The Future Like a Wolfpack Waits (Sign up)


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Storyline and OOC thread

Character sheet




Nationality: (people from all over come to live around or near Cities)


[main description goes here]Eyes


Skin, build, markings, etc.



Personality: [main description goes here]



Short background:

Weapon(s): (if any)


--- Merged Double Post ---

I'll have other characters, but here's Stef's character sheet for now.

Name: Stefan 'Stef' Finch

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Nationality: American

Occupation: Handyman, hunter.

Appearance: Stef's a funny looking young man. Despite his great height, he doesn't look intimidating at all, just a bit pathetic and weird. Thanks to the old bottles of hair dye (and food dye) he has hoarded, his hair is red, although naturally it's as near to orange as ginger can get. He shaves the sides of his head with disposable razors, so he sometimes has ingrown hairs on his head.

Stefan! Sorry for the weird hand and wrench.

Eyes Blue; they normally look dopey.

Hair Naturally ginger, badly dyed red (growing out), mohawk. Some facial hair (not really 'organised', just overgrown stubble, really).

Skin, build, markings, etc. Has a farmer's tan, freckles and a fair few scars from scraps with Lionel and falling over, etc. He's very tall (6'8" no joke) and very gangly. It sort of makes him look like a daddy longlegs. He has a lot of ear piercings (two were ripped out, however) and one nipple piercing (the other was ripped out after it got infected - ouch)

Clothing Normally dirty. Normally wears jeans or cargo trousers, a wife beater, he has a hoodie if he gets cold, and battered army boots. He has a bandanna which he never removes. it's blue, and keeps his hair out of his eyes.

Other One of his incisors is chipped in half, he's missing a canine and premolar, and a few of his teeth are chipped. They're all yellow, and he has nicotine stains on his fingers.

Personality: Stef's a very friendly man. He loves to meet new people and tries to make as many friends as possible, but isn't really aware that this comes over weird and awkward. He's sometimes easily upset, but relatively hard to anger (unless you're a thief!). He's generous to a fault and never has much money or anything because of it, which really annoys his best friend. He adores Lionel (his friend), but they often get into ridiculous fights. He likes following people around, and tends to remind people of a bouncy, friendly puppy. He acts so socially awkward because he wasn't really raised around people or taught how to behave other than 'be nice'. When he's angry, it's pretty hard to get him to calm down. Stef's very stubborn and doesn't drop an issue once he has hold of it.

Flaws Weird, doesn't quite know how to act 'properly' around people, stubborn.

Quirks Has a weird thing against thieves, dislikes swearing (his guardian told him it was bad), finds fighting funny.

Short background: Stefan's parents were killed by a gang, and he was raised by a friend of the family (a mercenary who called himself Lazarus Gaunt). For the next few years, 'Mr. Gaunt' would be seen as some godlike figure in little Stefan's eyes. Stef learnt how to fight, survive and fix things from the man. However, when he was 17, his guardian was shot and died in a fight, and Stef was left to fend for himself. He travelled around for ages, before getting pressganged into joining a militia to try and 'invade' Europe by someone who thought they had more resources. He disliked the orderly, strict lifestyle in the cold of Siberia, and ended up deserting with a few people he'd met (Lionel Sarton, Maggie Horrell and Alec Wynne). They managed to make their way to Poland, aided by some tribals they'd helped, and set up 'house' in the slums around City XI. Maggie and Alec left ages ago, but Lionel and Stef stayed.

Weapon(s): A wrench, combat knife, old assault rifle.

Misc.: He smells pretty bad and is obviously filthy.


And Lionel!

Name: Lionel Sarton. You can call him 'Li' if you're friends with him.

Age: 32

Gender: Male

Nationality: American

Occupation: 'Tattooist' and 'piercer' (meaning poking you with dirty sharp things), hunter, local bad tempered asshole.

Appearance: Lionel is shorter than his best friend Stef at 6'0", but that doesn't seem to bother him. He can normally be found sneering or snarling at you, showing his wonky, yellow, chipped teeth. A good few are missing from getting hit in the face with a wrench by Stef. He has two lip piercings (spiderbites) and he tried to stretch his ear. It ripped, so he's stretching each 'end' (it'll look like a fractal if those rip).

Lionel (I doodled this a few weeks ago, his hair has kind of changed since).

Eyes: Brown, almost verging on a kind of amber colour.

Hair: Dark brown, mullethawk with ponytail. Greasy, and he's missing clumps. Stubbly.

Skin, build, markings, etc.: Naturally darker skin than Stef seeing as he's not ginger, but not olive. Uneven tan. Lionel is very bulky. He's got broad shoulders and thick forearms and stuff, but is actually a bit pudgy around the middle. He eats most of his and Stef's food, as he 'owns' where they live. Like Stef, he's got quite a few scars, including some claw marks on the side of his head.

Clothing: Like Stefan, normally skanky and dirty. He can normally be found in a plain t-shirt, plaid shirt, grey jeans and battered army boots. He kept his parka because he's a bit smarter than Stef and wears that when it's cold.

Other: He's missing a bottom incisor, his canines are ruined, missing a molar and both his upper incisors are short. His nose is broken and he has a lazy eye.

Personality: Lionel's a funny one. He yells a lot and loves to insult people (regardless of how much he likes them). His favourite one is calling Stef "queerboy" or "freakass". He doesn't really mean it in a nasty way, but it's hard to get used to. Lionel is easily offended and very fast to anger. He's even faster to swing punches and gets into far more scraps than a man his age should. He's surprisingly tolerant and doesn't actually mind people as much as he makes out. Also surprisingly, he's very artistic, but doesn't draw much as he thinks it'll make him look like a pansyass. He just sticks to tattoos. He tends to order Stef around like a skivvy, but the other man doesn't mind.

