The Freak War


Lore Hoarder
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Character Sign-Up Sheet

I will only accept 1 mixed eye colors (powers

1 with 3 mixed eye colors (We already have 3 other mixed eye colors)





Appearance: (Description here. If you have a picture put it at the the top of the bio and don't bother with this part.)

Powers/abilities: (You can have any powers as long as it long as it goes with your eye color and what your powers are to be based off of.)

Eye Color:

When You Became A Freak: (Any age past 9)

Antagonist (or) Protagonist:

Read more about this role play... 
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf6d03ff8_Ribbetcollage.jpg.7b30021de613644beaee430ce36c3924.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20330" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf6d03ff8_Ribbetcollage.jpg.7b30021de613644beaee430ce36c3924.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/Picture-62.jpg.1bb399a2c88916f0b1154fdcbd1f853e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20331" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/Picture-62.jpg.1bb399a2c88916f0b1154fdcbd1f853e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Eye Color and What your powers are based off of:

Red/Pink: Heat (or) Temp

Purple: Sound

Gold/Yellow: Energy

Silver/Grey: Mind

Green: Earth (or) Nature

Brown: Body

Blue: Water



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Name: Yata Zackariya

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Nickname/Codename: red skate or just skate

Powers/abilities:He has two eye colors they are Red and Silver which seem to both create his ability which he named "Red Aura" This Aura has fire-based characteristics with a very destructive force to it, and can incinerate almost any and everything in its path. How he can use it . The Red Aura, which manifests itself in red or pink flames. Yata is able to generate his Aura from various parts of his body and even from his skateboard. When riding his skateboard in conjunction to using his Aura, it appears to ignite as sparks from the wheels. Other times, Yata's Aura takes on a fiery shroud over his body or when angered, as a massive tornado-like fire formation. When Yata uses this his power is effected by mental focus and emotions. If he is angry its heat intensify's and formation becomes more destruction based but when calm it will be more focused on his target and used to improve his strength.

When You Became A Freak: (Any age past 9) 11

Antagonist (or) Protagonist: Protagonist


Name: Linnea 'Linn' Tova Ahlgren

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Nickname/Codename: Marbles ("You've lost your marbles!" also means "You're insane!"); only her close 'friends' are allowed to call her this. Usually referred to as 'the Ahlgren child' or 'Ahlgren'.

Powers/abilities: Telepath and Empath (Can manipulate thoughts and emotions; see consequences in spoiler)

When You Became A Freak: Age 13

Antagonist (or) Protagonist: Antagonist

History: Linn was born to a neurosurgeon and the daughter of a governor. She was the youngest of six children, and the only girl as well. Linn and her siblings were allowed to do almost anything, including walking around the city where they lived without supervision. The Ahlgren descendants travelled in a pack, completely sure of themselves and unfortunately unaware of the dangers.

Her brothers were very protective of Linn, preventing a kidnap and possible unwanted pregnancy of their little sister shortly after her twelfth birthday. That incident resulted in two broken noses, a sprained wrist, three broken toes and a very, very incarcerated pedophile.

Precisely one year afterwards Linn's eyes, once a stunning emerald, began changing. They turned into a stone grey with a ring of silver around the pupil. Her brothers had remained the same, but the only girl in her family (for her mother had died two years before) was obviously going to be different. Slowly the family broke away from Linn, leaving her to develop her powers on her own when she needed them most.

The day she was fully isolated from her family was when one of her brothers, Felix, had attempted to bring her some food instead of making her go to the kitchen herself...

"What are you doing here, Felix?"

"I just wanted to bring you something. Look, I made it myself. It's tomato soup and garli-"

"Leave me alone, Felix. I'll get my own food."

"Linn, you need to get out of your room. Even Jurgen is worried."

"I don't care if Jurgen is worried. Get out." Linn's eyes burrowed into her brother, flashing dangerously. However, the young man stood his ground.

"Linn. I'm not leaving you here to waste away." He blocked a plastic cup thrown at him, batting it away. Felix's sister stood slowly, looking like she was ready to take someone's head off.

"You're a
mutant, Linn, and there's no denying it. Come on. Let's go get some fresh air." Linn shook her head, the Ahlgren girl wrapping her mind around the hilt of a large chef's knife on her dresser. The knife whipped through the space between them, puncturing her brother's throat. Blood sprayed everywhere, droplets hanging in the air before splattering the ground or the walls. She walked over and grabbed the knife with her hand, yanking it out of the body and progressing downstairs.

Soon after the rest of her brothers were dead along with their father and the maid, and Linn herself was washing up in the shower. She left their large home with the door wide open, taking plenty of money in cash as well as her debit card and credit card and various clothes. Linn skipped town and ended up in a completely foreign city. There she began her life anew, using her mental abilities to keep herself safe.

