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Fantasy The Four Seasons OOC

I'm in the process of making a character, but I have more stuff to do, so I won't finish tonight. But here are some basics just to give an idea.

View attachment 393857
Name: Ruadh
Gender: Male
Age: 2000-2500 years
Place of Origin: Ancient Celtic World (Modern British Isles, France, Spain, and Central/Eastern Europe)
Personality: Generous, Curious, Determined ~ Mischievious, Spirited, Dark-Humored ~ Insensitive, Lazy, Impulsive
Abilities: Bounty (basically makes an area especially fruitful, can find/create a meal anywhere), Purify (can cleanse poison and prevent disease for a season), Illusion (can make simple illusions - make things move, strange apparitions, project his voice), Spirit of Fire (can create and manipulate fire, but controlling it becomes more difficult as the flame grows larger)

Let me know what you think! As far as the abilities go, I'm willing to just choose one or two if that's preferred, but I wanted to put out the ideas I had.

Let me know when you are done :) I don't mind your character(s) having multiple abilities as long as they have limitations.
Let me know when you are done :) I don't mind your character(s) having multiple abilities as long as they have limitations.

Sure thing! Wi-fi is down right now, so I don't know when I'll have my computer again, but I'll let you know.
And, i think it kinda works out because 1) there's a mix of benevolent and mischevious abilities and 2) I don't think any of them are particularly powerful anyway.
RI.a RI.a Hey, just giving you an update. I haven't forgotten about this, but I have been a bit busy and had other RPs and character stuff to work on. I don't know yet, but there may be the possibility that I'll not be able to participate in this. I don't want to pull out just yet, but one of the 1x1s that was quiet before has picked up, I was in a group previously , and there may be one or two coming up that I was discussing beforehand (where earlier only the one group rp was active/in contact with me). If I'm able, I'm still interested, but if anybody expresses interest in the Male Autumn Spirit role, certainly let them have it. I'll be in touch as I get a better feel of my schedule. At any rate, good luck! (:
RI.a RI.a Hey, just giving you an update. I haven't forgotten about this, but I have been a bit busy and had other RPs and character stuff to work on. I don't know yet, but there may be the possibility that I'll not be able to participate in this. I don't want to pull out just yet, but one of the 1x1s that was quiet before has picked up, I was in a group previously , and there may be one or two coming up that I was discussing beforehand (where earlier only the one group rp was active/in contact with me). If I'm able, I'm still interested, but if anybody expresses interest in the Male Autumn Spirit role, certainly let them have it. I'll be in touch as I get a better feel of my schedule. At any rate, good luck! (:

Aww thanks for letting me know! Hope to rp with you some day! (:

I'll give this a few more days, I would really like to try this rp. Thanks so much for the efforts so far hostage hostage and DatBoi DatBoi !
Eleki Eleki Are you perhaps still interested? (:
Oh crap! I've been so busy that this completely slipped my mind. I had been trying so hard to find a face claim and then got stuck. xD Yes! I'm still interested! I'll get to work right away!
Aww thanks for letting me know! Hope to rp with you some day! (:

I'll give this a few more days, I would really like to try this rp. Thanks so much for the efforts so far hostage hostage and DatBoi DatBoi !
Eleki Eleki Are you perhaps still interested? (:
Oh crap! I've been so busy that this completely slipped my mind. I had been trying so hard to find a face claim and then got stuck. xD Yes! I'm still interested! I'll get to work right away!

Yay! hahah it's ok we all have lives (:

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