Flaws Overbearing, loud, insults people a lot, bad tempered.

Quirks The way he insults everyone, artistic. He's also probably the best way to stop teenagers (or anyone) begging their parents for a piercing or tattoo.

Short background: Lionel had a childhood where he was pampered by his mother and beaten up by his father. However, he learned to stand up for himself pretty quickly, learning to fight by scrapping with his brothers (Oz, Rickie) and his sister (Lulu). When he was old enough and big enough, Lionel beat the crap out of his dad with a rake (yes, a rake). Panicking, he packed his stuff and ran off from home with his mother. He eventually found her a safe place to live, but rather than staying, he carried on just drifting around.

He was almost starving by the time the 'army' picked him up. He quickly made friends and enemies by punching everything that ever existed, but got sick of the atmosphere and being told what to do. He ended up escaping with Stef, Alec and Maggie one night. After months of travelling, he stubbornly set up camp outside City XI and refused to move since. Lionel gets along there pretty well. People don't bother him because they know him as "that crazy guy who'll fight anyone and anything with a crazy friend who will smack you in the face with a wrench". He likes that.

Weapon(s): Hunting rifle, air rifle (he shoots dogs and children with it), cleaver, knuckledusters.

Misc.: He's sort of seen as amusing to watch and people would probably miss him if he left or died. Smells bad as well.

:Solveig Borghild



Nationality: Swedish


Appearance: She's a sturdy and compact woman and very defined, but not so muscular to be cumbersome. She's 5'4 feet tall weighs and 170 lb and always seems to be covered in a thick coat of dirt and grease.

Eyes:Deep blue eyes

Hair: Her hair is a golden blond and completely shaved off.

Skin, build, markings, etc.: She has very fair skin and a solid build;

Clothing:She wares an old black Flight jack she found a while back, adorned with various obligatory patches. She also is seen constantly in a loose-fitting navy-green Wife beater, as that is her only shirt. As for pants she has only two pairs of tattered faded jeans, as well as an old saggy pair of motorcycle boots. She also wares a pair of black cracked aviator glasses.

in Other:Always seems to have something in her mouth, whether it be toothpick, or one of the few clandestine cigarettes.

:Boisterous, rowdy and and chaotic. All she really wants is to enjoy herself. Unfortunately this is often in destructive and harmful ways. She has little regard for human life and cares little if people die. She does not however, kill people psychotically. But if someone happens to get hurt she cares not.

Flaws:Has a Strong desire to cause violence and destruction for little more then an adrenaline fix.


Short background:

Weapon(s): (if any)

Name: Lily


Gender: Female

Nationality: Australian

Occupation: She is a badass but works in childcare (they are her weakspot)

Appearance: she has blue eyes and red hair

She has tanned skin and looks flimsy and ditsy but is the opposite she has no marking and wears cargo's and a t-shirt or highwaist shorts and a singlet tops

Personality: she loves to be sarcastic and bitchy she is guarded and rarley lets anyone in. She loves pulling pranks on a massive scale but the two thing she can't say no to is kids and oreo's

Short background: she was abandoned by her parents and still remembers it she doesent trust because of this reason. she hates players as they just break hearts. she is not afraid of getting in trouble and her parents are rarely home so she throws massive parties alot. she hasn't done anything to bad yet, she doesent want to riun her life that much

Weapon(s): she has none

Misc.: Nobody trusts her and vice versa because of her attitude and pranks
I've thought a lot about it and I did come up with a few ideas for a character, I was just hoping more people would of joined by then..

Quick question, two actually.

One, Is there some sort of currency, or is it just straight trading? And two, Is the surface habitable, or is it like a metro 2033 sort of situation?
Estillum said:
I've thought a lot about it and I did come up with a few ideas for a character, I was just hoping more people would of joined by then..
Quick question, two actually.

One, Is there some sort of currency, or is it just straight trading? And two, Is the surface habitable, or is it like a metro 2033 sort of situation?
Yeah, I was hoping more'd join, but it doesn't matter; I like small group RPs!

1. Yes. Well, the cities have credits. The surface and slums have whatever - trading, normally. People buy and sell things with Polish money (the Zloty) in the City XI slums as well, but this is getting rarer.

2. Yep! The slums are on the surface. The only underground thing is the cities, and this isn't set inside of one, so yep.
My bad, I figured the slums where underground too for some reason.

I'll finish my character immediately, though I fear it wont be as eloquent as yours.
Name: Ragnar Losnedahl (He a lot time call ‘Ranger’ in local poptuton on slums)

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Nationality: Norwegian

Occupation: Ranger

He a scars on his face, has macule but not as big. His height 5'11 ½ in.

Eyes Brown eyes

Hair Black hair and has small facial hair Clothing Wearing a trench coat with very dark grey and wears a gas mask helmet which symbolize/tradition for rangers.

Other loves hearing stories/news from travelling merchants from different part of Europe.

Personality: Little outgoing sometime, also nice with few people in local areas, Very loyal when he becomes a freind.

Flaws Has a shy side when come to about how he looks.But never take it off or hardly ever take off his mask at all.

Quirks smokes when he finish a job that is easy or hard. Like the cold but other hate the cold in his home town.

Short background:
was born in the surface world of town where mutants and human live in peace. He made few friends 69 percent of his are mutants, well other percent are humans. When he reach 15 he left his home and travel around the damage landscape. He almost got him killed by animal but was save by two rangers. However he join them travel up to their base which he become a ranger.

Weapon(s): assault rifle with attached bayonet

Misc.: Hates when people want to know his past in some of the local areas that he portals in the region.


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