Linn is afflicted by paranoia and her emotions are on a hair-trigger for having used her abilities for so long. She's mentally unstable, which makes her extremely dangerous should one accidentally insult her. On a normal day, however, she is a charming young lady with a gift for words. Even without her empath abilities she might be able to sway your mind over to her side with a few sentences.
Name: Jacob Pierce

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Nickname/Codename: Jacob (wearing contact lenses)

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/Teenage_Denzel_by_semokan.jpg.dc9ea296f0b0969a6fe41a3b96d19f3c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20342" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/Teenage_Denzel_by_semokan.jpg.dc9ea296f0b0969a6fe41a3b96d19f3c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Powers/abilities: Jacob has silver and yellow eyes, He is a Telepath, which means he can read and even control minds, make people do what he wants and think what he wants them to think, although he absolutely hates controlling people for his own personal gain. The yellow (Energy) eye allows him the power of telekinesis, which means he can move and manipulate any object to his will, if he wants to of course.

When You Became A Freak: Jacob became a "Freak" Not long after his eleventh birthday, although he only had one yellow eye then so he only had the power of Telekenesis. When he was 14 he gained the his Silver eye and then had the power of a telepath, When he first gained his Telepathic powers, He could not shut out the voices in his head, well they werent actually in his head but other peoples heads. He quickly discovered that headphones and loud music blocked out the voices, This went on for around 6 months until he finally learnt how to control when he wanted to read someone's mind and when he didnt want to.

Antagonist (or) Protagonist: Protagonist

Almost forgot! MUTANT



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We'll probably wait for 2 or 3 more people then start, and other people can jump in later.
Name: Sora Toyama

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Nickname/Codename: koumori


Powers/abilities: purple-

Sound Manipulation

  • Create/generate and modify the loudness, pitch, and tone of sounds, even to destructive levels.
  • Acceleration by riding sound waves.
  • Sonokinetic Flight (Supersonic Flying)
  • Sound Absorption
  • Sound Amplification
  • Sound Conversion
  • Vibration Emission
  • Voice Manipulation
  • Sonic Healing
  • Sound Aura
  • Sound Empowerment

When You Became A Freak: 13

Antagonist (or) Protagonist: pro

Name: Zodiac Ricardo Zendou

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Nickname/Codename: The Songster

Appearance: (See picture)

Powers/abilities: Sound Manipulation, though he prefers to call it "songstry"

The use of sound waves to cause damage toward another,

The use of sound waves to effect physical plane,

The use of sound manipulation in cancellation.

Eye Color: purple to signify sound power

When You Became A Freak: 10

Antagonist (or) Protagonist: Antagonist<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf6debb90_GioTrueForm2.jpg.d6b32fdd8d783016b36ad703daa70f93.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20367" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf6debb90_GioTrueForm2.jpg.d6b32fdd8d783016b36ad703daa70f93.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Nekoda Archer

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Nickname/Codename: Kody, Koda, Archer

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/tumblr_mi9h98HuPp1r4cmzeo1_500.jpg.65d540e454a50265dd7814995c8f6b04.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20377" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/tumblr_mi9h98HuPp1r4cmzeo1_500.jpg.65d540e454a50265dd7814995c8f6b04.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> *wears white gloves at all times to avoid unintentional draining*

Powers/abilities: Can drain a person's energy and powers through physical contact and transfer it to herself. Vocal blasts of supersonic sound that can do serious damage to anyone within hearing range and can shatter glass and bend metal. Has telepathy and the powers of insight. Can create electric balls of energy and powerful balls of sound. She can also create sounds waves -like literal waves of sound.

Eye Color: -blend- Purple, Green, and Grey

When You Became A Freak: (Any age past 9) Kody became a Freak at 11. Instead of getting an acceptance letter to Hogwarts, she got a lonely life living in the outer skirts of her city with all the other Freaks. She developed her Vocal powers first, and ever since she got them she has been a self proclaimed mute. Not saying a word to anyone except through their minds.

Antagonist (or) Protagonist: Protagonist 
@Jaciel @Bills352 Would you guys like to start?



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Name Jason Crowwe

Age 18

Gender male

Nickname hound

Appearance tall, brown hair, slightly pale, one brown eye, one silver one

Powers can control other people as long as he maintains eye contact extremely high intellect and great eyesight and hearing, also heightened sense of touch, but he cannot taste or smell.

When... Freak 13



Hope it's not too late to join..



Morgan Alyssa Greene






Morgan/Mags, Maggie (like her intials M.A.G.)/code name: Delta (but this name is used quite less than her name)


She has naturally highlighted chestnut hair that lightly curls its way down past her shoulders. She has a heart shaped face and light side bangs that sweep to her left across her forehead. She has relatively large brown eyes (which were initially a clear sky blue). She has light olive skin and easily flushing cheeks. She is slim and petite, with small, thin features. She stands at 5'3, with a proper posture and a focused, yet relaxed gaze. She usually likes wearing practical clothing in natural shades and in layers.


