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Fantasy The FreakShow


Master of Nightmares
Kaiden stared at a television screen in the hallway just between cell blocks A and B, which was next to room A001, his room, and B001. It was three minutes until everyone's 'favorite' show came on, Freak Show. From what Kaiden recalled, this one was to be an arena match. Afterward was lunch.

Kaiden scratched at his bandaged right hand absent-mindedly then readjusted his face mask. The screen popped on, showing the two contestants. On the left was the brute, Joey Ripper, who could easily pass as a haunt type freak thanks to his hideous appearance and long, lanky limbs. Joey was currently one of the runner up arena masters and had a hefty four fatalities in the arena.

On the right was a woman that Kaiden didn't recognise. A newwoman inmate with blonde hair tied into a pony tail on the right and a muscular frame. Her type wasn't listed on the screen.

The screen shifted to the stage and the elevator doors opened. The second the doors opened, Joey Ripper had dashed straight to the opposite doors, wielding a rusted axe. He reached into the doors and tossed the newbie out like a ragdoll, cleaving an arm off with the axe the moment zhe hit the ground.

To Kaiden's surprise, the fight wasn't over right then. From the woman's missing limb, an inky black substance formed and wrapped around Joey's weapon hand. His hand warped and broke along forearm.

A moment later, the seemingly crippled woman launched off of the ground and her jaws latched onto Joey Ripper's neck. Though it wasn't visible on screen, the woman likely had razor sharp teeth as her jaws easily cut through Joey's neck for a fatal wound. The woman pinned the brute to the ground as she chewed into the major artery, ending the match.

Kaiden grinned. "Well, that was a surprise. Poor savage Joey won't be missed... didn't care much for him."

The screen showed a picture of the victor before shutting of. "Her kind must be where the legend of the vampire came from. Suppose I should get acquainted some time." Kaiden spun around and walked into his cell, laying on his bed.
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Maya was wandering through the long halls of block A, humming a light cheery tune to block out the noise of a television chattering in the background. A light frown slowly covered her face, her sharp hearing picking up on the program playing despite her efforts - Freak Show. Many appeared to find the disturbing spectacle playing out on the screen amusing, but sounds of screams and tearing flesh that followed had only managed to send a chill of shivers running up her back, despite how familiar they'd become during her stay in this place. The girl pressed down on the 'headphones' she wore in an attempt to further muffle the unwanted noise as she walked past it, picking up her pace to move out of range.

Maya knew she'd have to get used to that eventually, oddly enough, it was the only thing left that still managed to catch her off-guard about this place. Coming to terms with this whole situation was a simple task for her, she wasn't the type to delusion herself into thinking the prison was anything other than what it was. But those "games" they ran here? That was a whole different matter - Maya was almost thankful she could only imagine what horrors went on in those screens.

Soon picking up on the bubbling of boiling pots and the unpleasant scent of the kitchen as she arrived at her destination, she took a seat by one of the many tables lined in rows. Usually, she'd prefer to have lunch in her room away from the loud crowds, but it was beginning to feel suffocating after all the time she spent holed up in there. Putting her head down atop of her folded arms, she sighed and tried to focus on something pleasant in the midst of all the chaotic noise around her.
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Sharp claws tapped a gentle beat on the stone walls, soft and rythmic. It was the only sound the slight woman made as she moved along the walkway. Crimson hues danced with amusement as they shifted briefly to the softly flickering TV. It was Freak Show, an amusing program only when the competitors were new. It was nice to get a glimpse of new players before the game began. Remaining out of sight the female quietly tucked herself into the shadows to watch.

Joey Ripper was a familiar face, his style and brutality well know to her. But the blonde woman was new. The long black tail twitched, ears leaning forward. The bout began, the sharp claws tapped slowly on the wall. Swiftly her mind tracked the battle, watching as Joey rushed the woman. A foolish move. Even though he managed to lop off an arm he was to comfortable, something that was proved moments later when the woman attacked him and ripped out his throat. I was over swiftly but at least she had a moment of amusement. Turning she began making her way towards the cafeteria.

No matter where she went she clung to the shadows not wanting to be seen. It was how she preferred it. Alone with her thoughts. Following the scent of the less than satisfactory food she found herself at its source. Passing through the door she stepped momentarily into the light. A slight silence rippled through the room, as wary glances shifted towards the female. Though unremarkable in weight and size her choice of garb and the presence of bone and bandage that could be glimpsed beneath dark fabric lent her a rather unique appearance. The silence however was more due to her reputation.

