The Forgotten Ones

Angel Evans

Soldier Of Love & Beauty
Monsters used to run the world and co-exist with humans,However the human's feared the monster's immense power and special abilities and so they shunned them. Years later the monster's were completely forgotten about,their existence only acknowledged in movies and fairy tales;However they are alive and they're out there among us they could be your bestfriend your girlfriend or your teacher. This Rp is about a group of 6 teen monsters (maybe a 7th creature later we'll see how it goes and Vampire is taken by me) These 6 teens must cope with being Monster's in a human dominant world. They have to support and protect each other from the judging,and hateful eyes of the humans where they must protect their identities as monsters They are the forgotten Ones...


Follow all RPN Rules

At least 3 sentences per post

Keep it Pg-13

Be nice

Be creative with your characters

Have Fun!










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Name: Lillith Viktoria Emberson

Age: 16

Orientation: Straight

Race: Demon

Personality: Lillith is the flirty type. She loves to mess around with people. She's usually doing the unexpected. She has somewhat of a short temper. When you get on her bad side, she can get extremely violent. She usually hides her true feelings and acts as if she could care less about anything.

Bio: Lillith grew up in an extremely wealthy family. They didn't really pay much attention to her as a child, which killed her inside. From ages 6-10 she had recurring nightmares, that she could never remember. She would usually wake up screaming, but she would never wake up in her bedroom. Sometimes she would wake up outside, sometimes in her basement. One day, when she was 10, she woke up at sunrise sitting on the grass outside of her burning mansion. Her hands were covered with blood and her eyes were sore. Her mother, father, and little brother Elliott all died in the fire. She was then taken into custody by her Aunt. When she turned 13, Lillith's aunt had explained why she would constantly have nightmares and wake up with blood all over her, she was a Demon. She then learned to control herself and use her powers correctly.

Other: Her hair turns white and her eyes turn red when she in angry.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/BeFunky_312052_225956044127296_206793526043548_617536_1938505272_n.jpg.jpg.ac4320b38d5ce57c648aed058b9de478.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="3778" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/BeFunky_312052_225956044127296_206793526043548_617536_1938505272_n.jpg.jpg.ac4320b38d5ce57c648aed058b9de478.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Britt said:
Wait, how come this is in two different sections? I'm confused
That was my fault because it's slice of life but it has monsters so it's fantasy too so i categorized them as both
Name:Lucas Quest


Orientation:Bisexual but leans more towards men

Race:Golden Dragon/human

Personality:Lucas is independent type and is out of the way most of the time.He can be really mean sometimes but he calms down eventually and becomes at his regular state again.He is a good guy once you get to know him.

Bio:When Lucas was at the age of 6 he started to notice something strange.His body was always cold and when he sneezed he blew gas.He though it was pretty cool at first but then it started to get worst and when he asked his dad and mom they always said that when he got older he would understand.When that time came he was already forming into his race and his parents didn't want him to go to school.When they finally sat him down and told him he didn't believe it at first until he actually breath fire for the first time.He was shocked at first and didn't know what to do.He started to grow a tale and form completely into a dragon.His parents as well were one.They gave him a book that explained all that was happening to him and their history.Till this day he is still reading that same book.

Looks:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/156b5c46f76c.jpg.ee35dcb8c9dd456daff7b8addcf85221.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="3732" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/156b5c46f76c.jpg.ee35dcb8c9dd456daff7b8addcf85221.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Other:There is a amulet around his neck that keeps him a human.If a special

word is said it will light a red light and turn him into a monster again.


(I hope nothing is wrong with this because i work harddd lolz.)



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Oh sh!t guys LOOKS! lol 

ForgottenBlood said:
Name:Lucas Quest

Orientation:Bisexual but leans more towards men

Race:Golden Dragon/human

Personality:Lucas is independent type and is out of the way most of the time.He can be really mean sometimes but he calms down eventually and becomes at his regular state again.He is a good guy once you get to know him.

Bio:When Lucas was at the age of 6 he started to notice something strange.His body was always cold and when he sneezed he blew gas.He though it was pretty cool at first but then it started to get worst and when he asked his dad and mom they always said that when he got older he would understand.When that time came he was already forming into his race and his parents didn't want him to go to school.When they finally sat him down and told him he didn't believe it at first until he actually breath fire for the first time.He was shocked at first and didn't know what to do.He started to grow a tale and form completely into a dragon.His parents as well were one.They gave him a book that explained all that was happening to him and their history.Till this day he is still reading that same book.

Other:There is a amulet around his neck that keeps him a human.If a special word is said it will light a red light and turn him into a monster again.


(I hope nothing is wrong with this because i work harddd lolz.)
(A picture please) 

StrawberrySuicide said:
Name: Lillith Viktoria Emberson
Age: 16

Orientation: Straight

Race: Demon

Personality: Lillith is the flirty type. She loves to mess around with people. She's usually doing the unexpected. She has somewhat of a short temper. When you get on her bad side, she can get extremely violent. She usually hides her true feelings and acts as if she could care less about anything.

