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Realistic or Modern The Freak War


Lore Hoarder
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

The World has changed...

After an supersonic wave of unknown energy blasted all around the world 50 years ago people have mutated.

Segregation is back on full blast, but instead of society being separated by race or skin color, people are cast by the color of their eyes.

People all around the world have been reported to have their eyes start glowing or have an extreme shift in iris color. They have also began to develop abnormal abilities ranging from control over elements to control over other people.

These genetic mutations can develop over anytime once a person has reached double digits.

The world is fearful, not knowing what to make of these hybrids. So they did the logical thing, they casted them out and were labeled. Freaks.

Freaks are dangerous and not to be trusted -or so the government says. But the truth is the Freaks are having a battle amongst themselves and our on the brink of a full fledged war.

The group of mutants are split down the middle. One side argues that the humans are cruel heartless bastards who treat everyone not like them like a plague, and that they need to be brought down to size, and turned over to Pa new rule.

While the other side defends the humans saying that although they have casted them out and treated them like criminals. Not the entire human race is like that and deserves to be punished for one's mistake.

You are a Freak, and war seems to be drawing nearer every minute, and global devastation is inescapable.

Which Side will you choose?

Known Freak Eye Colors And Abilities:

Silver/Grey ~Powers based off of the Mind

Gold/Yellow ~Powers based off of Energy

Red/Pink ~Powers based off of Temperature (or) Heat

Brown ~Powers based off of the Body

Blue ~Powers based off of Water

Purple ~Powers based off of Sound

Green ~Powers based off of Earth (or) Nature

The air around Kody was bursting with sound bubbles as she glared at her ex-bestfriend Jacob. "You guys always have to start random crap for no reason! Why can't you just let us have one day of peace without you destroying one of our safe houses. There's barely enough shelter and food to get us through a week, and yet you continue to destroy more of our resources for your amusement!" Nekoda wasn't even speaking, but her voice was heard telepathically through all of the heads of Freaks nearby and the power and fury in her voice was impossible to miss.
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"Everybody calm down" Jacob Telepathically said to everyone.

"For the last time.. it wasnt me" Jacob Telepathically said to Nekoda only "I could find out who it was if you would actually let me read other mutants minds..." At this point Jacob was starting to regret the promise that he had made to Nekoda about not "invading" other Mutants thoughts and privacy.
Nekoda rolled her eyes at the suggestion huffing. "You know I can't let you do that Jacob. It's one of the few rules we have. We respect other Freak's privacy. I mean we're already on the brink of war, so why do you think that would be a good idea when it'll only get everyone even more riled up." She thought quickly her mental voice flustered as she replied to Jacob.
Linn joined the circle of Freaks, her grey eyes glinting in the light. On her shoulder was a tan backback, and strapped to her thigh was the knife she had used on her brother. Heavy emotions were in the air, she could almost smell it. It would be easier to manipulate than breathing, should she decide to turn the shouting match into a fistfight. But first, to figure out what was going on. After all, this town was the third she'd been to this month, and these were definitely people like her.

"May I ask what's going on here? I can hear you," she nodded to Nekoda, "But not you. And I know you're talking, because your body language says it all. So why are we having a mental argument that seems very one-sided?" Linn stood so that the blade of the knife shined, letting them know she was armed and prepared to defend herself should the need arise.
Nekoda growled deep in her throat as Linn appeared. Great the town Psychopath is here... No one was a stranger out here, and practically all of the Freaks knew about what Linn did to her family. "Somebody in your little clan keeps destroying the only resources we have, and I want you guys to stop laying around and actually do something about it!" Kody was trying hard to keep her temper under control.
Linn chuckled. "My little clan? I don't have a clan. Allies, maybe. But nothing closer than that. A clan implies trust, and I don't trust people. Besides, why would we destroy them when we could loot them? We don't have it any easier than you guys." She could see the rage in Nekoda's face, and it amused her.

