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Realistic or Modern The Future is Uncertain

She'd just gotten used to standing on her own two feet, ignoring the oncoming sense of dread, to be knocked right over again by the black male. The reverberation of high pitch ringing made it hard to understand the men who charged in. Totally not her fricking day! If she could have focused her strength to throw off her protector, she would off but for the first time in her life she momentarily lost control of her powers and her senses. Almost instantly, right after hearing "Too easy..." a protective shield of flickering flames sprung up around her and the guy on top of her. She stared at it wide eyes for just a passing second because she couldn't spend an eternity gawking at the new discovery. The event triggered something inside of her that she didn't even know existed. The flames didn't last but she could still feel that invisible shield up and a bullet missing them was all the confirmation that she needed.

Her heart pumped blood through her body as she found herself in control again and she pushed him off of her. "I'm sorry!" She hadn't meant to yell it but she still had the intense ringing in her ear. She locked her fingers with him and pulled him onto his feet. Whether he follow her or not was up to him.

Immediately, she found herself surrounded by members of the SWAT team. Their sheer unfriendliness coupled with her distrust of the government and any entity that supported it in the open oppression of her kind triggered another dormant ability within her. In slow motion she saw three SWAT officers approaching her to engage her. She grabbed the arms of the first one, the closest one, yanked him forward towards her and swiftly snatched his side fire arm, and discharged two simultaneous shots disabling the other two officers.

"What the f---?!"

She heard the other react and all she wanted to do was get the hell away from that grocery store. She knocked another officer down smacking him in the face and walking right over his body towards the direction the other other headed in.

"Fuck the milk!" She called out, "Run!!" ((Sorry if that offended anyone, or what's coming.))

Things were happening so fast that she didn't give herself time to analyze why she had known they were getting milk.


"Get your asses up? Now!Now!!NOW!!!" he shouted at the inadequate team he was left with. Perhaps he'd jump the gun in his proclamation of this job being too easy. He hadn't counted on the Em possessing combat skills. All the other that he had the pleasure of capturing had gone down and stayed down. This one, and presumably the others as well, were different. He would have to adapt his strategies, but no matter he enjoyed the chase. As he barked the orders, the remaining members of his team closed in following the female in hopes of boxing her and her companions in.
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Ashley overhead the frantic chatter on the radios, shouldn't have let those useless good for nothing grunts even ATTEMPT to capture or eliminate Em's, she grumbled something angrily at their inadequacy and slammed her foot down on the pedal, her SUV speeding towards the supermarket where shit was apparently hitting the fan. She could feel another wave of the relentless headache about to hit her, more powerful this time as she got closer and closer to the supermarket. A few minutes later arriving outside of it, the shoppers fleeing as the assault team began doing their thing against the Em's. She grabbed her rifle from the back seat of her SUV, opening the door and slamming it shut, flicking the safety off and inserting a clip into it as she walked towards the supermarket calmly.

She could feel their presence, but not as she had before, there was something else that was intensifying the feeling, she could feel the headache beginning to bring with it memories and pictures of a girl she recognized, but not fully. She knew who she was, but her brain didn't allow her to put a name to it for some odd reason, she ran into the supermarket, raising her rifle and noticing that the fighting was emitting from the back of the store, she jogged over to there, instantly firing raising her hand and shouting to the rest of the team.

"Disengage!" She wanted to take this slowly and calmly, build up a mutual trust between each other, so she could have them willingly come with her, rather than doing it the hard way...even if that was more fun.
Among all the chaos Lieutenant Miles constitution never wavered. He stood his ground but motioned for his men to halt the progress. All he needed was one look at her to know she was one of those private contractors that dang cheap government loved. His eyes looked her over twice and scoffed. He could do her damn job twice as good as she could if he had all the equipment and freaking funding she had. The SWAT officers watched their leader assess the female silently. they dare not move knowing full well that their leader absolutely loathed the private contractors. "Easy now boys." he cooed, "We ain't got the means to get them white knick bastards all up in our business." His men waited on him. He took his sweet time before addressing her. "Listen here Missy, this here is my jurisdiction so why don't ya take that nice pretty face and you private contracted ass outta here and let us boys handle our business."
Ashley smirked at the clearly angry Lieutenant, shaking her head slowly. "First off..call me..`Missy` again, and it won't be my ass you have to worry about. Second of all, your `boys` handling business, if this is what you government grunts call business, I wonder how this country hasn't destroyed itself yet." She said, pushing past the entire team and walking towards the group of Em's that were not too far behind the team. Holstering her weapon onto her back where it attached itself. Before a thought popped into her head, turning around to face the Lieutenant again, holding her right hand up and saying calmly. "Besides, I'm the best person for the job." She said as an entire row of bottled waters exploded, the water going everywhere quickly.