  • Invisibility: She is able to turn invisible or visible at a flick of a wrist. Whatever she is holding/wearing will also be invisible, though this excludes particularly big objects or most humans. Turning invisible has become a reflex for her body when she wants to leave or "disappear". She puts effort into keeping herself visible at times. (weakness: reflex)

  • Shapeshifting: Although she is probably capable of shapeshifting into most animals, she is most used to and most capable of becoming a brown sparrow and most relatively small flying creatures. She has shifted into a dog once or twice, and it was not pleasant. Shapeshifting is extremely enervating for her and she prefers not to do it too often. (weakness: enervating, effort)

  • Minor self-healing: Her body is less prone to cuts and bruises than normal people, and heals itself at a quicker rate. However, it not all immunity, nor can she heal others. (weakness: the quick rate uses up more energy therefore tiring her out quicker)

Eye Color:


When You Became A Freak:

12 years old

Antagonist (or) Protagonist:



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/upload_2014-7-4_16-59-33.jpeg.024b936b133294c0ad1130a0fe7158b0.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21913" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/upload_2014-7-4_16-59-33.jpeg.024b936b133294c0ad1130a0fe7158b0.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Ryker Trent

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Nickname/Codename: Brand

Appearance: Brand stands six feet tall and is usually dressed in jeans, sneakers, a t-shirt and a jacket of one form or another. He carries a backpack containing extra clothes slung across one shoulder and his 12 gauge slung over the other.

Powers/abilities: Ryker ( though he always goes by Brand) is able to raise his core body temperature to incredible levels well past normal human endurance. Heating takes time, though once he has reached a temperature he can maintain for a considerable amount of time. Brand considers heating himself to 2500°F (the temperature needed to melt steel) fairly easy and can do so in fifteen seconds. Temperatures below 2500°F take even less time to reach.In order to reach tempetures above 2500°F Brand must remain almost completely still, he can talk and motion with his hands but that's it. Brand has never maxed out and is not entirely sure he has a limit to how hot he can get given enough time.

Eye Color: Red

When You Became A Freak: 11

Antagonist (or) Protagonist: Antagonist

If your no longer accepting let me know.



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(Wearing contacts ^)

Alexandria XX

Nickname/Codename: Alex, Yellow Eyes, Hot Stuff, or Fury


Gender: F

Appearance: Average size, brown hair, wears anything black or dark colored, as seen above, her eyes are were originally blue but one is now red/orange and the other is purple. (If she can't have two different eye colors, then they're both orange/red) She's generally pale, with a rather normal fixed posture and is around 5'5.


  • She can control heat and fire, in some cases, if too angry or emotional, can accidentally heat up and burn something or even light something on fire. (Weakness: her own emotions)
  • She can move things with her mind, although it can be hard for her, as if actually lifting something physically rather than mentally. (But, her strength mentally is based upon her mentality and how focused she is, not physical strength. Weakness: how heavy an object is or how far the object needs to go)
  • Can create an invisible shield that can surround not just her, but a group of people. (Weakness: cannot move or use any other powers whilst keeping the shield up)

Eye Color:

Orange/red and Purple

When She Became a Freak:


Antagonist (or) Protagonist


CamiToTheBell said:

(Wearing contacts ^)

Alexandria XX

Nickname/Codename: Alex, Yellow Eyes, Hot Stuff, or Fury


Gender: F

Appearance: Average size, brown hair, wears anything black or dark colored, as seen above, her eyes are were originally blue but one is now red/orange and the other is purple. (If she can't have two different eye colors, then they're both orange/red) She's generally pale, with a rather normal fixed posture and is around 5'5.


  • She can control heat and fire, in some cases, if too angry or emotional, can accidentally heat up and burn something or even light something on fire. (Weakness: her own emotions)
  • She can move things with her mind, although it can be hard for her, as if actually lifting something physically rather than mentally. (But, her strength mentally is based upon her mentality and how focused she is, not physical strength. Weakness: how heavy an object is or how far the object needs to go)
  • Can create an invisible shield that can surround not just her, but a group of people. (Weakness: cannot move or use any other powers whilst keeping the shield up)

Eye Color:

Orange/red and Purple

When She Became a Freak:


Antagonist (or) Protagonist


Your wayyyyyy to late this Rp died over a month ago!
CamiToTheBell said:

(Wearing contacts ^)

Alexandria XX

Nickname/Codename: Alex, Yellow Eyes, Hot Stuff, or Fury


Gender: F

Appearance: Average size, brown hair, wears anything black or dark colored, as seen above, her eyes are were originally blue but one is now red/orange and the other is purple. (If she can't have two different eye colors, then they're both orange/red) She's generally pale, with a rather normal fixed posture and is around 5'5.


  • She can control heat and fire, in some cases, if too angry or emotional, can accidentally heat up and burn something or even light something on fire. (Weakness: her own emotions)
  • She can move things with her mind, although it can be hard for her, as if actually lifting something physically rather than mentally. (But, her strength mentally is based upon her mentality and how focused she is, not physical strength. Weakness: how heavy an object is or how far the object needs to go)
  • Can create an invisible shield that can surround not just her, but a group of people. (Weakness: cannot move or use any other powers whilst keeping the shield up)

Eye Color:

Orange/red and Purple

When She Became a Freak:


Antagonist (or) Protagonist


When i said purple, I meant grey eyes. Woopsies!

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