The FreakShow


Master of Nightmares
Character Application Skeleton Copy/paste this and fill it out with your character information. A like by @Wilcox means that the character is approved.




Appearance: (Either a detailed description or picture. Anime pictures are allowed as it is a fantasy rp.)



Attire: (Common wear and arena armor if any)

Affiliation: (Inmate, Curator, or Rytir )(Curator would be an Officer)

Freak Type: (Hybrids of 2x types are acceptable. Ignore this if character is a Curator)

Bio.: (Character Biography, biology)

Personality: (Should be their current personality at the start of the rp. You can edit it as your character develops)

Preferred Weapon: (The weapon your character walks into the arena with. Can be a picture.)

Major Power/Skill: (Your character’s defining ability. Major power should come with a catalyst or drawback)

Minor Power/Skill: (Other/lesser traits/powers)

Minor power/Skill:

Minor Power/Skill:
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Name: Kaiden Rel

Room Number: A001

Gender: Male

Age: 20



Hair Color: Gray

Eye Color: Blue

Height: 5 feet 5 inches

Weight: 120 pounds

Attire: Hooded White sweater, gray prison jumpsuit underneath. Stone mask that covers the right half of his face. Bandages around the right arm and right leg.

Affiliation: Inmate

Freak Type: Haunt

Bio.: At the age of 8, Kaiden was captured 3 years after a rumor had spread about a ghost haunting a small cabin on the edge of town. The rumored ghost was of course Kaiden. Once the rumor escaped the local area, he was brought to Geffenhaus. Having been at the prison for 12 years, he knows his way around the building inside and out. Kaiden is well known by the higher ranking Curators and by several inmates. His ferocity in the arena has earned him quite a bit of fame, even though he's not an arena master.

Personality: Matching his looks, Kaiden is monstrous in combat and fights like a feral psychopath. In direct contrast to his demeanor in a fight, outside or combat, Kaiden is cool headed, polite, and overall kind towards everyone except for those he dislikes or those that have a grudge against him. Despite being a social pariah, Kaiden has a deep and clear understanding of human behavior. In short, he's easy going and one of the number one go-to guys for information on the prison house or other people.

Having lived his childhood in solitude and lived a hectic life at Geffenhaus Prison, Kaiden has little regard towards others, seeing others as objects rather than people. Though he likes to socialize, he cares little for those he converses with. The only thing important is survival.

Preferred Weapon:


Major Power/Skill: Void Eye- Kaidan's right eye, though resembling an empty cavity, has greatly enhanced visual capabilities. The void eye has both night vision and something very similar to thermal vision but instead of detecting heat, detects nervous system activity. The more active, both physically and mentally, an individual is, the more visible they become to Kaiden, even through a foot of concrete. This power also gives Kaiden limited enemy prediction abilities.

Minor Power/Skill: Increase Endurance - Kaiden is capable of sustaining increased amounts of damage, approximately double that of a normal human. This renders him highly resilient and able to still perform effectively even with would be critical injuries. Even more so, the arm and leg on Kaiden's right side grows a very solid, external bone shell with the fingers and toes ending in hard points.

Minor power/Skill: Inhuman agility: Strengthened tendons, heightened flexibility, and the ability to briefly bypass human limitations grants Kaiden great agility. Combining the effects allow him to perform feats such as leaping 20 yards, performing wall jumps to great effectiveness, and acrobatic abilities.

Minor power/Skill: (unknown)


Name: Ashley Anaya (Rytir Ash)

Room Number: R12

Gender: Female

Age: 21


Height: 5 feet 7 inches

Weight: 124 pounds

Attire: (shown in picture)

Affiliation: Rytir

Freak Type: Mystic

Bio.: Raised in the labs of Geffenhaus, Ash associates her "home" as being the Geffenhaus Prison. At the age of 16, she was given the title of Rytir and charged with inmate supervision. Her experience and loyalty earned her the position without the need of brainwashing.

Personality: Bright but far from cheery, Ash is typically seen with a vacant expression, as if lost in thought. While easily agitated, she is virtually impossible to anger. Ash has a habit of pointing out flaws in others, especially in those who are highly praised.

She has mixed feelings about Geffenhaus Prison and is unsure of whether or not what they do is right and if it should actually concern her. Though she reinforces the prison laws and regulations, Ash is often lenient, simply upholding order without issuing any form of punishment when other guards are not around.

Preferred Weapon:

Major Power/Skill: Spatial Compression: Ash is capable of compressing space itself but only within very close proximity around herself. This enables her to spontaneously warp very short distances, roughly 5-8 feet, making it a useful defensive ability. The power can double as an offensive power by Ash focusing her power onto one area, usually her hand, to create a tiny, one direction black hole.

Minor Power/Skill: Ash is well trained in both hand to hand and with a sword. Even without the use of her freak powers, she can hold her own in combat.
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Name: Crypt Rin

Room Number: B053

I'm ready for the show.

Gender: male

Age: 14


Crypt is rather petite at 5'3 with a slim but toned build. He has pale porcelain skin that contrast with his blood red ankle length curly hair which he often keeps in a ponytail making him look feminine. The result of never cutting it. He has wide bright acid green eyed framed by long lashes and a small nose above bow shaped pink lips.

