The Freelancer's Sins

BW Red

New Member


Project Freelancer

The Director - (Open)

(Is addicted to the thought of power. He has a goal that he/she has only kept to himself. Favorites Wrath because of her strength.)

The Counselor - (Open)

(Helps The Director as much as he/she can. Is the interrogator and gives the run downs on missions.)

Wrath - Alaska - Artemis Lacroix - Reserved by BW Red

(A sweet girl who turned out to be the strongest in the group. She wouldn't do anything to hurt her friends and wouldn't even think of fighting them.... Before she was given Wrath.)

Envy - (Open)

(After Envy starts to affect them, they are envious of everyone. They especially hate Wrath for staying number 1 once it starts to affect them)

Greed - (Open)

(After greed started to affect them, he started selling info for money. They later find out which side is good and tries to help their friends see the truth)

Pride - (Open)

(After Pride started to affect them, they feel that they are the best and is infuriated once they notice they aren't. They also take Envy's side and hate Wrath. They also feel The Director favors Wrath.)

Gluttony - (Open)

(No description. Completely up to you.)

Sloth - (Open

(No description. Completely up to you.)

Lust - (Open)

(After Lust starts to affect them, they hit on any person in the group and may even take it farther. They are a real charmer and always gets their way.)

       [b]State:[/b] (If applicable. This is going to be your nickname. It is one out of the 50 states)
       [b]Age:[/b] (18 and up)
       [b]Sin:[/b](If applicable)



       [b]Sexual Orientation:[/b] (Straight? Homosexual?)
       [b]Likes:[/b] (at least 3)
       [b]Dislikes:[/b](At least 3)

       [b]Specialty[/b] (Stealth? Fighting? Picking locks?)
       [b]Armor Color:[/b]
       [b]Armor Enhancement[/b]
       [b]A.I. Attribute:[/b] (Lust may make you a good schmoozer, Wrath, a better fighter, Envy, a great stealer.)

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Name: Ethan Anderson

Quote: Ethan was a sexy looking genius. He always scored straight A's in school and he always helped his friends with their academics. He was not just a geek, he was very good at sports too. He was in school basketball team, he played pretty good baseball and he loved playing guitar. To add to his skills, he was a pretty good wrestler too. But even with so many skills he was a very kind and helpful person.

State: CA

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Sin: Envy

Birthday: May 18

Height: 5'10

Weight: 72kg/158lbs



Sexual Orientation: Straight

Likes: He loves playing guitar and is very good at it. He also loves playing basketball. He used to be in the school team back in high school. His other hobbies include biking, watching action movies and wrestling.

Dislikes: He hates speaking in public, you could say that he is an introvert. When we was young, he got bitten by a dog, since then he hated all animals. He also disliked waking early in the morning and the stupid alarm clocks which made him wake up early.

Fears: Heights, dogs

Weakness: Being an introvert, his weakness was to confront too many people at once

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