The Four Must Ride

Corrupted Artorias


Name of horseman:

Name of horse:

Weapon of choice:





Relationship with other horsemen:




Purpose for fighting:










Weapon of choice:

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Name of horseman: Death, Kin-Slayer

Name of horse: Destruction

Weapon of choice: Double sided scythe

History: Death was the first of the four horsemen to arrive, he also was the first to meet with the humans. When his brother War grew paranoid and attacked, Death rode straight into battle, supposedly killing Strife yet this was never confirmed and is considered a myth. After the fall of humanity Death hid himself, along with Famine, hoping for a brighter time when they came out of hiding. But now, as Death rides through the ruins, he questions if he did what was right.

Personality: Quiet, calm, reserved.

Weaknesses: Not truly trusting, willing to turn on friend or foe if it serves his goal. Can't take as many hits as war or strife. Has a crystal embedded in his chest, full of angry souls, distracting him at the worst of times.

Strengths: Agile, quick witted, and a wide range of abilities, though mostly summoning flocks of crows.

Relationship with other horsemen: Enemies with War and Strife. Friendly with Famine.

Alignment: Neutral

Age: N/A

Gender: Male

Purpose for fighting: To restore balance and to prevent his brothers (a.k.a. the other horsemen) from getting out of hand.

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/57a8c09b43269_images(15).jpg.4f9469c165af1b147622c974ce9a5e8c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="32358" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/57a8c09b43269_images(15).jpg.4f9469c165af1b147622c974ce9a5e8c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Kenneth Heinsworth

Age: 24

Gender: Male Human

Alignment: Good

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/Swordsman3.jpg.b85ff86bfa4dce2f38905e85121947fd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="32359" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/Swordsman3.jpg.b85ff86bfa4dce2f38905e85121947fd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Weaknesses: Mortality, weapon reliant, overly protective of people beyond fault.

Strengths: Swordsman, strong, and agile

Weapon of choice: washing pole (really long katana)

Personality: Kind-Hearted, rash, confident, protective.

Kenneth was born in a demonic slave camp, where humans were raised to work in the mines looking for valuable treasure for the demon overlords. From his youth until he was 16 he only knew the mines, until the uprising of the humans occurred. The night lightning strike fire to the camp; would be the opportunity for the humans to revolts against the demons and take their freedom. Many souls were lost that night including Kenneth’s father; who dueled the largest demon at the camp. Neither soul walked away from that duel of judgment. When both beings fell, Kenneth had rushed to his father’s side and a demon sprung from the shadows to kills the young man. Kenneth picked up his father’s heavy katana and stabbed at the demon. It impaled it scaly snake body on the blade and the look of hunger was glued to its face as it slide down the blade. Kenneth joined the battlefield without a moment to mourn the loss of his father, and at the end of the night they were free. Kenneth’s mother wouldn’t survive the first month of freedom; she had gotten sick and slowly perished after a week of suffering. The only tie he had to the world was the path of the sword, so he trained his body to use the sword for the next 3 years. At the age of 19 he finally left the camp and began travelling the world. He came across a group of missionaries who desired bodyguards for a pilgrimage to a temple. He took the job and along the way there were lesser demons that were cut down by his blade. Though a high level demon showed up, its eyes blood red, the skin as black at the sky and arms the size of battering rams. Kenneth shivered in fear but met the challenge of this beast; he dodged the beast’s attacks and managed to cut a scar on the left eye of the monster. His efforts would be in vain as he would be punched 100’s of feet away and the missionaries would be wiped out. After a week of being unconscious he found himself being cared for by an elderly swordsman. This man knew who the boy was and took him under his tutelage for the next 5 years; each year the boy improved but could never defeat the old man. Like his mother though the old man had fallen ill and on his deathbed he revealed to the boy the truth. He whispers in the boy’s ear “I want you to take care of yourself, I am happy to see my grandson become a good swordsman.” Then the only heart beating in the room was Kenneth. He set his sword down and picked up a shovel and buried his grandfather. With his blade in hand again this time he walked out into the world ready to protect people and this time he wouldn’t fail!



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Name of horseman:


Name of horse:


Weapon of choice:



If there was a black sheep in the horsemen, it would be Strife. While the other horsemen opt for balance and all that, Strife went for chaos. He had caused wars, famines and even deaths, ironic isn't it? That wherever he goes, he causes ruin and despair. He reveled in the chaos he brought, loving every single moment of it, that is, until his killjoy brother Death arrived. They fought and, in a final act of desperation, Strife faked his death. Though he had sustained serious wounds, he survived, and more than eager to continue his conquest of chaos.


Sadistic, Sly, Mischievous

Weaknesses: He is reckless at times, often rushing into things rather than thinking up a plan. He will use his so called allies, more like minions, to further his own goals, he will not hesitate to kill them if it will further his goals. He is slightly crazy, which may or may not be a disadvantage.


He is spontaneous, making him rather unpredictable. Although he doesn't plan much, he is sly and a quick thinker, easily coming with a plan on the fly. He is excellent with his pistols, rarely missing with them. Although he may be evil, he is quite charming and charismatic, and also a very good liar and deceiver.

Relationship with other horsemen:

He doesn't go along well with any of them, although he will use them if he need to.


His own, which is chaos and evil.





Purpose for fighting:

Cause he's crazy, and he loves chaos and destruction.