Height: 5'0

Weight: 120


Crypt often wears a overlarge bright red jacket that falls to his knees, over his grey prison jumpsuit that's to large on him as well. Pooling at his bare feet as he doesn't wear shoes.

Affiliation: inmate

Freak Type: Reaper

Bio.: Crypt was captured after he murdered over half of his orphanage at the mere age of eleven. The people who ran the orphanage had never been kind to him and neither had his fellow orphans. They beat and bullied him his whole life. He was an outcast until a new girl brefriended him. He spilled all his secrets to her believing her to be his best friend. Soon however she grew tired of being an outcaste. So, she told some of Crypts worst bullies his secrets in exchange for friendship. Wanting to hurt him they found the puppy she had told them Crypt secretly took in and murdered it infront of him in a fit of insanity. This was the last straw. Crypts abilities activated fully and sent him into a fit of blind insanity. when he came to he ran off into the nearby woods. He was captured three days later and put into the custody of the prison.


Crypt is a dementedly happy boy who loves to cause chaos and is always smiling. He is a master manipulater with a cruel streak. He acts quit childish and has a kind heart buried underneath that cruelty ensuring that anyone he trust or that hasnt wronged him he is kind toward. He is also cunning and observant noticing the little details before others

Preferred Weapon:

A blood stained base ball bat covered in nails.

Major Power/Skill:

Crypt can control his blood forming it into weapons but not shields as It's still blood. It's not unlimited however so he has to be careful about blood loss. If he overdoes it and uses to much to many times the blood loss will begin to affect his brain stunting It's growth and leaving him with a child like mentality.


Minor Power/Skill:

Crypt is well versed in hand to hand combat even without his abilities. Thanks to life in prison.

Minor power/Skill:

Crypts senses agility and reflexes are enhanced. He can clearly see up to 400 feet, he has the smell of a wolf, and can hear a mouse in the grass sixty feet away. He is as agile as a Cat and has the reflexes of one.

Minor Power/Skill:

Crypts bones are harder then steel. Then makes it more difficult to break them.
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Name: Maya Melfleur

Room Number: A009

Gender: Female

Age: 17


Height: 5'5

Weight: 125


She's often seen wearing a device which closely resembles a pair of white circular headphones over her ears, connecting around the back of her head. It's meant to muffle her sharp sense of hearing when it isn't needed.

Affiliation: Inmate

Freak Type: No Type

Bio.: Maya had been without her sight since birth, and had lived what she'd like to think was a rather decent life before arriving in the prison. She had never met her real mother, having been raised by her father and his wife, her step-mother, throughout her childhood. In the beginning any signs of her powers were faint and she was considered a relativity normal and happy child aside from her disability. She grew used to the mocking she got for it in school over the years, and learned to not let it bother her. However, eventually at the age of 15, the signs of her unusual abilities slowly began becoming apparent. When the girl began inquiring about conversations happening across the hall or on in a completely different room, somewhere along the line people realized it wasn't all a joke, and the small remarks and teasing quickly turned into something else. The day came when she'd finally had enough and fought back, with an ear-shattering scream which left ten people in the hospital and the area completely demolished. After that, it was only a matter of time.

Personality: A seemingly quiet, calm and soft-spoken girl, she'd almost seem out of place in the prison if it weren't for her odd looks. She's a very intelligent person and thinks quick on her feet. It's the main thing which has gotten her through it all so far, her ability to adapt while keeping a level head, no matter how bad the situation gets. At times, she tends come off as a naive and easily trusting person thanks to her open friendless to everyone, but she always knows who's she's dealing with. She hates deceptive people and lies most of all, and can pick them out like a lit match in the dark. But once you've gained her trust, you can be sure there'll be at least one person around who wouldn't stab you in the back.

Preferred Weapon: None

Major Power/Skill: Sound

Her voice creates powerful sound waves which can pierce through almost any material. If she wills it, it can vary from causing minor headaches to excruciating pain to anyone unfortunate enough to hear it.

Minor Power/Skill: She is very nimble and light on her feet, although lacking in physical power. Her reflexes are extremely sharp thanks to her heightened sense of hearing.

Minor power/Skill: Her own ears are immune to her voice, having the ability to withstand any level of sound.

Minor Power/Skill: Although her eyesight is missing, her sense of hearing is far beyond any normal human's. She can detect the smallest differences in people's tone and tell apart any truth and lies. Using sound alone she can estimate the exact distance of something far away, and even recognize voices on the opposite side of the building if she were to focus.

I'm ready for the show
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Room Number: B1A13









Genosha is a slender female with a lean yet athletic build. She has snowy white hair that is cut a bit shorter in the front but falls to the middle of her back behind her. Her eyes are bright red with slit pupils. She appears to be at least 18 or so but there are no definite records of her age. Her most unique feature however is the black cat ears and tail. Beneath he clothes numerous scars cover her body and the area of her spine and a portion of her neck and collar bone are covered in a thick bone like substance.






