The Future is Uncertain


New Member
*All of the special Em's are spoken for. We need more people still. As a general reminder, if you choose to play one of these you are on a wanted list at all times. The Government wants you dead or worse.*

*All other Em's are either unknown or monitored.*



Appearance: (you may use a picture if you like)

Personality: (include likes, dislikes and quirks if any)

Which one are you: (Acclamite, M. Em's, one of the bonded Em's, regular human, goverment, scientist, corporation, ect)

Job: (government and scientist must list job title and discretion)

Element/ Power : (Within reason. Only one Em has the power of telepathy but is has limits. All M's have the ability to sense one another if touched)



Anything Else:
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Name: Jen Lee

Age: 20

Appearence: 5'1" Asian girl with long brown hair that goes down pass her lower back. She has light brown eyes with a tinge of green in them. Where the green comes from is anyone's guess. On her right shoulder blade is a scar in the shape a bolt of lightning (not similar to the one on Harry Potter's forehead). This is the mark of her pairing with her other half who can wield lightning. He has a scar shaped like a blaze of fire on his left. She is 100lbs.

Personality: She is distrustful of the government. She has an undying hatred for parents who abandoned their own kids, dead beat dads, and abusive mothers. She hates hospitals and has a fear a needles. She loves Alaskan malamutes and the winter time. Her favorite flower is a red rose, not a dozen just one. She has a crush on her partner [to be named later, if he is picked by another player or a NPC]. She is kind and generous but a little too stoic. She loves to read and can always be seen with a book.

Which one are you: A bonded Em, one half of the last remaining Em couple that cn reproduce vaccines from their blood.

Job: Bartender

Element/ Power: Fire. She can manipulate it but cannot produce it on her own. She can project a wall of fire to protect herself, fireballs or a jet stream of fire. She has heat exhaustion using her powers and must cool down at least thirty minutes after each use. She will pass out if forced to maintained for longer than an hour. Recovery is a full three days.

Skills: She is trained in hand to hand combat able to disarm anyone up to 2.5 times her weight. She can cook, clean and do most mundane chores and task.

Bio: She is the youngest of the four escapee Em’s at the age of 20. She considers the older two her brother and her sister. Her partner, a year older than she, is in most part also a brother, but she hopes for more. He is the only one who can calm her and hurt her in ways others can’t.

She remembers her mother, a woman who abandoned her when she was five to the research and development program. The truth is she was taken away by forced for the experimentation and lead to believe that she was abandoned like all the other children. She was a sickly child who spent most of her time in the hospital wing of the research facility. She always believed she was the weakest of the four. The real reason is because they were using her for further test and o extrapolate medicines to common ills.

Out of the four, she is the one who embraces being different the most and believes that sooner or later a civil war will happen.

Anything Else: She often suffers from insomnia from nightmares that are flashes from the past and from the experiments. She has migraines because of her fire elemental.
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Name: Marcus carter

Age: 21


Personality: energetic, loyal, loud, quick thinking.

Which one are you: younger male Em

Job: grocery bagger.

Element/ Power : electricity

Skills: is able to move metal object to a degree with a self made magetic field and is decent in the tai kwon do foghting style.

Bio: Marcus doesn't remember anything from a year ago. He was found be a family and adopted after telling them his situation. He adjusted to his new life pretty easily until he started to experiment with his powers and convinced his new parents to get him some self defence classes. He somehow knew something bad would come sooner or later.

Anything Else:
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Name: Masha Abdolova

Age: 26


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/Masha.jpg.6ead0fa6d7e2452cad009acb94db3896.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53890" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/Masha.jpg.6ead0fa6d7e2452cad009acb94db3896.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/tumblr_mxki9bX2Fd1rod538o1_500.jpg.94a50742f4ba0bb0c18565ae78d271ef.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53891" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/tumblr_mxki9bX2Fd1rod538o1_500.jpg.94a50742f4ba0bb0c18565ae78d271ef.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Masha lives on the edge between two halves of a coin. On one side is a man consumed by his own nervous energy, who constantly flits from one thing to another and rarely relaxes for fear of being bored. Acerbic and opinionated, he is a hard person to love until he has an outlet that consumes his hyperactivity. However, once he is calm, he can be a thoughtful, compassionate, and charismatic friend. Although he was never professionally examined, he lives with ADHD and has a reputation for being disorganized and unreliable. He likes socializing, but tends to alienate people with his bluntness and lack of focus. For this reason he prefers to be alone and dislikes small talk and insincere people.