The woman, Genosha, was a cross of the reaper and beast types and a sadist of questionable mental stability. For her the game didn't end when she left the arena. She was just as cunning and deadly in the ring as out. A faint smile curved her lips flashing fangs as she went to go grab something to eat.
Cackle like giggles that was the perfect mixture of child like and menacing spilled between light pink lips sending shivers down the spine of any that heard it. Bright acid green eyes sparkled with insanity as they observed the newbie rip out Jackie's throat. 'Oh this was just to good. ' The young boy thought leaning forward on his bed for a closer look at Jack's bloody body. The man has caused him some trouble as of late. 'Little brutal Jackie has been beaten by a newbie. How interesting. "

He couldn't wait to meet her!

As the show came to a close Crypt threw his head back and let loose more of those menacing giggles. Jumping from his seat he twirled, arms thrown out, his long ankle length hair flying around him like a curtain of blood. He cant wait till it was his turn to go on freak show. The blood of his enemy will stain the floor like Paint on a canvas.

What a beautiful picture it will make!

As he slowly came to a stop his ever chaotic mind was refocused onto reality by the loud grumbling of his stomach telling him he was hungry. Pouting he poked his stomach angrily as punishment for interrupting his thoughts. What a mean stomach! When all it did was growl louder he huffed and Turning on his heels headed for the kitchen. His stomach won this round.
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A young woman stood perfectly still in the cafetaria near the back wall. Her faintly pink hair laid over her face covering all but her mouth, nose, chin, and one red colored eye outlined in black like a targetting reticule. She stared straight ahead, looking at nothing in particular.

This was Ash Anaya, one of the rytirs, freaks that served as special guard units to keep the inmates in line and suppress any that become hostile.

Ash's eyes briefly focused when Genosha entered the kitchen. A soft smile cracked her placid face for a moment and she tapped the hilt of a sheathed katana at her waist as she tracked the woman likely had in her peripheal vision, warning Genosha and any others to behave themselves.

Though she held practically no presence in the room, people simply walked around her as if she were a wall rather than a person, several groups of people glanced over at her because of the simple gesture she made.

Back down the hallway, Kaiden had finally got up and wandered into the kitchen. He typically didn't eat much, but made his way to a vending machine.

"Hey spooky! Come hang with us!"someone called out to Kaiden just as he slid a plastic card into the snack machine. He had a lot of 'friends' if you could call them that. Kaiden made always made sure that he was well known and liked. Having a multitude of friends had a huge supply of perks after all, especially in a prison that had inmates trying to kill one another on a weekly basis.
Between all the chatter and footsteps echoing through the prison, few things managed to catch the girl's interest. Not even the singing of the birds or the rumble of passing cars outside could get through the impermeable walls of the prison. Terribly depressing, she thought. If it weren't for the small radio Maya had kept in her room, she was certain this place would have driven her mad before long.

A light rhythmic tapping against the walls approaching pulled her out of her daydream. It was oddly relaxing, almost like the sharp drumming of a woodpecker. Somewhere farther off between the halls of the prison, there also rang out faint, childlike bouts laughter which she found to be very much the opposite. An unsettling, almost eriee sound that made the hairs on her neck stand. Maya was sure whoever the voice belonged to was not someone she'd like to face anytime soon.

Trying to instead catch the soft tapping once more, it was already gone to her disappointment. In fact... the whole cafeteria seemed to suddenly go silent for a split moment at the appearance of a new individual in the room. Raising her head in curiosity, she couldn't seem to identify the mute figure yet. The name "Genosha" was whispered by those around her, the girl only knew her only by the rumors passed around of her viciousness. Maya herself did her best not to attract any unnecessary attention, keeping any knowledge of her abilities a complete mystery to most. Who knew when that little factor might come in handy in this dangerous place?

Disregarding the tense atmosphere of the room, the girl stood up and picked up one of the fruits lying in the bins at the front, taking a bite. It was the only thing she could actually stomach to eat in this place, even though it still proved to be a rather tasteless meal. Looking to return back to her room now that the unpleasant show from earlier was over, she paused and tried to orient herself as to which way she entered."...Too many people around." She noted to herself with a sigh, tightening the bandage covering her eyes. "Excuse me, would you mind pointing the way back into the halls?" The girl asked politely, unknowingly turning to the first person on her left.