Despite a seemingly long stint in prison Genosha's clothes remain impeccable. Her usual attire consists of a short black kimono with white trim, black geta, black net thigh highs, and a black hooded cloak with holes for her ears. The closest to accessories she wears are the numerous bandages around her hands, neck, and tail.



Freak Type:

Reaper/Cat Beast Hybrid

Bio: |WIP|

Much of Genosha's life and existence is shrouded in mystery and beyond the previous founder and older curators little is known about who she is or where she came from. The only way to find out is to be lucky enough to get a glimpse at her prison files.

Geffenhaus Prison

-indistinguishable Time Stamp-

Prisoner Intake and Evaluation

Prisoner Name: Genosha [unverified]

Capture Location: Island of Bones, Pacific

Capture Conditions: Prisoner taken alive and appears unharmed.

Initial Report:

We have recieved numerous reports of a strange island in the Pacific that was once home to a small village. Normally this would be of no concern to us but according to sources the island population has declined rather rapidly over the course of the past thirty odd years. This startling drop in populace has been attributed to the presence of a strange creature who the islands remaining inhabitants speak of with some deal of reverence. Stories vary about the nature of this creature as equal amounts report sighting the creature as a large black cat like animal and others a small shrouded form. Whatever this creature is it is not human and we must capture it immediately.

Capture Report:

A group of our best officers were sent to the island to investigate the source of these strange rumors, but it seems the lore did little to compare to the reality of the situation. The officers reported their arrival to the island, describing the place as quiet and almost desolate. The island itself was of little note, being small and covered in dense forestry, with little land cleared out for the village itself. The officers were to first report to the village, which turned out to be nothing more than a collection of small huts and houses. The village itself was quiet and few people roamed the streets, {a sign of the creatures influence perhaps?} but our agents were able to obtain information from the village cheif as to the best area to seek out this strange creature.

The reports led the officers into the woods and up the mountain that overshadowed the village. The mountain itself seemed to be a graveyard of some sort. Unimpeded officers proceeded up the mountain, eventually coming to a cave where they were able to corner and contain the prisoner.


The prisoner appears to be in good health and shows no sign of injury or abuse. Though she appears to be rather youthful tests conducted on the prisoner indicate that she may be somewhere upwards of 500 years old, an impressive lifespan even for a freak. We have classified her as a hybrid as she displays traits unique to both the Reaper and Beast class. The prisoner seems rational and stable. As one of the first to be imprisoned in this facility since it's opening we will keep her with the general population for now.

||The original evaluation has proved incorrect. Prisoner Genosha is highly dangerous and incredibly unstable. In mere months we have had several guards and inmates go missing. Though nothing is definite it is strongly believed that Genosha is the cause of these disappearance. Her longevity seems to be linked to taking the lives of others. Prisoner has been moved to the renovated sub-level to be kept in solitary confinement. Approach with caution.||


Out of the many freaks contained within the island prison Genosha is perhaps among the select few for whom confinement is more advisable then freedom. Genosha is extremely intelligent and tactical, often exhibiting a single minded focus on discovering new things or completing new challenges. Though this mindset normally would seem harmless hers has developed in a way that causes her to see the world as a giant game and everyone in it as pieces. For this reason Genosha has little value for the lives of others and displays an innately sadisitic nature.

An INJT personality type she has a hard time understanding people on an emotional level and usually only sees them in terms of who can and cannot help further her goals. She despises wasting time and energy on frivolous purists and gossip and is quick to judge others. She is often percieved as rude the blunt manner in which she speaks her mind.

Preferred Weapon:


Major Power/Skill:


As a Reaper, Genosha's primary power is the ability of Reanimation. Using this power Genosha can bring the dead back to life as puppets completely under her control. Genosha can only reanimate things within a 10 mile radius and any corpse that goes beyond 30ft of her after being reanimated will return to normal. Though any corpse reanimated by this power maintains its current appearance it's power and skills are reflective of when it was alive.

||Limits: Genosha can only reanimate things within a certain size range with ease. Most animal and human corpses do not require much effort but the larger the creature the more power it drains. Also when reanimating multiple corpses Genosha can only maintain control of 3. Since Reanimation relies in part on Genosha's own life force over using it can lead to physical illness or death||

Minor Power/Skill:

|Death's Shroud|

The cloak Genosha wears is tied to her Reaper powers and has the unique capability of creating an almost living darkness which she can use to shroud herself from view. It also has the added effect of being able allow her to "become one" with deep shadows.

||Limits: The shroud takes power from absorbing shadows and other sources of darkness. As such it is weaker in areas of bright light and more effective in darker areas.||

Minor Power/Skill:

|Death Syphon|

In order to fuel her Reaper powers and extend her own life span Genosha is capable of draining the life force from other living beings. This is accomplished through skin contact, usually to areas of heavy blood flow.

||Limits: This ability is only able to work as long as the user and target are in drift physical skin to skin contact.||

Minor Power/Skill:

|Cats Dance|

Genosha has the ability to augment her speed, strength, agility, and flexibility to a degree nearly twice that of a big cat (such as a panther).