Name: Patheos Gemini

Age: 17


Alignment: Good



Weaknesses: He is blind

Strengths: He has the power to lull others into a trance with his voice which also acts as a echolocation. He is also a skilled fighter and good at gathering information.

Weapon of choice: His voice

Personality: patheos is a curious mischievous imp who thrives on adventure. He loves causing chaos avidly hating order. He is a smart cunning boy who often overhears things he shouldn't. He is very friendly and loves to make friends but can be very cruel and vicious to any who threaten his own. Despite this all he is still a demon and can be very merciless and manipulating if you anger him.

Extra: has a large sweet tooth and a love of girl clothes.
CrimsonEclipse said:
Name of horseman:

Name of horse:


Weapon of choice:



If there was a black sheep in the horsemen, it would be Strife. While the other horsemen opt for balance and all that, Strife went for chaos. He had caused wars, famines and even deaths, ironic isn't it? That wherever he goes, he causes ruin and despair. He reveled in the chaos he brought, loving every single moment of it, that is, until his killjoy brother Death arrived. They fought and, in a final act of desperation, Strife faked his death. Though he had sustained serious wounds, he survived, and more than eager to continue his conquest of chaos.


Sadistic, Sly, Mischievous

Weaknesses: He is reckless at times, often rushing into things rather than thinking up a plan. He will use his so called allies, more like minions, to further his own goals, he will not hesitate to kill them if it will further his goals. He is slightly crazy, which may or may not be a disadvantage.


He is spontaneous, making him rather unpredictable. Although he doesn't plan much, he is sly and a quick thinker, easily coming with a plan on the fly. He is excellent with his pistols, rarely missing with them. Although he may be evil, he is quite charming and charismatic, and also a very good liar and deceiver.

Relationship with other horsemen:

He doesn't go along well with any of them, although he will use them if he need to.


His own, which is chaos and evil.





Purpose for fighting:

Cause he's crazy, and he loves chaos and destruction.


Approved, welcome strife.

[QUOTE="kira blackthorn]Human/angel/demon
Name: Patheos Gemini

Age: 17


Alignment: Good



Weaknesses: He is blind

Strengths: He has the power to lull others into a trance with his voice which also acts as a echolocation. He is also a skilled fighter and good at gathering information.

Weapon of choice: His voice

Personality: patheos is a curious mischievous imp who thrives on adventure. He loves causing chaos avidly hating order. He is a smart cunning boy who often overhears things he shouldn't. He is very friendly and loves to make friends but can be very cruel and vicious to any who threaten his own. Despite this all he is still a demon and can be very merciless and manipulating if you anger him.

Extra: has a large sweet tooth and a love of girl clothes.


Name: Ailith

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Alignment: Currently neutral



Weaknesses: her recklessness when she's angry and friends

Strengths: Her accuracy and speed

Weapon of choice: a bow (that have blades at the front) and arrows

Personality: friendly, kind and caring, but she's reckless and cruel when she's angry.
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Name: Brenna Lavender

Age: 18

Gender: Female Human

Alignment: Good



Weaknesses: Brenna is a very trusting individual and can be taken advantage of easily. She often acts before she thinks, which can get her into trouble.

Strengths: Brenna is stealthy and agile. She is very familiar with martial arts.

Weapon of choice: A set of throwing knives that she keeps with her at all times.

Personality: Brenna is kind, sweet and helpful. She normally acts cheerful, bubbly and energetic, though she does have her calm moments. Because of her personality, people often underestimate her intelligence, but Brenna is much smarter than she acts. She tries to stay positive and optimistic about everything.
Name of horseman: Famine

Name of horse: Drought

Weapon of choice: N/A

History: Famine was the third horseman to arrive. Famine stayed away from battle, instead hiding out with Death. Famine often looks to Death for what to do, as Famine uses his skills more effectively off he battlefield. While he longs to come out of hiding he'd prefer just to stay safe for now.

Personality: Extrovert, Curious, Intellectual

Weaknesses: Lack of armament and intense training leaves Famine open to attacks and unable to defend himself against the other horsemen.

Strengths: Dominance over attack off the battlefield, manipulating fights long before they take place. Mental fortitude and a quick-thinker

Relationship with other horsemen: Allied with Death, enemies with War and Strife.

Alignment: Karma, does good to those who do good, vice versa

Age: N/A

Gender: Male

Purpose for fighting: Survival

Name: Parish


Gender: Male

Alignment: Neutral Angel



Post Hell:

History: after the horsemen came and everything went into chaos, Parish was an angel fighting on the front lines of the war against demons and the horsemen of War, the angels were trying to secure the souls meant for heaven. after some time he began to gain realization that he had choices, and lost hope in the angels. in doing so he was stripped of his grace and wings. as he was now fallen, he sought court with Lucifer, Lucifer then gave him new wings and the powers of Hell. Now as a fallen angel he became a general to the dark army. after intense reflection Parish was tired of following orders from Lucifer and escaped his control, having then realized there was more benefit to remain on his own, this way he could make his own decisions and do all he so desired.

Weaknesses: often gives in to temptation, when one speaks of his past, it hits a nerve and he becomes uncontrollable and reckless not exactly a strategist

Strengths: physical strength, great flyer, not the fastest in the books but he's up there, great combat skills

Weapon of choice: Hell sword (as seen in picture)

Personality: brash, selfish, aggressive

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