The freedom riders (HunnyxMaliki)

Kryptic Demon

New Member
Maliki walked up to the gates of the town of mora. Home of the elves. "This must be where my target lives." He pulled his mask over his face and started to scale the wall hopping over and down when he got to the top. "Alright im in."
Caricon was walking the forest around the home of his race. He had heard of plans to kill somebody inside the walls. He saw somebody climbing the walls and quickly jumped over them his vines helping them. He then saw a non elf and ran forward knowing this was the assassin.
A chain quickly wrapped around your leg the blade of the kursigama flying silently under you. Maliki stands swinging the other end in the air waiting for oyu to make your move.
Caricon smiled at the chain as vines came and broke it. He then pulled out his long sword and cuts the knife in half. He then wrapped his opponent in vines and brought his sword down, but he stopped. He saw that this was not a human. Still leaving him wrapped in vines Caricon questioned the man. "What are you doing the humans dirty work. They are taking over this planet. Siding with them will only end in your death." He then frowned as he looked at the giant city of elves. "I am the first line of defense for this great city." He then sighed. "So why have you sided with the humans Wolven Born?"
"I didn't side with them. There here. They got a hold of one our chemists and made him give them poly morph ingredients." I chomp down hard tearing the vines and drop to my feet. "I've been sent to retrieve my brethren and kill the human." I pull out a slip of paper that has the tip i received on it addressed from the town but an anonymous tipper.
Caricon renewed his vines and made them as hard as metal as grabbed the note out of the man's hand. Once he translated it steam almost came out of his head. He threw the note down as rose thorns came and destroyed the note. "That is the address of the ambassador. He is about the only human that supports the elves. But apparently he isn't. He then turns the corner the assassin wrapped in vines forced to follow. Caricon reached out to pull the lever that would call backup but then a arrow came from nowhere. Ducking it barely missed Caricon's head. He saw as it destroyed the device. He the pulled out his two swords. No use battling humans with magic. He released the assassin as a group of humans surrounded them. Caricon snickered as they said in usion, "You will not have the chance to alert the other elves. Our attack will begin soon. We can't let you pull that." They then smiled as they attacked the two.
"Now would be a great time to fix my blades elf." The assassin drew a few stars from a hidden pouch. He began to throw them slicing all the bows the humans carried.
Caricon smiled as he jumped up and landed next to some humans as he cut three in half. He then raised his sword and cut about 5 more. He then continued cutting humans in half.
The assassin grabbed the good half of his chain and swung it hard. He sliced two of the humans and grab the other half of his blade sliding it into his bag running ahead. "So much for a quiet night. I got work to do." He fell forward and began running like a wolf.
Seeing the wolf leave he jumped up and landed on top of the roof. He then jumped roofs following the wolf with the speed of the elf. He smiled as arrows whizzed past his head. He looked down as the village began to panic. Good they had been alerted before the attack. He looked beyond the walls to see that they hadn't been warned early. They were being attacked. The human's were attacking, and the elves weren't prepared at all. His eyes watered to the fact that he had failed at his job...
"Hey elf. Why dont you get your people to saftey. Ill take the human. After all it is my job." The wolf rushed ahead his eyes turning grey as his bloodlust begins.
Caricon nodded at the wolf as he jumped off the building and became the leader that was needed he helped organise the retreat as he ran to the castle and organised a defence. He then lead this small army the counter the larger, but weaker human troops. He saw a group of humans attacking a shop as he bursted in and killed them all saving the lives of a dozen of elves. The elves then began protecting the city like they had been training for years. He smiled as he knew he helped start this.
The assasin rushed to the location his target was suppose to be at. He stopped seeing a man in long black robes with a grin on his face. "So Maliki you finally found me." said the man.

"Marcus... Its time you die." He wrapped his cahin around the man and looked him in the eyes. "Now feel the pain of the men you have lost not only tonight but in all your life." The man then dropped his eyes rolling back into his head. "Alright now i have to find sarah. Where could she be?"
Caricon jumps at the top of the wall and assets the injured. Once healed they grabbed their bows and began picking down human, keeping any more from entering the city. He smiled as he pressed the button and got the healers here. This was there best way to stop the attack. Even if they were fighting in their own turf, they couldn't win a battle in a city full of hiding places. Caricon then jumped down and began to help the people clean the city of humans.

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The assins rushed to the basment of the abassadors house and kicked open a door. "SARAH ARE YOU DOWN HERE!?" He yelled.

"Maliki watch out its a trap." A girl yelled from behind a door.

"So the great nightmare assain is it?" A man stepped from the shdows dressed in royal robes. His name was drekin the king of the humans.
(Could Caricon be the king elf he just doesn't want anybody to know it.)

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(I've never had so much authority in a RP.)

Caricon broke in the abassitor's house and ran downstairs. Hearing it was a trap he tried to go up but was stopped by more humans. He reluctantly walked down the stair trapped. Upon seeing the human king he frowned. He then pulled out his crown and let everybody know he was the king elf. Draken smiled he he said, "Hello brother." This made Caricon very mad. "You were never my true brother, it was a mistake for my family to adopt you," he screamed. Darken smiled even wider. "I will burn down your city just like what I did to your home." A crash could be heard outside. "What was that," Caricon screamed. "Our new weapons, I call the, catapults, they launch boulders that can destroy anything in there path," Draken said.

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(I like everyone to have a say in the story and development.)

"Right your a little slow on the uptake here arnt you human scum." The assasin vanished and within seconds was back as the crash of huge boulders was heard all around. "You know the call me nightmare for a reason." He threw several starts realising the elf from his bonds. "Shall you take care of your family trouble or do i need to do it?"

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