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Futuristic The Frontier: A Space Western Chat Club

Yeah, it's the Iron Band. Considering your clan's name is derived from the wird for iron, I thought it was appropriate.
I like the personality, but his Equipment is still absent.

Ah yes. An error in coding. All the stuffs is in the Sniper rifle stats. I'll fix it up

Edit~ capMARVELOUS capMARVELOUS fixed the coding so all of that should be showing now.
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I'm not 100% sure but I think that hunting Khodai for their body parts is illegal.

capMARVELOUS capMARVELOUS is that true or am I off?

As a sheriff hed have to be one of those "off the reservation" types or just a scumbag. Maybe it's like a "well they're getting rid of the problem so I dont care if it's done illegally" kind of thing.
I was not aware it was for their body parts. I thought it was more of a "Khodai killed my mother" type of deal. He would be most certainly against that. Need an antagonist for this plot line perhaps? My character finds out about the hunting later and shows up like "Guysssss No genocide of the native species. That didn't work on earth." in more or less words.
Name: Atticus Finch
Aliases: The Guard Dog of New Eden
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Age: 34
Appearance: Atticus stands about eight feet tall, and there's a reason for that that is not good genetics. His organs were transplanted into a mechanical body. His body is mostly humanoid, but it's knees are backwards to that of a human so as to be more efficient for moving around such a large body. The metal is black and the lights and exposed wires around the joints are mostly bright green. The frame of his body was adapted from a model of robot known as "the predetor." It was designed by a scientist friend of his to stand up to Khodai in one on one combat, and thus mimics some of their physical features for strength and efficiency.

It's hard to find clothes to fit a Khodai like robot in New Eden. As such, Atticus learned to sew. He can mostly be found in custom shirts and ties, with a long thick trench coat and wide brimmed hat.
Role: Sheriff of the New Eden colony.
Personality: Atticus is incredibly empathetic. He cares for the people of New Eden, and tries to see the good in all humans. Ever the optimist he believes Mars can move past the dark and rough times it's in. He wants to be one of the individuals who helps make that happen. He strongly believes in justice and peace. Atticus could be described as a militant pacifist. He's willing to fight, for peace. He also believes that Khodai have the potential to coexist with humans. He thinks of the Humans as invaders, but they didn't have much choice. Refugees, really. He sees Mars as Humanity's second chance. He believes learning to coexist with different cultures is important in that endeavor. Atticus also feels that lawful doesn't always mean good. He believes in a general sense of order, rather than the law. Vigilante justice has it's place.
Alignment: Nuetral Good
Guns: [spoilers=UK-36]

Sleek, light, and accurate. What it sacrifices in range the UC-36 makes up for in speed and mobility. Great for close quarters combat and fast paced firefights. It's reload speed is unparalleled with a magnetic clip that guides any fitting laser cartridge. It's microchip can adapt to almost any other laser cartridge that it's magnet is big enough to hold. It's spray is less reliable after fifty yards.[/spoilers]
[spoilers=giant metal bow.]
View attachment 436033
Upon first inspection of Atticus's bow it is a normal one. If a person inspecting it were close enough, however, they would notice it's probably as tall as they are. Atticus welded together a lot of strips of tempered steel to create a giant bow who's metal cable for a string has almost 500lbs of pressure on it. Atticus's robotic body can pull it's weight, however others may not be able to even lift the 120 pound thing. He uses it to launch what others might describe as metal bean poles. Hollow aluminum poles. One might think in a world of power armor and energy fields regular poles of lightweight metal would be obsolete, but even the heaviest of foes will be concussed by a pole flying at over 300fps.