"Now, if you would stop accusing us of doing things that would only hinder our own survival, that would be a grand thing. My 'clan', as you call them, have done nothing of the sort. I would know about it, if they did. Blame the Normals, if you want." Linn's fingers tapped against the hilt of her knife, a tune that only she could hear.
Jason walks in to screaming and see's linn, he tenses and waits to see if he needs to use his powers, the others are surprised to see him, though, by the types of looks they are giving him, probably about how he was thought to die in a napalm fire, courtesy of the us government.

"You all know me, but I do not know jack shit about you, hello, I am Jason Crowwe.
Such childish behavior, it sickened Zodiac really. The incessant arguments and bickering was a headache for him, really. One that he hadn't the time for today of all days. But the snap of his fingers silenced the whole discrepancy from his space. Almost like a bubble to surround him that silenced their arguments.

FINALLY peace had struck The Songster as he turned to train his careful gaze upon the group about him now. The sight of the knife had caught his interest and sent his adrenaline into overdrive. Was there to be a fight to break out here? Would he have to betray his brothers in arms and body to protect his own life? He most certainly hoped not.

It was the second later that the little shield of sound persay was then inverted to bring silence to the others as he spoke. "Everyone. We must remain calm if we plan to keep alive. It is enough we are shunned as it is. Why can we not come under one banner and form a union? Share what resources we have and try to live on through ourselves?!"
Nekoda sighed looking at Linn with a tired look. She really wanted to scream, but she knew the consequences of even making a peep that was the tiniest bit high pitched. "Why must you always try to ridicule me Linn? You and I both know humans don't dare to come into the outskirts of town where we are, and they couldn't even if they tried. You and I both know that the best Freaks are constantly on patrol of our boundaries." She sent her thoughts to the girl, but stopped as her thoughts began to fill with images of the war raging out in desolate parts of the city. Where her older brother was out there fighting off turned Freaks who wanted to destroy humanity.
Linn smiled prettily at Nekoda. "They don't dare, do they? Humans are stupid. They're reckless. Some of our kind will accept bribes from the humans, whether it be food, drink, money, or some other thing. We are desperate to survive. Humans know this. They'll give us something we need, and then destroy the stores. You know this."

The Ahlgren girl looked down at her blade, the smile growing. Her gaze turned to the newcomers, silver shimmering in her eyes. "Union, you say? Unions are pointless. They will fall in time. It all depends on the strength of the leader and the willingness of those who have united."

She glanced at the boy who called himself Jason Crowwe. "Linnea Ahlgren. Telepath, empath, and psychopath." Linn bowed dramatically, hair falling over her shoulder in a wave of golden locks.
"A-all I wanted to know was your names, see, i come from canada, I just hopped that fucking border to try to achieve peace, but the us is ten times worse" Jason said with a finger half extended, then he chose Jacob to come closer, he forced Jacob to come closer! controlling his body and slightly his mind,then, when he came near him, Jason let go of his hold on him. then he said to him, "you seem like the alpha male in this clan of bloody savages, tell me, what is all he'll breaking loose for?" 
(I have to go, just pretend Jason tried to knock you all out then ran out to his hide out )
Nekoda just shook her head, how did she know about others taking bribes, yet not feel the need to report it?" Nekoda's face turned a violent shade of red as she whirled around to where Jason stood. "Excuse me sir! But we are not savages, and how DARE you talk about us in such a way!" Kody blasted her thoughts into Jason's head her body boiling with indignation.
Linn's laughter rang through the air. This little boy was AMUSING! How he controlled the 'alpha male', how he had tried to render them unconscious, and how he ran after his plan failed. She had fallen on her backside at his attempts, and was still sitting in the dirt with her hair in her face. "My, my. He was fun. I wonder where he ran off to? He is one of us, it's quite funny how he called us savages."