||Limits: Genosha can only maintain this ability for up to 3 hours before it starts to take a physical roll on her.||

Minor Power/Skill:

|Black Cat|

Genosha's beast ability has merged slightly with her reaper ability to give her a unique skill she simply refers to as Black Cat. This ability allows Genosha with the aid of her cloak and a reanimated corpse to transform into a cat beast just slightly larger than a lion with an almost armor like bone exoskeleton that over lays the areas of her actual bones.

||Limits: Staying in this form for to long risks Genosha being lost to her animalistic side and as such she can only keep it for up to an hour||

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(Pictures thanks to Avas Demon)


Cordelia Nyx

Gender: Female

Age: 21

Room number: B047

Appearance: Cordelia has fire like red-orange hair that goes almost to the floor. Her eyes are bright red with with yellow irises and her skin looks almost as if lava is running under it. Her horns are pitch black and shiny and curve around her pointed ears to her chin. Her nails are long and pointed and sharp enough to slash through skin.


Height: 5'7"

Weight: 125 lbs.

Attire: Her normal attire is normal a type of flowy dress or robe that is silk like in texture, and usually has her hair down or tied back and occasionally she wears tight pants and a crop top. In battle she wears metal Armour that resembles bandages and only covers bits of her body such as her arms and legs. She chooses to keep her body a bit exposed during a fight simply because her powers require so. Her shoulders having sharp hot metal blades attached to the Armour itself. (See picture above)

Affiliation: inmate

Freak Type: Elemental Haunt

Bio.: Cordelia was born to a mother that was just the same as herself in a cabin hidden away in the mountains. Her mother to had the same looks as her with the few unique differences and it always confused her why her mother looked so strange where she looked like a normal child. But it didnt scare her..after all this was her mother and she loved her unconditionally. And all was well really as her mother raised her and home schooled her and yes it was lonely at times but she kept herself busy and at times questioned why they had to hide like this. Her mother simply told her it was because other people didnt understand. And thats how it was growing up..chores..classes with her mother and enjoying the mountain side as she looked down at the nearby town. One night a few days before her 18th birthday she decided she would go to the town and not tell her mother..she was tired of being holed up in that cabin and felt just because her mother looked different didnt mean she couldnt go down to meet other humans. So that night while her mother was asleep she snuck away into the night and descended down into the town. Its night life was booming and beautiful and the whole night she mingled, drank and had fun. And as she returned home, drunk and stumbling she froze at the sight of her home trashed and bloodied. The alcohol wearing off almost instantly. That was the last night she saw her mother...and on her birthday she went down to the town once more and drank her fears away..the fears and the questions. While on her way back to her cabin she thought she noticed more people on the mountain than usual and followed them to where they were staying. When she saw what was there she grew was a cult that had been forming over the years that the town had been talking about. And laying on the ground was the corpse of her mother, burning as they chanted over her. She lost herself in that moment and she found herself burning form the inside and vomiting up hot lava like substances. And just like her mother on her 18th birthday she reverted to her birthright.

Personality: Pretty calm and collected in a way with a cool head about her. She is pretty cold hearted though and doesnt give a second glance to those she doesnt deem necessary. But dont let her calm aura fool you. In the ring she has a fiery temper and a blood lust that could put many people to shame.

Preferred Weapon: She generally doesnt use a weapon and just uses her powers and agile body to kill off her opponents. But when she must she prefers this. When using these she heats them up red hot so when she hits her target they seer the inside and seal the wound.


Major Power/Skill: absolute defense, she can protect herself from almost any attack so long as it doesnt involve water by heating her body temperature up to such a high degree that she cannot be approached and most any object that gets close to her bursts into flames. If she relies on this power for to long though she will become weak and could pass out from exhaustion.​

Minor power/Skill: peak human flexibility, she can stress her body to a certain degree that isnt necessarily super human. She cant bend her joints bast certain points nor can she do so with her spine and neck. But she can flex much farther than what is considered normal.

Minor Power/Skill: fire manipulation, she can summon and control fire of many types and heats to throw or use against an enemy. With this skill she also pretty immune to any fire attack given to her by another person.

Minor Power/Skill: Regenerative healing factor, when she suffers damage to a certain extent she can regenerate that part of her body and heal almost immediately. But if she loses a limb or takes damage to her heart she cant stop herself from bleeding out and she cannot grow a limb back. Because with this power she isnt immortal. And with this power she stays very physically fit and at peak health.​
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Deidreus Lughaidus

(Day-dray-us/Day-dree-us ·~· Lou-guy-dess/Loo-guy-duss)

General Information:

"I'm ready for the show..."


Age: 21

Height: 6'5"

Weight: 100lbs


Affiliation: Inmate

Freak Type: Avian/Elemental —

Ram + Eagle + Snake — Zeaglem (Zee-glem)

Zeaglems are a very mixed hybrid species. They are half eagle, half ram, as well as a little snake.

They are fire-benders, making their sole purpose evil: dealing destruction and wrecking havoc.

Their mysterious and slitted snake eyes can glow in the night, and the Zeaglems are very manipulative and controlling with them, almost like Medusa but mind-control. One must look into their eyes for such an effect to form.