@X3 Infernal Infinity
The soft click of a sword hilt, out of olace in the noisy room but clear to sensitive feline ears. The thick tail swayed as scarlet hues found the source. Ash, on of the rytirs. Perhaps warning her to behave. Sharp canines flashed in a wicked grin, pupils narrowing slightly. She simply tapped her claws on a nearby table the occupants trembling slightly. And made her way to find something worth eating.

In the end it ended up being a bowl of what appeared to be red jello cubes. Like everything else they were bland but Genosha liked the odd consistency. Slender digits wrapped with the exception of the tips in play white bandage plucked up a gelatin square popping it into her mouth. As she devoured the desert a soft voice caught her attention. Keen crimson eyes were drawn to an unfamiliar person, pupils dilating to slits, a soft grin curving her lips. This girl was a new face, an interesting thing. Fortunate as well because approaching her so casually did not often end well. Tail swaying sharp claws tapped a slow rythm on the bone plate about her neck.

"The exit... Is that way..."

Genosha's voice was almost whisper soft, the faint huskiness of a purr mixing with the naturally feminine tone. She never raised her voice as it was but even with the headphones she was certain the girl could hear her. Gently a slight bandage wrapped hand rested on the girls back turning her in the direction of the door. With a wave of her tail Genosha headed for the door herself.
Humming Crypt skipped into the room a wide childish smile on his face showcasing his sharp canines. Noticing the silence he paused a curious look over his face as he looked at the cause. It was Genosha with a...newbie? Head tilting to the side slightly his smile came back tenfold. He loved newbies!

Grabbing a bowl of bland strange red pudding he allowed the newbie to leave deciding to talk to her later. If she wasn't dead that was. Ignoring the wide fear filled eyes watching his every movement he took a seat on top of one of the frequented tables and began eating. He was proud of the Rep he has gained around here. It was a far stretch from when they tried picking on him. Even if that didn't last past the first day.
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Kaiden looked at Crypt Rin with a friendly smile and adjusted his mask as he walled by, as if tipping a hat in greeting. He took a candy bar out of the machine slot and moved to a seat at a table. Kaiden broke a third of the candy bar off and held it out to Rin between two fingers. "You want a piece? I don't eat much."

Kids were always fun to hang around with, even if they were crazy murderers like his adjacent fellow inmate. They teminded him of they childhood he never had.

Kaiden closed his eye, following the two that were leaving the lunch area early. They appearred as a couple of human shaped lights, each nerve network lighting up like christmas lights just before every movement and during every thought. The one following showed a lot of mind activity.

Kaiden whistled at the single rytir in the room and nodded towards Genosha and Maya when her eyes wavered towards him. Kaiden was more or less tattling, prompting the rytir to follow the two. Couldn't let the demon girl run off with inmates whenever she wanted, it was bad for health. Kaiden glanced at Genosha and mumbled to himself with a smile, "It's just a game afterall. Count me as a player."
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Crypt looked up when Kaiden passed and sent him a bright smile that was all innocence and warmth. Kaiden was one he had no trouble with. When he offered him a piece of his candy bar his eyes lit up with happiness as he shouted. "Candy!!!"

Snatching the piece of candy he plopped it in his mouth and took a moment to savour the taste. He didnt usually have candy evenif he liked it because he always misplaced his card. Licking his lips he smiled at him brightly. " Thanks Kaiden. "

Cordelia sat in her chair in the lunch room, her long legs crossed as she leaned back. Her long bright colored hair flowing over her shoulders and to the floor as her red eyes stared at the screen in front of her. These "shows" always amused her so. She exhaled a long stream of purple smoke that in turn made her cheeks glow fiercly, a sharp toothed smile creeping onto her face as she taped the cigarette holder to the table. She enjoyed the smell of clove this time of day..or any day really.

"Such savagery...I would like to meet this woman one of these days"

She chuckled and sighed as she tucked some hair behind her ear. How she would love to be back in the ring once more with the smell of blood engulfing her senses and the fleeing of trembling flesh in her hands. Oh..how refreshing it was. She shifted her posture and rolled her neck a bit so it made a small popping noise and her eyes shifted as she did to the demon girl walking off with some of the other inmates and at Kaidens whistle her eyes drifted once more. That girl should have know better with him and a rytir in the room. She took another long drag off the long narrow holder and blew its smoke up in the air with a wicked smile.

