The Future Like a Wolfpack Waits (OOC and Info)


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The Future Like a Wolfpack Waits

It has been over two hundred years since the United Continents of Europe and Asia and the American Alliance fell, leaving the world in chaos and filth. Biological, chemical, nuclear and particle weapons have torn the entire world, leaving newer generations to cope with the dangerous lands. From the grey remains of Poland to the dirty snows of Alaska to the cracked, fruitless land of Spain, the world is damaged beyond all repair.

Those who have money or a particularly useful skill to offer live in old silos or bunkers now designated as "Cities" with slums growing around them to house all those barred from entering. The largest Cities are XI (Gdansk, Poland), V (Lyon, France), III (the Lake District, Cumbria, England), XXI (Arkhangelsk, Russia), X (the Mongolian Steppes) and VII (Marrakesh, Morocco). There are 25 Cities in all in what was the UCEA (Europe, north Asia, north Africa). Other places in the world have similar areas with other names.

There are, of course, inhabited ruins of towns and the old type of cities, but these tend to be unorganised and run by unsavoury sorts at the best of times. At least the slums have the security from the Cities to give some sort of order. And furthest removed from 'civil' human society are the tribes. Although many are well organised and give their citizens rights, the wild appearance and law of the mutants living there scares many people.

This roleplay will take place in the slums on the outskirts of City XI - the people living in these slums are generally poor and uneducated. Some are richer traders, and some are those who simply dislike the idea of living underground in a sprawling metropolis which seems to be run by many argumentative, middle-aged scientists. There are rumours, however. Some mention something escaping the City which shouldn't have, others mention 'clean-up' operations of the slums, other mention vicious and frightening experiments down there in the cold artificial light.

General Setting

City XI is a massive underground city. Once it was simply a large bunker; since the war, it has been expanded and linked up with subway stations which were already underground. The City is actually a protectorate of the Hunter Knights, an organisation rising from the old Hunters, a para-military organisation. Being descendent of the sorts who already lived in the bunkers, they tend to control a lot of resources. City XI has a fair few sectors - there are thirteen laboratories, an 'arena' where bloodsport is played, residential and shopping districts. The most 'important' laboratories are Labs 2 and 13. 2 is owned by Dr. Soren Pike and does chemical weapons testing. 13 is owned by Dr. Rainer T. Lack, and does... well, maybe you'll find out.

Outside the bunker are the slums. The nearer you live to the bunker, the better your housing. There are all sorts of houses - from wooden shacks to RVs to tents to places made of scrap metal. If you can afford it, you can have a generator to run electricity when you need it. Most folks cook stuff on camping stoves or naked flames, rarely wash, and just go about their lives as best as they can. People have rather simple, hands-on jobs - 'doctors', hunters, repairmen, guards, teachers, carpenters, etc. There is no social aid, so if you are starving and homeless, you will have to rely on people who either have enough to give away or are willing to help. Most people in the area are somewhat suspicious of newcomers, but they will doubtless be accepted into the folds of this rather odd 'town'.

City XI and the associated slum housing is in Poland, near Gdansk, but the lingua franca is English. Many people live there - they come from all over, and people don't tend to pry and ask questions as it can get them into trouble with their neighbours and 'friends'. People don't tend to be judgemental or bigoted about race, sexuality, gender identity, etc., as working together and respecting each other is vital. They do, however, mistrust mutants and people from inside City XI, oddly enough.

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  • No godmoding, meta, autohitting, etc.

  • Please do not badly harm or kill another character without the player's permission. If you are not autohitting, the other player generally has consent with smaller injuries, but it might be a good idea to discuss things which could result in serious scarring, broken bones or more.

  • Please put any OOC in this thread or (if needs be in the roleplay) in double brackets ((like this)).

  • No one-liners - I'm not asking everyone to write a novel, but grammar, spelling and general writing ability should be decent.

  • Please tell me if you are going to quit or leave for a while - please write your character out in some way (illness and needing to take to bed, death and moving elsewhere work pretty well. You can do a one-liner for this, if you want).

  • Please don't try to "out do" another character. It's fine to be better at something, but when it just seems to be the player trying to make their character look 'cool', it's really easy to tell, and really annoying for everyone else.

  • This roleplay will likey contain violence, death, drinking and drugs. If you're uncomfortable with any of that, this might not be a good roleplay for you to join.

  • If you want to roleplay a tribal mutant, please ask me and I'll give detail. I don't want to clog up the thread with it, and they tend to look and act a certain way.

  • If you want to roleplay a scientist from City XI, once again, just ask. They're studying something which I want to reveal a little way into the roleplay.

  • Ask me if you have any questions! I will gladly give you any information about the setting you need.

  • Have fun.
I got a question After the fall of United Continents, and small formed 'Cities' has their being a ideology difference in some of the Cities like for example: one is democracy well the other one is Socialist?
Ahahaha, thanks for the question. I like questions.

I suppose it depends on who owns them. Most are run by Hunter Knights, and are therefore undemocratic. They aren't fascist or socialist dictatorships, more like stratocracies. City XI is actually a dictatorial scientocracy - although Hunter Knights have power there, they don't control it on their own.

In other countries, it varies. A lot are probably what comes out in the end after much fighting. So I guess you could say any political system under the sun, as long as it can be upheld and enforced somehow.

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