Born with large, magnificent avian wings, they are natural flyers, and tend to rule the skies over the lesser beings.

'Survival of the Fittest' is one of their prime instincts, so any inferior species is viable prey.

Not only are Zeaglems amazing flyers, but with their ram-like legs, they can run at quite impressive speeds.


Deidreus' skin in the slightest bit gray, and his darker furred lower half stretches up to his ribcage. His forearms have fur as well. Black horns also protrude from his skull, stretching out backwards and bending downwards and out.

Attire: Deidreus doesn't wear clothing very often, but when required to he will wear some sort of long shirt or possibly very loose shorts.

Past Information:


Zeaglems are very aggressive breeds; even the females are quite ferocious. They are known for their sarcasm, stubbornness, lack of emotion, and sadistic relations/thoughts. They are often very hot-headed and don't listen to reason. The strong killing instinct is found very often in this species, making them increasingly dangerous to those around them. Take EXTREME caution when trapping or holding captive of a Zeaglem, as they will try anything to escape from capture, even by mutilating their captor.


Deidreus, being a hybrid, was forced to learn the ways of survival. His family was anything but royalty and high class. It was hunt or be hunted, even by your own siblings. He had two brothers and one sister, so there was constant competition. By the age of 12, his sister was gone, and she was only 14 in human years himself. By 17, his older brother had fallen as well as his mother. When at the prime age of 20, everyone else he knew and loved was also gone. Overcome by depression, Deidreus lacked his own self-care, as well as not caring what happened to him. No one would want anything to do with such a hellish hybrid.

So, he was eventually captured by the Geffenhaus guards, them provoked by being knowledgeable by Deidreus seen as causing a disturbance to society. Being held captive unearthed sadistic and vicious instincts within him, and he was determined to no end to escape and kill the gaurds and all her followers for taking creatures this way.


Preferred Weapon:


Major Power/Skill:

· Fire manipulation and creation

Minor Power/Skill:

· Mind manipulation via eye contact

· Agility and physical & mental strength

· Ability of flight and hovering

· Snake tails are extremely strong, and can easily strangle/bite someone, or merely grasp items


· Rain (they cannot fly when wings are wet; they cannot use their fire)

· Lights (they cannot visually manipulate others)

· Lack of weight (they are part avian, so their bones are very light)
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Zara Cairnholm

General Information:

"I'm ready for the show."


Age: 24

Height: 6'0"

Weight: 155lbs

Room number: R12

Affiliation: Rytir

Freak Type: Beast


Appearance: Zara has short hair that is a relatively light blonde that in some lights would appear almost white. She is rather tall, but is quite muscular in the same sense, as well as visibly thin. Sprouting out from her hair is a pair of long wolf ears the same color. Dark freckles sprinkle over her cheek and nose.

Attire: (Common wear and arena armor if any)


In the arena, Zara's clothing changes to be more skin-tight, more flowing and graceful. Black feathery wings sprout or from her back and a red and white Okami mask appears to cover her face.

Past Information:

Zara is often revered as the strong but silent type. She doesn't talk much, but when she does, her words are full of wisdom. Her words are often sweet and eloquent, with educated speech as well as the implication of quite the extensive vocabulary. She is strong and loyal, fighting only when completely necessary. Zara is very respectful of others, even if she doesn't get that same respect back. She likes to skirmish, but real and intense fighting is highly unfavorable in her opinion because she does not like the sight of blood or be associated with such murderous acts.

Biography: Zara had spent her childhood wandering a forest, but that was abruptly ended as the officers of Geffenhaus had taken her away after testing her young potential. At a rather young age of around 11, she had began a more rigorous training that the prison had provided. There, she met another individual like her, two years younger than her but still containing quite the potential. These two young females also shared the love of a weapon which had put them together as training partners. The katana.

Weaponry Information:


Preferred Weapon: A black and gold handled katana as seen in her arena attire image. The blade is a deep crimson and is almost 4 feet long.

Major Power/Skill:

• Powers of illusion can trick foes into having a difficult time deciphering what's real and what's not. Hallucinations can be just visible, but physical to the enemy as well.

• When provoked by a strong emotion, a wolf transformation can arise.


Minor Power/Skill:

• Perfect night vision

• Predator instinct; can smell and trace fear

• Flight (only in arena form)
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Name: Vrana


Known Aliases: Grim, Raphael (angel of healing), Raguel (angel of justice), Yama (Hinduist lord of death)

Cell: B003

"I'm ready for the show"

Gender: Female

Age: Appears to be 20, but is actually about 710 years old.


Height: 5'6"

Weight: Roughly 146lbs


Usual attire - a pair of fairly worn in/faded blue jeans that are slightly baggy, an equally worn black t-shirt, and a pair of black converse shoes that are barely holding together.

Prison attire - when sitting around the prison, she typically wears a pair of orange pants and a clean white T-shirt with worn in black combat boots.