"Foolishness doesnt win you points here.."

She hadnt even been here that long and she already knew that. Sure a few years you would assume she just fit right in but she never really did and she didnt mind that..being alone and the solitude was nothing she wasnt used to after living in the mountains with only one other person.​
Maya paused in recognition at the familiar tapping coming from the individual before her, - Was this the same one they called “Genosha”? Instead of fear or uneasiness, bright curiosity filled her at this discovery, drowning out the dull alarm of caution that rang at the back of her mind. The girl didn’t deal too well with the quiet types, they were difficult to read and she could never tell what they might be thinking. A dangerous trait for her. But at the sound of the girl’s light and pleasant tone, her doubts quickly seemed to disperse. Surely one with such a lovely voice couldn't possibly be that bad, she thought to herself. As naive as it might seem, with her lack of slight that was the main way Maya had to settle her opinion of others - how they sound. There was so much you could tell about a person simply from the way they speak, and the girl had plenty of time to learn how to pick through it like a book. With a grateful smile she returned a light “thank you” as the girl pointed her in the right direction, following after her back towards the hall. As she walked, her head turned sharply at a whistle from the room, facing it’s source with a small frown at the low comment that followed. She didn't quite understand it's meaning, but it seemed to be directed at them...? Another had muttered something about “foolishness”, she turned away with a shrug at the odd remarks and decided not to dwell on it too much, continuing on her way.
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The perk of having functioning cat ears was the extra acute hearing. Even the faintest whispers and smallest comments did not escape her notice. Hands tucked in wide sleeves, crimson hues cast a glance of vague amusement first a Kaiden then the one smoking, Cordelia or something. Neither warranted much above vague amusement, though Kaiden's veener of friendliness and seeming willingness to work with not against the wicked prison system did slightly annoy her. But for the moment neither were valid obstacles and therefor dismissible.

Soft furred ears tilted back, a slight glance tossed at the Rytir. Usually they left her alone unless she was actively causing trouble. Ash would do the same if she was sensible. Besides Genosha was in no mood to expend energy in a pointless fight. A soft chuckle slipped from her lips as she slipped into the shadows of the hall. Resuming her quiet tapping between cubes of gelatin she began the long walk back to her cell on the lower level. Gods forbid she gave the guards a reason to come look for her. She was tired of meeting new ones.
With lunch nearly over, Kaiden got up from his seat and strode over to Cordelia, somebody he wasn't really familiar with yet. Haunt types were often social pariahs due to there appearance and behavior. It was one of the more personal reasons why Kaiden socialized with others frequently. Being an outcast was a poor feeling and he knew that from experience.

He looked over Cordelia's brightly colored face. "Hello beautiful. I've seen you around but I don't believe I know your name."

Rytie Ash rolled her eyes at Kaiden's flattery, having overheard him. Kaiden ignored the gesture and took a seat. "I don't get the pleasure of talking with haunts very often. They usually keep to themselves and avoid people."

Seeing as how people were starting to leave, ash quietly walked into the hallway. She didn't have a schedule or specific task for the day so she took to patrolling the hallways. Ash turned down hallway B and walked straight, peeking into into each open cell for a moment. All was calm and peaceful... for the moment at least. There was always something going down somewhere.

And there it was. Just at the end of the hallway, one of the many small gangs was beating on one of the inmates. Ash touched a button on her collar, "Medical team to B091... seven inmates. Five minute delay for cleanup please."

Without hesitation, Ash moved in and clubbed two of the offenders with her sheathed katana to the back of their heads, knocking both of them off of their feet. "Shit! A rytir!"

