The Four Elements [SIGN UPS}


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Sign up Sheets:

Name: Include any nicknames

Age: Self-explanatory

Race: see below race-list

Appearance: Fairly detailed description, or picture if preferred.

Personality: Fairly detailed as well. Possibly history if needed.

Weaponry: We all need battle gear

Steed/Companion: Include Description of appearance and/or picture. Optional.

Anything Else: Anything else you think is important for the other players to know.

Writing Sample: I would prefer you to write as the above character, possibly when they received the letter. Doesn't need to be really long, just a couple paragraphs to give me an idea of your skill level.

Race List:









Time Master

Name: Valkyrie Moone

Age: 16

Race: Shape Shifter

Appearance: View attachment 6968

Personality: Quiet, Funny, mysterious, Ect.

Weaponry: A sycth.

Steed/Companion: View attachment 6969 ((Crux))

Anything Else: You'll figure it out later. ^.^

Writing Sample: I don't need to write this. ^.^ You guys do.

Name: Helena Stevenson

Age: 16

Race: Werewolf


Werewolf Appearance:*7EgtVbktdMB1y6l13HSB8ufbPy3*-XVLlok*hYWj1YQjQ2g1iZl0IyH78aNLMeXJheiH2/anime_wolf_fullbody.jpg

Personality: Nice, Outgoing, Funny, Trusting (if you brake her trust she will kill you...literally)

Weaponry: Herself

Steed: none

Anything Else:She has a tatoo surroundingbher bellybutton that looks like this:

writing Sample: ?
Name: Dorian "Trekker" Tulbron

Age: 72

Race: Wizard

Appearance: View attachment 6992

Personality: A serious but kind old man that wishes nothing more but to see young men and women became great heroes of good and justice. Although his history is shrouded in history and misfortune, his character was unaltered. Throughout his recent past, however, he has been known to take otherwise average and normal civilians on grand adventures. Adventures that will have legends being told about them for many years.

Weaponry: His book of spells is filled with many different rituals and abilities, most of which he's memorized, but many of the more complex and powerful spells are simply waiting in the book, waiting to be used.

Steed/Companion: N/A

Anything Else: He will not hesitate to do away with any evil or villainous members of his adventuring party. Of course, he won't attack anyone immediately, but if anyone constantly commits horrible acts, he will put an end to it.

Writing Sample: Enjoying a simple cup of tea, Dorian silently read the premise of yet another book on the mysteries of magic. Before beginning it, however, he was interrupted by a subtle knock on the door. Happy to welcome a guest at his humble home, he put down both the book and the cup, and made his way towards the door. Slowly, he wrapped his hand around the door knob and pulled it open.

"Good day to you, Calvin. Please, do come in." Dorian said with a warm smile on his face.

"Not today, Mr. Tulbron. I have an odd looking message for you, from a location which I've never heard of."

Dorian, puzzled by this obscure message, quickly investigated the letter that was folded in Calvin's hand.

"I... I'll examine the message. If you don't mind, I'm feeling a bit nauseous today. I'll just take it and leave you be."

With a questioning look on his face, Calvin handed over the message in a snap. Tulbron, nervous of what the message may hold, quickly tucked it into his robe and closed the door.

(I would write about how he actually read it and such, but you never explain what the letter was, what it said, or who it was from. So, dats what you get
:D )

Picture didn't work? I'll just try again.

View attachment 6994
Name: Olivia Teresse

Age: 28

Race: Shifter


Personality: Olivia tends to keep to herself and takes things very seriously. She is not one to joke with. She is very handy and does not trust easily. She is often loyal to a fault. She does however have somewhat of a temper, when angered Olivia can spiral into a blind rage causing harm to not only herself, but those around her. She is generally a peaceful person unless provoked or when her survival is at stake.

Weaponry: Bow and hand carved arrows.