Other attire - With her she brought a pair of black combat boots, a black hoodie/black sweatpants (both fairly new), and a worn down black beanie. And, if you want to count this, her piercings as well

Affiliation: Inmate

Freak Type: Reaper/Brute

Bio: Originally born in Europe as Isabella on October 5th, 1320, she was seen as any typical girl of the time. She was set to be wed to a man of higher class than her peasant family, but the man fell ill when she was young and died. Only a few short years later, the Black Plague hit and devastated Europe. It was during this time, just as the epidemic was starting, that her family decided to move out towards the wilderness to escape the plague. Seeing as how Isabella was the only child, and seemed strong enough to manage, her father taught her how to hunt, at the protest of her mother. Disregarding her protests, Isabella took her lessons with enthusiasm. Eventually, when she was hunting with her father one day, a lone wolf ambushed her and wounded her leg, leaving her vulnerable. Just as the wolf started to snap his jaw at Isabella, she blacked out for a few seconds with her father following the scream from the wound.

Moments later she awoke and found the wolf lying beside her, gravely wounded from unknown forces.
Disregarding her blood-sealed wound, she reached over and touched the wolf instinctively, as if it was something she was meant to do. In a flash, she felt the wolf's soul being added to hers, along with some of its personality traits. This all happened in mere minutes, and was just enough to have her father catch sight of everything that happened.

She was deemed a witch by her father, and led to her fleeing into London. Years passed as she learned of her newfound powers in secret, and her refinement of her skills lead to her treating plague victims who were condemned to die. She found she had an extremely high tolerance to sickness and infection, so she found she was the perfect candidate for the job. Catching a surplus of souls while helping the sick, she managed to live well past her time, and eventually lead to her exploring the world, fighting in wars, and acting as a mercenary when needed, all the while freeing the souls of those who longed to be rid of this world. Now, with the sound advice of a future-telling mystic, she willingly makes her way into the hell hole known as Geffenhaus Freak Prison...

Personality: Vrana is typically calm and silent, preferring to watch and observe instead of acting on a whim. She's a loner by nature, and generally has a cynical view on life and others. However, the wolf she absorbed altered her personality to be deeply loyal to those she deems her comrades, and to trust her instincts above all else. And, regardless of the situation, she'll follow through with any goals she sets with an almost blind fervor.

Side Note: She generally has a high regard for mystics, and tends to treat them with great respect.

Preferred Weapon:


Major Power/Skill: Soul Siphon - Heeding true to the classification of a 'Reaper', Soul Siphon allows Vrana to do a number of things with another's soul. If another is near death and their soul (or the person) gives permission, Vrana can then absorb their soul into her own. Once absorbed, she can use their/her soul in numerous ways, such as augmenting another power of her own, stretching out her life, or even healing others. Coupled with her regenerative abilities, she's effectively immortal as long as she can gather enough souls to sustain long as her brain isn't fully destroyed, that is.

If used on a living (and willing) person, she can 'swap' a tiny amount of her soul with theirs, creating a mental link. This allows her to transfer parts of her soul into others (giving them minor regenerative abilities), telepathically communicate, and even augment another's powers remotely. To sever the link, both parties must sacrifice blood while in close proximity, and both souls are returned to their rightful owners.

Limits: Expending the essence of a soul causes adverse effects on her mental state as well as her personality, while the same is true of absorbing. The exact effect depends on the intent of her actions (mostly when augmenting powers/in combat), as well as how strong willed the soul she’s using is. Creating links however does not affect the other mentally, but both can feel each other's pain, even earning physical wounds if it's severe enough. On top of that, both party’s powers are slightly weaker, especially Vrana's (except for Soul Siphon), and if one dies, the other could end up dying simply from the shock as long as the link is in effect. On top of all that, any Soul Siphon requires a sacrifice of blood from Vrana, or from both parties if creating a link. Note that augmenting in a link only requires a sacrifice from Vrana, and given her iron will some of her natural personality traits has a high chance of being passed on to the other. Multiple links can be established, but it will leave her physically useless until she severs some of the links.

Note: She tends to call souls 'life essence' or something similar since 'souls' doesn't quite make sense to her. Call it an outdated term that stuck around, or whatever you like.

Minor Power/Skill: Blood Manipulation - Drawing from her own life essence and blood, she can harden and shape her own blood to her will. This ability is directly tied in with Soul Siphon, serving as a catalyst for many of its functions, and cannot be transferred with a soul link.

Augmented: Her body begins to mass produce blood, allowing her to expend up to three times more than usual. This of course only worsens the drawbacks

Limits: Obviously she can only expend as much blood as she has, and the rate of her blood generation depends on her current diet and nutrition. If she's starving, then less blood. However, she can use souls to augment the regeneration as a last ditch resort. Using too much blood can lead to her becoming fatigued (or even death), and causes a decrease in her body's ability to generate more blood.

Minor power/Skill: Advanced Regeneration - Her wounds heal up much quicker than usual, and coupled with Soul Siphon allows her to 'refresh' her organs, granting basic immortality, and to heal others through soul links.

Augmented: Causes her regeneration to act even quicker, with wounds closing mere moments after opening. She can also regenerate limbs and lost body parts, although this heavily drains her soul's essence and can be fatal if not fully prepared for the shock of growing a new limb. The severity of the wound determines the drain on her soul.