The remaining four appeared to all move for hidden weapons. Ash grabbed the hilt of the katana and stepped over the victim on the floor. She drew her sword, jamming the hilt into a large males nose and slicing two different shins with the serrated blade. The remaining offender attempted a tackle which Ash countered by stepping behind the perpentrator and delivered a swift kick to the groin, picking the guy's feet up off of the ground. Sheathing her blade, Ash left the area as if nothing had even happened, leaving behind a mess of beaten and bloodied inmates. The medical team arrived shortly after to collect the injured.
Crypt hopped up when Kaiden left and humming took his leave. He smirked at the sigh of relief his fellow inmates let out as he walked out into the hall. He hadn't been in the mood to maim anyone today. Starting his humming up again he began skipping in a random direction with no specific destination in mind. He just felt like Moving around today though that was normal for him. It's Why he knew this place better then most. Which he used to his full advantage.
The sound of soft humming and rapid footfalls seemed to reverberate of the maze like stone walls of the lower cells. Crimson hues followed brighter crimson droplets, sleek fingertips trailing more red along the walls. The soft tune she hummed was a familiar one to any who listened, a funeral dirge. A soft smile played on her lips as her ears twitched. The soft gasping of breath, the slowing of footsteps. Her prey was growing tired.

Keeping the tune she turned the corner, hands going up to slide back her hood. Silver hair spilled around her, tail lashing, as she once again spotted the Rytir, wounded from some earlier skirmish on the lower level. This place was more ruthless than many would like to admit. Anyone unfortunate to be lost and wounded on the lower levels Rutir or otherwise was automatically fair game. Smiling wickedly she flashed down the hall, footsteps silent as she pounced upon he prey. White bandages unraveled and fell to the floor. Slender digits wrapped around the torn throat, warm blood and skin.

Her grip held firm to the trembling body, eyes dancing with glee. Her gaze was unwavering full of malicious delight as she held the Rytir's gaze watching the life leech out of them, seeing the light flicker out. That same energy coursed through her, filling her. Sighing in contentment she grabbed the back of the corpses jacket, turning to head back to her cell. This body would be a good addition to her puppets.

(Sorry wasnt getting notifications)

When Kaiden came over to her she straightened her posture a bit and uncrossed her legs, folding the other leg over instead. She learned forward a bit and smirked.

"Well if it isnt Kaiden..I know we havent spoken but I know about you. That mask of yours is pretty well known you know."

She grinned and her red lips parted to flash her sharp teeth. She knew of his ruthlessness in the arena and it amused her the times she had seen him fight and the skills he showed were just as amusing. She took a final drag off her cigarette and put it out in her palm, crushing it then dropping the ashes.

"I must say im not used to the flattery so I appreciate your words whether you mean it or not. My names Cordelia by the way.."

She tapped her cheek gently with her sharp black nail and tilted her head to the side as she looked his face over. He looked like a normal human to her though she assumed the mask hid something for a reason. She knew he was classed as a haunt but she never knew why.​

Kaiden smiled and lightly rubbed his mask with his unbandaged left hand. "I made this mask myself actually. I'm quite fond of it." The piece was actually the only thing that Kaiden actually owned besides his clothes. "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder you know."

He glanced up at the ceiling then looked back to Cordelia. "From what I've heard, you're the rumored mountain demon right? I myself was appointed as the ghost of an abandoned cabin. We're always the source of a good ghost story..."

Kaiden frowned and his face turned serious. "What would you do if you were able to go back home?" He went silent for a moment before changing the subject.

"That's not my business." Kaiden was searching for opportunities to learn about Cordelia. Knowledge was power afterall and bonds created lifelines. He just needed a way to make her ask questions.

He tightened a bandage around his wrist, "Solitude is one of the world's strangest curses, don't you think? It wittles us down to nothing and drains the will to live, better to have loved and lost than to never hace loved at all. But solitude is also a gift, it allows one to reflect on themself and their choices. A cursed gift that can easily bend a person."
A feeling of dread filled her very being, causing Vrana to shoot up in her bed, wide-eyed and gasping for air. Night terrors... she groaned as her legs swung over the edge of the bed, her familiar shoes hitting the ground with a heavy thud. She wiped the sweat from her forehead, and glanced around her sparse and...well, it was a prison cell, there wasn't much else to discuss. Pale blue eyes scoured the room, drinking in every detail, and it was at this moment that reality sank in, dragging her gut down with it. Shit, now what? heaving a heavy sigh, Vrana pushed herself up and looked down at herself. Black T, trusty jeans and her old shoes. Yep, check check check. Looking over at her bunk she spotted a black duffel bag, and upon further inspection found some typical inmate attire, as well as the rest of her clothes. Guess I should play the part...