She looked over at Nekoda, then Jacob. "And you, good sir. What was it like, being controlled? Hm? Fairly alarming, I assume. Not moving with your consent. Do tell me what you experienced."
And the stupidity had grown more as he looked up at the group with an unbelievable glare. These people were completely insane. How did he drift to this place, of all places? Using his skills as a 'traveling bard,' he looked to them with a smile as he walked off from the group. Their bickering was then back in full force as he looked to the skies above.

"Hmmm.... Maybe it's time to move to another city and see what I can get there.... Mayhaps a little singing for money. That can work. And then to the bar for a drink."
Jacob felt a slight tug, "Please Jason do not try to control me, Dont forget, i am telepathic, Your powers dont work on me, You only have the power of Telekenesis, which means if i wanted to i could erase your mind and have you kill yourself" jacob said, He notices Kody giving up a slightly shocked look, "I said i could, of course i wouldnt do that!" Jacob said. . "And please stop calling us Freaks" Jacob Said. "We are not Freaks, Theres nothing wrong with us".
Morgan flew overhead cautiously, her brown sparrow form glided easily. Her sharp eyes didn't catch any more damage nor any other suspects. For now, they couldn't rule anyone out as a the destructor of their shelter, but there was always the possibility of an outside source. I need to rest...She landed on a crooked tree branch, sweeping an observant glance across the area. Nope. Nothing. She decided that she had been 'scouting' enough. Sighing (as best as she could while still in the bird form), she flew back down and past the entrance of the shelter, only to realize that there was an argument going on.

Landing right outside the door, she shapeshifted back into human form.. Finally able to do human expressions, she wrinkled her nose at the behavior that was displayed. They had been on this path before and the girl had given up trying to affect or stop it. When she had first joined the Protagonists, she was moderately pleasant and at ease. However, she had become more sensitive and pessimistic, which made her come to terms with reality. Still, she disliked this unpleasant pattern that was constantly repeating itself. There was so much going on, so many conversations and words strewn together into this hubbub of a situation.

Given up. Yup. She was standing quite close to the Freak circle, perhaps enough to be invested. But she had managed to be stay distant. Her arms were crossed and her expression was one of boredom expectancy. Her curly brown hair was tied back into a practical ponytail, with a few shorter curly strands framing her face in the most irritating manner. Her backpack was tied securely to her back and front, making sure it didn't annoyingly flap about when she ran. She had a crossbow and a short blade with her. Although she was skilled in the long range department, she could manage alright with a knife or short blade as well. If one looked at her at the right angle, she might even look a little transparent.

How she wished they could just end this once and for all and be on their way....
Nekoda was stunned. Somehow she had gone from standing to almost being blown over, but luckily she had kept herself upright. "You say mutants. I say Freaks." She replied cooly to her old friend. "I don't mean in an offensive way Jacob. It's just the name I was raised with. If you've forgotten already, I've been like this since I was 11. And you know what they called me everywhere I went? A Freak. So that's the name I use. I take pride in the name now. It means, I'm different, I'm not ashamed of that." Kody had just finished her speech when a vision hit her at full blasts. They were quick flashes, but somehow she made it out. She quickly uprighted herself after her moment of insight was over and stalked away abruptly to her home.
"EVERYONE STOP" Jacob Screaches into everyone's minds. "We are not going to survive unless we stick together, Our group is broken! You dont need to be able to read minds to see that!" He says aloud. Jacob steps out into the middle of the group looking from face to face, he sees the pain and loss that everyone has been through. "We've all made it this far! We CANNOT break now!" He says aloud again "Now what we need to focus on is rebuilding!" "Look, theres a vacant building down on Silver Road, i say we stay there for the night and ill go get us some food, Sound good? Anyone opposed?" By now everyone can see how hard Jacob is trying to keep the group together.
Linn's fingers dug into the ground, pushing her upright. She flipped her head back, tossing her hair over her shoulder instead of having it in her face. The blonde strands were tied back in a messy ponytail. Linn waved a little bit at the shapeshifter, her grin still frozen on her face. Her hand went back to the hilt of her blade, grasping it.

