, in any situation. Lena isn't very good under pressure but if it comes to protecting the people close to her she'll try her best! She's not a shy person whatsoever, and tends to love hugging people.


Element: Metal

Biography: Lena has always lived a pretty normal life. She always went to school, came home, and hung out with friends. She never really had problems in life and lived relatively peacefully. Lena hated this. Sure she enjoyed the company of her family and her friends, but she always flt something missing in her life. In all honesty, she wanted something to spice up her boring life. It wasn't until she finally until the games started that she found what she was looking for.

Other: She loves sweets!
Name: Erica Michelle Lawson

Age: 16

Gender: female

Personality: Erica expects the worst from people but believes in the best of them. She has a few close friends but doesn't know many of her classmates. Crowds tire her out. If she can't do something she won't even try. Erica is cautious to the point of overthinking things. She is usually an optimistic person but with a logical side. Erica freaks out over little mistakes while taking more important problems in stride. Her grades are all decent, but she spends most of her class time gazing out of the window. She avoids conflict whenever possible and is polite and helpful. Erica tends to be absorbed in her own fantasy world too often. She doesn't like making choices and obsesses over her mistakes.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/pepper.jpg.2a698e74491d5df2561cbc8f38695181.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10569" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/pepper.jpg.2a698e74491d5df2561cbc8f38695181.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Element: lightning

Biography: Erica is one of three Lawson children. Her parents weren't around often, but she is close with her father. She moved around a lot as a kid and knows that it's hard keeping in touch with other people long distance. Erica hasn't decided what she wants to be when she's an adult. Ideally, she would like to be a writer or an artist. Erica's younger brother is a mental patient and her older brother got injured in a freak accident. Nether have been around in the last few months. She wants to beat the game so she can see her siblings again.

Other: Erica doesn't have a favorite color. She stutters when she's lying. Her birthday is March 7.



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Name: Veronica Everwhyn Rosewood

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Personality:Veronica is distant at times, and not a girl of many words, but that doesn't mean she's shy, no. Far from it actually, she just prefers to watch and observe, and rarely jumps to conclusions. She enjoys the company of others, even strangers. But she doesn't really know how to handle people, thus her seemingly cold demeanour. She's pretty witty, and sly at times, though she's a generally trustworthy and loyal person, and will do anything to protect the ones she care about. She's emotional and not afraid to open up to people, but if you decide to take advantage of her compassionate side and mess with her, this girl ain't afraid to get rough.


Element : Darkness

Biography: She has two younger siblings, a brother and a sister, both are twins. Her parents were both workaholics who left to pursue their career the moment Veronica knew how to clean and cook, and would send them cash every month. Despite that, she decided to save her parents' money up for her brother and sister's tuition, and had managed to make a living by sewing. She practically raised her sibling, she cleaned for them, cooked for them, and thought them how to read and write. Every day after school, she would walk to the preschool building to take her brother and sister home. Now, she just wants to finish the game and return to her siblings so she can take care of them.

Other: She opened up a small clothing and costume shop on the first floor of their three-storey terrace.

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