Heading out of her room in orange pants, a clean white t-shirt and black boots, she took a moment to take in her surroundings, standing in the hallway as others passed by. Her emotionless face briefly appeared glum as she inspected the other inmates, noticing that while some seemed normal enough, others seemed to hold a certain crave in their eyes: of blood, war and the glory of the battle.
Seems like a survival of the fittest here...I should be okay, but it makes me wonder if there's even been a revolt in here...considering there's a bunch of freaks here, security has to be crazy. Or, at least responsive...

Taking a mental note of her cell (
B003, got it) she headed for the central hallway where a fair number of freaks were gathering. Their focus seemed to be glued to the television, so she played along and looked up. Apparently she managed to wake up from whatever drugs they had given her in time to see the main attraction of this prison: Freak Show. She watched as a brutish man and a comically short girl (at least it seemed comical with a side by side) fought to the death in the arena. Uninterested in the fight, she pushed her way through the other inmates to get to what appeared to be the kitchen...at least, judging from the horrible smells, it seemed like it was the way to the kitchen.

Taking a seat with her barely edible looking food, she started to dig in, ignoring the taste as she sat in a corner observing everyone in the room as best she could. For the most part everyone seemed typical (or at least, typical of 'freaks'), but there were a few that caught her eye: a man with a half mask, a blind girl with something that looked like headphones, a beast girl that seemed...off, a gleeful child, an Elemental, and most importantly a figure she could only assume was a guard, given how everyone around her was acting. Shifting her focus solely towards the guard, she noted the katana at her hip and her general stance as she took off, leaving the kitchen block.
Doubt that's just for looks. But if she's using a katana and not a gun, does that mean they're worried about collateral damage from a fight? Or is that just preferred? Hm...

Shrugging mentally, she turned her focus to the food she was eating, and let out a sigh as her situation finally sank in to the depths of her soul.
I'm gonna be stuck here for a while. Guess I should talk to some locals... Looking up, she set her focus on the half-masked man and the Elemental. That mask fellow seems to be friendly, probably knows something at least. Sure he's as messed up as the rest though. Maybe the Elemental? Nah, sure seems the picky type, though I could be wrong...

Taking a mental note to find the guy sometime, she got up and disposed of her tray before heading out of the kitchen block. Heading back to the central hall, she took up post against a wall with arms crossed, watching the inmates pass by. Her face looked even more emotionless as she slipped into thought, pondering how this prison system worked. What was the currency? Who were the shot callers? What was expected of her as a freak?

Better find out what's expected of me, especially considering how they told me jack shit about this place...
Crypt let out his signature cackle like giggle as he let his hand fly toward his latest victim. It slid into the man's chest with a sickening squelching sound. Crypt smiled demonically his eyes glowing with insanity as he watched the life began to leave his victims fear filled eyes. Stupid scum tried to attack him so he deserved everything he got. Flexing his fingers he grabbed onto the man's heart and with a cackle pulled it out. The man's body fell to the floor without anything to hold it up and landed on the ground with a splat!

Grinning at the lifeless body briefly he turned his gaze to the heart in his hands. Latching onto it with both hands he reached it apart. He's always wanted to know what the inside of a heart looks like. Turns out it wasn't very interesting at all. Pouting in disappointment he threw the pieces onto their owner then wiped his blood covered hands on his victims prison suit. Standing he turned on his heels and began heading up to the higher levels.

Maybe he would get something to eat. That made him hungry again. He was distracted from his thoughts when he spotted a new girl Leaning against the wall. How many new people are there? He wondered as he headed toward her. "Who are you newbie?"

Cordelia arched her eyebrow as she listened to him speak, her red and yellow eyes locked on his one as her pupils narrowed in focus. He sure was an open book but in a way it was refreshing. Talking every now and again didnt hurt now did it? No of course it didnt, with a chuckle she leaned back in her chair once more, draping her arm around it as she did.

"Yes I guess you could call me that..though im sure my mother was the first to start that rumor..I only fanned the flames as they say. Im sure killing those so called priests and nuns didnt help. I did the world a favor disposing of them yet they all just turned a blind eye in the name of their religious pride at the fact that they were a cult sacrificing people."

She sneered and grabbed a mini cigar from her pocket, sliding it into the holder and lighting it with the tip of her finger. The smell of cloves drifted from it and left a trail of purple smoke as it burned.

She waited until he was finished speaking to exhale and shake her head.