Usually hanging off of Atticus's back deactivated is a laser sword. He doesn't know what make or model. He saved the money he saves on food now to buy it from a shipment into Babylon. He was rather excited about it.
Atticus doesn't have a knack for naming things. If you couldn't tell.
Equipment: A melted pocket watch on a chain. Binoculars.
Other: I looked and looked and couldn't find a robot to match what was in my head. If you have one that kind of matches my description feel free to send it to me.
capMARVELOUS capMARVELOUS What do you think? Uncultured Uncultured If he gets accepted this is the character who would hunt you down (Keep in mind you can get away. Just offering an antagonist.)
capMARVELOUS capMARVELOUS What do you think? Uncultured Uncultured If he gets accepted this is the character who would hunt you down (Keep in mind you can get away. Just offering an antagonist.)
I, uh... I actually don't know what to think.
First off, we already have a character named Atticus, and an antagonist named Finch. So that'll get confusing.
Second, human organs in a robot... isn't exactly plausible within this game. Implanting human memories into a robot, and said robot thinking it's the human it has memories of, can be done, but not organs.
Third, I'm kinda lost by your description of him. You make him sound monstrous-looking, and I think it's best we leave monstrosity to the Khodai. Try something more... humanlike.
Fourth and I think last, bows aren't a thing here. Just plain guns. But why would he need guns if he's a militant pacifist...?
That's my two cents on what you're trying to do.
I, uh... I actually don't know what to think.
First off, we already have a character named Atticus, and an antagonist named Finch. So that'll get confusing.
Second, human organs in a robot... isn't exactly plausible within this game. Implanting human memories into a robot, and said robot thinking it's the human it has memories of, can be done, but not organs.
Third, I'm kinda lost by your description of him. You make him sound monstrous-looking, and I think it's best we leave monstrosity to the Khodai. Try something more... humanlike.
Fourth and I think last, bows aren't a thing here. Just plain guns. But why would he need guns if he's a militant pacifist...?
That's my two cents on what you're trying to do.
He's too convoluted, I understand. I'll scrap him and try again.
Sorry I've yet to post, I've been busy with finals and preparing for them for the past few days. I should have a post up soon!
Name: Finch Russell, or Sentry 1
Aliases: The Guard Dog of New Eden
Gender: Technically a robot, prefers "He."
Race: Robot
Age: The Model, physically, is five years old. Finch's personality is 36.

Finch is the far left. The next two are robots of the same model as him. The middle is Sentry 2. The last is Sentry 3. There are ten in all. Each respond to Finch's commands, basic military command and hand signals mostly.
Role: Captain of the Guard of New Eden.
Personality: Finch is a guy who loves to laugh. He's very friendly with just about everyone, and enjoys passing the time with conversation on many topics ranging from firearms, art, science, fisticuffs, psychology, and literature. He goes into states of intense silence, which he calls disassociating. These often come up when he is intently watching the main road that runs from Babylon to the New Eden colony. This is where most new people come into town, and Finch likes to know who's in town. He takes his job very seriously, this job being to command the Sentry Bots that protect the perimeter and patrol the streets. He is officially titled "Captain of the Guard of New Eden." But he knows he is just a robot to most of them. Just a robot with the personality of the man none of them know. As long as he stays at his post and does his job they leave him well enough alone. Finch feels sometimes like he is more loyal to guarding the people of his town than his people are to him. Regardless he does his job diligently day in and day out.
Alignment: Lawful Good
Guns: Finch owns two standard issue laser revolvers with additional long ranged scopes and laser pointers.
Two bandoleers of ammo cross his torso.
Equipment: Finch has a secret place in his heart for knives. His favorite happens to be his twin ballistic knives he keeps strapped to his metal thigh parts.

Other: Finch insists he can taste things when he puts this in his "mouth" which is really just a vent for his internal generator. As such he can often be seen with suckers in this hole in his head. Perhaps his more rational side knows he would just clog his inner workings and shut down if he puts anything down the tube, so he usually just has the same cinnamon sucker hanging out of his mouth at all times.
I think this guy is a little more coherent capMARVELOUS capMARVELOUS Robot with all the memories and personality of a human downloaded in him.
Finally got my intro post out, sorry for the wait.

I wasn't really quite sure where to start and I didn't want to be rude and force myself into other peoples stuff so I made it open-ended.

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