• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Realistic or Modern The Fortune Teller's Table [Seven Paths OOC]


Salamancer, first class
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Welcome, friends, heroes, mortals.
Gather around.
Take your seat.
Hold hands.
Breath in the scent of thick smoke, exotic perfume, and wild magic.

Welcome to The Table. May your Fates be kind to you.

| OOC Thread | IC Thread | CS Thread | Fates Thread |​
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I am such an idiot lmao, didn't know what you meant as setting lol
It's all good, man, I left it pretty vague in some places, that was my fault. I'll make sure to be more specific in the future.
Hey hey hey, (and geez it's been a while since I've been on here, pardon any mistakes), but are you missing any roles for this that I could potentially fill?
Hey hey hey, (and geez it's been a while since I've been on here, pardon any mistakes), but are you missing any roles for this that I could potentially fill?

Welcome! As it so happens, I believe we have exactly one slot left open. If you haven't been over there already, let me redirect you to the interest check so you can check it out and see if you want to join in the traumatic experience fun. ^~^


If you are interested, claim an open spot. We have a player who hasn't decided between the last two that are open, so if you pick one, they'll get the other by default. The last two options you have to choose from are The Broken Healer and The Lonely Fisherman.

Yunn Yunn Last call to decide which one you want. If you decide that you truly will play either, I'll let our newcomer choose first.
I'll do either c:
Oh niiiice, I think I'll be giving the Lonely Fisherman a try!

Alright, with that done, I'd say we're all full up! Yunn Yunn , that leaves you with the Broken Healer, so go ahead and get started on your character sheet when you get the chance. I'll be making an announcement over in the Interest Check that will be closing it off from further players, and I'd ask that each player PMs me a basic idea of what they're doing for their character so I can give it a quick pre-approval before you put all the work in :)

Good luck, friends, and may your Fates be with you.
PST Stickdom Stickdom your links on the top post are not there o-o
Thanks, Fox, I knew they were like that. Was posting from my phone and it's nearly impossible to edit posts correctly like that, I just put those there to remind me to fix them later. And now it's later, so I'll fix them XD
Alright, ladies and gentlemen, I've started our newest segment of this tale, The Deck of Fate: https://www.rpnation.com/threads/the-deck-of-fate-seven-paths.319512/

Herein lies the secrets of your Fates... or it will as you discover them. Little by little I'll release information about your Fates and what they do, good and bad and in between. Have fun, can't wait to see your characters, and I'm sure your Fates can't wait to meet you too ^~^
Hey everyone, it's been pretty quiet around here for a few days, thought I'd give a little bump and see if everyone was still here. I've been giving some slack because it was in the middle of the week when this started, so I didn't want to pressure people into participating when they might have other obligations to fulfill. Now that we're moving into the weekend, I'd like to see some character sheets start popping up over the next few days, at least the beginnings of them, WIP is fine as long as it's something. If you have any questions about what to do/not to do, or if you're just stumped on how to get started, don't be afraid to PM me, I don't bite (much). :3

And if for any reason you just suddenly lost interest, if the spark isn't there anymore or you just plain decided you don't want to participate for any reason whatsoever, there's no shame in sending me a PM to let me know. No hard feelings, I just want to see players who are excited and ready for this, and if you just aren't into it, I'd like to be able to open that spot up for someone else who would be. I've got a few potential players who have asked about this RP, so they'd be more than happy to take your place if you decided to take a rain check. I'll be sad to see you go, but there won't be any hard feelings, I promise :)

But, for everyone who wants to stay, I'd like to see some chatter coming into play shortly, get some activity going, spark some conversation in here. I won't set any hard deadlines for when you must have characters done, at least not yet, but I will if things start to stagnate in here and it drags on for too long. I'm hoping to get this started some time in the next week, I'm willing to wait until next weekend at the latest to get this show on the road. So plan accordingly, I like to think I'm a fair guy and I won't give you the boot if you're at least making an effort or give me a heads up about why it's taking longer than you expected :)

DrBezendrine DrBezendrine Wildcats Wildcats Diminium Diminium Lord Potato Lord Potato FrazzledFox FrazzledFox JustWhipIt JustWhipIt Yunn Yunn
Hey everyone, it's been pretty quiet around here for a few days, thought I'd give a little bump and see if everyone was still here. I've been giving some slack because it was in the middle of the week when this started, so I didn't want to pressure people into participating when they might have other obligations to fulfill. Now that we're moving into the weekend, I'd like to see some character sheets start popping up over the next few days, at least the beginnings of them, WIP is fine as long as it's something. If you have any questions about what to do/not to do, or if you're just stumped on how to get started, don't be afraid to PM me, I don't bite (much). :3

And if for any reason you just suddenly lost interest, if the spark isn't there anymore or you just plain decided you don't want to participate for any reason whatsoever, there's no shame in sending me a PM to let me know. No hard feelings, I just want to see players who are excited and ready for this, and if you just aren't into it, I'd like to be able to open that spot up for someone else who would be. I've got a few potential players who have asked about this RP, so they'd be more than happy to take your place if you decided to take a rain check. I'll be sad to see you go, but there won't be any hard feelings, I promise :)