"Now go be a good little grunt and make sure no civie is videoing this." She said, turning back towards the Em's slowly. Folding her arms as she inspected them closely. Then looking around at all the downed members of the SWAT team. Shaking her head and tutting at how oblivious they were to their obvious failure.
Perfect, just perfect. As if a built and buzzed mercenary and a roomful of guys with guns weren't bad enough, now this guy decided he wanted to make them angry. Masha heaved a sigh as he raised his hands above his head.

= Guns, why do they always have guns? =

"Hands up, guys, we surrender. Nobody has to get shot today."

The other Ems seemed reluctant until the mercenary loaded a round with a loud metallic click. The last of the civilians must have cleared out, because the sound echoed through the empty store. The silence seemed to amplify what noise remained, eternal seconds marked by the rattle of the air conditioner, the rustle of clothing, and the discordant huffs of anxious breathing. Trapped by the line of refrigerators, the other three raised their hands as well.

Cautiously, he lowered himself down to his knees in a gesture of surrender, but he didn't dare look to the others to see if they followed. One wrong look, one unconscious twitch, and any one of these guys could turn them all into corpses. He had to take control of this situation before someone squeezed their trigger. Settling on the floor, he breathed deep into his belly and allowed himself to feel the air around his body.

Communing with air was like looking down the chasm of a well, something entrancing that would drown you as soon as your feet left the ground. He'd felt other elements before, mostly water through Aria, but nothing felt like this. Water could be chaotic, but it moved as a unit, each small particle joining to become one force. Air was everywhere, each tiny sphere dancing through the cloud, destined to never meet the same partner twice. As a teenager he'd spent hours following one particle at a time, just to understand the looping, directionless paths it created. That time felt wasted then, but he was grateful for the control those meandering months gave him now. He felt it all, from the jagged rhythm of the SWAT team's breathing, to the scuttle of dust underneath the mercenary's painstaking, shuffled steps. When he was ready, he inched his right hand down toward his shoulder, careful not to startle the hunters.

"I have a weapon in my case, I'm going to put it down now," he said, in his most placating voice, the one usually reserved for love songs and apologies.

= When we get to the door, go left. I'll go right. Lose them, and meet me at home. =

Taking one last moment to breath, Masha focused his concentration on a pyramid of canned salsa directly beside the female mercenary, putting all his faith in one particular can near the bottom. If this worked, so help him, he'd eat salsa verde everyday for the rest of his life.

"Okay? So, everybody just...stay calm."

On the last word Masha shot the can at the hunter's rifle, pulling all the air to one side and pushing it against the shelf with all his might. The tower of cans collapsed, cascading onto the woman and subduing her under a mound of aluminum. Food fell violently, raining down a torrent of dry beans and tomato sauce onto the SWAT force. Not wasting any time to check on the attack's effectiveness, he grabbed Aria's hand and drug her past the startled hunters. The aisles were a mess of red sauce and broken glass, and it was everything he could do not to slip and fall on his ass. Steadying himself with the edges of the shelving, he pushed them forward as fast as he could, throwing anything he could reach over he shoulder at the hunters close behind.

Up ahead, he saw the doors growing closer and closer, a literal light at the end of their saucy, SWAT-filled tunnel. He still didn't know if they could make it to safety, but he'd done his best to give them a fighting chance. He just hoped his best hadn't gotten the others in trouble.
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As i saw the other girl and guy run prepared to run before a swat member jumped in front of me. He smirked knowing he had escaped the falling cn death trap. He charged with hia gun and i pick up a can to block his swing with the gun. Out of the can came out tomato sauce with sprayed over the swat disorienting him.