Which one are you: Older male bonded Em, (looking for someone to play the other half of the bond)

Job: Musician, Em for Hire

Element/ Power : Air, Telepathy

Skills: Force push, extended jumping, slow falls (can survive jumping off of roofs and high ledges), can hover objects weighing less than five pounds

Bio: Masha grew up working class, and was raised by his single dad after his mom left. He has a deep love for music, which he inherited from his father, a professional musician at the local philharmonic. An aspiring pop singer, he struggles to pay the bills while strumming his guitar on street corners, and often has to lend his Em powers to local thugs to get by. When he does have extra money, he rarely has it for very long until the siren's call of gourmet food and high fashion overcomes him. He and his partner live on a roller coaster of luxury and poverty, in which the only constant in their love and loyalty to one another.

Anything Else:

Instruments: Voice, guitar, piano, string instruments



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@dendrite blues Welcome. I was going to tell you that you can't be an Em for hired because you're wanted dead...but this could actually work in your favorite as long as you can cover your tracks well. I think you will be able to. :) Accepted.
Aryna said:
@dendrite blues Welcome. I was going to tell you that you can't be an Em for hired because you're wanted dead...but this could actually work in your favorite as long as you can cover your tracks well. I think you will be able to. :) Accepted.

I wasn't totally sure about that part. But I figure if you're already being hunted, what do you have to lose?
No problem. I left that out of my description but it's fixed now. We'll wait for a few more at least for your other half and before we start. I'm excited. and you're right, what do you have to lose? Nothing and everything. :)
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We need one more main people. One Special Em female that controls water. She's partnered with dendrite blues character.
Name: Aria Evans

Age: 24


Personality: Aria is a quiet girl who likes to keep to herself and out of trouble. Normally seen in a daydream or thinking, she prefers not to vocalise most of her thoughts for fear of being judged. She hates being judged. But, once you get to know her and have stayed around her long enough, she'll start to open up. She's loving, kind, but a little shy and easily embarrassed. And as much as she complains about being showered with affection and attention, she actually adores it. Emotionless wouldn't be the word to describe her, but she sometimes struggles with her emotions and what they are, especially if she's upset; she finds it hard to calm down. Aria loves to sing, and can be found humming to herself a lot of the time, but she'll only sing to her partner if he requests it. She also loves animals, especially horses, and when she spots one, you'll have a hard time trying to keep her from running right at it. Heights are definitely not her thing- she despises having both her feet off the ground- and she hates strangers due to an event in her childhood. But as long as they don't try to engage her in conversation, she can tolerant them.

Which one are you: Older female bonded Em

Job: Waitress

Element/ Power : Water

Skills: She can breathe underwater and can see thanks to her power. She also excels in archery and is very difficult to find once she hides.

Bio: Aria grew up with her mother and father and had a pretty enjoyable childhood with them. However, when she was seven she was kidnapped by a group of strangers who took her to the programme, and... Well, you know what happens there. Somehow, she was able to escape thanks to her natural ability to blend into her surroundings, and was able to hide and sneak away Unfortunately, she never met with her family when she escaped, but a single father kindly took her and looked after her. For years she spoke not a word, except to her carer, until she met her partner through both of their love for music, and they've been together ever since. She loves him with all her heart, and wouldn't want it any other way.