But, for everyone who wants to stay, I'd like to see some chatter coming into play shortly, get some activity going, spark some conversation in here. I won't set any hard deadlines for when you must have characters done, at least not yet, but I will if things start to stagnate in here and it drags on for too long. I'm hoping to get this started some time in the next week, I'm willing to wait until next weekend at the latest to get this show on the road. So plan accordingly, I like to think I'm a fair guy and I won't give you the boot if you're at least making an effort or give me a heads up about why it's taking longer than you expected :)

DrBezendrine DrBezendrine Wildcats Wildcats Diminium Diminium Lord Potato Lord Potato FrazzledFox FrazzledFox JustWhipIt JustWhipIt Yunn Yunn
Just here to let you know I'm still interested c; And i'll probably work on a WIP/Complete CS either sunday or monday night.
Hey! Sorry about the silence, I'm currently on a three day trip to visit family, so my C's got put on hold for now. It's almost done, but I am not really near my computer ATM
Thanks for the heads up, Yunn :)

You had said you were away on a trip, Fox, so I knew you were away for a bit, no worries. Enjoy your trip, don't worry about trying to get the CS up until you get back, we can wait that long, I promise XD
Yup, I have a habit of waiting until the weekend to start CSes. :P Still interested, I'll probably start working on it today.
tfw my sheet is slowly breaking. Curse my minimal knowledge of bbcode!
I'm actually fairly decent at BBcode, I can go in after you get your sheet done and tune up the coding so it looks the way you want it to, if you'd like :3 You probably have some counter-acting codes layered inside each other in a way that breaks the thread XD
I'm actually fairly decent at BBcode, I can go in after you get your sheet done and tune up the coding so it looks the way you want it to, if you'd like :3 You probably have some counter-acting codes layered inside each other in a way that breaks the thread XD
That'd be great! I make the initial sheet and then suddenly commands keep multiplying.

EDIT: Yeah, I'll probably finish the whole thing by today
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That'd be great! I make the initial sheet and then suddenly commands keep multiplying.

EDIT: Yeah, I'll probably finish the whole thing by today

Yeah, you've got an error in your code that's causing it to cancel itself out and repeat in some areas, should be easy to fix :)

Disclaimer: "should be" is a trademark phrase of Hopeful, Inc.
Stickdom Stickdom

I've finished! I will most likely tweak it here and there as others upload their sheets, but when you find a moment you can try and give it a fix now XD

Edit: Also is there a specific place this all goes down?
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Stickdom Stickdom

I've finished! I will most likely tweak it here and there as others upload their sheets, but when you find a moment you can try and give it a fix now XD

Edit: Also is there a specific place this all goes down?

I believe I mentioned Chicago, Illinois as the location of the RP's start, but you can expect to travel around quite a bit. If your character lives somewhere else and was just passing through the city when they met the fortune teller, you'll have to explain where they're from, otherwise it's assumed they live in or very near Chicago itself.
Diminium Diminium Everything looks good so far, I've only been on my phone so I haven't been able to check the problems with the coding yet. There is one issue I'd like to see fixed, however. His relationships are a little bit wanting, I think. The one for his wife is fine because she was obviously the closest to him, but I'd like to see some more current relationships as well. The relationship to his grandparents can be explained in his history, they're obviously contirbuting factors to his life but since they are deceased now, they aren't really a relationship he can interact with anymore. The other driver is very vague, he either needs to be detailed a little more or replaced. Does your character really know the other driver? Have they met and talked and actually established a relationship, or is he just an object of disgust and hatred? In the relationships section, I'm looking for connections to people your characters see nearly every day, common faces that are part of their lives and impact their decisions regularly. The schoolgirl is interesting if she was fleshed out more, but the same issues as the driver, have they met and talked and actually have a relationship, or is she simply an antagonistic voice in his head? Your character being somewhat of a recluse and a loner, it might be more difficult to come up with a few, but I have faith in your abilities to think creatively. If you want to explain why you have the relationships you do, or brainstorm some of ideas, or even wanting some suggestions, PM me and we can talk about any of the above :)

Wildcats Wildcats , looking good so far. This might sound like something of a nitpick, but I'd prefer if your character were portrayed by an illustration rather than a photograph of a live person. I have several reasons for asking this, if you want some suggestions for images similar to the one you have now, I'd be happy to oblige :)

Sadly, the player who had taken the Wandering Sage messaged me earlier and said they wouldn't be able to participate, which I am sad to see them go, but I did leave that option open for any player to take without any hard feelings. I'll be looking for a replacement, if you know any players that you have RPed with before that put in quality characters and posts, feel free to tag them to the interest check. Hopefully we'll find some interest in that spot over the weekend and be back on track to start soon.

As always, any questions, concerns, or comments, feel free to PM me about anything at all :)

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