Then i pulled a dozen cans with a weak magnetic field and launched them at him. He was bombarded by cans as i walked calmly past him. I turned around and gestured to the girl still standing there motioning for her to follow me. I started running again with more cans clearing my way as i ran trying to catch up with the others.
Jen couldn't accept how off centered her day was going. It gave a whole new meaning to life as a roller coaster. She hated roller coasters, especially this one. In the span of a couple of hours she went from being the only Em that she knew alive, and from the amount of readily available and frankly restricted research, not a typical Em at that. She'd fancied herself a freak of 'the freaks of nature' and now it turned out she was just one of them. The knowledge excited her more than scared her. Finally, she didn't have to be alone anymore. Maybe the others were suffering from strange inexplicable dreams as well. maybe they had answers to what it all meant. and then all hell broke loose when the grocery store owner went haywire crazy and tripped some secret something and brought the SWAT down on them. Being used to running her entire life that she was able to remember, she bolted out of there. Running had always been easy for her but this time it was weird feeling an unnatural unwillingness to leave the area. She forced herself to go, literally teared herself from that place. As her legs carried her away, heat heart and soul crying to stay behind, she allowed herself to look back at the curiosities of the noises behind her. Water shooting into the air like a geyser just sprung up. She shook her head and continued on ditching her jacket in the alley as she run into it.


Some people would call Lieutenant Miles a douche bag, and he was proudly. He was getting ready to have her arrested and confiscate her her weapons, spoils for the victor. That was until she literally made water bottles explode on her own. God damn, she was one of them! That's how sick the world had gotten now they were using mutants to hunt other mutants.
Running for her life Jen felt like a coward, as if she was suppose to be a hero. Those silly stories she gravitated towards as a child, teen, and young adult screwed with her psyche too much. This was the modern world and heroes did not exist. Even if she thought they did at one point or another. She couldn't pinpoint the seed that was planted in her heart that made her believe in such a concept. She still felt like a rat if heroes were nonexistent. She was nothibg more than small and meek.

She didn't know for sure if SWAT was sent in because of the other guy's former boss calling the local police office or if SWAT was after her. She decided that it had to be her little escapade of hacking that tripped some wires. If she ever found those stupid freeloading hackers, she was going to let them burn, maybe. She was angry at them but more disaapointed in herself. Guess she was skipping out on a good night pay tonight, or she should seriously consider turning in her two weeks notice.

She turned down a dimmed alley and glanced behind her to see if she was being followed. She didnt see any persuers, but she felt his sizzling prescence before running into him knocking them both onto their feet. "F--k! Sorry..." she was going to keep going without stopping to see who it was despite the ach in her shoulder.

"Hey wait a sec." He grabbed her by the wrist, "Who are you? Why can I feel you inside me?"

She glanced up at him and recognized him to be the black male from the grocery store. She coukd feel the positive ions in the air sround them sizzle and crack like lightning and fire. "Because you're an Em like me." She was frank because she couldn't afford to not be. "I don't know how yet or why but I think you and I are a pair."

"Huh?" He couldn't believe what he was hearing from her, a pair? Of what? And more importantly she was an Em as well.

"I'll explain later when we are safer. For now, I'm like you and your like ne. Now let's go." She grabbed his hand naturally slipping her fingers in between his own as if they known each other forever.

It was impeccable timing as they scaled the gate over to the other side. Shots rang out towards them as they tumbled off the trashcan. They ducked and ran still holding onto each other. She could hear the men shouting after them but she didn't dare to look back lest they shot of rounds again. How did she get herself stuck as a meelay fighter in a first person shooter.

I'm Marcus. He hadn't said anything yet she heard his voice loud and clear. She stole a glance over to him. He wasn't paying any attention to her but she somehow knew it had to be him.

I'm Jen, Marcus. I think SWAT's after me because I hired some shaddy ass computer hacker.

He stared at her stooping his track. Her lips were not moving, but he clearly heard her speaking. "Holy sh-t how did you do that?"

"Don't stop we're being chased." She kept moving her feet and taking turns and zigzags here and there. I did the same thing you did. But I guess you didn't know you could. Me either, until now.

Oh man! He was seriously talking to her with his mind like Professor X. Cool.

I guess, but I'm not an X-men.

How'd you know--

I don't know how, just that I do. Maybe that other couple can tell us.

She would have said more except she ran into another Em...

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