Steed/companion: A trusty barn owl that she calls Eleri

Anything Else: Very talented cook.

writing Sample: Olivia stumbled over the rocks and twigs that were scattered all in front of her. She wasn't exactly sure where she was going, but she liked that. She threw her head back and began to search the skies for Eleri. She dropped her Jaw and let a shrill and ear piercing shriek escape her lips. Moments later, a faint one was returned. She stopped in her tracks and peered around.

'hmmm..' She thought to herself and she turned in circles, being sure that she had a clear view of all angels.

The shrill cry echoed again. This time louder.

A smile crawled onto her face. and she let on out in returned.

A sudden gust of color shot past her, inches away from her face.


She looked down only to find a mangled and torn open rat.

He laughed and shook her head as she bent down and picked it up.

Eleri circled around her head and carefully landed on her shoulder, nuzzling the side of her face.

"Thanks, Deary." She said as she nuzzled back.
Name:Cross C. Collen,normally known as the "story teller".

Age: 16

Race: Shifter


Personality: Never speaks,but reads a lot.He doesn't like others very much because of the way he was treated as a child and it takes a lot for him to trust anyone.He has no voice of his own though he can copy the voices around him and he tends to sing the same song over and over for some reason no one knows.(Song:

Weaponry: The book he carries around can shift to whatever weapon he wants at the time.

Steed/Companion: Kit is his name and he acts more like an animal than human,Cross had found him as a little kid and decided to take him in.He is also able to shift into a black cat.(Human form: ~ Cat form: )

Anything Else: Cross has a very bad health condition which was the cause of him losing his voice,but that's not all it causes. Every so often he'd have seizures or major headaches out of no where along with other things.

Writing Sample:??? What?
Name: Luna DeClair

Age: 47

Race: Time Master

Appearance: She looks alot younger than she is, if you didn't know, you might guess 15. Her hair is long, white and a little bit curly; I'm talking down to her feet. She's pretty short and ghost pale. This picture isn't exactly what I had in mind, but it's pretty close.View attachment 8058

Personality: Luna keeps to herself. She has a deep-rooted childhood fear of others, which was enhanced by a past experience, and tries to avoid them whenever possible. She doesn't really trust anyone. Luna doesn't handle stress too well. She has been known to cover her ears, curl into a ball, and completely shut down when she feels distressed. Luna has a love for nature and animals, since she avoids others, they're her only friends.

Weaponry:Luna carries a large, gold staff which has the power to suck out her opponent's soul on contact(I will oft refer to this weapon as 'soul-sever'). The souls more souls it gathers, the more powerful it becomes. This staff is a bother to carry around, so Luna shrinks it down to an earing when it's not in use. This is a dangerous practice, though. On several occasions, Luna has come very close to having her own soul sucked out by the staff.

Companion: Many years ago, Luna found a bird with an injured leg. She took care of it and now it stays with her. The bird is named Rion and he has the uncanny ability to understand Luna. He can't talk, but she understands him too.

Anything else: Luna generally refuses to talk to or interact with others. She's not hostile or angry, just fearful.In the past, she was betrayed and still holds a bit of a grudge against the traitor. Also, due to certain circumstances, Luna has lost some of her memories. When she begins to access one of her sealed memories, she is often struck with an intense headache, generally rendering her unable to fight. She usually behaves in a manner befitting her appearance, but is known to have moments of wisdom far beyond her years. Due to her general distrust and long time seperation from the world, Luna is akward around others and always on her guard. She sometimes feels like she is missing something.

Writing Sample: Luna quickly ducked down in the corner of her little tree hut. A strange man had been hanging around her home for the past few days, and Luna wanted nothing to do with him. Usually, the man went away and Luna could go on in relative peace, but today was different. The man waited patiently for a few moments, then began to look through her window. Luna hugged her knees to her and tried to make herself as small as she could. The man seemed not to see her and walked away from the window. Luna breathed a sigh of relief, thinking herself in the clear. That was when she heard a knock at the door. Luna stopped breathing. The man knew she was here!