Bio: Lillith grew up in an extremely wealthy family. They didn't really pay much attention to her as a child, which killed her inside. From ages 6-10 she had recurring nightmares, that she could never remember. She would usually wake up screaming, but she would never wake up in her bedroom. Sometimes she would wake up outside, sometimes in her basement. One day, when she was 10, she woke up at sunrise sitting on the grass outside of her burning mansion. Her hands were covered with blood and her eyes were sore. Her mother, father, and little brother Elliott all died in the fire. She was then taken into custody by her Aunt. When she turned 13, Lillith's aunt had explained why she would constantly have nightmares and wake up with blood all over her, she was a Demon. She then learned to control herself and use her powers correctly.


(I'll finish up tomorrow)
*alright when you finish a picture too)
Name: Keira Woods


Sex: Female

Orientation: Bisexual

Race: Werewolf


Personality: A small (not that teeny) temper. Gets annoyed easily. Doesn't really come up to people. Does not have any normal mortal morals and thinks outside the box. A genius with books but on the street you would have no idea. Has difficultys sitting in and I would not say she is shy but rather just likes to stick to herself. If she learns to trust someone she will stick to that ONE person and growl or be rude to anyone else that goes near them unless her friend says he/she is okay. Loves to eat snacks and raw food. Goes on a run daily and is interested in Soccer and Track & Field at the school. If she is in a team she is kind, friendly, and even nice to them and treats each one well but besides her little groups she just doesn't care what happens to you.

Bio: Keira was born alone. She was a foster child but after the first time she turned she found a pact of werewolfs. Being the only girl in the pack has made her tough but the leader of the pack has recently called her as his and now she is running away from the only family she has ever truly had hiding in this school and trying to fit once again in the human world.

Sent from my LG-P769 using Tapatalk 2
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Lorianna "Lori" Durant








Its a wonder how Lori hasn't been expelled yet, she's falling behind and failed almost all her classes last year! But, besides that small fact, she's a smart girl and she's proved it in her music; It's just that she doesn't like to show it when it comes to academics. Lori is someone who believes in what she believes in and she isn't afraid to say it. She's Strong-willed; She doesn't "conform". She's a unique individual and is extremely anti-authority, which would explain that one time she back talked the principal, said some pretty harsh stuff and would have gotten suspended if it wasn't for all the money her parents invested into keeping her here. She does what she wants and she thinks for herself. Lori is straightforward, honest and will sure as hell tell it like it is. She's snarky and quite the bully to everyone she meets but that might just be her protecting herself, no one has gotten close enough to her to find out.


Lori was born into a family that was just above middle class but still didn't have enough money to be considered wealthy. She was always expected to be like her older brother, who recently graduated college and is now a well renowned CEO of a large software company that had just made millions off their newest product. Her parent's expectations caused Lori to become quite the rebel. For most of her life she did her own thing, never obeyed anyone or anyone's rules. She was her parent's biggest disappointment. Too embarrassed by Lori's rebellious nature, her parents tried to keep her away from others and so they tried everything they could to keep her from leaving home. A guitar and a microphone were only two of the few things her parents gave her to keep her locked up in her room but it was the only thing she ever used. It was the solitude her parents forced her into that allowed her to realize her talent in music. It took her a little while but she got the hang of playing a guitar but her born talent to sing and compose music were things she never needed to learn. After long, loud and continuous sessions jam out sessions all day long, her parents decided it was best if she was placed in a proper school.

Other: Her eyes are hazel.


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Ronkaime accept her! I love it!

To put pictures you must click on the little tree picture icon and then paste the link there and it will turn out big. To put a video you put it in the little film icon next to it. To put a "Spoil" where they have to click the spoil button to it for example

Like this

you just write inbetween the [] and (write here) [] so you would delete "Content to hide goes here," leave your mouse inbetween the [] and (here again) [], click on the tree icon once again and itll pop up as a actual picture that can be seen by the spoiler button which can be used for if it is a huge picture and it would be annoying to have just out all the time if that makes sense.

Hope I helped Amber!
jj9095 said:
Ronkaime accept her! I love it!
To put pictures you must click on the little tree picture icon and then paste the link there and it will turn out big. To put a video you put it in the little film icon next to it. To put a "Spoil" where they have to click the spoil button to it for example

Like this

you just write inbetween the [] and (write here) [] so you would delete "Content to hide goes here," leave your mouse inbetween the [] and (here again) [], click on the tree icon once again and itll pop up as a actual picture that can be seen by the spoiler button which can be used for if it is a huge picture and it would be annoying to have just out all the time if that makes sense.

Hope I helped Amber!

Thanks! This really did help so much! I just edited it now! :)

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