"Its alright actually..curiosity is a basic emotion human or no. I would probably do exactly what I used to, speaking of solitude, I would live back in my old home and of anyone tried to venture up and try to take me against my will id slay them where they stood. I may be a woman with values but one of them is not the regret of taking a life. We all die eventually and if your wasting your life trying to bother someone who would otherwise leave you be than your wasting what precious life was given to you in the first place."​

Looking back up at the television that had broadcasted 'Freak Show' mere moments ago, she understood simply one thing: that she'd have to face against an opponent in an arena. But what were the terms? Knowing human nature, the warden or whoever probably dictated it be to the death...but what of the loser that happens to survive? a shiver ran down her spine, both at her imagination and at a childish cackle that seemed to pierce through the crowd noise and down the hall. Looking down the hall for the source, she noticed a young boy, the same one she noticed before in the kitchen block, heading her way. The bright red jacket he was wearing appeared almost comical, yet somewhat fitting of a younger soul in a prison. However, his bright green eyes seemed ready to tell quite a tale, and his abrupt and rather blunt questioning made her wonder how this kid worked.

"Who are you newbie?"

For a moment she considered giving an alias. But a quick moment of thinking suggested that honesty might be the best thing here. Maybe that was the true currency here? She chuckled lightly in her throat, and gave a small nod. "It's true, just got in today actually. Suppose the almost stereotypical attire gives that away, huh?" she held her arms out to her side with palms facing out to present her clothing, then quickly returned her arms back to their more comfortable position. "My name is Vrana, little one." she finally answered with her husky voice, a small smile warming up her usual blank face. "And who might you be?"

@kira blackthorn
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Crypts head tilted to the right slightly as he watched Vrana curiously. There was something different about her. She was a reaper that he could tell Yet there was something feral mixed in. She must be a hybrid. Yet, what kind?

He thought on it for a moment and almost gave up when the answer hit him. A brute! That must be it as they gave off the same feeling. Smiling widely he looked at her and somehow managed a pair of wide puppy dog eyes as he answered her question. "My names Crypt. It's nice to meet yah Vrana."
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She gave the boy a warmer smile, and bowed her head towards him in lieu of a handshake. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Crypt." she looked around, and her smile waned. "Do you know how things work around here?" she returned her pale blue gaze to Crypt, mentally sighing to herself. Yeah, ask a kid about the prison system. Great idea.

She lightly shrugged her shoulders and, this time, sighed out loud. Partly to show her exasperation towards the prison, partly because she was asking a kid to give her the run down of a prison.
"They didn't really tell me anything, so I'm stumbling around in the dark here..." Her gaze drifted back up at the television and was instantly reminded of that show everyone seemed so enthralled by. "Also, can you please tell me what the deal is with 'Freak Show'?" she quickly added, gesturing towards the television hanging from the ceiling. "Didn't watch it, but it seemed like it was the main attraction here for the inmates. I'm guessing it's rather important..."

@kira blackthorn
Crypt held in the cackle that wanted to come out as Vrana asked him questions. He's never showed a newbie around before but he bet it will be fun. Practically hopping in place he nodded eagerly. "Yea I can explain everything to you. I know It's confusing at first but you'll get the hang of it. "

He noticed the other inmates glancing at her maliciously and Deciding to explain it all elsewhere grabbed her hand and began pulling her toward her room. It also showed the others she was under his protection. "It would get messy if we stayed there any longer. Anyway we are in a prison, obviously for freaks. It's actually pretty peaceful here when your not participating in the freakshow, which is like a gladiator tournament held every seven days. There two freaks will fight to the death or until they are unable to continue. The losers remains get collected and tested on if they died. If they survived However they will go to the infirmary then receive a penalty round. "

By this time they had made it to his room. Hoping in he sat cross legged on his bed and gestured for her to sit on a chair across from it as e continued.

"Occasionally, multi-man duals take place where either teams go against one anotheror in a free for all match in where the last freak standing wins. Those are real fun. Freakshow along with other games are held in the courtyard. Though usually you volunteer to participate in the other games for credits which is like currency. Now that's all for the games. The prison is ruled by guards called Curators and Rytir. Curator are Guards of Geffenhaus. They are commonly equipped with anti-freak armor, stun batons, and firearms.

Rytir are Freaks converted into Geffenhaus elite guards. Unless they've always been apart of the Geffenhaus program and are loyal to it, they often undergo brain washing before becoming Rytir. Both are deadly. Understand so far?"

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