The knocking got louder and the man began to speak. "Please, open up. I need to give you something- a letter. I was sent here by my master, he wants your assistance with something-he won't tell me what".

Luna did not know this man or his master and she had no intention of helping either one of them."I won't" She mumbled in a barely audible tone,"I have no reason to. Nothing in your world concerns me anymore".

"This most certainly concerns you!" The man replied indignantly," My great master, would not have sent me were this a petty matter as you seem to believe it is! I will not leave until you have agreed to recieve his letter and help him!"

Luna let out a sigh and settled down into the shadows on her floor. She was fearful, but at least she knew that this man was harmless, all talk and no action. "I guess we shall be here all night" She responded, fully prepared to wait as long as the situation demanded.

And so, the waiting game began, both far to stubborn to give up. This lasted all night and well into the afternoon, until finally, the man gave a loud, audiable sigh, and walked away. Luna stood up, feeling victorious and very relieved. She tiptoed over to the window and peered out, just to make sure that the man really was gone. Luna didn't see him, but she did see her dear little friend, Rion, hoping to get in. Luna smiled sheepishly at the little bird, 'I'm sorry I left you out all night' she mouthed to him, opening the window.

As she did this, a letter zipped past her and into her house, nearly taking off her ear. Luna instinctively crouched down and began reaching for her trusty soul-sever, when she heard the man's voice from just outside. "Read the letter!" He cried, darting away through the woods. Luna stood up, shaking her head in disbelief. She walked toward the letter which was now giving off smoke and picked it up as one might pick up a dead rat. She held it at arm's length and prepared to drop it into her little fire pit, when the handwriting on the letter caught her off guard. Luna let out a shocked little cry and clutched the letter to her. Oh, how she recognized this handwriting! It had been so very long! She ripped it open, hardly believing that she had been contacted after what had happened. Her eyes eagerly scanned the page, thirstily drinking up every word. She had finished the letter was just standing there dumbstruck when finally it hit her. Tears streamed from her eyes and she sunk to the ground.
Name:Serenity Cyria



Appearance:View attachment 8059

Personality: at first glance Serenity is a quiet, studious, book loving sorceress, but if you get on her nerves, she has a short fuze. she doesnt take crap from anyone, and only seems to get along with her brother.she is willing to fight for what she beleives in, and if youre caught in the line of her magical fire, well you can kiss you carcass goodbye because she means business.

Weaponry:she has a spell book, but she almost never uses it since she has memorized 90% of the spells in it.

Steed/Companion:Snowstorm is gentle and docile until her owners are threatened, then she is not to be underestimated.

View attachment 8064 Anything Else:Kael is her older brother

Writing Sample: With her brothers profile

Name: Kael Cyria




View attachment 8063

Personality:Kael is a gentlemanly figure, and musical too. he has a violin he takes with him in the form of a charm that he re-enlarges so that it deosnt get in the way during fights. he, when it seems necessary, will stop Serenitys outbursts, but often just lets her do her own thing.

Weaponry: a magic staff, which he also uses for melee combat. it shrinks and stays on his necklace with his shrunken violin charm.

Steed/Companion:Snowstorm, see Serenitys profile ^

Anything Else:Serenity is his sister

Writing Sample: it was a sunny day, Kael and Serenity had been traveling from town to town, as they preffered

not to settle down in one place.

they woke up at an inn, packed their things again, payed the clerk and left. they bought a few fresh rolls from a nearby bakery and began to wader the town.

Kael sat at the edge of a fountain in town, and removed the violin charm from his necklace, while Serenity sat next to him with a book. as his sister read, he enlarged his violin, propped it under his chin and began to play a melody completely from the heart.

he was interupted by a mail carrier who was looking for the Cyria siblings. they received the letter, and Serenitys exression showed surprise, as did Kaels.


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