Just as she was about to unsheathe it, a voice struck through her thoughts. She stumbled backwards, disoriented. Psychic tendrils, the ones only she could see, flailed about like an octopus. Her empath abilities went haywire, but only for her. Emotions swept over her, carried in from those around the girl. Linn's knife was caught in the psychic tendrils, hurled past Jacob's head to pierce the ground a few feet away. The Ahlgren girl clutched her head, eyes clamped shut.

"Shut up! Shut up! Just stop talking!" By now her empath powers had settled on one emotion: Rage. She was barely keeping herself under control, and the person who decided to comfort her physically would be hurt. Linn's eyes opened, the silver swirling as the psychic tendrils drew back to her. "If you suggest it, fellow telepath, I will stay for one night."
Zodiac had managed to make his way to the usual market for the mutants about now, looking about with a smirk. Such a plethora of vendors, stands, and such. It was a nice place, compared to other people he had managed to meet and greet. But with that being said, there were still some blind sheep. The ones that thought the humans could still co-exist with them. It was either the humans or the mutants. And personally, he liked living to sing with others.

"Hmmm..... A few bags of gold, and a lot to do. What to start with...?" He said with a whisper before pulling out a few small coins. Something that had been used at currency within most of the territories. But he seemed a bit parched. "Maybe a drink..."
"Ok, everyone, meet at the deserted apartment block on Silver Road in an hour, its pretty much the only thing on Silver Road so its pretty hard to miss" Jacob Telepathically says to everyone. He watches as Zodiac, Linn and the others leave. Pretty soon it is only him, still standing in the room.
Nekoda climbed up the stairs of the vacant building. Only her, her siblings, and a few stragglers lived here. Most Freaks preferred to live in the more fixed up safe houses than the peeling and crumbling buildings left standing alone. She sat down on her rickety bed with it's spring sticking out on every side. She reached in her secret hiding under her bed pulling out an old phone. She dialed the number she knew by heart and blasted her thoughts to the person on the receiving line of the phone call. "Jace, what is going on down there!? I just had a vision and it looked like it was heading for total and complete disaster!" "It's fine Kody. The Protagonists have got it under control, now go back to worrying about your own issues. And try to keep the town from going off the rails." Her eldest brother chuckled into the phone. "But Jace- "Nekoda, what did I just say." "Worry about my own issues..." "That's a good girl. Now I gotta go. I talk to you later baby sis. I love ya to the moon." "I love ya to the moon a back Jace." "Alright I gotta go bye." Kody groaned falling back onto the bed. Everything was going wrong, her sanity was fraying at the edges.
And after about twenty minutes, the traveling songster had managed to find a good drink stand and had managed to get a can or two of a soda. Quite expensive around here, really. But well worth it to him. He had managed to open the can before he noted a trio of men walking up into his direction. Judging by their looks, they seemed to be human. And with purple eyes like his, he stood out as far from their breed of stupid.

"Hey vocal-head, out of the way!" The middle man had screamed to him as they were on their way toward the stand he had just been at business with. When the one on the right, the beefiest of the three, pushing him out of the way, he had dropped down onto his bum and now with a spilled drink... That thing was rare around him. And it was far from cheap.

"You little sorry-"
Kody sighed picking herself off the bed. She walked out of her home and made her way to Silver Road. Why Jacob wanted to meet there of all places was beyond her. She walked the street watching other of her kind struggle to find food, adults arguing amongst each other, and little kids playing soccer with glass bottles and cans they found on the street. Finally she arrived at the simple market and trading place. She sat down on a crate and waited for the others.
Yata was skateboarding down silver road having only just woke up a few moments ago. He made his way towards the market and trade place and started to have a look around for anything that interested him he found nothing but saw someone he recognized and he went over to her "what's up Nekoda something going on that i wasn't awake to know about" Yata asked smiling.

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