Limits: The exact capabilities of her regenerative skills depend not only on her mental well-being, but also on how much nutrition she's receiving. In short, less food and an unbalanced diet causes this ability to effectively become useless, and being depressed or something similar causes her wounds to heal slower or, if severe enough, not at all. Unless she wants to expend souls, that is...but pushing it too far and resisting her body's natural healing rate can lead to her becoming physically weak or, in the worst case scenario, dying.

Minor Power/Skill: Enhanced Strength/Agility - Although she doesn't have as much strength as other Brutes might typically have, her increased capabilities are nonetheless noticeable. She's able to proficiently wield a two handed weapon one handed with ease, for example, and can easily break bones (and her own) barehanded if her blows are precise enough. As a side effect of her strength she's capable of moving faster than an average human given the stronger muscles in her body, but again it's probably not as fast as other Brutes or 'freaks'

Limits: This power is tied in with Soul Siphon, meaning if she expends too much or spreads herself too thin she'll become weaker and slower. Natural adrenaline helps alleviate this drawback, but it can only help for so long.

OOC: Hopefully this isn't deemed OP, did my best to balance things out. Let me know if anything needs changing. And please, forgive my rustiness. Been a while : ]

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Mercury, Rytir Blade

Room number : R80




||On record|| 26


Reich appears rather young for his age, often being mistaken for a teenager. He is tall and lean in build though constant physical training keeps his physique in optimal condition. Reich's hair is shoulder length and shaggy, occasionally worn pulled into a ponytail at the nape of his neck or with the top half in a ponytail, and is an almost white hue of silver. Reich also has unique eyes in that his irises are completely white surrounded by a heavy ring of black. Beneath his gloves the palms of his hands bear a small intricate pattern of interlocking hexagons.






Reich's daily attire never varies. Anytime he is seen it is always in what he likes to refer to as his uniform. The outfit was not provided by the Geffenhaus prison but was in his cell the day he became a Rytir. The outfit consist of black slack usually worn tucked into black combat boots and a deep grey shirt with a black collar and tie. Over top of this Reich wears a long black coat trimmed in gold and adorned with various chains and clips of the same hue. He also is never seen without a pair of plain white gloves covering his hands. Reich takes care to keep his clothes clean and undamaged.



Freak Type:

No Type


Reich was born and raised inside of the dreary walls of Geffenhaus prison. Raised in the labs Reich never knew his parents or where they and by extension he came from. All he had ever known since childhoods was Geffenhaus, it's rules, and it's workings. Reich was raised by a scientist, a woman named Marie who had at an earlier point in her life been a Geffenhaus curator. It was from Marie that Reich learned many things, from foreign languages to the fastest and safest ways to neutralize other freaks.

Smart and often well behaved Reich was soon a favorite of many of the Geffenhaus staff members and inevitably was appointed to the role of Rytir at age 16. In the past ten years Reich has seen many things as he enforces the law in Geffenhaus, both the best and worst that the freaks housed within it's walls has to offer.


Reich is a prime example of what Geffenhaus' Elite Guard has to offer. Reich is highly intelligent and prefers situations were he is left to handle things as he sees fit. He possesses a great capacity for practical knowledge and displays an almost unflagging dedication to his duties as a Rytir. This dedication however is tempered by patience and a tendency to need to make sure he has accurately evaluated a situation before acting.

When it comes to his duties Reich will not hesitate to enforce Geffenhaus laws be the culprit friend or no. However Reich does not believe in assumptions me will often thoroughly analyze a situation before taking action. This always comes in the most practical form be it a physical or verbal response. Reich values honesty above all else and will not hesitate to show displeasure towards liars.

As an ISTJ personality type Reich's practical and ordered demeanor can often make him seem mechanical or unfeeling but it is actually quite the opposite. Reich is passionate about maintaining order and doing what he believes is the most practical thing to keep the peace. His honesty and drive can often make him intolerable of those who are lazy or opposed to order and he bluntly expresses his thoughts and feelings. His loyalty to duty over personal relationships prevents him from making many friends.

The one area in which he seems to waver is in regards to his parents. Since he was born in the prison her assumes his biological parents are inmates and wonders what to do if ever confronted with the knowledge of who and what they were.

Preferred Weapon:

Reich doesn't carry a weapon in the traditional sense rather he uses various weapon constructs. He does posses one non-construct based weapon a pistol named Phantom.




Major Power/Skill:

|Living Mercury|

Reich's freak ability derives from the fact that his veins flow with Mercury instead of blood. This unique trait allows Reich to manipulate mercury to form weapons, wires, shields, and even small constructs. Though his supply of pure mercury is limited to his blood he can us it to create sort of amalgamated mercury from other metals. Reich can control the speed, density, hardeness, and sharpness of any construct he creates.

||Limits: Reich can not actively use all his blood as a weapon without dying and as such is limited to using a certain amount of blood during fights. He can also only control mercury within a 20ft radius||

Minor Power/Skill:


The mercury in his blood and Reich in result, are highly toxic. Reich can spread this toxicity to his enemies using his weapons and also through skin contact. He is also immune to most toxins.

||Though he can usually consciously control the toxicity of his skin when stressed or enraged he loses this control.||

Minor power/Skill:

|Mercury Wings|

One of the few truly unique constructs Reich can make are large mercury wings. Due to his ability to lift mercury at any speed through any substance or space he can use this ability to fly.