Anything else: She always wears a key shaped necklace her mother gave her, and never takes it off.
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Name: Ashley Evans

Age: 41 (Physical 28)



Personality: Ashley is a fun loving girl, always taking pleasure in her work. She loves having a great time and whenever not on a mission, she'll take the time to chat her co-workers up or have a straight up rave with a group of people, she takes pride in her work, constantly striving to be the best in the business, usually not caring however if someone did take her place as number 1 on the board, not like that would ever happen though. She is very punk-rock and quite hardened due to past experiences in her profession, she knows how to hide her feelings well and doesn't open up to just anyone.

Job: Private Contractor - Under contract by the US Government.

Element/Powers: Water, weather control (To a certain extent.) Slower physical aging (Not really a power, more a side-effect.)

Skills: She excels in marksmanship and free-running, she can manipulate water to her will and even influence weather changes.

Bio: Born in Phoenix, Nevada. Ashley grew up with a relatively normal life, unaware of her powers until the age of 15, when she was finally taken by the government for experimentation and conditioning, her original purpose was to become a super-soldier for special operations, during her time with the government, she began having relations with another M recruit, it was around this time she `mysteriously` became pregnant, not that the government minded at all really. In-fact they wanted to take the child, who she called Aria, which she never allowed. When she was 21, after her training and care, she broke away from government juristiction and became a private security contractor instead, although the government instead just began paying her for her services rather than receiving them for free like they used to, her job now is to locate any M's or Em's and report to the government about it, the work on those orders.

Anything else: She wears a lock shaped necklace.
Thank you @ Aarion. I'm well aware of that lists as I am also writing a novel that is based on the very idea that is at the heart of the role play. When I created thread thread I just put tjhe idea out there. I am happy with how my fellow participants have designed their characters. I myself have only decided on a few things to begin with. I have no idea how long it will last but there is always room to grow and those are kinetic abilities
Yeah sorry, I'm just going to unwatch this and act like that never happened, Lol.
Lol, join up @Arion we can always use more people lol more advance people with kinetic abilities?? The four main charcaters are in a stage of discovering each other and will have much of their memories restored as we progress.
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Name: S. Sr. Mural

Age: 97

Appearance <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/jbzU4tlc679X1z.jpg.b4a9ac32f50d6a065b04008e5d6d385b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="54613" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/jbzU4tlc679X1z.jpg.b4a9ac32f50d6a065b04008e5d6d385b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​

Personality: Strict and to the point. Sr. Mural is a survivor of both the "Vaccine plague" and of the "M'n'Em resurgence", and so hosts both a healthy contempt for all Mutants, and an appreciation to their special capability to produce vaccines to nearly every known disease. A realist to the core, he saw the burning of Facility 9 as a waste, but as the expression of the will of the state, did not oppose it. Nowdays, he finds mortality catching up to him, and with the humanities stores of Em's vaccines both out of date and steadily declining, he has set forth to restart the project from zero, damn all opposition.

Which one are you: Goverment/Corporation

Job: Advisor to the goverment / Executive of the american branch of UN Corp.

Element/ Power : Vanilla Human

Skills:Human resource manager.

Bio: S. Sr. Mural has a very personal reason to demand the restart of the "AMBROSIA" project, despite the public demand for destroying the Em's. And if the government is not willing, the Corporation is.

Anything Else: He is dead in an year. He knows that.



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@NilNul OMG Yes, accepted. Thank you for adding details to the overall story line as well. You may post now and if you ever have any questions or things you want to add, please let me know.
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Just an update, it may be finals for some people and what not. I'm waiting on someone to post. I'm trying to piece together a post. @NilNul you may post and have it be separate from the story line right now or not. anyway, I hope everyone is doing well and still interested.
Oh, sorry about the lack of activity. I felt it was a bit intruding to poke a start in the middle of a gunfight. But sure, would love to give my own little 2 cents to this event
No problem. I haven't actually figured out how I will bump into the other members just yet or if i want more chaos to ensue. Actually I might have to schedule at time where we can all chime in. So @MADoranges , @Leaf Fi , and @dendrite blues I think that the four of our characters meeting needs to be discussed and written all in one post. I am willing to do this so that we can move forward but I also need your permissions. Hoever if anyone else wants to write the post then by all means do so.

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