The Frozen Kingdom (LaceGloves + Feels...)

"Not really..I'm wearing two jackets and I'm use to the cold already. I really adapt to weather. It's like I'm cold-blooded," He answered. He unzipped one of his jackets and handed it to her. "Here, dealing with the cold isn't a good idea when you're cold. You wouldn't be able to deal with it later on. Trust me, the weather will get worse here," Dimitri smiled at Marie as snowflakes covered her shiny black hair slowly. Her eyes really matched up with the snow. Dimitri blushed and turned his head. "Are you gonna take it?"
Marie stared at him for a moment, and then smiled. She appreciated his generosity. "Thank you."she said gratefully as she took the jacked out of his hand.

She arranged herself and then put it on. "It seems you can be a gentleman sometimes."
Dimitri scoffed. "What do you mean sometimes?" He asked. "I'm always a gentleman!" He yelled out proudly and then laughed. He continued walking and the freezing snow and looked back at Marie. She was from a snowglobe from what she told told him. "Hey... When you were in the snowglobe, what happened when I was shaking your town? Earthquake, snow, or anything similar to that?"
"Snow" she answered, "It was really cold too since the witch had decided to make it real."

Marie shivered at the memory. "I'm thankful you didn't do it too often."

She shook the snow off of her hair.
He looked at Marie. "Yea... You can say that..." Dimitri continues walking and laughed. "Is the witch still in the snowglobe? I would shake that thing again to make her suffer," He had put his hand in his pockets and continued walking.
Marie ignored his question and looked up at the setting sun. "It's about to get dark." She stated, "We should be getting to the cave soon. You don't mind spiders right?"

She trudged on until there was a pile of rocks. It looked like nothing special until she moved one out of he way. It was indeed a cave with a fire already burning. "Good." she said, relieved, "The minataur still lives here. He's not here at night, so we can stay until morning. Maybe get some sleep."
Dimitri's eyes got wide. "Minotaur? What does that mean? A Minotaur lives here... You're joking right?" Dimitri looked at her. He usually oversleeps so he doesn't really want to sleep here. He wasn't even so sure if it was a good idea.
She rolled her eyes. "Yes, a minotaur lives here. He was friends with my father though, so there's no need to worry." She sprawled out on the ground next to the fire. Marie didn't mind the inconvenience. She would just have to deal without a soft bed. Anything for her kingdom.

"You still don't believe me Dimitri?"she asked. Marie was quite curious as to why.
"I never said I didn't believe you did I?" He sat down in the cold cave near the fire. Although he didn't say it, he didn't believe her. He layed down and looked up at the ceiling. "How do you even know if a Minotaur lives here? Even if it's a Minotaur how do you know if it's you friend?" He asked.
"He's my fathers old friend."she replied , "Once when I was little, my father and I were coming home from the town in the other direction. The minotaur let us stay here while he went out."

Marie shrugged and stared at the fire, which wasn't warming her up very much at all, "Sheltered people don't learn much about the world." The black haired beauty stated, "It's your choice to believe or not, but it's better to be open minded."
Dimitri smiled. "I believe you now, okay?" he told her. He looked at the fire as it crackled. Hearing that sound made him happy some how. He turned his head towards the outside. It was getting darker. "We should sleep. It's night time and we need out rest. Hope you're warm enough to sleep."
Almost on cue, Marie yawned, batted her eyelashes, and started to drift to sleep. "Sleep well Dimitri."she whispered.
Dimitri didn't sleep yes. He just watched as the pretty girl fell asleep. . Dimitri smiled and sat up. He took off his other jacket and layed it on top of Marie as a blanket. "Sweet dreams and don't let the bed bugs bite," He whispered back. He took off his glasses and loosened his tie. He fell back to the cold hard ground, unbutton the first 3 or 4 buttons on his shirt, and then fell asleep too.
As Marie slowly awoke, her vision focused on the boy on the other side of the fire. She yawned, stretched, and sat up. Then she stared at Dimitri once again, "What a strange boy."she said as she clutched the jacket that cradled her throughout the night.

Marie stood up and went closer to the boy. she knelt down in front of his face. She then proceeded to poke it repeatedly.
"Ngh...What is it now..." Dimitri woke up. He wasn't a morning person. The first thing he saw was Marie right in his face. His eyes opened wide and he sat up. Rubbing his eyes, he was trying to grab his glasses. As soon as he found them he had put on his glasses. "Ya need something or do you just wanna go out an eat?" He asked as he brushed through her soft hair with his finger. Marie's hair wasn't that messy compared to his. He buttoned his shirt up and tightened his tie and got up.
"Oh." She mumbled, "Eat...right." Marie had forgotten about that part. Once again on cue, her stomach rumbled. "You have any ideas for that smart guy?"she asked with a slight smile ghosting her face.
Dimitri grabbed Maie by her chin. He lifted her face up gently and got up close. "So you have no idea eh? I think I got a few ideas up my sleeves pretty girl," he gave her a pervy smiled. He couldn't handle the joke anymore. Dimitri fell to the ground and laughed. It was ridiculous. He just loved her expression. "Okay.. I'm serious now hopefully," he covered his mouth trying not to laugh. "We can hunt for food or look for a restaurant." he answered.
She blushed, frowned, and started steaming from the ears when he began to laugh.

"Not funny..."she murmured.

Marie didn't like the idea of hunting. Too grotesque for her tastes. It was brutal. She preferred the idea of a restaurant. "Hopefully there's a town right up ahead."Marie said, "I would like that more."
Dimitri chuckled. "I'm fine with that. Let's look for a resturant my lady," He bowed and smiled. He walked out the cave and saw a beast. "I-Is this the minotuar?" He panicked. He looked at it and backed away. "You're sure he was fine with us spending the night here? It kinda looks like a bear somehow unless minotuars looks similar to a bear.." he said. Dimitri thought about it. Bears are hibernating so it's a minotuar.
Marie watched as the minotaur grunted and gave a slight bow. He glared at Dimitri, but it seemed he had accepted the fact that the queen and her friend stayed the night.

"Yes that is a minotaur." Marie replied, "Why do you seem so shocked?"
"I'm shocked because you actually came from a snowglobe..." Dimitri turned and waved at the minotuar. "Ello! How ya doin? Did you have fun last night? Great.. Gotta go" he smiled awkwardly and started searching for a town. There was a forest blocking the view though. "Looks like we gotta go through this. Ready for another adventure?"
Marie smiled, giggled, and also waved to the minotaur before following Dimitri. She made a face that said 'Sorry for his behavior. He's new to this stuff.'

"Another forest, huh?" She said, "Well at least it isn't as cold as yesterday."

More walking was commenced.
"Yea.... I saw it's pretty warm..." Dimitri fanned himself with his hand. He was way behind. Dimitri decided to sneak up on Marie. He tip-toed quickly right behind Marie. He glomped her while saying "Rawr!" He looked up and had let go. "I think we found a town..."
Marie yelped when she was jumped on, and then she saw the town. It was abandoned, which was strange for this hour. No one roamed the streets. No one was in the houses. It was like a ghost town. She shrugged and made her way towards it. It wouldn't hurt to check, and her hunger was growing.
"Ladies first m'am," Dimitri told her. He thought it was pretty cool. He jumped off the tiny cliff and landed. "Is anybody here?!" he yelled as loud as he could. It was quiet. "Who died in this town?" He roamed around and searched for food. He banged on doors and if they didn't answer, he would kick it down. "I'll go check on this side, you check the other help. If you need any help just scream..." Dimitri walked away leaving Marie behind.

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