Minor Power/Skill:


Trained by a former Curator Reich is a skilled fighter and can use a wide variety of bladed weapons as well as being a skilled marksman. He is also well versed in various combat techniques.


Extreme Heat: Melts mercury

Extreme Cold: Makes mercury brittle


Unbeknownst to Reich his mother is Genosha.

Reich's jacket has the strange ability of allowing him to blend with deeply shadowed areas.

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Name: SIN (no real name on files other than what was found on a coffin case he was hibernating in and is also known in japan as the Kazegami no Shini)

Room number: B1A100

Gender: (unknown but possibly male)

Gender: 20 (guesstimated)

height: 7' 5"

weight: 150lbs

attire: SIN wears a black straight jacket that appears to have been added with a deep hood and a trench coat like cape around the waist to give him more of a "grim reaper" look with military knee high boots, the left pant leg tucked in while the right one is not tucked in, its also noted that the sleeves of the trench coat area always wrapped and strapped, as if not letting anyone see what his arms look like under them. What should also be noted is that the only metal on him is the belt buckles on his straight jacket and boots. He also has bandages over his face and 3 belts keeping them in place, 2 in an X shape over his eyes and the third going over his mouth. Whatever could that mean?

Affiliation: Inmate

Freak type: Haunt/ Wind elemental

Bio: "Nothing is really known about the creature that resided in the coffin other than that it was the source of a multitude of strange, high turbulent wind based deaths around a castle in Ireland, the total death count was 465, this including animals and small children. Once the coffin was found it only hand the word "SIN" carved onto its black oak cover, once it was opened they saw what looked like a unusually tall male ,(saying "looked like" for the body seemed to have gone through extreme starvation and dehydration when we opened the coffin), with arms that have all but withered into thin, yet grotesquely long bones that have muscles still attached to them while the face had skin, thank god, its eyes were closed and its ears and nose seemed to be intact, yet it did have no lips which constantly gave us a crimson grin of carnivorous teeth that would be more fitting on a blood crazed shark. After some of the men started to pull the coffin out of its resting place in the castle, one of the screamed and dropped the coffin, saying that one of its arms moved while the others started to laugh while I turned pale, for at that moment, it sat up with ominous timing to their laughter as if waiting for the chorus of joy to sound. When the men stopped laughing was when the screaming began along with the horrid sounds of flesh ripping from bone and blood washing the walls in its macabre color of crimson, after its feast of flesh and blood, it only looked at me with its color returning and its frighteningly thin fingers dripped with blood, it only looked at me to reveal that it has no sight! the creature was blind the whole time yet it could find the men with extreme precision, soon its coffin and returned to its slumber, when I went to the coffin I closed it, then chained it, soon it was marked to go to Geffenhaus prison. I do not know what it is, but it would fit into that ungodly place...... -documented report from archeologist Dr. Gabriel LeBlanc, this is the only bio that could be found of SIN.-

-Dr. Gabriel LeBlanc

Personality: SIN seems to have no personality but gives an ominous aura of malevolence and bloodthirst whenever someone comes near him.

Preferred Weapons: none

Major power/ skill: (Reaping Gale)

this power makes the air around him a blades shaped like a scythe, he can generate up to 10 of these nearly invisible blades which act like his fingers when is arms are bound in his straight jacket and like the wind, they can strike from anywhere at anytime without warning. This power exhausts him mentally and if not careful can come around and injure him instead.

minor power/skill: (lesser third eye)

after being stuck in a coffin for a long time, he has developed a mental eye that allows him to see in a 4 foot radius dome where any living creatures enter it glow crimson red while everything outside the dome of his lesser third eye is only shadow like shapes and its not strong enough to allow him to make out what the shapes are or to see if the shape is living or inanimate beyond the 4 feet diameters of his mental vision.

minor power/skill: (current sensor)

not only did he develop a lesser third eye but he also developed a way to sense something about to hit him, when in combat, he develops a small, 3 foot diameter wind current around his body to help him sense incoming attacks but he cannot detect bullets or other high speed attacks.

minor power/ skill: (hurricane overdrive)

once the bindings on his head and arms are removed, his powers of Reaping gale and current sensor become 5 times more powerful than before, in this state, current sensor can now be adjusted to cancel out certain elemental attacks and reaping gale becomes more honed to where it can sever metal and stone with ease in exchange for becoming more vulnerable to certain forms of light.

other: SIN tends to become extremely hostile and abnormally fast when he is in Hurricane Overide. Also note that if close to another inmate/guard in this state, HE WILL TRY TO DEVOUR THEM!!!!
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  • Robin

    The Time-keeper

    It's a she.


    She is at a tender age of 16.

    Thanks to her family's genetic, she stands at an ideal height of


    and weighs at



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